Blic of Nigeria ~ Et Et

Blic of Nigeria ~ Et Et

z A OFederalRepublic of Nigeria ~ et et Official et Gazette - cpa : i 4 vos eh No.7 2 7 “LaGos- 27th Jennary, 1966 < Vol. 53 - -_ om 4 _ - . CONTENTS : . : . ” : .4 . , Page Jot, 5 . : . Page M S of Offic cee 118 mo : ovements of O ers. 7 ’ 108 Examination in’ Law, General Orders, \. Probate Notice . a - 118-9 Financial Instructions, Police. Orders and. iN ° t of5 j Instructions, and Practical Police work, Central Bank of Nigeria—Return of Assets.- | JUrie 1966 ee .. +. -. 126 and Liabilities ag at the close of Business . , a . | 15th January, i 966 1. ee AdultEdué Sion Classes ©... .- :~ 126 \ Federal Land peyote of __ Recoveryof Local Purchase Order .. =... 126 Titles 120-23 Loss ofPayable Ordér .. .. .- “2. 126 Federal Land egisthy-—Lost Certificates 123 ‘ Loss of Scheduleof Payment . 126 EXiby, . Price of Tantalite—-Provisional Royalty 123 Lossof Original Receipts . es .. 126 : Price of Columbite—Provisional Royalty - 123 ‘ ; LossofPayment Vouchers .. os .. 127 Price of Thorium Concenttates—Provisional _ Royalty 124 Tenders re .. 127-132 oN, Price of Zircon Sands——Provisional Royalty we 124 /Wacancies 6. ke 132-37 ° . ” Ne, Price of Marble—Royalty a & 124 Board of Clonand Excise—Sale of Goods 137-38 Royalty - oe 124, ne Lagos Consumer Price. ‘Index—Lower’ and “INDEX TO LeGaL Notice in SUPPLEMENT Middle Income Groups . 124.)i a L.N.No. ' * Short Title Page Board of Customs anti Excise, Nigeria—Net 5 Labour Code (Trade Union ~ Revenue—Decembgr 1965 125, | Contributions) Order1966 .. B9- | ‘ pine 108 OFFICIAL GAZETTH 7, Vol. 53 Governmayt Notice No. 1 53 ‘ i NEWAPPOINTMENTS AND OTHER STARE CHANGES The following are notified for general information :—~ NEWAPPOINTMENTS Sg a , Depariment Name Appoint“e ‘Date,Pa _ Date of - { Appointment Arrival Sudit Nzemeke, A. €. Typist, Grade III 1-5-65 — Customs and Excise, Sule, B Artisan, Grade Tit’ 176-65 — Fisheries : Mohammed, M. ; Motor Driver| 24-9-65 — _ Forest Research - .. Okoro, 5. UO. .- Plant Attenda 1-+-65.- General Executive Clags Iweibo, P. B. Executive Offer (Accounts) _ 16-11-65 — Inland Revenue Egwuatu, Miss M. Clerical Assistant 4-6~65 — - Odupe, A. 0. Assessment C lerk,. Grade Il. , 1-6-65° _ a .? Ministry of Commupi- -Doku, M. Postal Officer ; wee gy 1-1-65 _ cations ‘John, D. _. Vechnician _— * 22-3-64 — “Ministry of Education Adebayo, Mrs C.F... “Leacher, Grade II. 23-9-65 — . “Adelaja, A. O. ‘Teacher, Grade [1 . 2-7-62 — > Ekpenyong, 0. Archive Assistant, Grade III... 13-11-65 _ Ministry of External: Ajakatve, A. A. External Affails Officer, ’ ' Affairs —— Grade VHT:AEX 28-6-65 — Ministry of Health io “Nwankwa. Mrs M.C. Community Nt rse 9-2-65 ~- -; 9 Nwosu, Miss FON. Community Narse 9-2-65 _ — ° . Opara, A.C. Community Nurse 9-2-~65 — _ Ministry of Information Ami,J. O. 3rd Class Clet an 15-12-65 _ . * Okunnu, A. A. * Mechanician, (Grade I? 1-10-65 — . Ministry of Internal Neakoh, D. T. Immigration Aésistant, ‘Affairs Grade LL |; 29-10-65. , — Amusa, O. M Immigrygtion 2tpsistant, . : ; Grade III | ri. «+ 8-11-65 — . Onuolkia, U. A. 3rd Class Clery a zones 8—-9-65 _ Ministry of Justice .. Arije, E. A. 3rd Class Clerkl .. * oo... 410-65 0° “ . Osisanya, T. .