Class Schedule and registration information for Summer 2017 IMPORTANT FACTS Registration begins March 21, 2017 Pick from more than 3,000 sections The first Summer 2017 bill is due April 25, 2017 Summer 2017 emich.edu Summer 2017 Part of Start Date End Date Term 3 Week, 5/03/2017 5/19/2017 Session 1 15 Weeks - 5/03/2017 8/15/2017 Full Term 7.5 Weeks, 5/03/2017 6/21/2017 Session 1 6 Weeks, 5/03/2017 6/14/2017 Session 1 12 Week 5/03/2017 7/26/2017 Session 10 Week 5/03/2017 7/12/2017 Session 1 IMC 5/03/2017 6/21/2017 Session 4 Week, 5/22/2017 6/16/2017 Session 2 10 Week 5/28/2017 8/03/2017 Session 2 One Week, 6/10/2017 6/16/2017 Session 1 One Week, 6/17/2017 6/23/2017 Session 2 4 Week, 6/19/2017 7/14/2017 Session 3 7.5 Weeks, 6/22/2017 8/15/2017 Session 2 6 Week 6/22/2017 8/03/2017 Session 2 One Week, 7/08/2017 7/14/2017 Session 3 One Week, 7/15/2017 7/21/2017 Session 4 4 Week, 7/17/2017 8/11/2017 Session 4 Two Weeks 8/01/2017 8/15/2017 Session Page 2 EMU Main Campus Building Codes Main Campus ALEXAN Alexander Music Building BEST Best Hall BOONE Richard G. Boone Hall BOWEN Wilbur P. Bowen Field House BRIGGS Walter O. Briggs Hall BUELL Buell Hall CONVCN Convocation Center CTRLST Central Stores DC-1 Dining Commons DOWNI Downing Hall FLETCH Fletcher Building, Ypsilanti FORD Clyde Ford Hall GODDA Goddard Hall HALLE Bruce T. Halle Library HOYT Hoyt Hall KING Julia Anne King Hall LAKEHS Lake House MARSHL Everett L. Marshall Building MCKENN Charles McKenny Hall OWEN Gary M. Owen College of Business PEASE Frederick H. Pease Auditorium PHYSPL EMU Physical Plant PORTER John W. Porter-College of Education PRAY-H Pray-Harrold Building PSYCI Psychology Clinic QUIRK Quirk Dramatic Arts Building RACKHM Rackham Building RECIM Olds-Robb Student Rec Ctr-IM ROOSEV Roosevelt Hall RYNEAR Rynearson Stadium SCHLHS One Room School House SCIENC Science Complex SCULPT The Sculpture Studio SELLER Sellers Hall SHERZ William H. Sherzer Hall SILL J.M.B. Sill Hall SNOW Snow Health Center STRONG Strong Physical Science Bldg STUCEN Student Center VILLGE The Village WARNER Warner Physical Education Bldg WCAMP West Campus Fields WELCH Welch Hall WISE Wise Hall Page 3 Extended Programs Building Codes Washtenaw County/Weekend University EMU‐Grand Rapids Non Campus Locations GVSU Grand Valley State University, Grand Rapids ADVT Advanced Technology Academy EAGCGC Eagle Crest Golf Course EAGCCC Eagle Crest Conf. Center, Ypsilanti EMU‐Livonia EGFLCT Eagle Flight Center, Ypsilanti EMULIV EMU‐Livonia FORDLK Ford Lake SJMHOS St. Joseph Mercy Hospital, Ypsilanti, MI 48197 HFCUC Henry Ford College University Center UMMOTT UM Mott Children's Hospital, Ann Arbor, MI HOLMCN Halocaust Memorial Center HVPRIS Huron Valley Women's Prison LPRHS Lapeer High School EMU‐Traverse City MACISD Macomb Intermediate School District NMC Northwestern Michigan College MILANH Milan High School PARSON Parsons Center ORCLAK Orchard Lake Yacht Club SHANTY Shanty Creek & Resort PINKHS Pinckney High School RIVGAL River Gallery Fine Arts SALHS Saline High School Distance Education WISD Wshtw Interm. School Dist, Ann Arbor DE Distance Educ. & Independent Learning YPSSTU Ypsi Studio WWW EMU‐Online EMU‐Detroit 7800 West Outer Drive, Detroit, Michigan