
THE GREENWOOD MINER. Vol. 1, No. 39. GREENWOOD, B. C, FRIDAY, OCT. 27, 1899. $200 Per Year 1 LOCALS AND PERSONALS. Central camp. On the No. 7 is a 139- C. P. R. PRESIDENT DEAL WENTTHROIIGH foot shaft at the bottom of which are450 As will be seen by an advertisement feet of drifts and cross-cuts. The prin­ elsewhere, a stage line has been estab­ cipal values are in gold and silver. The And Party of Officials Arrive lished between Eholt and Greenwood, Randolph Stuart Sells the lead on the surface has been opened by and wfll carry the mail. The service means of open cuts for a distance of 700 in Greenwood will be bi-weekly, the stage leaving Calumet-Hecla Group feet. A mining plant has been ordered, Eholt at 7:80 a. m. every Tuesday and and it is hoped to place the property on Thursday, and returning the same day a shipping basis at an early date. Over the C. & W. Ry. on a Tour of at 2 ]). m. from Greenwood. To W. L. Hogg, of Montreal—The Inspection — Are Highly Pleased No. 7 Floated-Visit of Old Coun­ The C. P. R. graders, while building W. M. Law has returned from a trip the spur to Central camp, uncovered With Prospects. to Spokane and Portland. He reports try Capitalists. several rich ledges on the Hartford ; in business very brisk everywhere he went. fact they performed thousands of dol­ Thos. McDonell and Mrs. McDonell, lars of work gratuitously. The group The C. P. R. party, consisting of the whose marriage was reported last week, One of the most important recent will be a shipper in the spring. arrived in Greenwood this week, and mining transactions in this vicinity was president and a number of the oflicials, The London & B, C. Gold Fields will were welcomed by many friends. concluded last Friday. Randolph shortly resume work on the Norfolk in arrived on a special train in Greenwood Stuart on that day closed a deal with Real estate is reported as fairly active, Central camp. Wednesday evening at f> o'clock. Tbe W. L. Hogg, of Montreal, for the Calu- with a number of enquiries for property. personnel of tbe visitors was: T. G. met-IIecla group of claims, adjoining A rich strike of copper-gold ore is re­ Shaughnessy, President; W. Whyte, Freight is now being received in the Winnipeg. It is understood that ported from the Majestic in Central Greenwood by the railway. camp. Western Superintendent, and L. A. the price agreed upon was $00,000. Mr. Service will be held morning and eve­ Wood head of Liverpool, who was in the Hamilton, Land Commissioner, Winni­ Satisfactory reports of the progress of ning on Sunday in the Methodist church. city for several days last of this week, is development work on the Strawberry in peg; Geo. McL, Brown, Executive one of the new owners, and is well There has been another change in the Brown's camp, on the north fork of Ket­ pleased with his purchase. He left a Agent, and It. Marpole, Superintendent post office time table. The Grand Forks tle river, has been received here. There day or two ago for England. On Satur­ Pacific Division, Vancouver; P. A. Pet­ mail closes daily at 7 :30 a. m., instead is five feet of shipping ore at the bottom day evening Randolph Stuart enter­ erson. Chief Engineer, Montreal; II. J. of at II :30. of a 00-foot shaft. The ledge has been Cambic. Engineer Pacific Division, Van­ tained a few of his friends at the Imper­ opened up by a series of open cuts on couver; J. I'. Guteliua, Superintendent Messrs. 1). A. Cameron, Tlios. Miller ial to a dinner. A very pleasant eve­ the surface. C. & W., Trail;.I. G. Sullivan, Assist­ and C. L. Thoniet have been out on a ning was spent, a suitable toast list of ant Engineer, Trail; II. C. Dennis, hunting trip. Mr. Cameron will go out speeches and songs having been arranged II. N. Galer, secretary of Granby Track Engineer, Eholt; Captain Troup, again in a few days, for the occasion. Unfortunately Mr. Smelter, and eastern capitalists, have just taade the first payment to .John Commodore of the Kootenay Lake fleet; A. II. B. Macgowan, insurance, ship­ Hogg, was called east on acccount of the Rogers and II. L. Jones on the Hart­ and 1). F. Ooyle, private secretary to ping and general commission agent, illness of bis son, who, it is learned, has ford and Ranger group in Wellington Mr. Whyte, Winnipeg. Accompanying Vancouver, arrived hi town yesterday since died, and was unable to be pres­ camp. An option on the properties the party were 11. S. Holt, president of and went out to-day. ent. was obtained last July by Alex Miller, the Gas Co., Montreal; A. W. Ross, Co­ Two Visiting: Capitalists. Among those registered