MUUGLines The Manitoba UNIX User Group Newsletter Volume 28 No. 10, June 2016 Editor: Bradford C. Vokey Next Meeting: June 14th, 2016, )here to Find the Meeting 7:30 pm University of Winnipeg Room 1M28 Manitoba Hall Main Topic: Gentoo Eric Raine will be presenting on the Gentoo Linux Dist. Differ- ences in installation from Ubuntu will be covered. Also covered is how to configure installation of packages and update. entoo is a free operating s!stem based on either Linux or Free#$D that can be automaticall! optimi%ed and customized for just about any applic- ation or need. RTFM: Termina Control Commands Due to a recent influx of new and novice members 'revor Cordes will be doing an R'") instead of a daemon dash this month. The topic is something ever! *+,- user should master. terminal control commands (i.e.0 ^2 and ^L3 and rudimentar! job control. These little dual ke! presses will streamline !our terminal sessions and make you more efficient. 4ou5ll wonder how you ever got b! without them6 Door %rize'#( )eetings are held in the University of Winnipeg's 'his month we will be giving )anitoba Hall (marked “M” on the map30 along awa! the O8Reill! book #almoral Street south of Ellice Avenue. We can be "Using csh & tcsh"0 found in room 1)@A0 but may occasionall! get b! Paul Du#ois. relocated to nearb! rooms. If there is a change0 it should be conve!ed via a sign on the door to 1)@A. Type Less, Accomplish More. Doors are usuall! open b! 7.CC pm with the meeting starting at 7.DC pm. Parking is available on the An oldie-but-goodie for us surrounding streets. Please see uwinnipeg.ca/maps fans of tcsh: no newer book for further information about parking and access to has been written since0 and the campus. not much has changed in the tcsh world anyhow6 'he latest meeting details are always at: We will also be giving away an ebook (see page 3!" https://www.muug.mb.ca/meetings/ 1 *oo+ Re,ie-: !ou. What do you doJ You “reKuest desktop site” and pinch zoom your way around the content you !ontent .trategy 0or Mobi e reall! want. Chief information officer fail. #eviewed by Trevor Cordes Another omnipresent concept is making your Ever since the publisher A Book content less free-form0 and more highl! structured Apart (A#A3 became affiliated like a database with strong typing and categori%- with '(#eilly Me$ia5s e-book ation. Doing so will make your content more easil! store0 I5ve been curious to read repurposeable to any form factor0 providing some of their output. A#A bills different views into the same content in ways that itself as makers of “brief books better suit each medium. for people who make websites>. I like their focus on short, to the )! onl! beef is that the book feels like it should be point, books0 all of which are even shorter – perhaps b! 2EH – as it seems like around 1EC pages in length. ideas are rehashed and restated several times as Content Strategy for Mobile (($f)3 b! Karen there is some overlapping of concepts between )c rane (@C?@3 fits the bill. chapters. Sometimes the introductions and summaries almost completel! restate the gist ($f) is the first ph!sical A#A book I5ve gotten m! covered in the meat of the section a few pages away. hands on. For the longest time Amazon onl! listed between zero and one of A#A5s offerings. It seems , would like to applaud the interesting ph!sical the! are listing about half of them now0 except all design which has stiff card stock covers that fold but one is onl! available from their third-part! affil- over on themselves to produce an almost hardcover iates. Ver! strange for a going concern such as feel. The books are quite small and eas! to hold0 A#A. At least one alwa!s has the option of ordering however the! cannot be laid flat to read on a table. directl! from A#A at reasonable prices0 but the! are As an added bonus the pictures and some text are in in the U$A and shipping and exchange jack costs up. full colour. The pictures themselves are well chosen, relevant, and interesting and not at all used as filler. "or ebook fans0 life is eas!0 simpl! bu! the ebook version DR)-free from oreill!.com. Better still0 wait Not a book for techies0 but useful nonetheless. until the! roll around as the Deal of the Day and get ,mportantl!0 though from 2C?