USOO5340333A United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 5,340,333 Schroth (45) Date of Patent: Aug. 23, 1994 (54) SHIELDED MODULARADAPTER 5,130,893 7/1992 Straate et al. ....................... 361/392 75) Inventor: Walter D. Schroth, Chester Springs, OTHER PUBLICATIONS Pa. Cables to Go, Trade Literature for Modular Adapters, 73) Assignee: Interconnect Systems Group Inc., Computer Shopper, p. 330 (Mar., 1992). Exton, Pa. National Computer Accessories, Trade Literature for (21) Appl. No.: 5,895 RJ11 Modular Adapters, Computer Shopper, p. 450 (Mar., 1992). 22 Filed: Jan. 15, 1993 AltexElectronics, Inc., Trade Literature for Modular I51) Int. Cl. ........................................... H01R 13/648 Adapter Kits, Computer Shopper, p. 645 (Mar., 1992). 52 U.S. Cl. ...................................... 439/607; 439/95; Primary Examiner-Gary F. Paumen 439/638 Assistant Examiner-Hien D. Vu 58) Field of Search ..................... 439/95, 96, 97, 108, Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Synnestvedt & Lechner 439/92, 638, 654, 650, 676,607, 609 57 ABSTRACT (56) References Cited Modular adapters and similar devices are provided by U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS this invention which minimize electrostatic interference 3,699,498 10/1972 Haitmanek et al. ................. 439/248 and arcing. These devices include a pair of electrical 3,850,497 11/1974 Knemreich et al. ................ 439/545 connectors joined together with a series of electrical 3,860,316 1/1975 Hardesky ............................ 439/344 conductors. Each of the connectors is provided with a 4,236,779 12/1980 Tang .............. 439/638 surrounding electromagnetic shield, and these shields 4,387,949 6/1983 Haitmanek. ... 439/95 4,392,701 7/1983 Weidler ...... are bridged together with a separate conductor element. 4,408,819 10/1983 Guelden ..... During use, these devices can be used to releasably 4,424,403 1/1984 Bogese, II .. ... 174/36 connect between a grounded cordset and an outlet se 4,618,196 10/1986 Muzslay .............................. 439/492 rial port of a device or network. 4,640,569 2/1987 Dola et al. 339/143 R 4,732,568 3/1988 Hall ............................. ........ 439/607 19 Claims, 3 Drawing Sheets U.S. Patent Aug. 23, 1994 Sheet 1 of 3 5,340,333 IOO U.S. Patent Aug. 23, 1994 Sheet 2 of 3 5,340,333 29 26 IO y --- 37 O T. G 31 EleVI U.S. Patent Aug. 23, 1994 Sheet 3 of 3 5,340,333 IOI 2OO IO/ 2OO 5,340,333 1 2 In an effort to overcome the short comings of narrow SHIELDED MODULARADAPTER path, ground connections made to solder post ends, the art has also experimented with ground conductors ex FIELD OF THE INVENTION tending outside the insulating housing of modular jacks, This invention relates to minimizing distortion and as disclosed in Hall, U.S. Pat. No. 4,732,568 (“the 568 noise in twisted-pair wiring networks, and more partic patent”), which is hereby incorporated by reference. ularly, to providing specific shielding constructions for These ground conductors typically include a stamped modular adapters. metal casing having a surface area substantially greater than that of the ground spring contact, or other conduc BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 10 tors within the modular connector. Typically, this For many years, communications and word process ground conductor is terminated with a ring terminal, ing equipment, such as modems, multiplexers, terminals, spade lug, or solder post. computers, printers, and data PBXs have employed Unfortunately, shielded, twisted-pair cabling looses serial ports having a variety of connector types includ its effectiveness when connected to an unshielded mod ing D-subminiature construction for connecting to simi 15 ular adapter. As yet, the art has not provided an adapter larly configured connectors on the end of a relatively configuration which both meets the needs of standard heavy gauge multi-conductor or coaxial cable. Re modularity, while simultaneously providing a ground cently, newer commercial building wiring standards, voltage to completely protect the wiring network from such as the EIA568 standard have been adopted by the inductive and electrostatic effects. Telecommunications Industry Association and the SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION Electronics Industry Association (TIA/EIA), now re This invention provides modular adapters and similar quire twisted-pair network systems. devices for providing complete grounded connections Twisted-pair technology is therefore quickly chal in system-to-device and device-to-device wiring appli lenging the traditional dominance of co-axial cabling in 25 cations. The adapters of this invention provide for re a wide range of computer and data communication leasably connecting, and shielding the transmission of applications, and has been established to be more flexi electrical signals between a pair of connector elements. ble and less expensive than other wiring products. The adapter includes a first connector having a first Twisted-pair cables are typically terminated with minia group of electrical contacts and a first surrounding ture modular plugs and jacks of