Volume 35 ANGWIN, CALIFORNIA, JANUARY 29, 1935 Number 27 Pacific Union Conference S. D. A. sion shows a very slight decrease. For the God has given us for the conduct of entire Union Conference territory the Statement of Tithe Received for Twelve our educational work. We planned to Months Ending December 31 average increase per member is $2.37, spend the entire time in a study of the Per Member This would seem to indicate better in- spiritual phases of the work, rather than Conference comes for our members. Surely, the in a study of scholastic problems. This Central California $25.03 $27.56 Nevada-Utah 27.50 29.61 Lord is good to His people. meeting was such a success, and such Northern California 29.07 31.36 The statement of mission funds indi- real blessings came to all who attended, S. E. California-Arizona 28.18 31.89 cates an average giving to missions dur- that we determined to plan a.similar meet- Southern California 37.28 38.59 ing the year 1935 of almost 34 cents per ing with leaders of our medical insti- Hawaiian Mission 28.22 26.51 week per member. This is six cents tutions in California. Pacific Union $30.24 $32.61 less than the average goal that has been On January 17, 18, and 19 there met Increase 1934 over 1935 in tithe per mem- set for us, and is about one-half cent per at the Glendale Sanitarium about a half ber, $2.37. week per member more than receipts dozen of the leaders from each one of the Pacific Union Conference S. D. A. for the year 1934. While the increased six medical institutions in this Union. Forty-cent-a-week Fund Statement for Fifty- giving to missions is not equal to the pro- The three days were spent in study of Two Weeks Ending December 31 portionate increase in average income, the fundamentals underlying our medical Cents per week per we are very glad for the additional funds Member Received work. No time was spent in studying Conference 1934 1935 that have been made available for the sup- methods of conducting our sanitariums Central California .30-04 .30-01 port of missions. from a business or a medical viewpoint, Nevada-Utah .43-05 .39-47 The Sabbath school donations for we studied solely with the thought of Northern California _ .33-73 .34-59 1935 have averaged 16 2/3 cents per week S. E. California-Arizona .29-82 .32-20 spiritualizing our work to a greater ex- Southern California .36-22 .35-84 for each church member. This is about tent, and reviewing the plan God has Hawaiian Mission .62-68 .60-73 eight cents per week Less than the Sabbath for the conduct of these great institu- School Department has undertaken to tions. I wish that every doctor, nurse and Pacific Union .33-35 .33-94 raise to apply on the missions totals. Increase 1935 over 1934 in Cents per Week institutional worker could have been with per Member received, .00-59. What a wonderful thing it is that the us as we met together. Two thirty-minute Sabbath schools in the Pacific Union Pacific Union Conference S. D. A. periods were set apart each day for Conference have contributed to the sup- group prayer bands. These were precious Sabbath School Fund Statement for Fifty-Two port of missions in one year the sum of Weeks Ending December 31 seasons to us. $230,498.60. Another eight cents per Cents per week per God has been good to us in giving us week per member would have added to Member Received six large medical institutions in this Conference 1934 1935 this amount $115,158.40. Union field - the College of Medical Central California .13-97 .14-34 How thankful we should be that the Nevada-Utah .19-87 .16-98 Evangelists, the White Memorial Hos- Lord has given us increased incomes, as Northern California .16-37 .17-23 pital, and the Loma Linda, St. Helena, indicated by the tithe receipts, and that S. E. California-Arizona .15-56 .16-09 Paradise Valley and Glendale Sanitari- Southern California .18-84 .18-50 He has put into the hearts of His people ums. Hawaiian Mission .16-12 .17-56 a desire to use a portion of this income An agenda had been prepared, a di- Pacific Union .16-39 .16-67 in the support of His work. May the Increase 1935 over 1934 in Cents per Week Lord bless abundantly His faithful peo- gest of which I am including so that you per member received, .00-28. ple, both spiritually and financially. may see the scope of our study. The In the above statements of tithe and mis- W. C. RALEY. items on the agenda were presented sion funds received during the year 1935 