Courted Himself into Court The Weather Today DETROIT (UP)-.Jud,e O. Z. Ide ruled ye5terda, that a "frlendl, kiss" from the bolls Is assaull and battery. Fair and warm today. Thundershowers to­ " ...e Parris, I'J, char,ed her emploJer, Ton)' Tellakes, ,"Ie a quick kbs. She said she punched him in the morrow. High today 95; low 70. Yester­ ......ach and quit, then flied char,es. OWQl1 day/s high 88; low 56. Pollen count 342 . The Judl'e deferred sentence, pendln, an appeal. Est. l8GS-Vol. 80. No. 277- UP. AP News and Wirephoto Iowa City. Iowa. Friday, August 20. 19(5-Five Cenla (all New Deal Lawyers for Russian Demands Spy Inquiry WASHINGTON (JP)- Three for­ In Teacher Cases mer new deal lawyers were sum­ moqed yesterday to testify in a toIIcressional investigation of an aUeced Communist spy ri ng. The three-John Abt, Lee Press­ min, and Nathan Witt-were told Reiacted ·S. to appear today for questioning By U. by the house Un-American acti­ YiUes committee benind closed doors. IJI had been accused by a pre­ State Dept. 'Indifferent Burglar Stumps Police vious witness of membership in a pre-war Communist under­ LITTLE FALL , MI 'N. ( P )-Polil'e Wf're . tnmped yl' - lfOund operating here. terday by B burglar who tole a afe from a ]or al hot I and tb n Directly or indirectly, several Notes Sent di dn't bother to empty it of money. other developments tied in wi th The afe W 8 taken a rty ye terday whil 17-.vear-old Kell­ the committte's far flung hunt Kenneth Da len, night clerk 8t the Buchman hotel, napp d. for subversives: To Moscow hortly aften l'ards police found th saf b hind IL garage near 1. I'reIldent Truman said at his the )10tel. news conference that the house By .JORN M . HIGHTOWER. n ly $97.47 or the $52 .60 in th Rafe had bl'ell taken. (OlIIIIllttee's hearings infringe up... WASHINGTON (J1>}- The United on the bill of rights. He did not States last night rejected Russian elaborate. protests and demands in connec­ I. The .tate department ruled ti on with the cases of the Soviet that Mrs. Oksana Stepanovna Ko­ sch ool teachers who have sought Russian Sector Police Itnkina, the RUssian school teach­ refuge In this counlrY. er who jumped out a w indow of An American note replying to the Soviet consulate in New York note whic h had been sent to the Make Berliners Mad a week ago, is beyond the con trol state department by Soviet For­ of the Soviets as long as sne stays eign Minister Molotov and Ambas­ B E RLI N (JP)- A guo fir raid by ovil't- ontroll('rl Tf'l'nHlIl po­ In the United States. sador Alexander S. Panyushkln t The New York hospital where was delivered to the Soviet em­ lie in downtown B('rtin was turn d last night into an Rnti- om­ Mrs. Kosenkina is under treatment bassy here at 4:10 p. m. Iowa lime. munist demom;tl'ation by a crowd of 6 0 ioflll'iat('rl Germans. lor her injuries reported her con­ Dooument Dellverecl The {' rowd Rhoutl'd IRu nl of" ommuni. m " and " the e pigs, the ommuni!lt.,' and ' on d th!' oviet 6e('fol' [lotll'e inlo dition is improved. The state department announced rplreat. t, Alrer HIsI, former state de­ the delivery of the document but Five Germans were reported wouodl'd by poli!'" bull!'f!;, one per­ partment official who served as declined to make any comment baps fatall y. secretary-general of the United upon its contents prior io publica­ . Bond, d!'pnty chler of Nation s conference, refused to rorenound Is the casket of the home run kinK' of b a-~eba Jl . A rowd tion w hich is scheduled tor this the I'afety bram'h of tlle submit at this time to a lie dtector Rites for One of Baseball's Greats - morning. military government, said he was Livestock Prices at MEl\mERS OF TIlE CLERGY KNEEL In prayer at the altar of of 6,000 filled the churcl\ tor the serviCes. An:lther 75,000 stood alo nr test proposed by the un-American st "pretty certain" that five persons Patrick's cathedral durin, funeral services fo r Babe Ruth. Francl Filth avenue durinA' the rites. (MORE PICT RE N O STORY ON Despite this temporary secrecy, acUvitles committee. Whittaker were wounded by police gunfire Cardinal Spellman presided .t yesterday morning's services. In the THE PORTS PAGE,) there was no doubt that the state All-Time High Again Chambers, one of the committee's department had turned down Rus- but was unable to verily reports nar witnesses, has testified that there was one falality and that