: Our Weekend \ - SEE STORY PAGE • "The Weather THEDAILY FINAL Sunny and pleasant today, T Red Bank, Freehold" 7~ '' clear and cool tonight. Tomor- row partly sunny and warm- f Long Branch / EDITION er. Sunday fair. 'STER Monmouth County's Outstanding Home Newspaper 2fc PAGES VOL.95 NO.34 REDJBANK, ft. J. FRIDAY, AUGUST 11,1972 TEN CENTS Last U.S. Infantrymen Leaving Vietnam By GEORGE ESPER "We kept going out in the turn in their equipment and' logistics personnel, air crew- "They all were pretty week to join his wife, Diane, like the war zone that you'd when it balked at going into bush, and the feeling was'we pack then* bags. - men and other technicians — cautious," he said. "They all in Wichita, where he managed read about in a book. I ex- combat, illustrating the grow- SAIGON (AP) — The last weren't accomplishing much. and another 100,000 Air Force, wanted to go home." the Fina Service Station at pected more from the enemy ing disenchantment with the U.S. combat infantrymen in It seemed useless. All we'd do The U.S. Command made Navyand Marine personnel the corner of Central and than what I saw and what war. Vietnam prepared to go home was walk. We'd be Out several the announcement today, offi- fighting the war from air But five men were wounded Bickel Sts. until he was contact I had with them. The cially ending the 7%-year U.S. by booby traps on security pa- The battalion took part in . today, and for Ronald We- days, and we didn't seem to bases in Thailand and Guam drafted. only contact we had was on several major operations in •gerle it was none too soon. need to be out there at all." ground combat role in Viet- and from 7th Fleet ships off trols. ambushes we set up." nam. Wegerle was sent to Vietnam Quang Tin and Quang Ngai "Things weren't going too the coast of Vietnam. The last American combat in January, and when he first provinces south of Da Nang. good," s*!8 the 21-year-old The news spread into the At peak strength in April infantrymen wounded in Viet- got his orders, he "felt kind of . The 3rd Battalion arrived in But in the past year it had sergeant from Wichita, KaftV field during the past week there were 112 U.S. maneuver Wegerle said "everybody nam, Spec. 4. James McVicar, shaky about going." Vietnam in 19S6 and even- been used mostly in a security "It was the same thing over that the 3rd Battalion,.21st In- battalions as part of a 543,000- watched where they were 20, of Chester, Calif., is being tually became part of the ill- role, patrolling around Da and over. The men were get- fantry, was being phased out. man force. By Sept. 1, U.S. walking" after his Delta Com- flown to the United States to- "I got over here and things fated Americal Division. The Nang to keep North Vietnam- ting tired and morale was get- The last 240 men were flown forces will be cut to 39,000 pany learned it was leaving , morrow. seemed to change," he said. battalion's Alpha Company ese rocket launchers away ting bad. •• back to Da Nang yesterday to men in'Vietnam — advisers, combat for good. Wegerle leaves early next "Vietnam just didn't seem made headlines in August 1969 from the .city. House NixesEnd-War Move WASHINGTON (AP) - The After striking out. the war keeping military aid alive on U. S. forces from Indochina could not be accepted by the Oct. I pullout directive' House has given President directive, the House passed a an interim basis pending offi- by Oct. 1 in return for release Hanoi. even though Nixon is unlikely Nixon a victory and almost $2.1-billion foreign-military- cial revival later. of American prisoners and a Rep. Andrew Jacobs Jr., D- to sign it ensured a new struggle with aid bill, 221 to 172, and sent it The House rejected the Oct. limited cease-fire, contended Ind., said Congress must im- "The people of America are the Senate by rejecting a di- to the Senate. 1 pullout directive after Nixon it would force America out of pose prompt war-pullout fed up with this war," O'Neill rective to pull all U. S. forces There it faces the danger of backers contended it would the war. terms on the President be- said, "and they want us out of out of the Indochina war by getting the same treatment disrupt his efforts to negotiate But Hamilton argued it cause "the secret plan of the there." Oct. 1. the Senate gave its own mili- peace — and his critics ar- would impose realistic terms administration to end this war. Speaker. Carl Albert, Demo- Yesterday's 226-178 tally 1 tary-assistance bill: approval gued that only Congress can on the President for