in the city and G. M. Fripp, of the Merchants' lumbia, and K. S. Barnard, .Victoria. Among the recent visitors here were this week are : G, W. Girdlestone, De­ Bank of Halifax, and J. W. Jones, who W. II. Aldridge, Trail; Ross Thompson, A. W. Crookston, of Glasgow Scotland, troit; E. E. Vincent, Calgary; A. .1. Mc­ subsequently admitted Mr. Galer to an Rossland, and Alex Dick were expected and John Stevenson, of Now Caetle, Millan. A. Fay, B. Stuart, Mr. Ililliard, interest. After development work had in as well, but did not arrive in time. I'enn. They were shown the big mines Rossland; Major II. .1. Cole, Percy [iroceeded for some time, Mr. Galer Upon arrival the party was driven to of the Boundary, and the reservation by Godenrtith, and B. E. Barronds, Spo­ bought out tbe rights of hit* associates, the Imperial, after which an adjourn­ John Me Kane, the Rossland mining op­ kane; A. W. O'Brien, C. F, Richardson, and afterwards secured the co-operation ment was made to the club. At seven erator. Mr. Crookston, who is a min­ Vancouver ; J, E. Melville. New York ; of wealthy eastern parties. The pay­ o'clock they, with several invited guests, ing operator, visited British Columbia A. E. Sutton, Grand Forks; F. S. ment on the bond was made on account had dinner, nbout-twenty-flve in all sit­ last year, and made numerous invest­ Phoeby, San Francisco. of success achieved. ting down. The party returned yester­ ments, lie was the first European to At tho Kamloops Assize last week a day morning to Robson, leaving at nine open up rich phosphates in Algeria, nolle prosequi was entered in the case o'clock. The president is on a tour of that have to a large degree displaced the LOCAL JOTTINGS. of A. C. Sutton, Harry !•'. Gait, D. G. inspection of the entire ('. P. It. system, South Carolina article in the world's Mills and I. 10. Kelly, who had been and is now on his way to the Coast. markets, His companion, who was also Mr. Gaunce, of Gaunce A: Wickwire, committed for trial on a charge of un­ He has traveled so far about 11,700 miles, looking for investments, is a Pennsyl­ in recovering from the effects of hifl viry lawful forcible entry Into the Hotel which in itself gives some idea of the vania steel manufacturer. In Republic severe fall last week, by which he frac­ Columbia, at Columbia. vastness of the interests over which lie they visited the Republic, Quilp, Black tured his right leg below the knee, and presides as chief executive. In the Columbia arson case Cameron, Tail, Sans foil, and I,one Pine before received other injuries. who confessed, was convicted, and sen­ The facts of principal interest to the proceeding to Sheridan camp to examine II. R. Eliott, who has hern for some tenced to the penitentiary for six years. public of Greenwood, which the MINER the Zella M. and the Discovery. On time a resident in the city, left on Sun­ Mullen was acquitted. So also was is at liberty to announce as the result of the return trip the party stopped a day day last for England, to join his regi­ Eugene Stubbs, who was arrested at the visit of Mr. Khaughnessy are as fol­ at l'hoMii.-.. going through the Knob ment for service in the Transvaal war. Eholt lie proved an alibi. lows : Hill aud Old Ironsides, Mr. Crookston A number of friends saw him off, and h • Passenger trains will be into Green­ ,1. II. McFarlane, manager of the Sun­ Is interested in tlie Zella M., which be goes to duty in South Africa with tl.u wood in two weeks, and a regular daily set, hafl gone east tO Montreal. described as a promising property. "I sincerest good wishes of every citizen. service will be Inaugurated on Monday F. Lee Hunt Robbins, son of Frank will return more fully convinced than next. Robbins, Buperini indent of the Domin­ ever of the great mineral wealth of the On Saturday night, at Mrs. Clei'ffs, (."'or the present the track will not be ion Copper Co., Phcenix, diod of ty­ Boundary and northern Washington," Silver street, Win. Ludwig ami Ida laid farther than Greenwood on the phoid fever on Wednesday evening. He said be to our correspondent. ''Abun­ Krinke, both of (Ireenwood, were united mainline. On account of the shortage had been ill for over a month, the dis­ dant capital for good mining properties in marriage by Rev, B, II. Balderston. of steel, and the necessity of laying steel can be obtained in England and Scot­ ease taking :i virulent form towards the An effort is being made to organize a on the spurs before the snow comes, land if the dotation is undertaken by re­ end.
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