the quick-connect-and 30 electromagnetic metallic shield. The adapter further disconnect variety designed originally for use with tele includes a second connector having a second group of phone equipment. The combination of a multi-conduc electrical contacts and a second surrounding electro tor cable terminated by one or more modular plugs is magnetic shield. The first and second connectors are commonly referred to as a “cordset'. configured to mate with the connector elements to In order to satisfactorily achieve a connection be 35 provide a complete circuit during use. Connected be tween existing D-subminiature outlets on commercial tween the first and second connectors is a plurality of communication and data processing equipment and conductors, some of which join the contacts of the first these increasingly popular modular plugs of twisted and second group of contacts. At least one of these pair networks, modular adapters have been developed. conductors, however, is electrically connected between These commercial adapters often include a D-subminia the first and second electromagnetic metallic shields to ture male or female connector carefully wired to a RJ provide a reference voltage or ground when the adapter jack. is used to assist in the transmission of electrical signals Although modular adapters have bridged the tech between the connector elements. nology gap between existing D-subminiature serial Accordingly, the adapters of this invention are capa ports and twisted-pair networks, problems have arisen 45 ble of providing a ground for the complete adapter during high speed data processing. When processing system without the loss of compact size or standard speeds exceed about 10 megabytes/second, the inci modularity. The preferred adapters of this invention dence of electromagnetic interference and noise in can be used in all types of RJ and D-subminiature con creases substantially in unshielded cables. In response, nector systems typically used in communications and the art has employed extremely thin layers of conduc data processing equipment, but are not limited to these tive material bonded to the outer surface of the twisted types of connectors, since they can be modified for use pair insulated wire to shield the transmission from elec in any grounded cable systems. These adapters can also tromagnetic and electrostatic charges. Such shielded be fabricated in multi-position, preconfigured units and cables are then terminated in a normal modular plug, in complete self-contained kits. resulting in a shielded cordset. 55 In alternative versions of this invention, the conduc A shielded cordset is typically connected through tors connecting the first and second adapter connectors one of the contact terminals of the modular plug to a can include free-standing wires, or alternatively, the source of ground potential external to the connection. conductor paths of a printed circuit board. Several of This can be made by grounding the solder post end of the disclosed modular connectors of this invention can one of the connections of the mating modular jack. This 60 be mounted to a printed circuit board and connected technique for grounding shielded cordsets unfortu through conductor paths on the board to a series of nately has been known to result in an "antenna-effect' D-subminiature, or a few large capacity Telco connec caused by the passage of the high frequency signals tors, or the like. Such patch panels and distribution can along the lengthy grounded conductors. Additionally, be used to convert, for example, a 25-pair trunk cabling electrostatic voltage created along the shielding may 65 into groups of modular RJ 45 jacks. Each jack would arc into adjacent signal conductors in looking for then represent a port which can be numbered to corre ground. This may result in unintended damage to ex spond to an assigned voice/data switch or multiplexer. pensive low voltage circuitry. As can be observed by these examples, the fundamental 5,340,333 3 4. shielding principals of this invention can be carried ing dielectric housing 23. This dielectric housing 23 forth into a myriad of other wiring products. preferably is configured to provide the insulation bar rier between the electrical connections within the RJ BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS modular jack as shown in FIG. 4. The accompanying drawings illustrate preferred em The metal shield 14 of the preferred RJ-modular jack bodiments of the invention, as well as other information 20 of this invention is preferably of the type commer pertinent to the disclosure, in which: cially available through Stewart Connector Systems, FIG. 1: is a top plan view of a preferred modular Inc. Such shields are typically constructed of one or adapter of this invention incorporated within a protec more stamped metal pieces which may take any number tive polymeric shell; 10 of forms. In the preferred embodiment, the metal shield FIG. 2: is a top plan view of the preferred modular 14 is disposed substantially around the dielectric hous adapter of this invention without the protective shell; ing 23, as shown in FIGS.
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