EMUDET 48235 Detroit‐Wayne Cnty Comm Mntl Hlth Agncy, DWCMHA Detroit, MI 48201 OAKHOS Oakwood Hospital, Dearborn, MI 48124 EMU‐Fish Lake FISHLK EMU‐Fish Lake, Lapeer, MI 48446 STONE Stone Laboratory, Put‐In‐Bay, OH 43456 Page 4 Extended Programs Building Codes/Addresses Body Specs Studio (BODYSS) Detroit‐Wayne County Community Mental Health Agency (DWCMHA) 3723 Plaza Drive Suite 4 640 Temple Street Ann Arbor, Michigan 48108 Suite 750 734‐827‐2744 Detroit, Michigan 48201 313‐833‐3083 Halocaust Memorial Center (HOLMCN) 28123 Orchard Lake Road Fish Lake (FISHLK) Farmington Hills, MI 48334 2816 Fish Lake Lapeer, Michigan 48446 River Gallery Fine Arts (RIVGAL) 120 S. Main Street Detroit (EMUDET) Chelsea, Michigan 48118 7800 West Outer Drive 734‐433‐0826 Detroit, Michigan 48235 313‐537‐7909 Scrapbox (SCBXAA) 581 State Circle Lapeer High School (LPRHS) Ann Arbor, Michigan 48108 933 Saginaw Street Lapeer, Michigan 48446 Ypsi Studio (YPSSTU) Contact: Susan Wilmers 208 W. Michigan Avenue Phone: 810‐538‐1655 Ypsilanti, Michigan 48197 Contact: Julia Collins Advanced Technology Academy (ADVTA) 734‐845‐0542 4801 Oakman Blvd Dearborn, Michigan 48126 Huron Valley Women's Prison (HVPRIS) Cynthia Anderson, Principal 3201 Bemis Road Phone: 734‐429‐8030 Ypsilanti, Michigan 48197‐0911 734‐572‐9900 Saline High School (SALHS) 1300 Campus Pkwy Temple Israel (TEMIWB) Saline, Michigan 48176 5725 Walnut Lake Road Phone: 734‐429‐8030 West Bloomfield, MI 48522 Temple: 248‐661‐5700 Stone Laboratory (STONE) Cell: 248‐894‐4684 878 Bayview Drive Put‐in‐Bay, OH 43456 Orchard Lake Yacht Club (ORCLAK) 419‐285‐1800 5000 W. Shore Drive Orchard Lake, Michigan 48324‐2375 Pickney High School 248‐682‐0100 10255 Dexter‐Pickney Rd Pickney, Michigan 48169 Milan High School Phone: 810‐225‐5500 200 Big Red Drive Milan, Michigan 48160 Phone: 734‐439‐4000 Page 5 Key to Reading and Understanding Codes Sample Selection: CRN Sec P/T Schd Link Cap Days Class Time Location Instructor Dp Pm Stat BIO 179 Special Topics 3 Cr Section Title: Intro.to Environ.Science 56612 0 1 L 15 MWF 9:00a-9:50a Reinhardt H BIO 301 Genetics 3 Cr 55162 0 1 L 45 TR 9:30a-10:45a Kass 55165 1 1 L 45 TR 5:30p-6:45p Kass DP 56373 2 1 DEO 20 WW1 Winning EP 56373 Delivered online. More info: www.emuonline.edu Explanation of Headings: • CRN stands for Course Reference Number. This is a five-digit number that uniquely identifies a particular section of a course. • STATUS This column denotes whether sections are Honors sections (H), Freshmen Year Seminar sections (F), Residential Cohort (R) or CSIE Program (E). If any of these four codes appear in that column, students will not be able to register for the section unless they are in that particular program. Sections with no Status code are open to the general population, provided course restrictions and prerequisite requirements are met. • P/T stands for Part of Term. There are several Part of Terms within each term. For example, among the part of terms for Summer are 15 week, 7 ½ week, 6 week and 1 week sessions. See Page 2 for a complete list of part of terms and their start and end dates. • S T stands for Schedule Type. The following codes are used: AMS = Applied Music Secondary