Birmingham City Council Planning Committee 15 August 2019 I submit for your consideration the attached reports for the North West team. Recommendation Report No. Application No / Location / Proposal Determine 9 2019/02190/PA 144 Hamstead Road Handsworth Birmingham B20 2QR Retention of change of use from dental surgery (Use Class D1) to 1 no. self-contained flat (Use Class C3) and 8-bed HMO (Sui Generis) Determine 10 2019/03129/PA 146 Hamstead Road Handsworth Birmingham B20 2QR Change of use from dental surgery (Use Class D1) to a 14-bed House in Multiple Occupation (HMO) (Sui Generis) Approve – Conditions 11 2019/02810/PA 111 Hagley Road Edgbaston Birmingham B16 8LB Reserved Matters application seeking approval for Landscaping, pursuant to outline planning permission 2017/00663/PA in relation to Building 1 for an 8-storey office building with a ground floor retail unit (Use Classes A1-A4) and an under croft/basement car park Page 1 of 3 Director, Inclusive Growth Approve – Conditions 12 2019/03965/PA 8 Epwell Road Kingstanding Birmingham B44 8DD Change of use from residential dwelling (Use Class C3) to three bed respite care home for adults (Use Class C2) Approve – Conditions 13 2019/03367/PA Land at Perry Barr Reservoir Rough Road Kingstanding Birmingham B44 0UT Installation of a radio base station comprising the removal of the existing 15m temporary Vodafone lattice tower supporting 6 no. antennas and the installation of a replacement permanent 20m lattice tower supporting 12 no. antennas, 6 no. transmission dishes and ancillary development thereto including a GPS module and 2.1m fence Prior Approval Required 14 2019/06062/PA Approve – Conditions Birmingham Alexander Stadium Walsall Road Perry Barr Birmingham B42 2LR Application for Prior Notification for the demolition of 3 no. athletic stadium stands Page 2 of 3 Director, Inclusive Growth Approve - subject to 15 2019/00108/PA 106 Legal Agreement Peddimore Land north of Minworth, east of A38 and west of Wiggins Hill Road Sutton Coldfield Birmingham B76 Hybrid planning application comprising: Outline application with all matters reserved for an employment park comprising B1b, B1c, B2 and/or B8 uses, including ancillary offices (B1a), gatehouses and security facilities, service yards and HGV parking, plant, vehicular and cycle parking, landscaping, pedestrian and cycle infrastructure, green and blue infrastructure, ancillary business and community facilities (D1/D2/B1a/A3/Sui Generis) including a multi- purpose hub building and associated development. Full planning application for a new roundabout access from the A38, construction access and compound area, internal spine road, site gatehouse, primary substation and tower, engineering operations including foul pumping station, acoustic fencing, earthworks (including creation of development plot plateaus), pedestrian and cycle infrastructure and structural landscaping including drainage infrastructure and development platform within Peddimore Brook corridor for ancillary business and community facilities Page 3 of 3 Director, Inclusive Growth Committee Date: 15/08/2019 Application Number: 2019/02190/PA Accepted: 25/04/2019 Application Type: Full Planning Target Date: 01/08/2019 Ward: Birchfield 144 Hamstead Road, Handsworth, Birmingham, B20 2QR Retention of change of use from dental surgery (Use Class D1) to 1 no. self-contained flat (Use Class C3) and 8-bed HMO (Sui Generis) Recommendation Determine Report Back Members will recall that this application was presented to Planning Committee on 1st August 2019 and deferred, minded to refuse, on the grounds of lack of outdoor amenity space, impact on crime and concentration of HMOs in the locality. Members are reminded that any reasons for refusal must be made in accordance with the Development Plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise. With regards to the concentration of HMOs in the locality, this matter and the impact of the proposal on the character of the area is covered in detail at paragraphs 6.7-6.9 of the officer’s original report. This identifies that along a 260m stretch of Hamstead there is only 1 property which has a HMO Licence. Whilst it is recognised that there might be other HMOs that do not require a licence or planning permission, this evaluation is based on the data that is available to officers. The provision of 3 HMOs (the existing HMO and proposals at nos. 144 and 146) along this stretch of Hamstead Road is not considered to represent an unacceptable overconcentration of such accommodation that would adversely impact on the residential character of the area, residential amenity, community cohesion and housing mix. Members’ attention is also drawn to a recently allowed appeal for the change of use from a Childrens Day Nursery to a 9 room HMO at 252 Short Heath Road where the appellant’s applicant for costs was also allowed. In considering the impact on the