@ the content is 1CCH them at 5CH off. relevant because of its generalit! and should remain so for man! years. It makes me interested in getting Logistics aside0 C$f) is an interesting little read. Its more A#A titles (especiall! the ones that are for thrust is getting your content on all device form techies63. factors. It focuses solel! on high-level strategizing, and is completel! technology agnostic. It outright states that it is for companies with reams of content M22G has gone social /news providers0 archivists0 museums0 etc3 rather "or better or worse0 you can now find (and follow3 than Joe Schmoe with a personal web site or even e- )UU on some social platforms. Get interactive and commerce installations. Since I5m more the latter share all about MUU on social media! than the former0 I was prepared to be disappointed as I continued reading. twitter.com/manitobaunix ,n the end I came away pleasantl! surprised0 having reaped a modicum of insight that would be facebook.com/ManitobaUnix applicable to m! web ventures. The main example of this is the prescient warning against limiting content on mobile. We5ve all been there. a web site linkedin.com/grps/MUUG-Manitoba- that presents a different view of their site for mobile0 UNIX-Users-Group-1102007 one that arbitraril! limits what content you can meetup.com/Manitoba-UNIX-User-Group access based on the whim of someone who is not 2 Exciting Ne- 31oo+ $oor %rize#4 6 Exce ent !onso e 5inux Fi e )UU recentl! contributed to the No Manager# $tarch “<acking” Humble Bundle ebook offering to obtain 1D U+,-M"L7$$ish ebooks at an amazing price0 while supporting the EF" and No Starch5s authors to boot. ;e will be giving away one or two ebooks per meeting over the next year until the! are all gone. ;e will have several titles present and the winner can choose for themselves which to take. The books are each in pdf0 mobi and epub formats and will be provided on CD-R. The! are DR)-free and winners are expected to abide b! ethical ebook guidelines such as the one O5Reill! uses. “You can freel! loan, ;as anyone intrigued about Linux file managers re-sell or donate them0 read them without being after our April 1@th meeting? That is when Brian tracked0 or move them to a new device.” As Tim Lowe demonstrated G+U Plot using Midnight 75Reill! says. “Fail to honor people0 the! fail to (ommander for almost all of his commands. honor you.> ;ell here is a quick summar! of the top 6 file 'he titles are. A Bug H+nter’s Diary0 A+tomate the managers for linux.. Boring Stu** with Python0 Bitcoin for the Be*+$$le$0 Black Hat Python0 Designing BS- Rootkits0 ,acking/ Midnight Commander The Art o* Exploitation0 ,acking the Xbo10 The Lin+x User-friendl! yet powerful orthodox file manager Comman$ Line0 Maker’s G+i$e to the Zombie Apoca5 lypse0 Practical Malware Analysis0 Python Crash Ranger Co+rse0 )ilence on the Wire0 )mart Girl’s G+i$e to "ile manager with an ncurses frontend written in Privacy. 9!thon $o pick your favourite ahead of time in case you WCM Commander win! And for all those who missed the Humble A Far Manager clone #undle and want to purchase some of these titles0 Vifm the! are all available on oreill!.com. ncurses based file manager with vi like ke!bindings Sprea" The )or"4 Last File Manager ? or 2 pane Python based file manager <elp us promote this month8s meeting, b! !e"romancer#s Dos Navigator putting this poster up (lone of the famous "+orton CommanderO on your workplace bulletin board or Download one or two and tr! them out6 other suitable public message board. A good review0 including details about each file manager can be found here. http://www.muug.ca/meetings/MUUGmeeting.pdf http://www.linuxlinks.com/article/201605290 Do you have a friend or co-worker that has shown 41840705/BestConsoleFileManagers.html an interest in Unix0 Linux0 B$D0 etcJ Bring them along to a meeting or at least tell them about us. The ;ho knows0 maybe a file manager will make you more the merrier6 more efficient at the command line than you originall! thought6 3 The M22G .ur,e/ 6as Spo+en How would you rate your skill level 'he complete results from our recent online MUU With UNIX/Linux? surve! are now available to view at the link below. Absolute beginner 4% Beginner with some experience 21% A big T<A+F Y7U to the 2A members that parti- Intermediate 32% cipated and provided us feedback6 Advanced 43% ,ere are a few o* the interesting stats/ Where do you use UNIX/Linux? How long have you been a member? Home 29% 1 year or less 7% Work 4% 5 years or less 32% Home and work 68% 10 years or less 14% I do not use UNIX/Linux 0% More than 10 years 46% I am not a member 0% Which operating systems do you Use at home? Do you read the monthly Linux Desktop 75% Newsletter? Linux Server 36% Yes, always 61% BSD 14% Yes, most of the time 36% Windows 61% Rarely 4% Mac OS X 46% I do not receive the newsletter 0% Other 18% I did not know there was a newsl 0% None 0% How often do you attend the Which operating systems do you Monthly meeting? Use at work? Every month 29% Linux Desktop 57% More than five times a year 25% Linux Server 57% One to five times a year 36% BSD 7% I do not normally attend 11% Windows 57% Mac OS X 32% Coke or Pepsi Other 29% Coke 72% None 11% Pepsi 28% Who is your ISP? Do you explicitly set your Shaw 46% Repositories to the Muug server? MTS 18% LES.net 4% Yes 14% VOI 0% No 57% Prefer not to say 4% I use the mirror lists 29% Other, please specify..
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