Vc,I 6 No 1 Apr,I 1971 Contents Pubhsherl b·r Ove Arup & Pa11ners Consulting Engineers Arup Associates Arch t•cts and E:ng,neers THEARUP 13 r •!ZfOV Stre,•t LOf'ld1Jn. /Jl p 6BO Ed,tc,r PetPr HOQ(JPI! Art E i1tor Desmond Wyeth MSIA JOURNAL ErJ1tm a, Ass1su~: Davtd Brown Jubilee forewcrd. 2 by Ove Arup An explanatory note. 5 by Peter Duri1can Pt>-,tograph1c review of 6 the f,rrn·s work 1946-1971 Editors note. 38 by Peter Hoggett Credits 39 Fr Pt ar -1 b 1c k u,, e1s PJge-, from O•:c Arup s 'lOt0cbook 'l B hr ard Moilerup's Textbook of mntf>emaucal analvs,s ei:onomres anrl thus bringing the obiects its sc.~1al 1rnoc rt.ince. dl1 rnterest he has never Jubilee foreword •t. th1•1 reach lri th•. P 1rn•al package deal the since lost. Henry Croll'. e. Vic Kemp and ·1por ,ach 1s d,fte•rnt But enounh ot that. George De·I. This was the t.me when the Ove Arup 'Rever,or-s ,1 nCJS rp,:utons: foundations for the future were laid-so as I said v.e nuglit f,.Jve chnsen Aonl '38 as the birthday. As the bulk of our v.ork since then It so hanpc 1s tl· lt • r 1 Apnl 1 '14!.:i, a1· event The War years has heen ~uuctural eng1neen11g. I am even t uk r,laCE. ,, ll1rl' r1a•1 rE' as , ,1 .JS .Jr>y to I i, j tr 11 1 14c is as good a date as any. 1r·l1nerJ to go fc1rther back, say '34. when I m,irk the btq1r,r, r ~ ,,i t•w firm d~ ./VC kn,,'. 1t But or, that day tlHJ firm w,is still Ove N. collaborated with Tecton on Highpoint. the ttrfoy For or :r it de { I · -.e 1t It .ilone as A•up. Consulltl',1 Enqin"er. nr,t Ove Arup and Pc.ng 110 Pool a'ld t,ther Tecton Jobs. for consulunq en,wwer by 1E'S ,:ir11' 1 f·on• Arup Part, ers. n, Jt c ,111e later. and If "'e '.Vere 10 this has really the starting pomt for my ond Arup Lt·! l f ''l f e,· 11nenP1(J c ,11- 1r,s,st that the brri11d,.v should be the stirt ')f ::oll Jh' ,att ,-, V111th arch11ects on which the trdctnrs founoc 1 by my OtJWt Arne Arup and the partnership. 1;hi·her ,, nan· r,, r c1eed. :he f1•rn s future ilC uv1t1es ·:.ere bilsed. But then r-iysc'f e1 Jill ye", ,'Jrl,er ur , ir rn Pipes uhile,' vould helve to be prstponicid. But 1f we ~t·')ul'l have had our Jubilee a long time Ltd wri, h w ,s Arr e·s old 1"r t1,HJ1•1q 1n WP do r'll. 1t 1vould pnhar:,'> br rnore natural aqo, and the fact 1s we didn't. So perhaps I huild1nq rPc tPr1.tls. I still 1et 11ned the n 1lit to m"ke 1t Apnl 1938. when I left K,ers ,md should bac.k to Square One-1 April. tc th,, req1s··'red 11·, .. ,., 1 f Arup DC'sHrns t,i. ,"'t uri c n rl'Y 011,n tJClth il5 contract'lr ind as no c r I 'Vi15 1 :J4u i1r'CI get •,r' v\1th the 10b I have been a firm f c11dc 1 i 1• l"lt. un-" ,1, Arup ind 01·. 1 t "J enorne( not encun1berE'd by t"" :iskrd to cJ ,. which ,s to ,vrtte a foreword Ar.ip i..td. df''J 1 c-1 \. t <'n •• e ,m1 d cut 1vork rrernlicr5h1D of ,111y prr fessr/'Jral 1nst11ut1or 0r to thrs Juh1le1. i\iur1ber of the Arup Journal. tr, , >Ur o·; n 'IP JI' I 1· c >d tl1c1t It rp Jht t ,, d~- -1clt10'l at tl• JI tlFT'E' ·,s '1''/ Dnr1sh (ierirre p· ,,hie l re ~,v,, "e 1l'/ ~r , JS " is ,, ,t tt1r" re, .