\. Clerical Assistpr t . 10—3-65 — _— Ministry of Labour Eguaseki, G. 0. ~ 3rd Class Clerk 21-9-64 —_ , 7 / +4 Odukoya, A. A. 3rd Class Clerk) ~ 8-12465 _ Sous 7 Tuamokumo,, BOM... 3rd Class Cterk .. 19-10-65 _ Ministry of Lagos Affairs Eyitayo, G. A. ° - 3ed-Class Clerk). 1210-645 Ministry of Trade D’Almeiday Miss A. Fo 3rd Class Labotpatory : . ‘Technician’: .. 4+-8-65 - — Onyewu, Mrs C.C. 3rd Class Labofatory “ i : “Technician :} .. .. + 23~8-65 - . / Oropo, M. O. we Clerical Assistaht ' . 14-10-65 —_— Ministry of Transport Ale, J. B. "Artisan, Class, IT. ° . 1-12-64 — 1Olisama, 5 Artisan, Class IT we! ae —_— Ministry ofWorks | Bakare, A. Technical Offider(Building) 1-12-65 — 2 : Megwalu, Jo. Architect ; - °° 6r7-65 _ Odotin, >. .\ .. Technical Assidtant << 22-9-64 — Nigerian Institute for “Mokwuye, Mrs J.C... Punch Operator - an 1-6-65 — Oil! Palm Research ~ ~ Police | . §Olawore, A. Cadet Sub-Inspector 1-11-65 —_ Statistics .- : Adekova, S.A. 3d Class Clerk . 15-6-65 —_ =5 ; Agwat.Atolaghe,migho,AO,G. A. ©. Typist,StatisticalGradeAssistTITtant, Grade III165: 10-11-65 — Etuk, A.J. 0 ‘fypist, Grade TIT. / 1-465. = Ikerechi, DU, Statistical Assistant, Grade, iT » 10-11-65 — a. ‘Ronwea, A. Enumerator a 24-6-65 — PP AY .* Veterinary Research Wuyep, 5. 7, Animal Health Assistant, 1 : ‘ . ‘ Grade HI ae «252 17-65 —_— Viana 4 Notificationiin Gazette Noo sot 14-10-65 amended. wyaae - ri a . § ? * a L “ a . ef f t | | fo . po 27th January, 1966 . OFFICIAL GAZETTE "109 PROMOTIONS Department ‘Namie - App:intment Date of ’ Promotion Audit Adebanjo, A. Senior «Auditor 1-12-65 Enang, S. A. ist Class:Clerk | . 18-11-65 Oyenuga,-G. O. ‘Ist Class Clerk 18-11-65. General Executive Class *Onuoha, C. D. Assistant Executive Officer (Accounts) .. 16-11-65: Inland Revenue woe Akindele,: A. O. Executive Officer ‘, . Nwokolo,; O. N. 7-1-66 ‘Executive Officer 7-1-66- Ojeikere, B. S. E. Executive Officer 7-1-6 , Ministry of Aviation Ikogho, E. E. Aerodrome Fire Superintendent 1-12-65 Ministry of Communi-. Orelaja, R. A‘ _ Area Engineer 1 3~1-66 cations “4 *Udeozor, G. G: .. Senior Technician, Grade IL Ministry of Education 1-5-65 One S. Assistant Adviser on TeacherTraining Ministry of Establish | 1~1-66 . Otu, A. _Se ior Instructor 2 " ments 14-10-65 Ministry of Health I AdeToh, wi Sertior Technical Officer’ 1-1-66 Algyi, J. 3. ‘Sete Technical Officer .. ‘1-1-66 Jagun, A, T. Sertior Medical Records Officer Lakeru, Dr A. A. 1-12-65 ¢ * .. ‘Principal Medical Officer | *Nwachukwu, M.S 1-12-65 5... Sertior Technical Officer 1-4-65 Sodipo, Dr]. A, Principal Medical Officer . Ministry of Housing © ~ 8 1-4-65 Iwuchulpwu, M. F., Suiveyor . 4 and Sutveys Les $10-65 i ' { e Ministry of Industries . 