WWW.THEFLORIDACATHOLIC.ORG | May 2014 | $1.00 FLORIDACatholic MIAMI EDITION NEW BISHOP TRAVELS TO HIS HOMELAND At left, Auxiliary Bishop Peter Baldacchino’s father, Rinaldo, kisses his son’s ring during a celebration of Mass in the family’s home parish in Malta in April. Because of his advanced age, Rinaldo Baldacchino could not make the trip to the U.S. to witness his son’s ordination to the episcopacy March 19. Above, Bishop Baldacchino celebrates Mass at the Co-Cathedral of St John in Valetta, Malta, alongside the papal nuncio to Malta, Bishop Aldo Cavalli; Archbishop Paul Cremona of Malta; his Auxiliary Bishop Charles Scicluna; and Bishop Joseph Spiteri, apostolic nuncio to Ivory Coast. The April trip was Bishop Baldacchino’s first visit to his native country since being ordained a bishop. See story, Page 9. (COURTESY | SISTER ELIZABETH WORLEY) Meet your new priests Two Argentinians, in 2003. And “it was the Blessed Father Manny Alvarez. The dead- From left, Mother” who brought him to the line for applying to the seminary the priestly one Haitian will be priesthood. was near. “I was working on the ordination class of Until a decade ago, Deacon application but I wasn’t sure if I ordained May 24 2014: Hualpa said, he was “a Sunday was going to apply,” he recalled. Deacons Catholic.” He never attended At the same time, American ANA RODRIGUEZ-SOTO Ivan Catholic schools. He also had a Express was undergoing a re- of the Florida Catholic staff Rodriguez, plan for his life. “I always wanted structuring. His boss called him 29, Fenly to get married and have children. into his office, and Deacon Hual- Saint-Jean, MIAMI | One is 40, the other So the vocation to the priesthood pa figured his decision would be 29, and two are 29. Two are Argentinian, was a surprise for me,” he said. made easier. “I thought it’s prob- Matias the third is Haitian. All came to During his last year in Argen- ably a good time to be fired, since Hualpa, 40. South Florida for different rea- tina, while working in Buenos I’m applying to the seminary.” The three sons. All received the call in a Aires, he became more involved That’s not what happened. men will be different way. But come May 24, in the Church through a young He was offered a better-paying ordained all will be ordained priests for the adult group affiliated with the job, permanent residency in the priests Archdiocese of Miami. Schoenstatt Movement, a Marian U.S., and the ability to work from of the Everyone is invited to the cere- devotion that began in Germany home. Archdiocese mony, which will begin at 10 a.m. 100 years ago. “I liked the spiritu- “Ever since I came to the U.S. I of Miami by at St. Mary Cathedral with Arch- ality of the movement,” Deacon was asking (for) all those things,” Archbishop bishop Thomas Wenski presid- Hualpa said. Deacon Hualpa recalled. At Thomas ing. Here are brief profiles of the When he came to Miami, he that moment, he realized, “God Wenski on archdiocese’s soon-to-be newest contacted Schoenstatt devotees is showing me: I still have the May 24 at St. Mary priests. here and started helping out with freedom to choose.” Priesthood Cathedral. their youth groups. One Holy could not be the default option. (ANA Deacon Matias Week he accompanied a group to “My boss told me, ‘You have a RODRIGUEZ- Hualpa: ‘It was the the Schoenstatt shrine in Texas big smile on your face.’” But it was SOTO | FC) Blessed Mother’ and the priest there asked if he not because he was going to keep Born in San Juan, Argentina, had thought about the priest- his job. “It was because at that on July 4, 1973, Deacon Hualpa hood. When Deacon Hualpa said moment (I decided) I just want to worked as an information sys- no, the priest said, “Think about pursue the priesthood.” tems engineer for both IBM and it.’” He entered St. John Vianney American Express. It was his Deacon Hualpa did. He prayed Seminary in Miami in 2007 and job with American Express that a lot. He spoke with the archdio- brought him to South Florida cese’s then vocations director, PLEASE SEE PRIESTS, 13 2 YOUR MIAMI COMMUNITY Florida Catholic May 2014 Papal preacher: Immerse yourselves in the love of God Franciscan Father Raniero Cantalamessa parses Pentecost with Miami priests, laypeople ANA RODRIGUEZ-SOTO of the Florida Catholic staff MIAMI | The priest who preaches to the pope spent a day in Miami May 5, imparting his Capuchin Franciscan Father Raniero Cantalamessa speaks during words of wisdom to archdioc- his visit to the Archdiocese of Miami May 5. He preached three esan priests and nearly 700 lay- conferences — two for groups of laity and one for priests — and people. celebrated Mass with Auxiliary