BULLETIN OF THE CALIFORNIA INSECT SURVEY VOLUME 1, NO. 1 8 THE HORSE FLIES AND DEER FLIES OF CALIFORNIA (Dipera-Tabanidae) BY W. W. Middlekauff UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESS BERKELEY AND LOS ANGELES 1950 BULLETIN OF THE CALIFORNIA INSECT SURVEY Editors: E. 0. Essig, S. B. Freeborn, E. G. Linsley, R. L. Usinger Volumne 1, No. 1, pp. 1-000, 1 plate Submitted by Editors, March 3, 1950 Issued- June 30, 1950 Price, 35 cents UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESS BERKELEY AND LOS ANGELES CALIFORNIA CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS LONDON, ENGLAND PRINTED BY OFFSET IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA THE HORSE FLIES AND DEER FLIES OF CALIFORNIA (Diptera-Tabanidae) BY W. W. Middlekauff (Division of Entomology and Parasitology. University of California, Berkeley) It has been felt for some time that a key erous help of Dr. C. B. Philip of the Rocky to the Tabanidae of California with a list of Mountain Laboratory, U. S. Public Health Ser- collection records would be of value and would vice, Hamilton, Montana, for checking the stimulate further field work on these important identification of various species. insects. The monographs of Brennan (1935)* and Stone (1938) and the catalog of Philip (1947) summarize knowledge of the group for the Nearc- KEYS TO THE TABANIDAE OF CALIFORNIA tic Region and provided the basis for the pres- ent paper. However, these works are not readily 1. Hind tibiae with two aplcal, usually available to students and field collectors re- strong spurs. ............. moved from library facilities. In addition, ..... .Subfamily Pangoniinae Loew 2 they cover a wide area which is usually of no -. Hind tibiae without apical spurs. .... immediate concern to the student of California ...... .Subfamily Tabaninae Loew 8 insects. By restricting the keys to a smaller geographical-areait is hoped that the inter- 2(1). Antennae 10 segmented; flagellum with 8 ested student will find it a simple matter to divisions (7 annuli), the basal one not identify most California Tabanidae. greatly differentiated from adjoining annulus ....Tribe Pangoniini End. 3 Since the publication of the above-men- Antennae with not over 7 segments; fla- tioned papers several new species and subspecies gellum with 5 divisions (4 annuli), have been described and additional species have basal segment considerably elongated been recorded from California for the first (fig. E); usually slender, picture- time. There are now some sixty species and winged flies. Tribe Chrysopini End. 6 seven subspecies recorded from the state. It is hoped that this paper will stimulate interest Proboscis hardly half the height of the and facilitate identification of California head; palpi usually shorter than the Tabanidae and will result in additional state antennae and apical segment swollen and county records. basally ............... 4 Proboscis about equal to height of the Previously published records are not given head; palpi subequal to length of the except for holotypes. All locality records are antennae, half or less that of the pro- based upon specimens in the following collec- boscis, apical segment not swollen tions: the California Insect Survey, University basally ............... 5 of California, Berkeley (C.I.S.); CaliCornia Academy of Sciences (C.A.S.); University of Eyes bare or only slightly pilose; wings California, Collegs of Agriculture, Davis hyaline ....Apatolestes 2.(p.2) (U.C.D.).; State Department of Agriculture, Sac- Eyes and body abundantly pilose; wings ramento (C.S.D.A.); and Department of Entomology, fumose. .Brennania hers (0. S.)(p. 8) San Jose State College (S.J.C.). 5(3). Eyes pilose (short in 2); stump vein The keys have been modified from those of (fig. A) present. Pilimas Bren. (p.3) the following workers; Brennan (1935); Philip -. Eyes bare; stump vein often absent. ... (1941); Philip (1947); Stone (1938) and Pechu- .........Stonemyia Bren. (p.3) . man (1938). 6(;?).Eyes in life (or relaxed) "freckled" with I am indebted to the officials of the above small rounded spots; flagellum at least institutions for their cooperation in permitting longer than pedicel, the latter only roe to study the specimens in their custody. I about one half as long as scape ...I also gratefully acknowledge the prompt and gen- -. Eyes in life (or relaxed) with large angular spots; scape and pedicel usual- CLlterature Cited, p. 21. ly subequal, the flagellum as long or r11 2 BULLETIN OF THE CALIFORNIA INSECT SURVEY longer than either, wings usually with 2(1). Front basally inflated, shining black or irregular, extensive dark pictures. ... dark brown, pollinose only at the ver- ...........Chrysops Meig. (p.3) tex around the ocelli ........3 -. Front either normally pollinose, or with 7(6). Flagellum longer than 2 basal segments a bare restricted area, not with a combined. ......Silvius Meig. (p.3) callus-lise swelling above the sub- -. Flagellum about three-fourths as long as callus. ...............5 scape alone. .............. .. .Silvius subg. Zeuximyia Pech. (p.10) 3(2). Body entirely subshining black, the wings smoky ........er Bren. (p- 8) 8(1). Scape considerably longer than thick; eyes -. Body grayish to dull blackish, only the in life (or relaxed) and wings with ir- costal cell sometimes infuscated. ..4 regular bands and spots; flagellum of antennae with 4 divisions (3 annuli) . 