1 “Nel, PE i : acstan Executive Officer (Industry) ‘Soyeye, ‘G.eS 8- 7-65 Assistant Executive Officer (Industry) 1-5-65 “tose Ministry of Natural sAdebimpe, J. O. Assistant Meteorological Résources and Research Officer--in-Training 28-9-65 Fyenonu, N. C. Assistant Meteorological Officer-in-Training 28-9-65 Ministry of Works Dowson, W: G. Temporary x j Senior Mechanical : Superintendent*(W’ater) 1-10-65 Dury, A.: Assistant Foreman i Forsyth, R.A. 11-6-65.. : ve Terpporary Senior Mechanical Superintendent | *Ojumu, Z. O..- 1-10-65 Assistant Works Superintendent (W’ater). Onakoya, A. | 10-6-65 Assistant Foreman 11-6-65 _ Parliaments Akinola, M. O. Official Reporter, Grade II 30-12-65 Okorie, G1. OfficialReporter, Grade II .- Owunwa,S. C. 30-12-65 . Official Reporter, Grade Wi 30-12-65 Police -Abubakar,. A. Inspector ae 1-12-65 Adegboyega, R. Inspector aa 1-12-65 « Aharanwa, S. Inspector Ahmed, B. 1-12-65 Inspector 1-12-65" Aina, M. + Inspector Akande, J. 1-12-65 Inspector 1-12-65 Akinola, E: Inspector ,. Akpojiyorbi, J. - 1-12-65 Inspector 1-12-65 Anyanwu, G. Inspectér saAregbe, R. 1~12-65 Inspector 1-12-65 ’ Ageké I. Inspector VU 1-12-65 ‘Daura, A:" : Inspector . es 1-12-65. ,« | Fuller, J. Inspector 8 1-12-65 Gbiwen, E, Inspector 8 1-12-65 Idolo, F. Inspector 8 "1-12-65 Iduma, 5. Inspéctor- 8 1-12-65 Igbavboa, P. ‘Inspector 1-12-65 Ikenwa, A. le Inspector Ey _ 1-12-65" IkenwWeiwe, I Inspector “ 1-12-65 OR Isioye, J. epee ee 1-12-65 Kalu, G.. : REI Inspector Mee Kalu, 0...a 1-12: 65 Inspector ee BE athe 1-12-65 Lawani, ML. Tnspector. 1-12-65 Ore AMembere, F: Inspector Bey Mokwe, D:. Cr 1-12-63 Inspéctor ‘ ee 1-12- Hata Nigwam, N. Inspector © 1-12-65 - Nimrod,J.: * Inspector . Nwaokeji, i. Inspector See? Nwosisi, F; Inspector Obasuyi, E. _ Inspéctor ee Obinwevbi, D. _Inspector « 2s en So 8 110 OFFICIAL GAZETTE -No. 7, Vol. 53° PROMOTIONS—continued © - ' Department Name ; «lppointmeéni * Date of Promotion Police—continued Odife, O., Inspecter 1-12-65 Inspector 1-12-65 oo ‘ Odili, S ‘ Ogbonna, “ Inspector - 1-12-65 tm Ogunkova, Inspector 1-t2-65 ‘ Ojukwu, y.4 Inspector 1-12-65 : . Ckafor,Db Inspector 1-12-65 | i. > Okoli, A Inspector 1-12-65 . Okon, E. _ +. Inspector 2d. 1-12-65 oe : » Okorie,J." ; .. -Inspector : - 1-12-65 Okwuonwa, M. .. Inspector 1 12-65 : Olubamiwo,B. In pector .. 1-12-65 3 Onu, E... - Inspector cae .+ 1-12-65: Onwuka, A. Inspector ’ 1- 12-65. Onyegbuls, C. Inspector: 1 FE, 1-12-65" . Onyi, EH. Inspector. ye 1-12-65% , > Udensi, 0. Inspector 1-12-65. Udotia, EF. Inspector 1-12-65; Ummuna, C. Inspector 1-12-65" . Yerima, B. Inspector | f. ae 1-12-65 Statistics s.. >. Agwae, J. A. Senior Statistician: (Programmes) 1-11-45 . vos Awomolo, G. Q. Senior Statistician (Programmes) 1-11-65 fn Noftttication in Gazette No. 99 of [f-12-65 amended. Pe Notitication in Gazctie No. 94 of 2-12-63 amended. NY Notitication im Guzette No. 104 of 30-12-65 amended. RES Notitication in Gazette No. 10! of 23 -12-65 under* ‘New Appointment”A , is hereby! amended. pth Notification in Gazette No. 87 of 4+ iL.65 amended, 5 mn * 8 i ” CONFIRMATION OF APPQINTMENTS| Department Appoi ntment kate of Ccohfirmation Administration ‘Braimah, H.E.Y Secretary-Typist ~» } 16-6-63 Ogunniyi. Dio. Secretary-Typist Ls 2. J 11-3-62 Ulocha, F.

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