bargain- turned out to be a bomb." cratic Leader Hale Boggs and was the closest direct House of a rider cutting off money make him negotiate a prompt ing America out of the war. And Democratic Whip 75 other Democrats joined 151 vote ever on ending the war, for the war in four months pullout. He said Nixon's own May 8 of- Thomas P. O'Neill Jr. of Mas- Republicans in rejecting the but the margin was far wider and then defeat of the whole No one, including Rep. Lee fer of, U. S. withdrawal four sachusetts said that to regis- war-pullout directive; 23 Re- than either backers or oppo- . bill. Hamilton, D-Ind., chief author months after a full Indochina . ter public discontent with the publicans and 155 Democrats cease-fire is unrealistic and war, the House should pass nents had predicted. The fight then would turn to of the directive to withdraw supported it. • CityManAmong Escaped Trio ,'" APWIrepholo By JAMES GER6TENZANG Albert C. Wagner, director of making, his way there through TEAMWORK —One fireman lends a,hand while Associated Press Writer, the State Division of In- a trap door, but was found in- the other directs the let from a nozzle'\it a vacant stitutions and Agencies. Wag- nocent of escape charges. He three-story building that went up In flames in WOODBRIDGE (AP) - An ner would give no further de- was serving a life sentence. Newark yesterday afternoon. The flames from the intensive search continues for tails on the suspension. Lynch was convicted of the ESCAPED PROM PRISON — Police are looking for these three men who fire/ which fed on hundreds of used tires stacked three convicted murderers Wagner said the. men sawed 1966 murder of Mrs. Dorothy. escaped yesterday from Rahway State Prison. From left to right are Wil- In and around the structure, were visible for who escaped from the max-.throug' h bars on a corridor McKenzie, who was found liam R. Hawley, Long Branch; Edward A. Lynch, Toms River, and Steve. i miles. No one was injured in the three-alarmer. imum security Rahway State window. He could not say how shot to death in a parking lot Ralogh Jr., Hlghjand Park. Prison after sawing through they reached the corridor or in Howell Township. He was the bars of a third-floor win- how they reached the ground. serving a sentence of 25-to-30 dow. There is no wall outside the years. prison wing from which they • Hawley, convicted of mur- Senate Missile The three apparently es- fled. caped early yesterday. They dering a grocer in Long Summonses Raise Bog were not discovered missing A state police spokesman Branch in 1967, was also described Hawley as 5-7, 139 serving a life sentence. until 7 a.m. A prison spokes- Among those searching for PactDebate To man said they had. fixed their pounds, blue eyes and brown the escapees were eight state beds to make them appear oc- hair; Balogh, 6-0, 148 pounds, policemen permanently as- Dumping Issue Anew cupied. green eyes and red hair, and Lynch, 5-10, 140 pounds, signed to investigate 'prison (Last in a series) cated here and in Madison four of Mr. Manzo's drivers The fugitives were identi- brown eyes and hair. escapes. ByJIMMcCORMICK Township, Middlesex County, for allegedly violating the Begin Today fied as Edward Lynch, 40, of The state police spokesman' cannot be used as a garbage same ordinance. Toms River, William Hawley, Balogh was convicted of said the eight were already Those charges will be aired WASHINGTON (AP) — The mously and without reserva- MARLBORO — While Burnt dump. 25, of Long Branch, and Ste- murdering James Horvath, •searching for one inmate who Fly Bog has been a haven for' The court ruled in favor of . in Wednesday's Municipal. Senate begins debate today on tion, objected to the amend- ven Balogh Jr., 24 of Highland 16, who was shot to death escaped from the Vroom Court hearing. Both morning the five-year U.S.-Soviet ment as implying that the unusual plant and animal life the township because it found Park. while pursuing a burglar Building at Trenton State Hos- . for many years, a small por- that the dump was not used as and evening sessions of the agreement limiting land-and- United States was short- Acting Superintendent Don- caught in the Horvath home pital Sunday and another who court have been set to cover ' sea-based nuclear missiles. changed by the interim agree- tion of the bog was a garbage such from 1961 to 1963. The ald Thorns suspended three in Highland Park two years escaped several months ago dump for a number of years.
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