Four Page Colored 16 Pages Today Comic Section Two Sections XIII, No, 20 \\<)<>I>BUI!)(;K, N. .1., FRIDAY, JULY 21, PRICE THREE CENTS M. E. Church Plan. Gannon And Ely To Be Respiration Is Topic For Picnic Saturday lahway Man Killed Fine Field Assured 4 At a meeting of a committee of At Rotary Luncheon the Men's Club of the Methodist In St. George Ave. In Lim Church, held Tuesday night, all ar- In 1932 Speaker From Public Service rangements were completed , for a For School Sports picnic to be held tomorrow 'after- J*me» J. O'Donnell Dies From Slu-riff Has Announced That He Will Be Democratic Candidate Corporation Tells Of Use Of noon at Riverside Park which is lo- Fractured Skull; Stepped In Use Of Interior Of Race Track Granted To Schools For CoBrfa|T Artificial Breathinr. cated between Highland Park and Football Season Without Cost—Arrangement Sdvet Di For Surrogate—Alan H. Ely, Present Under-Sheriff, Will Bound Brook on the River road. Cars Front Of Auto. cult Problem For School Board and Pleases Whole Com- Seek To Succeed His Chief—Both Are Favored To Win. Arnold Ohlson, of the Safety FMu- will be provided for nil who wish to rntion Department of Public Service go. These will leave the Methodist James J. O'Donnell, aged 41 years, munity. '.c-vidcs the big issue of the presi- non's occupancy, nnd there will be was the speaker yesterday at the Church at 2 o'clock. All kinds of of 57 Hazelwood avenue, Rahway, iiii| election in ]l)l!2 there will be none during the remainder of the weekly luncheon of the Woodbridge games will be played and there will was fatally injured Friday night at An athletic field for Woodbridge To fully appreciate what it me ,iv other candidacies that will lie term. Gannon is perhaps the host be- Notary Club in Middlesex Hotel. His be prir.es awarded to the various win- 11:30 wheh he was struck by a car high school is assured and it will not o the taxpayers it must be rei ml. test in Middlesex...Sheriff Her- loved man in public life in the coun- topic was "Artificial Respiration/*" ners. Harvey Kelly is chairman in in St George's avenue near Avenel cost the taxpayers a cent. In addition ered that thero has been aeit i| .M. (innnon has already an- ty. He simply does not know how to and he imparted some very inter- charge. street, in Avenel. He was taken to to that it is enclosed and will be a for an athletic field for the UIM'II that he will he the Dern- make enemies. For nn unusually suc- esting facts to the Rotarians. He the Rahway Memorial Hospital where source of revenue to the schools; so school for several years and that .ilir candidate for surrogate, and cessful politician his method is'strik- also used one obliging Rotarian to he died about 3 o'clock Saturday much so that it can be depehded upon sentiment has steadily increased. All i known Hint, he will he opposed ing because there is no method nt all illustrate the proper use of artifi- to supply plenty of revenue to defray other towns and cities around abouf in the sense (if being a plnnnrd out cial respiration. morning. Frank C. Rutan, of 100 have their school fields or munieip Fords Youth Killed Brill street, Newark, driver of the the expenses of the three major iiir.'iir. lie simply dues the work of In the course of his remarks Mr. ichool sports and leave a substantial fields available for the- use of th« car that struck O'Donnell, was schools and kept in condition for field (•bison said th'nt artificial respiration headquarters on balance. h;as three principal uses: in cases of brought to police All this was learned as a definite sports. Woodbridge has reached a By High Tension Wire a charge of manslaughter and was placa where the matter could not be rk'ctric shock, drowning, nnd gas later released in bail. fact last night although there had poisoning. The danger of gas poi- Contact Made Through Metal been rumorra to the same effect in delayed much longer. soning in the home may come from At the time of the accident O'Don- circulation since the meeting of the Wheelbarrow; Death Is In- nell was not identified nnd the On the other hand the depression a burning jet or gas burner in a records of the case described him as school board Monday night. The ar- has created a condition where no tat- tightly closed room. In such cases stantaneous. an unidentified man. Relatives later rangement is the result of hard work payer feeis like assuming