ICE Chemistry It gets bigger when it freezes! Biology Inupiaq (Alaska) have 100 Stuff lives in it in ice cores! Astrobiology names for ice! Enceladus? Climatology Albedo and Negative feedback Snowball Earth Astrophysics Clear at optical and also radio frequencies Ice as a good cosmic-ray target Cosmic-ray collisions with ice molecules visible from km-scale distances Dave Besson Ice, Ice, Bambino September 8, 2020 1 / 45 Chemistry: 18 Shades of Ice Terrestrial (familiar) ice: ”Ice 1h” 1996: Ice XII discovered 2006: Ice XIII and Ice XIV 2009: Ice XV found extremely high pressures and 143 C. At P>1.55×1012Pa (10M atm) ice!metal Ice, water, and water vapor coexist at the ‘triple point’: 273.16 K (0.01 C) at P=611.657 Pa. 1◦ ≡1/273.16 of difference b/w triple point and absolute zero (this defn will change in May 2019) Dave Besson Ice, Ice, Bambino September 8, 2020 2 / 45 Oddly, ρice < ρwater The fact that ice remains on top of water is what prevents lakes and rivers from freezing upwards from below! Dave Besson Ice, Ice, Bambino September 8, 2020 3 / 45 Socio-Cultural impact: Refrigeration, Curling, Marvel’s Iceman (2015-17) Refrigeration: 400 BC: Persian engineers carve ice in winter and store in 5000 m3 insulated (via ‘sarooj’ - sand, clay, egg whites, lime, goat hair, and ash) caverns in desert during summer Dave Besson Ice, Ice, Bambino September 8, 2020 4 / 45 Why is ice clear (blue) Dave Besson Ice, Ice, Bambino September 8, 2020 5 / 45 and snow white? and implications for climate... Dave Besson Ice, Ice, Bambino September 8, 2020 6 / 45 Albedo, ice ages, and the extent of glaciation Dave Besson Ice, Ice, Bambino September 8, 2020 7 / 45 Snowball Earth (750M yrs ago) One hypothesis (based on evidence that CO2 concentration precipitously dropped at that time): pangea-like break-up more ‘interior’ rain exposes basalt rocks Major CO2 sink Cooling + increased glaciation at Poles)cooling to lack of greenhouse gases) albedo ") cooling " Dave Besson Ice, Ice, Bambino September 8, 2020 8 / 45 Ice is everywhere in Solar System Earth water/ice Likely NOT from comets - D:H higher ×2 for comets. pre-existing - possibly locked below surface and released from below (water vapor during volcanic eruptions, e.g.) Dave Besson Ice, Ice, Bambino September 8, 2020 9 / 45 Earth actually does NOT have disproportionate amount of ice! Europa: 2× Earth water Ganymede: 39×Earth water Dave Besson Ice, Ice, Bambino September 8, 2020 10 / 45 Enceladus: 10-50 km thick ice crust over water speculate life in water below ice crust... Dave Besson Ice, Ice, Bambino September 8, 2020 11 / 45 Enceladus XSect Dave Besson Ice, Ice, Bambino September 8, 2020 12 / 45 Life in (dark, high pressure) lake under ice sheet Dave Besson Ice, Ice, Bambino September 8, 2020 13 / 45 Subglacial Antarctic Lakes Scientific Access (e.g) https://salsa-antarctica.org/ Retrieve 3556’ deep sample from Mercer Sub-glacial lake 500 km from SP! (Anatoly Mironov & Brian Farleigh, UNL electronics shop, experts!) Dave Besson Ice, Ice, Bambino September 8, 2020 14 / 45 Ice Cores and (fuzzy) WAIS psychrophiles Dave Besson Ice, Ice, Bambino September 8, 2020 15 / 45 In addition to CO2 content, ice