Caro WTVB(AM) -Aug 7, 1949: 1590 Khz; 5 Kw -D, 1 Kw -N, Michigan Radio DA -N

Caro WTVB(AM) -Aug 7, 1949: 1590 Khz; 5 Kw -D, 1 Kw -N, Michigan Radio DA -N

Caro WTVB(AM) -Aug 7, 1949: 1590 khz; 5 kw -D, 1 kw -N, Michigan Radio DA -N. Box 1590 (49036). (517) 279 -9767. Tri -State WKYO(AM) -May 19, 1962: 1360 khz; 1 kw -D, 1 kw -N, Bcstg (acq 4- 1 -72). Net: ABC /I, Michigan Farm. Rep: DA -2. 1184 Cleaver Rd. (48723). (517) 673 -2136. Tus- Christal. Format: Adult contemp. Spec prog: Farm 6 cola Bcstg Co. Net: UPI, Michigan Farm Radio. Rep: hrs wkly. Gary Mallernee, pres & gen mgr; Eric An- derson, prog dir; Hart, sls mgr; Whelan, news Unirep. Format: C & W farm. G.D. Arnold , VP & gen Gary Jim prog mgr; Jerry Arnold, gen sls mgr; Larry Watson, prog & dir; Mike Peters, chief engr. Rates: $10.95; 8.75; dir; Robert Byrd, news dir; John Grover, chief mus dir & prom mgr; Ted Maddox, news dir; Kevin 10.75; 5.60. engr. WGPR -TV affil. Rates: $60; 60; 75; 60. Larke, chief engr. Rates: $18; 18; 18; 12. WNWN(FM) -Co -owned with WNB(AM). Nov 11, WHYT(FM)- Listing follows WJR(AM). WIDL(FM) -Co -owned with WKYO(AM). Oct 16, 1974: 1950: 98.5 mhz; 50 kw. Ant 500 ft. Prog sep from AM. WJLB(FM )-1926: 97.9 mhz; 50 kw. Ant 360 ft. Stereo. 104.9 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 300 ft. Prog sep from AM. Stereo. Stereo. Net: ABC/E. Format: Contemp country. Gary Suite 2050 Penobscot Bldg. (48226). (313) 965 -2000. Format: Adult contemp. Rates: $20; 20; 20; 14. Hart, sls mgr; Randy Rowley, prog dir; Denny Bice, Booth Broadcasting. Group owner: Booth American mus dir. Rates: $35; 35; 35; 17. Co. Format: Black, contemp. John L. Booth Il, pres; Charlevoix Verna S. Green, gen mgr; Sheldon I. Leshner, gen sls Dearborn mgr; James Alexander, opns mgr; J. Michael McKay, WKHO(FM)- Listing follows WVOY(AM). mus dir; Al Allen, news dir; Tom Christie, chief engr. *WHFR(FM) -Not on air, target date unknown: 89.3 WVOY(AM) -July 20, 1974: 1270 khz; 5 kw -U, DA -N. mhz; 18 w. Ant 60 ft. Henry Ford Community College, WJOI(FM)- Listing follows W WJ(AM). Box 237, 211 Bridge St. (49720). (616) 547 -4454. New 5101 Evergreen (48128). (313) 271-2750. Henry Ford Bcstg Corp. Net: ABC Rep: Weiss -Powell. Format: /D. Community College. Format: Ed. Spec progs: Class 5 WJR(AM) -May 4, 1922: 760 khz; 50 kw-U. 2100 Fish- Music of your life. Tim Moore, pres; Bob White, stn hrs, jazz 5 hrs wkly. Jay B. Korinek, faculty advisor; er Bldg. (48202). (313) 875 -4440. Capital Cities Commu- mgr; Jan Chapman, gen sls mgr; news Cyndi Smith, Edward Perry Jr., chief engr. nications Inc. (group owner; acq 9- 9-64). Net: NBC. Marvin Veurink, chief engr. Rates: 10; 10; dir; $10; Rep: Eastman. Format: Div. Ron Pancratz, VP & gen 10. WNIC(AM) -Dec 29, 1946: 1310 khz; 5 kw -U, DA -2. mgr; James E. Long, stn & sls mgr; Joe Bacarella, opns 15001 Michigan Ave. (48126). (313) 846.8500. Renais- mgr & prog dir; W. Hal Youngblood, exec prod; Gene WKHO(FM)-Co -owned with WVOY(AM). May 16, sance Communications Inc. (acq 8- 31 -77). Group own- Elzy, mus dir; Rod Hansen, news dir; John P. Begin, 1980: 105.9 mhz; 100 kw. Ant 922 ft. (CP: Ant 903 ft.). er: Josephson International. Rep: RKO. Format: Adult chief engr. Rates: $280! 