Bishop Peter Baldacchino at the Capuchin Franciscan Father Southeast Pastoral Institute. Raniero Cantalamessa actually has preached and led retreats for in plain language, the smiling So what it means to be “bap- three popes, one of whom is now a friar went on to parse the section tized in the Spirit” and what the saint: John Paul II, who appointed from the Acts of the Apostles that apostles experienced that first him to the office of Preacher to describes the feast of Pentecost: Pentecost was “an immersion in the Papal Household in 1980. He the outpouring of the Holy Spirit the love of God,” Father Canta- retained the position under Pope upon the apostles, and Peter’s lamessa said. “They felt them- Emeritus Benedict XVI and now subsequent preaching to the mul- selves submerged in the infinite Pope Francis. titude. love of God.” Speaking to an audience of “What happened that day hap- “This collective ecstasy laypeople at SEPI (the Southeast pens anew,” Father Cantalamessa prompted by the Spirit is what Pastoral Institute for Hispanic said. “We have to believe that it gave rise to the Church,” he add- Ministry), Father Cantalamessa continues to happen.” ed. Moved by that experience, St. chose to heed what he called the He then went on to define some Peter proclaims the “kerygma,” prompting of the Spirit and talk terms, such as Holy Spirit: “the literally the “shout” of the Chris- about Pentecost. personal love that exists between tian faith: that the Son of God died “The Church needs a perennial Father and Son in the Trinity,” and rose from the dead to save hu- Pentecost,” he said in Spanish. and baptism: “immersion in the man beings from their sins. Capuchin Franciscan Father Raniero Cantalamessa, preacher to the Preaching without notes and love of God.” St. Peter does not mince words, papal household since 1980, prepares to speak to a group of about Father Cantalamessa said. He 200 laypeople gathered at the Southeast Pastoral Institute (SEPI) in tells his listeners if you sinned, Miami. (PHOTOS BY ANA RODRIGUEZ-SOTO | FC) you killed Christ. But, as St. Paul later states, if you “confess with unconditionally, that love “has tians cannot begin by preaching your mouth that Jesus is Lord and consequences,” as depicted in doctrine — as Pope Francis has believe in your heart that God the Acts of the Apostles. When said — but by “seducing” their lis- raised him from the dead, you will the crowd replies to Peter, “What teners with the love of God. be saved.” must we do?” Peter’s response is “We have to help people estab- “Evangelization begins with an repent and receive the Holy Spirit. lish a personal relationship with acknowledgement of our relation- “There is a moment in every- Jesus,” Father Cantalamessa said. ship with the risen Christ,” Father one’s life that determines a ‘before Faith cannot simply be “abstract Cantalamessa said. And “we have and after,’” Father Cantalamessa knowledge, but the feeling that we to accept Jesus as Lord in every- said. For married couples, that are children of God.” thing” — not just when we go to moment is their wedding day; Later that day, Father Cantal- church, but in business, at work for priests, it is their ordination amessa spoke to more than 500 and at home. day. But for everyone — as it was laypeople at St. Timothy Parish, That often-seen image of Jesus for the Apostles on Pentecost — a venue chosen because SEPI knocking at someone’s door is not there should be another before/ could not accommodate the large the Lord “knocking to get in, but after moment: “the moment we numbers who wanted to hear him to get out,” he added. Jesus wants personally encountered Jesus” speak. to get out of the little closets where and felt ourselves “submerged” in The morning was reserved for we confine him. the love of God. archdiocesan priests, who also “We have to start by opening Today, in the U.S. and especial- heard him preach during a Mass the unkempt rooms of our lives,” ly Europe, “we are very near to the he celebrated with Auxiliary Bish- Father Cantalamessa said. “He is times of the apostles,” Father Can- op Peter Baldacchino. not an adversary. He is not the en- talamessa noted. As they lived in “It was the best mini-retreat 31371-0515 emy. He knows better than we do a pre-Christian world, today’s I’ve had,” said Piarist Father Ra- what makes us happy.” world is post-Christian. To evan- fael Capó, executive director of But although God loves us gelize that world, modern Chris- SEPI. n May 2014 www.thefloridacatholic.org YOUR MIAMI COMMUNITY 3 Construction begins for affordable apartments fordable service,” Catania said.
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