cores chronicle Volcanic Eruptions Dave Besson Ice, Ice, Bambino September 8, 2020 16 / 45 Ice and Astrophysics Reminder: What are standard tools of astronomy? (JWST, Hubble, e.g.) Dave Besson Ice, Ice, Bambino September 8, 2020 17 / 45 CMB: Limitation to Telescopes (if eyes saw λ=1 mm) Dave Besson Ice, Ice, Bambino September 8, 2020 18 / 45 Alternate astronomical tracers Dave Besson Ice, Ice, Bambino September 8, 2020 19 / 45 Neutrinos point directly to sources (but rarely interact) Dave Besson Ice, Ice, Bambino September 8, 2020 20 / 45 Neutrino factoids 300 Big Bang Neutrinos (in addition to 400 CMB photons) per cc each 13.7B yrs old, Eν ∼ 1!100 µeV Solar neutrinos, 50 trillion/body/second. On average, only one will be stopped by biomass per lifetime. Aside: 40K neutrinos in salt each person emits 200 million neutrinos per day Supernova: Sources of 1015 eV neutrinos Higher Energies - Gamma-Ray Bursts, Active Galactic Nuclei, ‘cosmogenic’ neutrinos Dave Besson Ice, Ice, Bambino September 8, 2020 21 / 45 Astrophysics - ν:ice:ARA=light:space:telescope testing the idea in the lab: Dave Besson Ice, Ice, Bambino September 8, 2020 22 / 45 Balloon-borne strategy (ANITA & Hi-Cal) 2. UHECR ANITA 3. HiCal 1. Dave Besson Ice, Ice, Bambino September 8, 2020 23 / 45 Experiments for Radio neutrino detection Dave Besson Ice, Ice, Bambino September 8, 2020 24 / 45 Askaryan Radio Array at South Pole Dave Besson Ice, Ice, Bambino September 8, 2020 25 / 45 SPICE science-radio range and wavespeed ARA04 ARA03 ARA01 SPICE d(ARA05)->SPICE=4.2 km ARA02 ARA05 Dave Besson Ice, Ice, Bambino September 8, 2020 26 / 45 View of South Pole Station from SPICE core site Dave Besson Ice, Ice, Bambino September 8, 2020 27 / 45 12/18 Test Ice as a CR target medium: Re(ice))‘horizon’, Im(ice)) Latten Dave Besson Ice, Ice, Bambino September 8, 2020 28 / 45 The SPICE core ice-hole Dave Besson Ice, Ice, Bambino September 8, 2020 29 / 45 The SPICE core (cont.) Dave Besson Ice, Ice, Bambino September 8, 2020 30 / 45 Ice and Astrophysics - testing ice transparency RF Field Attenuation Length (IDL-Tx/day 360) 900 Entries 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 Latten (meters) Dave Besson Ice, Ice, Bambino September 8, 2020 31 / 45 Signals from the shadow zone at z > −600 meters! Dave Besson Ice, Ice, Bambino September 8, 2020 32 / 45 Double pulses and the mirage effect Dave Besson Ice, Ice, Bambino September 8, 2020 33 / 45 Double pulses and the mirage effect Dave Besson Ice, Ice, Bambino September 8, 2020 34 / 45 Double pulses and the mirage effect Dave Besson Ice, Ice, Bambino September 8, 2020 35 / 45 Double pulses and the mirage effect grVtx_nev4_nV8_nH4_run13286_ev33199_L1_phi-174_the86_A0_Rx4 grVtx_nev4_nV8_nH4_run13286_ev33199_L1_phi-174_the86_A1_Rx1 grVtx_nev4_nV8_nH4_run13286_ev33199_L1_phi-174_the86_A2_Rx6 grVtx_nev4_nV8_nH4_run13286_ev33199_L1_phi-174_the86_A3_Rx7 2000 1000 1000 1500 1500 1000 500 500 1000 500 500 0 0 0 0 -500 -500 -500 -500 -1000 -1000 -1500 -1000 -1000 0 200 400 600 800 1000 -2000 0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 200 400 600 800 1000 grVtx_nev4_nV8_nH4_run13286_ev33199_L1_phi-174_the86_A4_Rx0 