-Thursday, September 23, 1976-1 Efforts to stop pollution Synagogue group Id boost to economy In case of emergency pensive iabor costs and high employee benefit call A report concluding thai it costs more to packages and not the result of the pursuit of a The Zip Code permit pollution of. the state's ui.r, land and 376-0400 for Police Department __with 4 seminars 7iiHity rnviVonment."— —ZZZTil OKEIre4" Al«jrM ^jj t ihifini'aoeBlO'Controlit-wasTeleasedHhis rr WUICI man n uuvo .•* v»..w - - for Springfield is I -Thel976-bleflnial;tDny£nlion_of the-j>)orthern The report enfffled~~ Greenbac1is or 376-7670 for Fire1 Department New Jersey Region of the UnitedHSynagogueoT week by the New Jersey Conservation Foun- Creenswards: Must W.e Choose?" includes the -rfa' • ——- ' at the Ramada Inn in East lowinR-potn-u* . .—— • The results of a study undertaken By~"lhe _.-For each billion dollars spent on water private, nohproni~organization~indicale-lliat— be "Bicentennial Guideposts for Conservative treatment plants, up to 85,000 jobs are creeled. contrary to claims by labor and industrial Congregations." —The total annual cost of controlling all Published Ev«ty Thiwsdoy by Trumor Publishing Co,p. groups, efforts to clean up the state's natural A seminar on Jewish education will be led by types of pollution amounts to $103 per person, 41 'Mountain ov..) Sprlngflald, N.J. 07081-686-7700 resources have not harmed Ihe economy and in Dr, Nathan-H- Winter q( Maplewood, director whereas the damage resulting from air and BLACK FOREST BRASS BAND—The-Musik-Verefn•"Hdrmonlel.fromJh»_Blo<;k_fores!_. many casesTiaWstrengthcned itr 'Ol. 47-NO. 52 Mailing Addr.n: of the Institute of Hebrew Culture and area of Germany will present a concert at Farchers Grove, Springfield road, Union, water pollution alone costs each person $147 a . P.O.' Box 69,>rln|lli|d, N.J. 07081 SPRINGFIELD, N.J., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1976 Subscription Rait Second CIOB« Poitog* Education at New York University, who has Delving inlo numerous federal, state and Paid 01 SprlngfUld, N.J. 25 Cents Per Copy tomorrow at 8:30 p.m. Following the concert, ihe 27-piece brass band from Baden- private reports and documents as parl of his been the educational consultant of the region ^-"Eighty-four percent of the population Oos will provide music for dancing. investigation, NJCF1 assistant director Darryl since 1960. polled in a recent survey favored more F. Caputo found that many jobs have been A seminar on youth activities, entitled"Our stringent enforcement of New Jersey's anti- created by environmental programs and that pollution laws. • Growing Generation—Now and from Now On," the publlc_oyerwhelmingly supports strong will be conducted by Rabbi .William B. Horn, Seminary's lecture series The report is available for $2 tcrcover postage pet it ion environmental standards. and handling costs from the New Jersey spiritual leader of the Jewish Community "When the facts are analyzed," Caputo said, Conservation Foundation, 300 Mendnam rd., Center in Summit, and Harold Wishna of "It becomes obvious that industrial decline in to focus on biomedical ethics Morristown. 07960. Linden, youth director of the regional New Jcrsev is the result of high taxes, ex- ^^^^ organization. Abortion, suicide prevention, and medical Princeton Theological Seminary, beginning that brook be piped to basin HUMS w^aVaaVBBsaBBi Wishna, jn_ charge of Jlic Regional Depart- -experimentation on=childrcn and_fetuses_ate -Oct.S.The presentations:wiH beta Uu^Campus Centcr"'Au3itorium starting at 7:45 p.ni. By ABNEHGOLD HOPE will r."esen ___ t his-speclal-brand^—mentof-Yout_ , . h Activities iar_thepast:20 years,. among the topics of a scries of 10 public lec- /or under the state income tax. It stated that Another resolution approved the application All speakers, other than the Seminary's Dr. Residents 'of./ comedy in an evenin'•---g o« f has served on numerous regional and national tures on modern biomedical ethics, to be of- .THE of the-Marion-Warner -avenue- —withholding of deductions would be simpler and of Suburban Cablevision Inc. for a local cable Daniel L. Migliore, associate professor of neighborhood Tuesday'"night"yng " urgerg d the entertainment Saturday, Dec. 4, at 8 youth committees. He is a member of the Long fered on consecutive Tuesday evenings by lessexpensive."