' i - ' -iT > ■’ 4 "■ •A , /Tn - , Ar«n«« Daily Nat Pn m Kan J *tm thai WMk B nM Tha Waattiar ^hum 1,‘j m if V .«. waaiiM 13,920 Incronriag olondbioM aad w ana with nrin developUy IMw « o rt^ M m hat at Om A a« t % ■oram of OhrooMon Bate eanttniiiiif moot tf 'T aoail M anehsii& r^A CUy o f VUIago Charm Coaler oad 'broeojr ItMOtey. VOL. LXXXn, No. 207 (FOUBTEBN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CON^., MONDAY, JUNE 3, 1968 (CUuHllied AdvertioinK on toga U ) PRICE SEVEN CENtS Pope John XXIII Dead, Dramatic Struggle Budget Unsettled Catholic As Eteadlinh Nears Leader HARTFORD (API.-^i^he General Assembly entered the final hectic days ofi;h€ 1963 session today with several im- poi*tant matters^notably the budget—still unsettled. Mourned 'The LegUdatuto must adjourn by*----^----------------------- --------------- midnight Wednesday. It must ap­ prove a bUdget by toat time or be VA-nCAN CITY (AP)— obliged to go' into special session. The Vatican press office an­ __ t* R^Ublioans, In their budget ap- State News tbn. m> -provrtl by the House, slash^ Gov. nounced today P<x;>e John waUCM Dempsey's proposed 8697.7 million XXIII is dead. MMr «« general fund budget by about 830 million. They accepted, among sev­ Roundup The Pope’s stout heart gave IM. Khu eral Increases propcoed by the ad­ up after a long and dramatic ministration, only a boost of a fMr.'tm penny a pack In the flve-cent cig­ duel with deaj^ in which his arette tax. Valerie Stetson resistance confounded all and' Hie OOP’s Highway Fund budg­ et also differs from the adminis­ Miss Connecticut medical iptpectations. ICor- tration’s although not nearly as The pontiff, 81, called "Pope at at radically, and Its capital bonding Unity and Peace,” had daserlbod a Film proposals also conflict In some WALLINGFORD (AP) — himself as serenely ready, “gefaig •r and' areas. Valerie Dale Stetson, a 19- sweetly toward toe end.” But the major area in which year-old beauty from South­ The final Illness was caused by compromise must be worked, out is ington, reigns today as the a stomach tumor, which brought toe general fund budget. persistent hemorrhaging and was tt Frtea, 1963 Miss Connecticut. complicated near the end by peri­ Anyone for Sailing. .Fjshing. .Swimming? Other issues still undecided in­ Her Saturday night victory over tonitis, an inflammation of the Balmy, aummer weather on tl^e weekend pytiM sailing and boating enthusiasts out on clude reapportionment, on which other hopefuls from the state lining of the abdominal cavity. no compromise will be reached, makes 'Valerie the^ Connecticut en­ the waters. It was a good weekend for^thglers, too, not to forget swimmers—like the and an open spaces conservation The supreme pontiff of tha Ro­ 1 try In the Miss America pageant man Catholic Church succumbed rl above—^who didn’t mind the chilly waters at Bolton Lake. (Herald photo by progqsm, for which toe chances to be held In Atlantic City In Sep­ at 7:48 p.m. (1:49 p.m. E8T) the iara.) of compromise appear good. tember. announcement said. The Senate went through the The three days of competition Death came to the 261st su­ motions Saturday of doing some In Wallingford, she said on the preme pontiff of the world’s Ro­ thing about reapportionment. It day after, winning the crown, was man Catholics only nine mimites torektti* passed a bill that would redistrict “a wonderful experience.” after echoes of an extraordinary irs oon* the Senate along the Mnee recom. 'T don’t remember last night too outdoor sunset Mass in St. Peter’s M Bart mended by toe Cooper Commie. Square died away. Supr^iie Court Rules Sion, whose report was pretty clearly, though,” said Valerie, a I a t Bm Junior at Boston University. “I There at least 20,000 of all t«d on much Ignored, two years ago, and think I was numb.” faiths and nationalities had joined In IMS. that would alko reapportion toe Valerie, who stands 6 feet S% in prayer for the dybig Pope. House. inches, has brown hair and blue An announcer on Vatican radio According to the State Consti­ eyes. broadcast the news to toe world, tution, Senate redistricting can first in Italian, in a calm but sor­ No Ban on Shop Pacts only be aocompUshed by the Leg­ POPE JOHN XXIII rowful -voice. islature which ctHivenes “next af- Faces Kidnap Charge The Pope was stricken a year 5CTT tav a census of tha Unttod States, -.j^Ooldberi NORTH BRANFORD (AP) — ago with a stomach tumor t ^ t WASHINGTON (AP) •A.fbrmer saetotuy efCnen-uidoa waployes balkail at pay- so this action, if tos House wont Noil Thornoa, who police toy has cauaed hemorrtiaging, but hq a pot take part. fees to toe union. along with it, would bb unoonstltu- The Supreme Court ruled to­ under agMtcy shop agreements, confesBed to carrying a frightened tinued his hea-vy tartis -virtuAly to Florida’s Supreme Court ttonal. 