FOURTEENTH YEAR. NO. 61. ASBURY PARK, NEW JERSEY, MONDAY, MARCH 12, 1800.-SIX PAGES. PRICE ONU CENT ' TOKENS OF ESTEEM. ‘. ** OUTLOOK SEEMS BETTER BULLOCK JURY DISAGREES Purse of Gold for’ Retiring Huperlnlendeut C o u n c ilm a n Georfiro W . T reat Given, a R rlo f Went Out Saturday Afternoon, Itoinaln WE’VE SAVE Daniel—Elncillft for M m l>nnlel. Account of IU» ImproHHlon of tlio iiiK Until Early This’ Morning. The Sunday-fchool-of tlio Klrtt M. E. Cuban Enterprise. Thauked 4 u.ud Discharged, church of this olty presented their retiring A STORY : Place your Fire In­ Belmar Borough Books Said to On Fob. 18 Councilman Qeor^o tV. Treat The Bullock ju ry a t Freehold" has been Sunday’s March of Roberts’ Force superintendent, E. B. Daniel, with a purso nnd hie son Augustus ot this city were unable to ngree upon a verdict, and Bullcck surance, with the old­ Show Shortage of $12,760. of gold coins yesterday.afternoon after tbe Was Not Hindered. ^ TO TELL YOU among tho passengers who Balled from New session closed. will therefore get another trial'. c6m- York for Cubi. The following letter, writ­ As stated in Saturday’s P re ss, tho caso est and best Mr. Daniel has been the faithful superin. ten at La Gloria under date ot March 2, lias was concluded and given to the jury late In Of how happy you would be in a paries in the world. RELATIVES ATTACH PROPERTY tendentof tho school for a number of years SAYS BOER WAR ISN’T OVER ju s t reached tho P isess and briefly gives the afternoon. At 3 15 tho jury retired. and Is held in high esteem by the scholars home of your own,1 and one to of­ CoDnoilman Treat’s Impressions of the coun­ Yesterday they asued the judge for Instruc­ Ilorough Council men - JWay bo Indicted and teachers. In a few days Mr. Daniel fer for sale at a low price, with try lie Is now visiting: tions, but wero told that these could not be If liritiMh Take Jtlocmfonteln Durtjhers for Failure to Properly Audit the Col­ w ill remove to East Orange, as mmounced. E d it o i: Pnuss: — This is a wonderful glvon on Sunday. A verdict can bo received Will Fly to IIIIIh und Fight IInr<ler small payment down. lector's Ac co u n ts -UtVoltH W i l l bo T u rn e d in the P uess several days ago, much to the MONEY climate. Ib is difficult to realize that before on Sunday, it appears, but instructions can­ Tliun Ever — Terrible i.ons of Elio In The rentals saved in a few years Over to the Supremo Court—W illiam regret of his many friends in Asbury Park. leaving Asbury Park I could with difficulty not be given. The jury returned to their Newark F ire—The Dewey Case Set for Gordon One or the Heavy Losers. Last Friday afternoon Mrs, Daniel was would go a long way toward pay* attend to the requirements of Imslnoas room but were unable to reach any verdict. Trial April V. the recipient of a beautiful-brass bed, which, without groat fatfgus, and In less than one ing the balance. ^Tho disappearance of Charles McDermott was presented by tho members of the Home A t 12 05 this morning (tha courtroom f By Publishers Press.] Represented by week after arriving here could m ount a of Belmar, which was talked over in whis­ Missionary society of the same church. having been kept open and lighted) the London, Monday.—General Roberts wires Let us give you particulars. Cuban pony nud ride from IQ to la miles, pers by hfs bondsmen nearly all last week, Mrs. Daniel has been president of the so­ juryimmo in and announced to the judge from Aasvogel Kop, which Is 25 miles east walk Bomo five more and pail from 12 to 15, became the subject ot .general talk after it ciety ever since Its organization several that they were unable to agreo. They were of Bloemfontein, as follows: “ We wero un­ with 6nly two small sandwiches to eat until D. C. COVERT was announced In tho Pkkss on Saturday. years ago. She Is nn earnest leader and accordingly thanked and discharged. Only opposed during our march here yesterday. 