any addi- it the gas is burned for a consider- upon the part of School Commission- tional burden. able lime the percentage of oxygen Albert Meszaros, aged about 18 established the identity at the er Mark D. Me Clain, who has cham- i< depleted and carbon monoxide, a years was electrocuted Saturday at morgue. pioned the athletic field cause since The purchase of any school proper- deadly poison, is formed. Victims 10 a. m. when a metal wheelbarrow According to the police Rutan was he has been a member of the board. ty, of course, would have to be puf of this form of poisoning are saved he was using came in contact with driving northward in St. George ave- The field will -be used this year up to the voters and the price won by arliiicial respiration if the aid a high tension wire at the Raritan nue when O'Donnell stepped from with the opening of the football sea- undoubtedly run into thousand*. comes quickly enough. Hollow Tile Company plant in Keas- the side of the road into the path of on. It is the inner section of the race Then there would be the additional bey. Death was instantaneous, ac the car. Another motorist took the track; the plot of land that is circled cost of preparing the field, fencing it'" Speaking of electricity the speak- injured man to the hospital while and keeping it in condition. In * er pointed out that in any average cording to witnessed. by the track proper. The west end of Meszaros lived in Coppernick ave- Rutan notified the Rahway police this enclosuru will be used. With a word it would be an expensive under- h there are four gground outlets who in turn notified Woodbridge. taking. I for current: the water llinei , tthhe gaa nue, Fords. He was pushing the little labor it can he made as level as wheelbarrow near the kilns at the O'Donnell's death was due to a a pnrlor floor, It is hard and depend- The arrangement that has been , lire, heating lines and the telephone plant when it made contact with the fracture of the skull and internal able. made for the) use of the Brown tract ine. exposed wire. injuries. Ho also had a compound on the other hand relieves the schoolt Vi iting Rotarians^ were; Dr. After his The owners of the property upon ge Orton, of Rattway; Martin Other employees rushed to the aid fracture of the loft leg. which the race track is located an of an existing burden; not a heavy Newcomer and Aylin Pearson, hoth of the youth but he was dead. Cor- death the body was removed to Cor- David and George Brown, brothers. one but still one that had to be taken »f t'erlh Ambuy, and Jim Housel, of oner Eugene J. Mullen was notified oner Mullen's morgue in Perth Am- They will not make any chal'ge fo care of in meeting the expense of South Amhoy.' The guests present and gave permission to an under- boy and held until identification was the use of the property. The only ex- the school sports, The enclosed field wire Mark D. Mc.Clain, former taker to remove the body. established. pense will be what money the boari will enable the schools to collect piesident of the Woodbridge Lions spends in preparing the field. On enough admission fees to defray Club, and M. A. Whitehead, guest ordinarily well attended game wil these expenses. The grand stand of Mr Newcomer. more than cover that cost. seats are already there and are in no ALAN H. ELY way controlled by any one other than Leading Men Of Town Government There is a big advantage in th Loji candidate for Sheriff next ' the owners of the property on any circumstance that the field is already day except Sunday. year, He known (he job better than enclosed. It will enable the school to '.KIFK BERNARD M. GANNON n y man in the county except his Both Incapacitated By Illness will collect admission at games, a thing The use of the field is assured tot seek election as Surrogate M«F. Baird Tour To in 1932. Odd Trick Of Fate Confines Mayor William A, Ryan and Com- that was not possible on the Parish the coming football season and la i • present surrogate, <'harlc.< he ollice with as little fuss and fea- House field or on any unenclosed reasonably certain to be available for ii. who IKIS announced thai he lu'l-s us possible ami there is not a mitteeman Jacob Grausam To Their Homes—Mayor Has field. It will also prevent the danger baseball next season. 1 Embrace County l • i k re-election on the G. <). I .
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