160* 280' 80 Prog sep from AM. Stereo. Net: ABC/C. Format: Adult contemp. Edward Christian, exec VP & gen mgr; contemp. Bill Vogel, stn mgr; Mike Bensen, prog dir; Lorraine Golden, VP & gen sls mgr; Jim Harper, VP & WHYT(FM) -Co-owned with WJR(AM). June 1, 1948: Mark Kage, mus dir. Rates: $18; 18; 18; 18. prog dir; James E. Brooker, VP opus mgr; Carolyn Krie- 96.3 mhz; 50 kw. Ant 480 ft. Prog sep from AM. Stereo. ger, prom mgr; Jerry Martin, chief engr. 1700 Fisher Bldg. (48202). Net: ABC /C. Rep: Eastman. Charlotte Format: Top -40. Buzz Van Houten, gen sls mgr; Mau- WNIC -FM- Licensed to Dearborn. See Detroit. reen Hathaway, stn mgr; Gary Berkowitz, prog dir; Bob WGWY(AM) -Aug 25, 1956: 1390 khz; 5 kw-D, DA. Schulman, news dir; Hal Buttermoore, chief engr. 1613 Lawrence Hwy. (48813). (517) 543 -8200. Sharon Detroit Rates: $83; 102; 102; 59. Bcstg Co. (acq 7 -7-80). Net: UPI, Great Lakes. Rep: Radio Spot Sls. Format: Relg. Spec prog: Farm 13 hrs CKJY -FM -See Windsor, Ontario, Canada. WJZZ(FM) -May 26, 1960: 105.9 mhz; 22 kw. Ant 724 wkly. Fred C. Jacob, gen mgr; David Huva, chief ft. Stereo. 2994 E. Grand Blvd. (48202). (313) 871 -0591. engr. CKLW(AM) -See Windsor, Ontario, Canada. Bell Bcstg Co. Rep: Weiss -Powell. Format: Jazz. Spec progs: Sports 2 hrs, entertainment guide 2 hrs wkly. WCAR(AM) -See Livonia. Mrs. Haley Bell, pres; Robert B. Bass, gen mgr; Joe Kennedy, sls mgr; John Hill, mus dir; Herman Haines, WCLS(FM) -May 4, 1960: 99.5 mhz; 6.5 kw. Ant 870 opns mgr; Don Stursma, chief engr. ft. Stereo. 20760 Coolidge (48237). (313) 398 -1100. Lig- gett Bcstg Group (group owner; acq 1- 6-83). Rep: WLLZ(FM) -1961: 98.7 mhz; 50 kw. Ant 480 ft. Ster- Selcom. Format: Adult contemp. Robert G. Liggett eo. 31555 Fourteen Mile Rd., Suite 102, Farmington Jr., pres; Joan A. Piccirillo, gen mgr; Dick Kelsey, news. Hills (48018). (313) 855 -5100. Doubleday Bcstg Co. dir; Mike Hayden, chief engr. Rates: $150; 100; -; (group owner; acq 7- 17 -80). Rep: McGavren -Guild. For- mat: AOR. Gary G. Stevens, pres; Michael P. Solan, WCXI(AM) -Dec 17, 1939: 1130 khz; 50 kw -D, 10 kw- gen mgr; Joseph Bacarella, coml mgr; Doug Podell, N, DA -2. 18900 James Couzens Highway (48235). (313) mus dir; Lee Arnold, prog dir; Mark Lantz, chief engr. 345 -8600. TWX: 810- 243 -4002. Golden West Broadcast- Rates: $200; 230; 230; 200. ers Inc. (group owner; acq 6-1-77). Net: MBS. Rep: Selcom. Format: Country. John Risher, VP & gen WLQV(AM) -1925: 1500 khz; 50 kw -D, 5 kw-N, DA -2. WMMO(FM) -Dec 29, 1965: 92.7 mhz; 2.55 kw. Ant mgr; Greg Raab, prog mgr; R.T. Griffin, mus dir; Martin 15401 W. Ten Mile Rd. (48237). (313) 967 -1515. Gan- 320 ft. Stereo. 