4(3). Costal cell hyaline, palpi with pale .......Tribe Chrysozonini Philip, hairs. comastes comastes Will. (p.8 ) Chrysozona Meig. (p. 5) -. Costal cell infuscated; palpi usually -. Scape scarcely longer than thick; eyes in with some black hairs ......... life banded or unicolorous; flagellum ....comastes willistoni Bren. (p. 8) usually with 5 divisions (fig. D), (rarely fewer by apical fusion of annuli 5(2). Scutellum yellowish ..........6 and then wings hyaline). ........ -. Scutellum blackish or cinereous ....7 ......... .Tribe Tabanini End. 9 6(5). Flagellum black; front entirely pollinose g(8). Flagellum modified with 2 to 3 terminal when not irregularly worn ....... annuli, the articulations more or less ...... .-. --parkeri Philip (p. 8 ) fused and indistinct; length 9.5 to -. Flagellum mostly yellow; front with an llmm.; abdominal tergites 11-VI with expansive bare area .......... three rows of small spots and ppsterior ....... albipilosus Bren. (p. 7) margins gray. ............. ....Glaucops fratellus (Will.)(p.l4) 7(5). Front very wide, height and basal width -. Flagellum normal, 4 distinct annuli; small subequal; a narrow mesal, bare brown to large flies; abdomen otherwise . 10 streak about two-thirds its height; cheeks unusually swollen. ....... 10(9).Vertex (9) with a distinct, denuded ocel- ..........-colei Philip (p. 8) lar tubercle (fig. F), or (8) with an - -. Front narrower, about 1:2 or 2:5, the elevated, anteriorly shining tubercle bare area more expansive. ......8 (in doubtful cases eyes are densely pilose); eyes usually distinctly pilose. 8(7). Body predominantly gray; wings subhyaline; ......... .Hybomitra End. (p. 6) midfrontal bare area widely separated -. Vertex without such tubercle(flat, de- from eye margins. .- Bren.' (p. 8 ) nuded ocellar area may be present) if -. Body predominantly brownish or darker; raised in 8 then completely pollinose; wings fumose, bare area almost touching eyes bare, or sparsely but seldom eye margins. ....hinei Bren. (p. 8) densely (certain males) pilose ... .11 g(1). Wings hyaline with or without infuscated 11(1O).Eyes yellow or brown, distinctly pilose, costal cella or isolated clouds; at particularly in males; front (9) with least pleural hairs largely whitish. 10 callosities reduced to small isolated -. Wings smoky, or palpal and pleural hairs bare spots; a single diagonal dark band black ............... .14 on eyes, often showing even in dried specimens ............... lO(g).Costal cell fumose, distinctly darker . .Atylotus incisuralis (Macquart)(p.l4) than remainder of wing. .......11 -. Eyes blackish when dried (certain males -. Costal cell completely hyaline. ... .12 only lower area of small facets); bare or sparsely hairy, either unbanded or 11(1O).Size not over 11 mm.; femora usually with more than one purple band in life; dark. .comastes willistoni Bren. (p.8) front of 0 with a broad basal callus -. Size over 11 mm.; legs often concolorous (fig. P). .....Tabanus Linn. (p. 7) brownish. ....comastes form ? (p.8) 12(10).Palpi truncated apically, short and Genus Apatolestes Williston] stubby (hairs sparse). ........ ..........simills Bren. (p. 8) I. Females; eyes not contiguous. ..... 2 -. Palpi elongated, more slender (sometimes obscured bv dense Dile) 13 -. Males; eyes contiguous. ........ 9 lornI -..... - "Tabanus vlllosulus Bigot (Callf.) has been doubtfully 'Apatolestes Philip is omitted from key because synonymized wlth slmilis (Philip, Bull. Brook. Ent. Soc., no specimens were seeti. Ann. Amer. Ent. SOC. &:451, 1949. %:196, 1941). THE HORSE FLIES AM> DEER FLIES OF CALIFORNIA 3 Size 14 mm. or over; palpal and facial Basal callus about one-half widthmf vestiture dense. cole1 Philip (p. 8) front, broadly separated from eyes; Size under 14 mm. these hairs not veins R2 -b 3, R4 R with subapical especially dense ........... spot ... .quadrivi?tatus (Say) (p.10) ....comastes comastes will. (p.8) Basal callus distinctly more than one- half width of front, narrowly sepa- Shining black species. 5rBren. (p. 8) rated from eyes; veins %+3, Rqr R5 Dull black species with pale abdominal without subapical spot ....... incisures. .... .hinei Bren. (p. 8) ........notatus (Bigot)(p.lO) Scape robust; flagellum about as long Genus Pilimas Brennan
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