living conditions of neighbouring residents, the Inspector’s decision identifies that reference had been made to there being other HMOs in the area, though the Inspector could only identify on the site visit 1 other property being occupied as a HMO in the vicinity of the appeal premises. The inspector concluded that on the evidence available that there is no undue concentration of HMOs and the proposal would not adversely affect the area’s residential character. In light of the evidence available with regard to the current application site, it is officers’ view that a reason for refusal on this ground would not be defendable. With regard to impact on crime and lack of outdoor amenity space, which have also been covered in the original report, officers consider that the original recommendation to grant planning consent with conditions is appropriate; however if Members remain minded to refuse the application then the following reasons for refusal are suggested: Page 1 of 9 • The development does not provide private amenity space within the site and as such constitutes a poor quality living environment for the occupants. The proposal is therefore contrary to the NPPF, Policies PG3 and TP27 of the Birmingham Development Plan 2017, Saved Policies 8.23-8.25 of the Birmingham Unitary Development Plan 2005 and Specific Needs Residential Uses SPG. • The development would result in an increase in crime and/or an increase in the fear of crime that would undermine the quality of life of local residents. The proposal is therefore contrary to the NPPF and Policy PG3 of the Birmingham Development Plan 2017. 1. Proposal 1.1. Consent is sought for the retention of a change of use from dental surgery (Use Class D1) to 1 no. 2 bedroom self-contained flat (Use Class C3) and 8-bed HMO (Sui Generis) at 144 Hamstead Road, Handsworth. 1.2. The internal layout of the proposal is as follows: • Ground floor: 1 x 2 bed self-contained flat comprising kitchen, bathroom, lounge and bedroom with gross internal area of 59sqm. - 2 x HMO bedrooms with room sizes ranging between 12.3 to 16.1sqm, communal lounge (27sqm) and 2 bathrooms. • First floor: lounge (10.3sqm), kitchen (15.6sqm), 2 x HMO bedrooms with room sizes of ranging from 10.1sqm to 18.5sqm. Bedroom 3 is ensuite and a separate bathroom. • Second floor: 4 x HMO bedrooms ranging between 9.6sqm and 18.3sqm and a separate bathroom. 1.3 Two parking spaces will be provided to the front and a further four spaces within the rear courtyard. 1.4 The previous planning proposal was refused on the basis of its unacceptable internal layout and amenity for future occupiers of the proposed development (2018/04002/PA). 1.5 The application has been submitted in conjunction with the adjacent property no.146 (ref: 2019/03129/PA) for a change of use from dental surgery to a 14 bedroom HMO, which can be found elsewhere on this agenda. 1.6 Link to Documents 2. Site & Surroundings 2.1. The application site comprises of a three storey property with link at first floor to No. 146 Hamstead Road. The premise is a former dental/medical treatment centre (Use Class D1). The application site is located within a predominantly residential area and many of the large semi-detached and detached houses along this frontage have been converted to flats. 2.2. Properties are reminiscent of substantially sized detached and semi-detached Victorian properties which are setback from the highway with shallow boundary walls along the stretch of the application site. On the opposite side of the road there is Welford Primary School and further residential dwellings mainly made up groups of Page 2 of 9 post-war terraces. There is a mixture of residential through family occupied dwellings as well properties which have been converted into flats. 2.3. Site Location & Street View 3. Planning History 3.1. 2018/04002/PA – Change of use from dental surgery (Use Class D1) to 2 no. self- contained flats (Use Class C3) and 8 bedroom HMO (Sui Generis) – Refused. 3.2 28/01/2009 - 2008/06549/PA - Installation of disabled access ramp at rear - Approved subject to conditions. 3.3. 05/07/2007 - 2007/02782/PA – Display of 1 no. double sided non illuminated freestanding totem sign APPROVE: Display of externally illuminated signage and banner to front – Part approved/refused. 3.4 12/07/2001 - 2001/01231/PA - Change of use of part of premises from school to five flats, alterations and extensions at side and rear to form car port, conservatory and balcony area – Approved with conditions. 3.5 1999/03417/PA - Change of use to residential care home for children with learning disorders – Approved 3.6 28/06/1973 – 35695001 - Extension to preparatory school cloakroom & storage Approved. 3.7 10/08/1972 – 35695000 - Change of use to school annexe with dining room Approved. 3.8 2018/1019/ENF - Alleged unauthorised change of use – current case.
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