~ television frarichis" arid '.iected the township theology, and Dr. Paul Ramsey, professor of Township Committei e to pipe underground a p.m. in the Fellcian College Theater, Range Planning Committee of the Central Application forms for the rebate were made attorney to prepare a municipal consent or- . Christian ethics at Princeton University, are art brook which runs from the Springfield avenue Lodl. Tickets are now on sale! and Department of Youth Activities as well as the "Where Personal Service Costs You Nothing Extra" • available to the public at the meeting. One dinance. The committee noted that it had held a reservations for a post^performance Parent Education Committee of the Central Show at museum members of the staff of the Kennedy Institute commercial area to a'retention basin to be citizen complained that she had filled out an for the Study of Human Rcporduction and constructed adjoining Alvin Playground. hearing on the application Aug. 31 and that the cocktail hour are being accepted. United Synagogue Commission on Jewish application form printed in a newspaper, but applicant meets all requirements for the Education. A principal in the Linden public Bioethics, Washington, D.C. Harold Jones, chairman of the First District Readers may obtain further wilLfeature tales that It had been rejected by the tax assessor. franchise. school system he is working toward his doc- y "The series is being offered in conjunction CHEER UP YOUR HOME Concerned Citizens for Action, presented a Information by calling 778-1190 (ext. Gupolap Committeeman Norman Banner explained that Committeeman William Ruocco reported toral degree in guidance and psychology at -with a Seminary course biomedical ethics. ' petition with about 100 signatures. "This is not 72). .__ tot senior citizensii establishments for use of the "sanitary that Ihe Marion avenue and. Van Winkle's Rutgers University and Columbia University. of Morris Canal The lecture schedule is as follows: When you wake-up in the morning do a bubbling brook," he said, "but rather a dirty Invites you sewers.He said all businesses affected will be Creek flood control projects were virtually . Another seminar on "Our Congregations "Tales o{ the Morris Canal, a varied Oct. 5—Dr. Andre Hellegcrs, director of the creek." notified in time for the Oct. 12 final hearing. Kennedy Institute: "The Origins of Bioethical to live In the grand your drapes look drab?... your kitchen (Continued on page 6) Y gallery exhibits Retrospect and Prospect" will be led by Rabbi collection by James Lee of some 30 persons' manner to which you've The petition declared that the brook is un- Yakov R. Hilsenrath, spiritual leader of the memories of boatmen's songs and lore, canal Problems." been accustomed. curtains seem dull?... your bathroom sightly, unsanitary, a nuisance to the neigh- Highland Park Conservative Temple. characters, and the techniques of operating a Oct. 12—Dr. Roy Branson: "The Changing borhood and a danger to children. He added teachers' works IPyo'u're usBd to (ho best, The fourth convention seminar will deal with mechanical watcrWay_lhroijgh some of tho Role of the Doctor arid the Problem of His you'll want to consider The accessories look sad?... towels seem that it causes erosion and requires regular An exhibit of works by artists and fine the religious convictions and life styles of least likely terrain in the state, will be Image." Cupola—the ultimate In senior maintenance. craftsmen who teach at the YM-YWHA of members of Conservative synagogues."It will, presented on tape and film at the State Museum Oct. 19—The Rev. Richard McCormlckr citizens living. All suites are washed out?... It's time to visit The Mayor Robert. Weltchek, noting that the Metropolitan New Jersey, West Orange, Is be conducted by Rabbi Jehiel Orenstein, Auditorium, West State street, Trenton, on "Medical Experimentation with Children." private (for Individuals or retention basin should ease flooding problems -being-shownjhroughout&eptcmbcr injhe Y couples), each with kitchen- Curtain Bin and replace these tired spiritual leader of Congregation Beth El of the Friday Oct. 1 at 8 p.m. Oct. 28—Dr. Leroy Walters, director of the ' otte and available unfurnished -in Hie arearpromised a speedy investigation of Gallery. All of the exhibitors will~tcach~ ^Oranges and:Map|ewoodr ' The program, sponsored by the Canal Society Center for Bioethics, the Kennedy Institute: or furnished to suit your own feelings with a new, fresh start! Our the brook proposal.. decorative arts and fine crafts courses for the' The United Synagogue of America, founded of New Jersey ^he State Historical Commission "The Ethics of Fetal Research." personal taste. Featured are In other business at the regular'meeting Arts and Education Department of the Y this in 1913, is the association of more than 820 and the State Museum Museum, Includes Nov. 2—Dr, James Childrcss:. "Allocating 3 superb meals a day from selections are terrific... our colors are before an audience of 25 persons, the governing . Conservative congregations in the United a diversified menu, maid body voiced its "absolute opposition" to plans fall. portions of an oral history of the can James Lee Scarce Medical Resources." service, planned activities, new... and... The exhibitors, specialties in parenthesis, States and Canada. It is a constituent member recently completed with a grant from the Nov. 9—Dr. Warren Reich: "On Allowing theatre, gift, barber and by the Union County F'ark Commission and the include Kay Werner of.RoselleJstalned glass), of'the World Council of Synagogues.
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