Weatirar Distribution Today Cloudy with drinle today; 17,800 Ugh, 40>, Partly cloudy to- BEDBANK night and tomorrow. Low to- night, »». High tomorrow, S0>. 1 Independent Daily f See Weather page Z. (^ MONOAYTHKIVOHJlUDAY-lSrim J REGISTER SH 1-0010 iMUcd dtlly. Mondcy through FrlA*y. Second C1&H Poitsgt RED BANK, N. J., FRIDAY, MARCH 24, 1961 35c PER WEEK VOL. 83, NO. 187 Paid it Ked Bisk »nd at A&UUonil MUlln( OUlcei. 7c PER COPY BY CARRIER PAGE ONE Call on Khrushchev To Halt Laos Threat Macniillaii Off To America But U.S. LONDON (AP)-Prime Min- ister Harold Macmillan left by air today for a 19-day visit to Readies the United States, Canada and 1 the West Indies. He said he FOR RESEARCH INTO THE FUTURE — Aerial photo of th» Bell Labs Research Center, Holmdel Township, shows has "much to talk about" with building in its present-stage of construction — hearing completion. Structure in rear is 35,000-square-foot service President Kennedy. AidMove and maintenance building. Engineers say the center, to be ona of the largest research installations in the world, Aides laid that despite the urgency of the Laotian crisis, will be completed by October or November of this year and ready for occupancy early next year. WASHINGTON (AP) — Macmillan is adhering to his President Kepfiedy looked original schedule calling for a visit first to the West Indies hopefully to Soviet Premier Nearlng Completion in Holmdel «nd meetings with Kennedy Nikita Khrushchev today April 5-6. But the aides said if to call a halt to the Soviet- the situation in Laos got worse backed rebel offensive in of Premier Khrushchev reject- Bell Labs Center to Employ 2,500 ed the latest British-American Laos and avert mounting proposal of a cease-fire fol- danger of a U. S. - Russian mili- , HOLMDEL The now Bell mately 30 million dollars, .n- in stage one is October or No-construction division of Western lowed by an international con- tary showdown in Southeast tabs Research Center, now under oluding equipment, machinery vember of this year. Based on Electric Co., which is building tne ference, Macmillan could ad- Asia. vance his arrival in Washing- construction, will employ an es- and inventory. predictions of a year ago, con-plant for Bell Labs, emphasized But behind-the-scenes prepara- ton. timated 2,500 persons, on comple- October Target Date struction is slightly ahead of however, that Western Electric tions were reported continuing -tlo»~~of-.-the- first stage.. of the Bell officials reported yesterdpy schedule. construction workers will be on here and at farrflung U.S. mili- project, it was announced yes- that the target date for comple- John J. Clifford, assistant su- the site "for possibly "severa tary bases .for greater interven- terday. tion of major construction work perintendent, plant design and months after the basic construe Mrs. White tion on the side of the pro-West- "The first stage employment fig- tion work is completed" to pul ern Laotian government if hopes ure Is 1,000 higher than the origi- the finishing touches on Jie proj for a negotiated settlement col- nal estimate of 1,500 employees, ect. To Retire lapse in the next few days. Bell officials said It will take predicted a year ago when con- Beach Project OKd— The United States has obliga- ftruction was started. ; several weeks to move- lesearch equipment into the building and As Agent tions under the Southeast Asia On final completion" of stage Treaty Organization (SEATO) to two of the project, which may furnish offices, estimating tha FREEHOLD — Mrs. Lorna K. it might be February, 1962, White, Monmouth County home deal with aggression in Laos, be several years off, the research Post Office Is Not TREATY SIGNED — President Kennedy imiles at hit Kennedy told a news conference center will employ approximately later before personnel is moved economics agent, will retire next Friday after serving in the post last night, "and no one should 4,500 persons, Bell officials sa'd UNION BEACH — The Beach- the beach project, as well as sev-in. White House desk after signing the instrument of rati- here 17 years. doubt our resolution on this yesterday. front Improvement Commission, eral other prosed municipal im- Approximately two-thirds of thi fication of a treaty making ths United States a mem- point." provements, with officials of sev-work force will consist of scien A government economics agent The final over-all investment .n after a one-month study, last Kennedy expressed confidence eral state agencies in Trenton tists, engineers and technicians 30 years, Mrs. White is a gradu- ber of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and the project has been estimated night informed Borough Council that the country would back