10 o'clock a t night, a n l yet feel like a boy the court officers and tho piisoner were Even then wo refrained from Riving any of one whose efforts have been crowned with Our full ciuualtles have not yet been ar­ tbo next morning. It is a perfect transfor­ tho details, hoping th a t Mr. McDermott success. present when the announcement was made. rived at, but among the additional names MILAN ROSS AGENCY 208 Bond Street mation, and If tho renewed youth and Bullock was at once returned to his cell. Ib might leturn and straighten out the many Kast Orange will be favored by havlpg known aro Lteu ten ants Parson and Cad- strength can be retained wlien I return lo Is not known positively how tho jury stood. claims which were held againgJJjfm, but as such efficient church workers In thatcTly as dington killod end threo wounded.” General will bo worth mimy timos the cost of tbo 208 Main Street. Asbury Park. N. J. tho nows spread additional facts were Mr. and Mrs. Daniel, and tholr numerous William Giffard of this city, who was a Roberts also reports from the same place trip. member of the jury, hired*'a horse and brought to light which show that ho hrts 110 friends hope that they may be a blessing to under date of today, that General Gat acre We loft New York Sunday, Feb. 18, by wagon aa soon as he was able to get away apparent Intention of reluming. the church thero as they have been to the is within one mile of the BetliulJe railway tho Munson lino, having beon detained over from the courtroom and started at once to The chances aro tin t some of Belmar’a Methodist church In Asbury Park. ^ bridge over the Orange river. The bridge officials, whose d u ly It wns to audit Mr. night by tho snow storm ot Saturday. Tho drive home, reaching hero about 4 o’clock js partially destroyed and the enemy is Monmouth Trust McDermott’s accounts as borough collector, trip was very rough, yet, neither Oiib nor this morning, holding the opposite bank. Gatacre’s ad KEITH’S EXPRESS BELMAR maybe called to account for taking too myself missod b ut one meal. Thosojvice vaucy from Colesberg has probably been ---A N D — ,* —— -. ■ — ASBUHY PA1UC and OCEAN OBOVfl much for granted whon they made their on tho steamer was etiunl to that of n Ilrst- N E W M E C H A N I C S ’ L O D G E unopposeJ. Tho statement. that tho Boers Gilbert Herbert and Thomas Martin, havo regular examination# of Mr. McDormofct’a class olty hotel. The Cuban Land company’s wore holding the north bank of the river in­ ) I Hotel Bnmswlok, steamer "Yarmouth” had sailed on Friday gono to Farmlngdale on n trapping trip. Safe Deposit Company Omcjcs < Railroad Deput aud accounts. Will bo Instituted in April nt West dicates that they have abandoned all ln»eu Mrs. T. Allen of Point Pleasant was a {1214 Dongs Avenue. I t has been tlio custom, It seemsi not to with about i~> passonprors, stopping at Crovo—Clmrter Idat Ih Said to Con­ tions of opposing tho British in colonial visitor Saturday n t tho home of her sister, Konmoutli Building, Asbury Park, fl. 3. principal Offlco............ SOflMAIN STREET demand tho vouchers when auditing tho ac­ Drunswlclt, G a., where sho took on some 40 tain Over Fifty Names. territory, preferring to meet tbem at tho Uoodn stored at reaaonnbfo rate a, more colonists, and arrived atN euvltas tivo Mrs. S. F. Hutchinson, Fstreet. ■ Telephone connecUou. counts, but to tatm Mr. McDermoti’s figures “West Grove will soon enjoy the dis­ river crossings. days after our steamer. We came on the Tho election for three school trustees and CAPITAL, . p. o. Box 607, - - - - Asbury park as he gave them. This practice has ovl- tinct ion of being the lirst place in this lo* .$100,000.- to namo tho appropriations for tlio coming denntly been la voguo for a long time, and "Bay Shore" sloimer with them, aud after eallty outside1 of Asbury Park to have a KOHIt’W AIt IS NOT OVKit. SURPLUS,. Air. M cDermott's high standing in the com­ a very rough passage of nearly 00 inileB, school year will be lleld at the school liouso Bocret society w ithin her borders. 25,000. m unity led the committee Into till* trap, reached Port Vlaro tho next morning on Tuesday, March 20. So Say# VanDer Hoog-t of IJalUmore,'Who For somo time past efforts have been un­ Rrccutes all trusts known to the law. Don’t Use which may result In tholr imllctm ant. Tlio Nearly all who camo on this trip aro hardy Herman Hausoti^e, a painter by trad?, der way to establish a council of the Junior ItcpreKents the IJoer Republic. Loons money on bond and mortgage. pioneers from tho BOuth nnd nilddlo west, living oh F street. Is suffering from a broken Washington, Monday.—C. W. VanDer- Receives deposits subject to check and allows committee's susp’clons, or the knowledge Order of American Mechanics at West interest on daily balances with some from us far north as Canada, nnd ankle, the result ot u full from a scaffold Hoogtof Baltimore, who represents the in­ unloss you noed them, that the 1 iw required a more careful audit, Grove.
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