·r zc,n ri Enqlar ·J. hut I It ,:-; prrh<1µs n<1tural th,,t this 10b should fall rehrc t<!'ll t,) 'un<iqn t, the qr 1v,, thE' 1,0:ir11 I k,,pt strir tly t t~ e rule tint v,he" cJ~t1rn as to ,ne. as I am undoubtedly the ft,under of Ind vvl'P: I •t,,1tul rt t, d(h1Pv,, the per!, rt rnr- 1lt tl't. Arup clnd Ar up were de oar red the firm. but I am be(Jinning to think that I r ur 11_1, o! de I J• ,1,1d , ,i: <t•11c t1r 1 I ~"' J hnrl frr n1 t, '"in n f tl'P t. Tl11s , orkeci very fror1 the p-,1rt of v1e"v of su1tah1l1ty the chorce enowil . tiurino rr { 2·1 Y" rs 1~ c1 c n I it tor ·,ell ind rr1y 1ir,1, lit 11 expcn,,nce ur•rJ ,ut:it­ rnay have been urfortunate. I am told that rf C. Hy 1'1 C,U\' re' H 'lt<r,r"rS v1,hc dt<in't rJ y f'lpr ,ved tl•e q .J ·111 t•: of my advice. I c.ir- say ,,h ·11 I like and as much as I like . knoV\ tll( 111 : t 1,• 1 HJ< 111 the •'c ·1 rP1 s e;f .,. I)(·[' 't VI ]5 1<,kt j •or But thr y<1<1<$ 1 [I 38 !O but 111 s 1s, with respect. nonsense. It 1s in ronstrtJ( t1 ()I C'tdn'• 'c.'( fr r 11 d'l I c,f ',!G r,lot1d ,,.. a,e s1qn of Mnr~ n,,,.r wme years f.i, t .i roost clef cate task, requtnng the h,•rnq r,,r,Jffcd "1','n I , r ,oosNf 1ltcm,i•1ve c> 1 ·uu,;,ile. arirl fur me tv a lar E' nxtent. of utmC'',t c11tumJper.t1on, 1nf1n1te tact. and the s, 1.,trvis WI lt til' 1 , ,f 111 this el .ihnrate iru• trdtl< 11 True tiJP ex1.1enr1es of Wdr ktpt suppre ;s1on c f any tendel'CY t:i c.rtt1cal analy­ mac •1 P ry ' 'f m' Ol'1PC tlt1c n tr sq 1, r>zc tf>E' ("Ill C rtra lif''.J f11n1 r 15Y on ''>di t<''ltrac.ts s, to <iry out fac.ts wh1c h need not nece, /)[IC (l rio :,n (' il r'n, 'l u'l Jl;hf>J the d( ,, 11 IS r ,I'· J,'rP<I ; 1, .1b1e f r vlll s11e ;ind oc1r &Jr ly bE' rnent1on,id. ancl ,vh1ch m1nht give 30°, Y. •011q) 'D >SI I lrl J rr J ·f 'Pl'd'l l'lrirc l •. xpc. p·r "E 1'1 r,>1111 H ·erl C'cJrlC'rett, <'Or ~trur­ :ifte1c" \'J • ,1 cbodr c r r'11,;ht not be helpful lil'<J d JE" l)le ,rlY' It llllrJ n) ',OU VP h 0 dr 1 lton But rny c l'l•'r cJ'ld oers1st1mt nttempts to rn the I row' 10n <Jf th(' dcs11ed image of the th.it bdc.,rC 'T ;kc <1 n r(' r,1· ,ortJnt contr1t1ut1o'l t :i the fum For ,1ftcr a . Jl,hat 1s the purpose of all v, ff ,dlort 0nly '>UC ;e,,clPcl on a srna I scale. thi'i 1ubilre !illk 7 lsr' t the underlying idea to But thrs 1s a cl1rircssrur - Jll<i 1t v, on't t,c- the It was frc1 ;trattnq to .tv1tl'ess the government b, · ~t morale. tell ,iurselves and the world last one. To t"c v•' 1t I rrav r1ent1on th1t I rr 'lk1ng J ri ud'l e ,f ,ts shelter policy \',oSting I") N marvellr 1s e are. be nostalgic about later yave UIJ 1h1s reo1stered P 1rne of Arup v. nrer1nu5 5teel when supply sh1os were berng the pJst ;i,• 1 r.t1ri about the future 7 DeSHJns Ltd .. ur JF J t, cio s,, by £On- e e,f ri •: ·uc torp 'd'le<! and lmer n'1shandlrng pc st war future partre,~ 1vho fe ,., ·i tt•at 11 n,uht But /OU rnus·r,'t IJ!urt cut the fact that this r·r,, :.is1no. ,rnci to n ).V th2t one coul<i have prP,YJ f, ;r prof0ss101.al. tatu5 to ke•'P this f1r'T' 1s tt'e best in tre Norld of its kind­ lw,pNI, that one •1.1d the ansvvers to many f empty shell rn ·l '1• 1V11cr. A ',re iriclles3 rear c,f that v. 1 rJ re most unseemly You must tlir· pr,t lerns but could not penetrate the c 1urse. but the rlldtlr • 0.as ur•1r,1port,rnt. the observe the dee enc1es so closely woven into t.Jrql~ of red tape separatrng polite listening to climate w1s rt II r" t ooportu'le for such 1 tl>e Br1t1sh chc11arier You rriustn't talk about cur prop isals from any kind rif ac 11 ·n ,enture. '-:uw ·,,,, k i,ie deals ,re arcept<!d, yoursel'-excqlt rn order to d1scla1m any but there 1s il'l 111pnrL,rt c,i:ferenre be.!t,·,cen It 1va- 1ir,.etrate<i on a feN ocras10'ls 0.hen me11t. Any success should al,vays be due to the presenHJay pa, k ,ge ".le and •· 1,,.,1 I had \' e, as c. >P:,,Jltants or co0trart,1rs, got directly luck or the excellence and generos11y of l'l mind.
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