his at 75 million dollars — with the that it has approved Mayor Har- on Monday. The remaining one-third will .be ate of Syracuse University, and Development, aimed at bringing closer economic ties did post graduate work at Cornell decisions, made in concert with first stage figure estimated at less vey C. Eriksen's proposal for a Not Summoned 'service" personnel, many ol University. She earlier spent two among North Atlantic nations. Kennedy has the treaty, the SEATO allies, to act if neces- $150,000 beach improvement pro whom will hired locally. than half of this, or approxi The! Trenton session was ar- years at Wellesley College, where bearing hi$ signature, in front of him. In rear are, from sary. He declared "Every Amer- gram along Front St. ranged by Mr. Eriksen, who said 435-Acre Site she majored in physical educa- left: Secretary of the Treasury Douglas Dillon, Sen. lean wil] want his country to The project, as proposed by thelast night: The building Is situated tion. honor Its obligations to the point "There has been some misun- New Garden mayor would be self-sustaining Bell's 433-acre tract, near Craw Mrs. White, who lives at 68 Alexander Wiley (R-Wis) and Secretary of State Dean that freedom and security of the and would cause no increase in derstanding, as a result of in- ford's Corner — the company' free world and ourselves may be correct reports, that borough of- East Main St., says she has no Rusk. (APWirephoto) the tax rate. State aid, if granted, largest singic site holding in the achieved." ficials have been ordered to Tren- immediate plans. She is 62 years Apartments would pay more than half the United States. old. cost. ton. That is not the case at all. SEATO The project will include a mod- Secretary of State Dean Rusk The bond issue for the balance I have merely requested that as To Be Built ern sewer plant; water tapped is flying to Bangkok, Thailand would be liquidated on an annual many councilmen and other bor- Woman Hurt RED BANK — Construction of ough officials as possible attend, from the Hnglishtown sands at a Scott Raps Campi today for a crucial meeting of basis through gate receipts and (See BELL LAB, Page.2) SEATO foreign ministers at • 40-unlt garden apartment on parking fees, on a plan similar because this will be a very im Branch Ave. near Madison Ave., portant meeting for the future In Accident which Allied plans for forceful to that used at Ideal Beaoh in actioh are expected to be devel- It expected to start next month. of this borough." KEYPORT — Miss Barbara A. Middletown, Mr. Eriksen said. oped. Harvey Karan, president of Trenton Meeting -_ In other business at last night's Sewer Rate Graham, 19, of First Ave., At lantic Highlands, is in good con- On Mosquito Issue Kennedy declared a three-point Karli Apartments, Inc., Union, Borough officials will discuss session, council received a letter said file U-shaped structure is from the Philadelphia regional dition today in Riverview Hos- U. S. policy on the Laotian crisis, planned to be ready for occupan- post office headquarters rejecting To Remain pital with multiple cuts about the MIDDLETOWN-Joseph Scott, health hazard at the presqnt giving Khrushchev a plai> but cy in mid-June. a request for an independent post head suffered in an accident at 17 Swartzel Dr., president of the time. softly-spoken warning that Soviet- A vacant two-story house on Order Man office at Union Beach. Rt. 35 and Rt. 36 early this New Jersey Mosquito Extermina- He was sharply critical of Little backed military attacks "must At $2.62 tion Association, yesterday said the two and one-half acre prop- The regional office stated that morning. Silver Mayor P. Paul Campi, who end if peace is to be achieved the salt water marsh mosquito in erty was demolished by workmen is would cost $6,000 more per RUMSON — An ordinance set- According to police. Miss has been attempting to produce in Southeast Asia." the shore area does not present this week. Held In year to operate a separate Union ting the levy for operation of the Graham's car skidded into a a movement for federal aid for Using huge, colored maps of Mr. Karan said there will be Beach post office "and: t would sewerage sjfctem at the same rat bridge abutment at the intersec- mosquito control. the little jungle kingdom, the M apartments of three and oneRobbery- result in no improvement in serv- as last year—$2.62 per water ta[ tion. She was taken to the hos- 'Big Political Deal' President showed how the Com- half rooms each and 12 units ice to Union Beach residents was approved on first reading al pital by the local First Aid "Campi and that whole bunch," munist-run Pathet Lao held only Squad.
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