grVtx_nev4_nV8_nH4_run13286_ev33199_L1_phi-174_the86_A5_Rx5 grVtx_nev4_nV8_nH4_run13286_ev33199_L1_phi-174_the86_A6_Rx2 grVtx_nev4_nV8_nH4_run13286_ev33199_L1_phi-174_the86_A7_Rx3 2000 2000 1500 1500 1500 1500 1000 1000 1000 1000 500 500 500 500 0 0 0 0 -500 -500 -500 -500 -1000 -1000 -1000 -1000 -1500 -1500 -1500 -1500 -2000 0 200 400 600 800 0 200 400 600 800 -2000 0 200 400 600 800 0 200 400 600 800 grVtx_nev4_nV8_nH4_run13286_ev33199_L1_phi-174_the86_A8_Rx8 grVtx_nev4_nV8_nH4_run13286_ev33199_L0_phi-174_the86_A9_Rx9 grVtx_nev4_nV8_nH4_run13286_ev33199_L1_phi-174_the86_A10_Rx10 grVtx_nev4_nV8_nH4_run13286_ev33199_L0_phi-174_the86_A11_Rx11 150 600 400 100 100 400 200 50 200 50 0 0 0 0 -200 -50 -200 -50 -400 -100 -400 -600 -100 -150 -800 -150 0 200 400 600 800 0 200 400 600 800 0 200 400 600 800 0 200 400 600 800 grVtx_nev4_nV8_nH4_run13286_ev33199_L0_phi-174_the86_A12_Rx12 grVtx_nev4_nV8_nH4_run13286_ev33199_L1_phi-174_the86_A13_Rx13 grVtx_nev4_nV8_nH4_run13286_ev33199_L1_phi-174_the86_A14_Rx14 grVtx_nev4_nV8_nH4_run13286_ev33199_L0_phi-174_the86_A15_Rx15 800 100 800 80 600 600 60 50 40 400 400 20 200 0 200 0 0 -20 0 -50 -200 -40 -60 -400 -200 -100 -80 -600 -400 -100 -150 -800 -120 0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 200 400 600 800 1000 Dave Besson Ice, Ice, Bambino September 8, 2020 36 / 45 12/25/18 in-ice 1100m deep Tx!16 in-ice RCV δ t(R,D) ARA01/day360 350 300 Time Difference (ns) 250 200 150 100 50 0 15 15.1 15.2 15.3 15.4 15.5 15.6 15.7 15.8 NZ hour of day Dave Besson Ice, Ice, Bambino September 8, 2020 37 / 45 And BIREFRINGENCE! v depends on polarization Dave Besson Ice, Ice, Bambino September 8, 2020 38 / 45 And BIREFRINGENCE! v depends on polarization ICS1 signals measured in co-located HPol (red) vs. VPol (blue) 200 Ch. 8 (HPol) 150 100 Ch. 0 (VPol) Voltage (mV) 50 0 -50 -100 -150 -200 Dave Besson Ice, Ice, Bambino September 8, 2020 39 / 45 0 100 200 300 400 500 time (ns) And BIREFRINGENCE! v depends on polarization Propagation time asymmetry to station 2 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 -400 -600 40 -800 20 -1000 δ 0 -1200 t(HPolarization-VPolarization) -20 -1400 (nanoseconds) -40 Transmitter Depth (m) Dave Besson Ice, Ice, Bambino September 8, 2020 40 / 45 Still unconvinced? Without ice, we would not have: Dave Besson Ice, Ice, Bambino September 8, 2020 41 / 45 ICE MATTERS (and, if interested...) Climate control via albedo, climatological record of the Earth, Ice also unparalleled target medium for neutrino astrophysics - expts include: IceCube, Gen-2 ($250M) Radio Neutrino Observatory ($16M proposal!NSF, 12/18) ARIA (also at South Pole) ($9M proposal!NSF, 12/18) If you’re enticed by long, lonely days cut off from loved ones and civilization, a desolate and foreboding landscape, & the constant risk of frostbite and gangrene... Dave Besson Ice, Ice, Bambino September 8, 2020 42 / 45 Dispersion: Unlike short-wavelength, radio non-dispersive! Dave Besson Ice, Ice, Bambino September 8, 2020 43 / 45 Journal Reference Dave Besson Ice, Ice, Bambino September 8, 2020 44 / 45 FF, cont... Dave Besson Ice, Ice, Bambino September 8, 2020 45 / 45.
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