Vol. 63, No. 16 Published in the interest of the 7th Infantry Division and Fort Carson community April 22, 2005 Visitisit thethe FortFort CarsonCarson WWeb site at www.carson.army.mil Army chief of staff visits Carson troops by Sgt. Chris Smith ties with a building clearing exercise with paint ammu- Mountaineer staff nition. The Soldiers positioned Schoomaker in a room The chief of staff of the Army visited Fort Carson to and cleared it with him inside. see Soldiers training and wish them well Monday. The food service specialists partook in the training to Gen. Peter Schoomaker, Army chief of staff, vis- be more versed as Soldiers, said Maj. Conor Cusick, ited Soldiers from a variety of units on post, wit- training and operations officer for 1st Bn., 8th Inf. CAB. nessed training and attended the Professional Bull Schoomaker said he was pleased to see the training Riders competition. firsthand. Schoomaker observed training conducted by “I’m glad that I got to see you train,” said Soldiers of the 1st Battalion, 8th Infantry Combined Schoomaker. “You’re all Soldiers living by the Arms Battalion. He linked up with the unit at Range 145 Warrior Ethos.” and met with Soldiers of the top qualifying crews in the The Soldiers who participated all received CSA battalion. Schoomaker congratulated them for their suc- coins and words of encouragement from Schoomaker. cess and handed out CSA coins. “It was great showing that cooks are more than just Photo by Sgt. Chris Smith The 1st Bn., 8th Inf. CAB food service specialists Army chief of staff Gen. Peter Schoomaker also received a chance to show Schoomaker their abili- See CSA, Page 3 shakes hands with a Soldier at Range 145. Ride ’em cowboy ... Adriano Moraes rides Missfire for a score of 89 points in the third round of the Professional Bull Riders 2005 U.S. Army Invitational at Colorado Springs’ World Arena Sunday. Moraes won the three-day event with a point total of 258.5 and col- lected $39,374 in prize money. Photo by Spc. Stephen Kretsinger INSIDE THE Feature Happenings MOUNTAINEER Days of Opinion/Editorial Remembrance Days of Remembrance. Page 2 An observance featuring two Military CASA visit. Page 5 Holocaust survivors as guest speakers will be held Community Monday at 11 a.m. at the Car safety. Page 11 Elkhorn Conference Center. Sports Soldiers honored at PBR U.S. The Rocky Mountain Dinosaur Fitlinxx program. Page 31 Army Invitational. Resource Center in Woodland Post Weather hotline: Park has a T-rex until mid-May. 526-0096 See Pages 20 and 21. See Pages 27 and 28. MOUNTAINEER 2 April 22, 2005 Opinion/Editorial Days of Remembrance ... CG: know history, don’t repeat it Fort Carson will hold its obser- homes, their jobs, their possessions, there know that most of the popu- vance for the Days of Remembrance and ultimately, their lives. lace truly appreciate being liberated or “Yom Hashoah,” Monday. This is a We know how they suffered by from the oppressive regime and time we set aside to reflect on those those who survived to tell the story. now they have the freedom to victims of the European Holocaust of It is their stories we must now choose their own destiny. World War II. remember. Unfortunately, we cannot ensure Prior to the start of WW II, the We Americans join the rest of the this in every location, but we do Nazi party passed the Nuremberg world in saying “Never again.” what we can and call on all nations Laws, persecuting the Jews, but it As Americans, we remember the to ensure basic human rights. wasn’t until 1939 that Hitler spoke mass destruction of innocents on Slowly it is working. At some point before the Reichstag, proclaiming Sept. 11, 2001 — innocent people in time “Never again” will become that Europe will not have peace until guilty of nothing more than going to a reality. the Jewish question has been dis- work in a country called America the But we also have work to do posed of. beautiful. here at home. There are still prob- Hitler and his Nazi regime Today, we stand together as lems. There are still hatreds that, became an infamous force in the Soldiers, government employees, viewed from afar, seem as trivial as anti-semitism movement with the contractors, husbands, mothers, those that the Nazis had 60 years goal to systematically exterminate fathers and as citizens of the greatest ago. None of our current travails those people they felt were ethnically country in the world and with this approach those of the Holocaust. and racially inferior: Jews, Gypsies, comes an obligation to ensure that The evil of the Holocaust is singu- Poles, the mentally ill or other everyone, not only here but abroad, lar. Yet, its lessons are universal. “undesirables.” is treated with dignity and respect. We need to all work together to On Aug. 22, 