^« W C£ W ^ '^ S ^ w I- CO W PL, U) o O oCO LO 60 Uj EH o CO r-Z '2 si t^ o « ^ c Hi CO IS o ~: '^ N ^ ?< O H - o V a (X S O 3 Q ^^ o £<( ^•4-4 o CO CO CO K S?:^^ .^•^ O PI t^ CO n o f-» .s a 0) « N t>1 a 00 t> <o 3 r£3 ^ r£5 <^ <D « pi »o ^ 0) o e^ ^ (0 o o ^ i> »o ra o ^ O N <D »0 r-l (0 N CJ « N « ^ o J ^ fl s ^ a> 2 o ,c5 (^ ;^ u f-t eS CM o a ® S2S PI 0) =* ^ .2i o OQ -^ P> Pi is _ .U3 S W CQ PI O a ^ £ — ^ rJ=5 ft r P! ^ -^^ tT M O (0 p t^ t^ 00 00 00 cw ;; 00 00 00 00 A .3 pH IH l-l IH H <D pi ^'^"^'^^^^^'^'^^^^'^''^^^''^''^''^'^'^'^^^^ISS'^'l^ P7. NORTH BRITISH AND MERCANTILE INSURANCE COMPANY. Incorporated, lay Hoya,l Cliax-ter and Acts of 3r*arliament. Hstablished 1809. Glasgow Branch Office -102 ST. YOCENT STEEET. GLASGOW BOARD OF DIRECTORS. Chairman—Sm CHARLES TENNANT, Bart. ROBERT GOURLAY, Esq., Bank of Scotland. JAMES GRAHAM, Esq., Writer. JOHN M. HILL, Esq., Writer. ABRAM LYLE, Esq., Greenock. JAMES L. MITCHELL, Esq., Merchant. Local Manager—G. W. Snodgrass. Local Secretary—Dkvit> L. Laidlaw. LIFE INSURANCE. NEW AND IMPORTANT FEATURES. Claims paid on proof of death and title. Premiums adjusted to each half-year of age. Minimum Surrender Values fixed, and held at Credit of Insured for five years. Paid-up Policy of liberal amount granted in place of lapsed Policy, if desired, within six months. Error in proposal papers not to involve forfeiture of Policy, unless accom- panied by fraud. Policies, in most cases, free of all restrictions as to occupation, residence, and travel. NINE-TENTHS of the whole Profits of the Life Assurance Branch belong to the Assured, one-tenth only going to the Shareholders. At the last DIVISION OF PROFITS, made as at 31st December, 1885, a Bonus of £1 gs. per cent, per annum on the Sums Assured and previous Bonuses was declared to Participating Policy Holders. If taken as a percentage on the original sums in the Policies, this is equivalent to an addition ranging from £2 17s. lod. per cent, per annum, on the oldest Policies, to £1 gs. per cent, on those for the first time entitled to participate. 'J'he total sum allocated, by way of Bonus, to Participating Policies during the Quinquennium, which ended on 31st December, 1885, amounted to the large sum of/;396,9i9 4s. 3d. The Company grants Annuities to Persons of all Ages on very favourable ter [ OVER UTXTJTjni£T£|UT£'U^ NORTH BRITISH AKD MERCANTILE INSURANCE COMPANY—Continued FIRE DEPARTMENT, Property of nearly every description Insured, at Home or Abroad, at the Lowest Rates of Premium corresponding to the risk. ii Net Fire Premiums for 5 years to 31st December, 1885, £55415)545 12 Net Fire Losses during above period, - - - 3»295,579 6 5 Losses settled with promptitude and liberality. Prospectuses and every information may be had at the Chief Ofiees, Branches, ar Agencies. RESOURCES OF THE COMPANY As at 31st December, 1887. L CAPITAL — Authorised Capital, , ;^3, 000,000 o o Subscribed Capital,.. 