230 N. Washington Square, Suite 100-A, Raab, prom mgr; Mike Freedman, news dir; Phil Rog- nett Co. Group owner: Gannett Bcstg Group. Rep: Hilli- Lansing (48933). (517) 372 -3333. Ottaway Communica- ers, chief engr. Rates: $200; 180; 180; 140. er, Newmark, Wechsler & Howard. Format: Inspiration- tions Inc. (acq 9-17-82). Net: CBS R /R. Rep: Unirep. al. Paul Nicholas, opns mgr; Jan Brown, gen sls mgr; Format: Soft rock. Bob Ottaway, pres & gen mgr; WCXI -FM-Dec 8, 1964: 92.3 mhz; 21.5 kw. Ant 740 ft. Mike Dault, chief engr. Rates: $50; 55; 55; 50. Jett Crowe, prog dir; Dave Huva, chief engr. Rates: Stereo. Format: Country. Phil Rogers, chief engr. $16; 14; 14; 12. Rates same as AM. WCZY(FM) -Co -owned with WLQV(AM). Feb 12, 1949: 95.5 mhz; 100 kw. Ant 430 ft. Stereo. (313) 967- WCZY(FM)-Listing follows WLOV(AM). Cheboygan 3750. Net: CBS. Format: Top -40. James D. Mulla, pres mgr; Lee Douglas, mgr; Betty Paz- WDET -FM -Dec 18, 1948: 101.9 mhz; 79 kw. Ant 450 & gen stn WCBY(AM) -Oct 28, 1954: 1240 khz; 1 kw -D, 250 w- gen sls mgr; Kathy Means, mus coord; Mark ft. Stereo. 5057 Woodward Ave. (48202). (313) 577- dernik, N, DA-1. 1356 MacKinaw Ave. (49721). (616) 627 -2341. Andrews, news dir. Rates: $200; 90; 100; 35. 4146. Wayne State U. (acq 5-52). Net: NPR, American Fabiano- Strickler Communications Inc. (acq 9- 22 -81). Public. Format: Div. Spec prog: Sp 4 1/2 hrs wkly. Net: ABC/I. Rep: Mich Spot Sls. Format: C&W. WMUZ(FM) -Nov 11, 1958: 103.5 mhz; 115 kw horiz, Judy C. Adams, prog dir; Caryn G. Mathes, gen mgr; James Fabiano, pres; Del Reynolds, gen & coml mgr 89 kw vert. Ant 295 ft. 12300 Radio Place (48228). (313) Karen F. Davis, prom mgr; Frank Joyce, news dir; Rich- & chief engr; Tim Hartley, prog & mus dir; Dian Lindke, 272 -3434. WMUZ Radio Inc. Group owner: Crawford ard Findlater, dev dir. prom mgr; Earl Schroeder, news dir. Rates: $5; 5; 5; Bcstg Co. Format: Relg. Spec progs: Romanian 1/2 hr, 5. WDRO(FM)- July 9, 1947: 93.1 mhz; 20 kw. Sp 1/2 hr wkly. Donald B. Crawford, pres; Frank (CP: 50 kw). Ant 500 ft. Stereo. 20300 Civic Franciosi, gen mgr; Doug Burns, mus & news dir; Iry WOLZ(FM) -Co -owned with WCBY(AM). Aug 15, Center Dr., Southfield (48076). (313) 354 -9300. Amaturo Laing, chief engr. 1968: 105.1 mhz; 25 kw. Ant 105 ft. Prog sep from AM. Group Inc. (acq 10- 12 -82). Rep: Christal. Format: Urban Net: ABC/FM. Format: Contemp hit. Rates: $6; 6; 6; WNIC(AM) Dearborn. Contemp. Spec prog: Talk 2 1/2 hrs wkly. Monte -See 6. Lang, pres; Chuck Borchard, gen mgr; Jeffrey Sleet, WNIC -FM-(Dearbom) December 1946: 100.3 mhz; 50 gen sls mgr; Steve Harris, prog dir; Michael Stardford, kw. Ant 600 ft. Stereo. 15001 Michigan Ave., Dearborn Clare mus dir; Kathy Young -Welch, news dir; Mark Phelps, (48126). (313) 846 -8500 Renaissance Communications chief engr. Rates: $185; 170; 200; 155. WRNN -FM- Listing follows WSDM(AM). Inc. Group owner: Josephson International Inc. Rep: WOTR(FM) -Feb 5, 1948: 90.9 mhz; 47 kw.

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