briefly by the ones to whom the topics in comparison with the amounts received had been assigned, then oportunity was during the year 1934, there are marked To Study the Blue Print given for round table discussion. The increases. For example: everyone of the Early in October the entire faculty of papers presented were most helpful and conferences has received a larger average Pacific Union College and the members the discussions that followed were equally amount of tithe per member during 1935 of its board of trustees met together helpful. In fact, this was one of the than during 1934. The Hawaiian Mis- for a three-day study of the blue print most remarkable meetings it has ever 2 PACIFIC UNION RECORDER been my pleasure to attend. I do not Workers' Meetings prayers of every believer in this great know of a similar meeting having been God calls for a revival and reformation Union field in behalf of these ministerial held before, where the leaders of our among His people. He states that it meetings. medical institutions came together to is "the greatest and most urgent of The hour is late. God is calling for study the spiritual phase alone of our all our needs, and that to seek it should a revival of primitive godliness, and we work, and it may be that for this reason be our first work." Believing with all must lead the way. May God put it God blessed in a special way. our hearts that now is the time that into our hearts as ministers to lay aside We have asked Brother W. C. Raley, God is calling for this revival and re- everything that defileth and to follow the editor of the RECORDER, to bring be- formation, we are determined to do with the simple faith of a little child fore our other workers and believers a all we can to help bring it about. His leadership. digest of a few of the papers that were The ministers and workers in our con- GLENN CALKINS. presented. This will be done in sub- ferences have many burdens resting upon sequent issues of the RECORDER. them. The promulgation of this message SOUTHEASTERN CALIFORNIA- The topics: in these last days makes great demands ARIZONA Keynote Message, I. H. Evans. on the time and energies of our workers E. F. HACKMAN. PRES. F. H. RALEY, SEC. Object and Purpose of Council, Glenn 9707 MAGNOLIA AVE. and because of this there is a greater TELEPHONE RIVERSIDE 9012 Calkins. MAIL ADDRESS: BOX 584, ARLINGTON. CALIF. The divine plan for our medical institutions need for prayer and study of the word 1111••••11111/1111M••• in the finishing of the work of God, A. W. of God. Accordingly, each local con- Truman, M. D. ference has set aside three days when An Invitation How our medical work came into existence, all the workers will be together to pray J. A. Burden. There are three pictures I wish to What constitutes true health reform, B. E. and study and to place ourselves whole- bring before you as revealed in the Spirit Grant, M. D. heartedly in the channels of God's bless- of Prophecy: Institutional workers as soul-winners, J. E. ing. 1. "Transgression has, almost reached Fulton. The first meeting will be held with God's ideal for the Christian physician, its limit. Confusion fills the world, and business man, nurse; Meade MacGuire, H. B. the workers of the Northern California a great terror is soon to come upon hu- Thomas, Franke Cobban, R. N. Conference, just preceding the confer- man beings. The end is very near. We Responsibility of leaders to give the patients ence session, at Lodi. This meeting at who know the truth should be preparing and institutional family the truths of personal Lodi will be followed by similar meet- for what is soon to break upon the salvation, H. W. Vollmer, M. D. Standards and ideals for medical institutions; ings in all the other California confer- world as an overwhelming surprise."— Albert Larson, H. M. Walton, M. D., L. A. ences. Vol. 8, p. 28. Wilcox, James Howarth, H. H. Hicks, Ethel The program for the meetings is as 2. "My brethren, and sisters, it is too Walder, R. N. follows: late to devote your time and strength Instruction given regarding the rational treat- ment of disease, E. H. Risley, M. D. 9:00-10:15 Devotional hour and Bible to self-serving. Let not the last day Educational work called for; P. T. Magan, study find you destitute of the heavenly trea- M. D., Martha Borg, R. N., Maude O'Neil, 10:15-10:45 Prayer bands sure. Labor for the salvation of R.
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