2,500,000 o o Paid-up Capital, 625 ,000 o o II. FIRE FUND — Reserve, ;^i, 250,000 o o Premium Reserve, 396,642 2 9 Dividend Reserve Fund, 100,000 o o Balance carried forward, 4i)47o I4 7 >^li7^'l^^J7_4 III. LIFE FUND — Accumulated Fund (Life Branch), ^3, 772, 579 211 Accumulated Fund (Annuity Branch), 682,436 411 10 >^4)455>gl5 7 REVENUE FOR THE YEAR 1887. From the Life Department. Net Life Premiums, Interest, Etc., ^'502,526 4 2 Annuity Premiums (including ^125,024 6s. 2d. by single pay- ment) and Interest, I.S05479 16 2 ;^653,oo6 o 4 From the Fire Department. Net Fire Premiums, Interest, Etc., 1,279,343 18 10 ;^i>932,349_i9_2 The Accumulated Funds of the Life Department are free from liability in respect of the Fire Department, and in like manner the Accumulated Funds of the Fire Department are free from liability in respect of the Life Department. The Funds of the Fire Department are therefore hept absolutely distinctfrom those of the Life and Annuity Branches, and the lnvest7nents for each will befound separately set forth in the Balance Sheet. Lochhead, Ross, Commercial Bank. M'Innes, Mackenzie, & | James Vv^'riters. 'Walter Holmes, Royal Bank, j G. S. Veitch, Bank of Scotland. ( Johnstone. W. J. Ormiston, Royal Bank. W. W. M'Dowall, National Bank, John Adam, Writer. 1 Johnstone. THE PAISLEY DIRECTORY AND GENERAL ADVERTISER FOB 1888-89. INCLUDING COMPREHENSIVE AND ACCURATE DIRECTORIES RENFREV\^, INKERMANN, JOHNSTONE, BALACLAVA, QUARRELTON, CLIPPENS, ELDERSLIE, LINWOOD, HOWWOOD, Etc. Comprising a Copious List of the Public Boards, Institutions. Societies, &c. connected with the various localities. PAISLEY : J. & J. COOK, "GAZETTE" BUILDINGS, 94 HIGH STREET. MDCCCLXXXVIII. Digitized by the Internet Arciiive in 2010 witii funding from National Library of Scotland http://www.archive.org/details/paisleydirecto188889unse — LIVERPOOL and LONDON and GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY. ESTABLISHED 1836. Total Invested Funds, - - - £7,416,918 Fire Department.—The magnitude of the Company's Busi- ness enables it to accept Insurances on the most favourable terms. Ordinary Dwellings insured at a yearly Premium of 1/6 per cent. Purniture therein in one sum, 2/- per cent. Life Department. — All descriptions of Life Insurance and Annuities at moderate rates. Participating Policies, under new table, payable at fixed age or previous death. The Large Beversionary Bonus of 35/- per cent, per annum on sums assured in the new Participating class has been declared at each valuation. THE NEW CONDITIONS OF ASSURANCE Give increased Facilities for Residence, Travel, and Occupation. — Maintaining Policies in force. Reviving Lapsed Policies. — Prompt payment of Claims. LivEEPooL, LoisTDON, Manchestee, Leeds, Beistol, DuBLiisr, Glasgow, EniNBUEGH, BlEMINGHAM, AND NEWCASTLE. Prospectuses and Porms of Proposal for Eire and Life Insurance and Annuities may be obtained at the Company's Offices, or from any of its Agents. Glasgow Office, - . - 30 GEORGE saUARE. Edinburgh Office, - - 23 ST. ANDREW saUARE. Ag:eiits in Paisley ; ROBERT BOV33, Accountant. JOHN M'GOWN, Accountant, J. S. HUTCHISON, 23 Causey- 107 High Street. side Street. A. B. M'GOWN, Accountant, ALEXANDER IiANG, 31 High 107 High Street. Street. W. REID, Writer, 3 County Place I.ANG & ABERCROMBIE, R. & T. RUSSELL, "Writers, 7 "Writers, 23 Moss Street. High Street. JOHN MUIR, House Factor, A. M. WHITEFORD, 17 Castle 23 Moss Street. Street. THOMPSON'S AMERICAN CORN SOLVENT. Quickly cures Corns, Bunions, Warts, Enlarged or Inflamed Toe Joints, Chilblains, etc. No paia. Phials, Is. Ijd., or post free for 15 stamps. „ TOOTHACHE SPECIFIC Cures instantly Toothache or Neuralgia in the Gums. In Phials, ]s. Ijd. each ; post free, 14 stamps. „ ANTI- CATARRH ESSENCE, The New Remedy for Colds, Influenza, Hay Fever, Asthma, Bronchitis, Coughs, and General Derangement of Mucous Surfaces. Phials, Is. l^d., Is. 9d., and 2s. 9d.; post, 1 stamp extra. >? ANTIBILIOUS ESSENCE, The most effectual remedy for Biliousness, Indigestion, Inaction of the Liver, Constipation, Jaundice, and all derangements of the Stomach and Liver. In Pliials, Is., Is. 6d., and 2s. 6d. each; by post, 1 stamp extra. 