ClllCAGO (UP) - Livestock Hiss was a member of the Com­ more had been wounded. prices shot up to new aU-Lime Unlike previous raids, no Rus- munist underground. Hiss denied sian so~diers or milttary police ap- highs agaan yesterday and spokes- it. Chambers has agreed to the lie . Buy,·ng Up .l~~government~~::~{f:~f;~;;f~ and Its .oUiclals. Tlle parently wqe involved. men ror relail m at dealers saId delector test. ·, Curbs Set New Cred, • RUssians had charged that the The German pOlice had chased they would not be able to absorb S. The state department put tl)e • U.S. had connived in the "kldnap- alleged black market operators in the high r costs. finishing touches on a not.e to sprawling Potsdamer platz to tne f Moscow rejecting Soviet accusa­ borders or the British-Amerlcan The zooming meat-on-the-hoo tions and demands In the Kosen­ Victim of Scooier Alfects Household Items, Autos Chin~ Replaces Old PI::~ S:;. tE~;:;~:~~ :~!le de- sectors of the cily. quotations spelled new trouble tor lina calie. Four truckloa ds of British police the nation's pracc-consclous house­ stayed at their border posts In the wives, who hav at! mpted to Abt, Pravnan and Witt, (he WASHI ( P )-The. federal . nig ht Ibree Accident Identified l GT~ I' e:~ e rve boar~ la~ t Inflationary Money r~ ~~:~~: t!':::~n';{~~~~~r:~~~a~; area. At the American border torce down high meat prices liy men ordered to appear be­ annou~ce (} 11 \~ In !lla llment. hnYln A' I'pstrlctlon , eff ctl\'e ~I'pt. 20, l"st night: fore the house investigators to­ . '6 ' armed military poli~ strung five refUSing to buy. th&I..'":lLl I·pqum (! ne-!!lIl'rl downp'llYIU I' Il! on Rllt(!'IIO hlles :lrlcl 0:10 (daylight time) there day, were accused of membership ~ With old Yua n .~ ~ jeeps across the streeL They were At New York, Jack Kranis, pre ~ As Eleanor P. Uhl oll e- ja~th c l1 ~ h f(l !' ' tll1ll' plIl't'haHe ~ of I'adlos, wAslllng Jl\1\{,bl11l's WM delivered to the em bas~y of \11 \he Communist underground reinforced by n score of German sident or the National Meat Indus­ alld elA'ht ulhl'l' t/ E' ms.. NANKING (JP)-The Ch ineRe lh e U.S.s.R. II note of the depart- by Chambers, who also leveled A 34-year-old woman killed In police. try eounell , soid the record prices The l' guliltiou!I Wl' l'l' i. sued nnrl t· thl' lIE'\\' (lOP auti-inEiotiOll governm nt announced last night ment of 8late in reply to notes of the similar charge against Hiss. Some witne es claimed the po­ would mean a five to six cent a a motor scooter accident near Iowa bill which Pl'l'sio('nt 'l' rumall - creallon of a new "goid yuan" clIr- Aug. 9 and l4, of the embassy ot Chambers is an editor of the Time City last Friday night was identi­ lice violated sector borders by pound Increase at New York re­ magazine who said he worked dubb d a "rl'l'blf''' an ~ wrl' to hi ~ rency worth 25 cents-three mil- lh U.S.S.R. and to the notc which crossing over into the American tail s res within 10 days. fied yesterday as Eleanor P. Uhl , demand lor means to curb high Plan U. S.·, Br';tl'shI lion limes the value o( t he old Mr. Mololov handed to Ambas- zone. They said two volleys were with the Communists from 1924 to Grosse Pointe Wood, Mich. She prices. inflation-riddl ed money it re- ~a d o r (W alter Bedell) Smitb In tired, one in the Soviet sector and Department of ag riculture ex­ 1937. originally was identified as the perts said the lop hog prices were Unlike the wartime credit con- places. Moscow on the night of August 11 one in the American sector. IJI three of today's prospective wile of Richard Whitney, who was trois, the new ones do not affect 'Assault' on Brl"tal"n Shanghai financial circles imme- wit.h re.ference to Mrs. Oksana S. Other witnesses saJd the lrouble a result or seasonal scarcity, rath­ witnesses held jobs as lawyers injured in the accident. regular charge accounts. There are diately expre ' ~ ed doubt. that this Kosenkma and to Michael I. Sam- started when the police beat a er than con umer boycotts. for the agricultural adjustment The identification was made other ma'or differences. LONDON (A»- American bomb- drastic measure would succeed in arlne, his wife and three children. woman with their clubs. Bystand­ administration in the early days through an affidavit received by J crs and royal air force units from the long run.
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