1939, after the fall Since the birth of our nation, we make sure that the sacrifice those Mixon of Poland, Hitler sent out an edict have helped to do this in many places millions of people made during WW and liberty. authorizing the “killing without pity around the world. II becomes a lesson we take into our We must remember to let “Never or mercy all men, women and chil- Today is no different. Right now own hearts. again” become “Never” here. dren of Polish descent and lan- we have almost 12,000 Fort Carson We must remember that igno- Join us for the Days of guage. Only in this way (could Soldiers — 2nd Brigade Combat rance and cruelty are never far away, Remembrance observance on they) obtain the living space (the Team, 2nd Infantry Division, 3rd and that their atrocities demand Monday at 11 a.m. at the Elkhorn Germans) needed.” Armored Cavalry Regiment, 43rd action and justice. Conference Center. I promise that These individuals were not com- Area Support Group and the 10th We must remember that every hearing the experiences of two batants in the war: most were citi- Special Forces Group — deployed, life has value and all lives are enno- Holocaust survivors, Jack Adler and zens of Germany or those countries trying to bring the ideals of free- bled by opposing hate and bigotry. Dave Zapiler, will be something you occupied by Germany. There were dom, liberty and justice to a nation We must remember that not even will remember. not only men or women of fighting that has known of nothing but tyranny mankind’s worst depravities can be Maj. Gen. Robert Mixon Jr. age, but children and senior citizens for decades. allowed to dissuade us from our 7th Infantry Division and Fort Carson as well. Six million people lost their Those of you who have been search for worldly peace, freedom commanding general “To make sure it “It’s important to “It was needless “So we won’t repeat Why is it important to doesn’t happen remember how evil suffering and cruelty the past and to pay remember the again.” one man can be to humanity — our respects to the so it doesn’t we shouldn’t victims and family Holocaust? Staff Sgt. Tracey Koontz happen again.” forget that.” members who went 2nd BCT, 2nd ID through it.” Spc. Richard Eisenreich Spc. Christopher Nieves 2nd Sqdrn., 3rd ACR 1st Bn., 506th Inf. Reg. Darryl Goodman Army retiree MOUNTAINEER This commercial enterprise newspaper is an authorized including inserts or supplements, does not constitute endorse- editorial content is edited, prepared and provided by the Public Commanding General: publication for members of the U.S. Army. Contents of the ment by the Department of the Army or Colorado Springs Affairs Office, building 1550, room 2180, Fort Carson, CO Maj. Gen. Robert Mixon Jr. Mountaineer are not necessarily the official view of, or Military Newspaper Group, of the products or services adver- 80913-5119, phone (719) 526-4144. Public Affairs Officer: endorsed by, the U.S. Government, Department of Defense, tised. The Printer reserves the right to reject advertisements. Releases from outside sources are so indicated. Army Lt. Col. David Johnson Public Affairs NCOIC: Department of the Army, or Fort Carson. It is published week- Everything advertised in this publication shall be made News Service releases are received from Headquarters, Sgt. 1st Class Dee McNutt ly, using photo-offset reproduction (or other printing process) available for purchase, use or patronage without regard to race, Department of the Army. The deadline for submissions to the Chief, Command Communications: by the Public Affairs Office, Fort Carson, CO 80913-5119, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, physi- Mountaineer is close of business the Friday before the issue Douglas M. Rule Tel.: (719) 526-4144.The e-mail address is mountaineeredi- cal handicap, political affiliation or any other nonmerit factor the submission will appear in. The Mountaineer staff reserves Editor: Sgt. Shauna McRoberts [email protected]. Printed circulation: 12,000 copies. of the purchaser, user or patron. If a violation or rejection of the right to edit the submissions for newspaper style, clarity Staff Writers: Sgt. Chris Smith The Mountaineer is an unofficial publication authorized this equal opportunity policy by an advertiser is confirmed, the and typographical errors. Sgt. Jon Wiley by AR 360-1. Editorial content is prepared, edited, and provid- printer shall refuse to print advertising from that source until Public Affairs policies and statements reflected in the Spc. Stephen Kretsinger ed by the Public Affairs Office of Fort Carson. The Mountaineer the violation is corrected. news and editorial columns represent views of the individual Pfc.
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