6-year-old girl from her bedroom the end. day the TaftrHartlsy nembers i ctded such an agency shdp As tor reappoitkMunent of toe does not ban^ agency sh<^ untens fio equivalent of f w and Rouse,, that nan K. ill toe m dd^ a t toe night, faces rangement waS iUegal -«i#ep^_ ^ cheaega In- Circuit Court Wallace Insists VATICAN CITY (AP)— agreements, bytbut in a separate duos paid by members. state’s rigbt-to-wotk law, ’Hie t^or- opto by eoastHutfonai smsndment. decision nphela Florida’s.»« pro*...A Many unions have pressed for ida court rejSeted union argu­ ’The Senate m d House Pope John XXIII sank into a - f l ments that Taft-Hartley deprived conflicting bills setting to Hiomas' could not explain 'why hibition of agency shop con­ such agreements in states which he made toe attempt, police said. state of increasing stupor to­ have so-called right^to-work laws, day, but His stout heart con­ tracts. forWdding a requirement for un­ (Oonttaned on Page Seven) (Oonttoued on Page Seven) The Child, red-heired Tracy Mii- Both decislana were ao. Juetiee lett, w«ui found cut and bruised He’ll Stop Way tinued to keep approaching ion memWaliip as a condition of *------------------------A-------- ------- employment. eanly Sunday by her pesents, Mr. death at bay. n ie two cases in the Supreme and Mrs. Harold MiUett, in woods A medical bulletin at noon — 6 Ciourt’s decision today were: near their home. a.m. EST — said that the Pope Republicans Hit ^Footdraggin^ Police said Thomas originally BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (AP)—The case of the federal gov­ Non - Violence 1. A case fmm Indiana In which ernment vs. Alabam'^ Gov. (George C. Wallace comes up to­ no longer felt the agemizing pain the United Auto Workers 'was intended to burglarize the MiUett which had been wracking him and seeking from General Motors bouse, day in U.S. District Court, There were indications that come sedatives and pain killers no long­ ros C la sses Held Oorp. an agency shop agreement tyhat may, Wallace will go 'through with his plan to try to er were necessary. SHBD for workers in Indiana. Legislation Scheduled Ex-€hief*a Funertd keep Negroes out of the white University of Alabama. Hie bulletin said the pontiff’s «ed temperature had gone up again, For Neg^roes Indiana has a form of rlght-to- HARTFORD (AP) — Funeral No one expected the fiery aegre but "the cardio-circulatory condi- work law, but state cousts ruled servioes wiH be held tomorrow for gationlst governor to be present tim remains, nevertheless, rather the state statute did not forbid To Stop Segregation Henry G. Thomas, a member of On Your Honor! for the legal proceedings. He said vaUd.” JACKSON, Mies. (AP) — About the wgency shop. General Motors the Hartford Fire-Department for on a national television program This was die text o< the noon W Negro high echool and' college contended it was barred under the ---------- 42 years, who served as chief for Sunday that he would send coun­ bulletin: WASHINGTON (AP)—iSventy House Republicans plan to NEW YORK (AP) —• An sel to present his defense of his otudente sat in a semicircle in a national labor law, the Taft-Hart- 18 of them. Thomas died Saturday honor system experiment began "For some hours there has bean comer of a large auditorium, in­ ley Act. The Supreme Court said steal a march on the Kennedy administration today by call­ at the age of 69 after a short lU- stand-in-the-door policy against in­ Increasing in the pontiff a state it is not. Saturday at the customs office tegration. tensely watching a “white lunch ing for legislatifm to eliminate segregation in all public ac­ neos. He had retired from the fire at Idleviild Airport for -vlBitors of stupor and therefore it has no counter”—two small tables an$I 2. A case from Florida Involv­ commodations. department April 5, 1959. Survi- and U. S. dtlzens returning The Justice Department asked longer been necessary to use a ^ - two chairs; ing local 1625 of the ABl^dO Re- One by one toey will take the 'vora include his 'widow, a daugh­ from abroad. Hiey had only U.S. Dist. Judge Seybourn If. atives and analgesics (pain David Dennis, of Jackson, aS, taU Clerks. Hie local had an der the civil rights banner Include ter, a son, three grandchildren, Lynne for an injunction barring killers). floor and urge support for their four members of the House Ju­ to fill out a simple identlflction agreement with Food Fair, Inc., measure and for a companion bill four sisterB and one brother.
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