HLL = Hybrid Lecture/Lab and Online AMU = Applied Music IST = Independent Study CP = Cooperative Education L = Lecture DEI = Distance Education Independent Learning LAB = Laboratory DEO = Distance Education Fully-Online Lecture LBR = Combined Lab and Recitation DLB = Distance Education Fully-Online Lab LLA = Combined Lecture and Lab DLL = Distance Education Fully-Online Lecture/Lab LLR = Combined Lecture, Lab and Recitation DRE = Distance Ed Fully Online Recitation LRE = Combined Lecture and Recitation EBR = Web Enhanced Lab/Recitation LST = Combined Lecture and Studio ELB = Web Enhanced Lab MT = Music Techniques ELE = Web Enhanced Lecture REC = Recitation ELL = Web-Enhanced Lecture/Lab SDO = DistEd Online Lec-CAS Sciences ELR = Web Enhanced Lecture/Recitation SEL = Web Enhanced Lec-CAS Sciences ENS = Ensemble SHL = Hybrid Lecture – CAS Sciences FE = Field Experience SL = Lecture – CAS Sciences w/Lab or Rec HLB = Hybrid Lab and Online SLO = Lect Online–CAS Sciences w/Lab or Rec HLE = Hybrid Lecture and Online ST = Studio • EP stands for Department Permission for Extended Programs sections. • DP stands for Department Permission. If a DP code appears in this column for a particular section, then that section requires department permission. Students will be unable to register for the section until they secure authorization from the proper academic department. • Days denotes which day of the week the class is held: M = Monday, T = Tuesday, W = Wednesday, R = Thursday, F = Friday, S = Saturday, U = Sunday (eg. TR means Tuesday & Thursday) • Campus This code tells where the section is held and is used to denote Extended Programs sections. If there is no location code, then the class is not offered through Extended Programs sections and is most likely on the EMU main campus. • Rm and Bldg denotes the Room and building in which the class is held. For a list of Building codes and descriptions, see pages 3 through 5. Page 6 Eastern Michigan University General Education Course Section List Gen Ed Effect Communication 53354 SAG 175 Graphics for Simulation I L CRN COURSE TITLE ST Gen Ed Disciplines-Humanities 52041 CTAC 124 Foundations of Speech Comm LRE CRN COURSE TITLE ST 50605 CTAC 124 Foundations of Speech Comm LRE 51413 CTAC 124 Foundations of Speech Comm LRE 53024 CHL 207 Intro to Children's Literature L 53505 CTAC 124 Foundations of Speech Comm LRE 53184 CTAO 210 Interpretative Reading L 52042 CTAC 124 Foundations of Speech Comm LRE 53438 FRNH 121L5 Beginning French DEO 52183 WRTG 121 Comp II: Resrchng the Publ Exp L 53418 FRNH 121L5 Beginning French DEO 51832 WRTG 121 Comp II: Resrchng the Publ Exp L 52357 HIST 101 Hist of Westrn Civ-1648 DEO 51831 WRTG 121 Comp II: Resrchng the Publ Exp L 53016 HIST 109 World History to 1500 DEO 53070 LITR 100 Worlds on the Page:Intro Lit DEO Gen Ed Global Awareness 53072 LITR 100 Worlds on the Page:Intro Lit DEO CRN COURSE TITLE ST 53074 LITR 161 Native American Literature L 53257 LITR 161 Native American Literature L 51941 AFC 313 Contemporary Africa: Prospects DEO 52364 PHIL 100 Intro to Philosophy DEO 53375 ANTH 135 Intro to Culturl Anthrop L 52481 PHIL 100 Intro to Philosophy
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