9» NERVE TONBC (Concentrated), For all Nervous Affections, Weakness, Lassitude, Headache, Mental Depression, Sleeplessness, Hysteria, and Debility ; also for Weak Stomach, Indigestion, etc., and for all Nerve Pains, Neuralgia, Gout, Rheumatism, Lumbago, etc. It gives tone and strength to the whole system. Bottles, Is. 9d., 2s. 9d., and 4s. 6d.; by post, 1 stamp extra. HYGENIC SKIN SOAP Is the purest and best for the Complexion, Tablets, Is.; Un- scented, 6d. ,, PEARL DENTRIFICE, For Beautifying and Preserving the Teeth and Gums, gives a delightful fragrance to the breath. In Boxes, Is.; by post, Is. 2d. The above Specifics genuine only from the Proprietor, TML. £". T* XX O 3VC X> S O BT, Homoeopathic and Dispensing: Chemists, 17 CjrOT^iDOi>r STI^:B:ET, a-Xjj^sc3-o^w". Agents for Paisley — R. T. M'COWAN & CO., Chemists, The Cross. , CONTENTS. PAGE PAGE Advertising List, 283 Elders' (U.P, Church) Association, 211 Agricultural(Renfrewshire) Society, 225 Elderslie Directory, 273 Angling (Rowbank) Club, 220 Annual Holidays, 186 Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders, 224 Fair Trade (National) League, 214 Art Institute, 201 Fairs, 186 Athletic Clubs, 219 Female Refuge, 191 Fiars Prices, 223 Fire Brigade, 178 Balaclava and Clippens Directory, 282 Florist Societies, 216 Bank Holidays, 188 Football Clubs, 219 Banks, 187 Foresters, Ancient Order of, 194 Banns, Fees for proclamation of, 184 Free Public Library and Museum, 200 Beaconsfield Club, 213 Free Gardeners, St. Andrew Order Bicycle Clubs, 219 Ancient, 195 Bowling Clubs, 217 Friendly Societies, 198 Burgh Officer, 1 76 Burgh and Police Courts, 176 Burns Club, 195 Good Templar Lodges, 196 Buryinggrounds, gravediggers, &c, 186 Good Templar Hall Trust, 202 Grocers' Company, 193 Carriers' Quarters, 183 Cart Navigation ... Trustees, 176 Hammermen's Society, 193 Cemetery Company (Limited), ... 202 Harriers, 220 Choral Union, 201 Heritable (The Paisley) Property Christian Benevolent Society, 212 Investment Society, 188 Church of Scotland Young Men's Highlanders' Association, 197 Guild, 212 High Parish Sabbath School Church of Scotland Sabbath School Association, 211 Union, 212 High Church Ecclesiastical Trus- Church Officers, 206 tees, 212 Coats Observatory, — .'. 201 Horticultural Societies, 216 Coffee Room Buildings, 202 Howwood Directory, 276 Commissary Court, 1 78 Commissioners of Supply, 221 Conservative Association (Paisley), 213 Income Tax Commissioners, 223 Conservative Association (West Incurable Diseases, Society for Renfrewshire), 214 Treatment of, 192 Constituency (Municipal), 175 Industrial School, , 189 Constituency ( Parliamentary), ...... 175 Infirmary, 192 Convalescent Home, 192 Inkermann Directory, 281 Co-operative Societies, 1 98 Corporation of Merchants, 193 Cricket Clubs, 219 Johnstone Directory, 245 Curling Clubs, 218 Johnstone Directory Appendix, .
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