FEBRUARY f^^Jr..^.^ ESCENT: if � The Crescent. �W. J. GUrnEIE, Editor-in-Cht^. DUFF MEEEICK, Vice-Editor-in-Chief. E. \V. DAY, Business Manager. C0RRE8POSOING EDITORS. Will Cable-ion. Brooklyu, S". Y. EouT. O. IlEiNEH, WnBhington, D. C. Prof. J. N. Stidy, Groeiu'astlo, Iiiiliaiia. PiiOF. W. S EvEESOLU, Wooster, Ohio. C M. Hnvdiui, OkahumkH, Floriilii. A. 1'. 'I'nAUTWuix, Hoboken, N. .1. C. E. Richmond, Jloadville, Pa. Eisv. \V. R. GuK.MNisiiAM, OilessiL, Missouri. CHAPTER SECRETARIES. J'irst <>i'unil Division. Beta Epsilon�Emory College, Geo. W. Ghineh. Osfoni, Alplia� (Grauil Chnpter). Allef;lie(iv College, Chakles Georgiii. B. KnsTi.ER, Box G02, Meadville, I'a. Beta Theta�University of the Soiitli, Rowlaxr Hale, Tau�FraJilvHn ami M^ir.^hall Collesje. ,1. H. Gekhabt, Seivanee, Tenn. No. {i03 W. Oratiiiy St., T.,'Uioaslcr, Fa. Rho�St�vens luRlitute ofTeehuology, E. II. Rice, 3(i2 Third Grand I>ivisIon. Bloonilielil St., Hobokeu. N. .1. Delta�(Grand Chapter), University of lliehigan, A. G. Upsilon�Keiisse I iior PolyMelinie liisiitiitc, 0. A. Zayas, Pitts, Bos -^83, Ann Arboi-, Mioli. Ko. 51 4th St., Truv, New Yorlt. Phi�Hanover Uolleae. L. R. JlKi.ciiEK. Hanover, Ind. Pi�I.ehigh University, E. M. McIi.vaink, South Belh- Epsilon-Albion Collego, VikSwauthoct, Albion, Mioli. leliein, Pa, lota�Michigan AEriciiltiiral College, Lyss Bonham, Gamma�Wasliinsctoii and -Jclfereon College, E. H. Mc- Lan-ing, Miehigan. Faulainij, Box 0U!>, W;isliinsrtou, Pa. Kapp.i�Hillsdale College, L. E. Dow, Hillsdale, Mich. Nu�Lafaj-etlo t'ollcge, .Joun E. Eox, Kasioii, Pa. Beta Bet!i�DePauw University, W, Boyd Johkson, Bui ni;i� Beta Gam Columbia College, Edvauu \V . Clarke. 217. Greeiioastle, Ind. Bos en, TeniiHv, N. J. Beta Iota�Adrian College, E B. Rood. Adrian, Mich, Secoud Uriiiid Uirlsinn. Beta Zeta�Buller University, D. M. Davison, Irvington, Ind. Mil� Ohio J. W (Grauii Chapter). Wesleyan Uuivorsity, Foilrill (iriktid Division. Magrvdeh, 15ox 423,^. Dela�;no, O. Chi�Kenyon College, O. B. II.MiKis, Bus 171. Gambler, O. Lambda�(Grand Chapter.) I.oaibard University.Chas.L. Psi�Wooster Uuiversily. il. M. KiNiiKiiv, Woosler, O. EiiWAUDS, Bos 732, Galesburg. III. Zeta�Weptei-n Keservo Univorsiiy, (Ailelliert College), Omega� Iowa Htate College, W. J. Wicks. Amp=, Iowa. Kent B. Waitk. Bos STO. East Clevob.iul, O. Xi�Sirapsoii Centenary College, N. B. A.shby, Box 21)11, Sigma�Ml. Union College, I.T. Hedi.and, .Mt. Union, Indianola, Iowa. Ohio. Omieron�Iowa State Uuivei'sity, Carl If. Piuieroy, BetJt� Ohio Universiiy, D. L, Johnston'. Attiens, O. Iowa City, Iowa. Theta� Hethaiiy College, F. P.Ahtiiui!. IJeth;mv,W. Va. Beta Et.i � University' of Minnesota, Orris CoLiiijus, Eta�Bnohlol College. F. W. Gii(Bi.;R, Akron, O. '2Q21 Ced.ir Ayeiine, Minneapolis, Minn. Bela Dolta�Uoiversily of Georgia, J. It. Burdett, BetJi ICappa�University of Colorado, Gf.orck Stidgeb, Athens, Georgia. Boulder. Colorado. EXECUTIVE COUSCIL. Pres't�fl. T. Biiicif. Eho, 7S. Hoboken, N. .1. Seo-eiory-WinbehColvis. Bet^. '80. Springfield, O. Treasurer�W . L. McChtkg, Alpha, 7'J, 117 to 121 Wabash Prof. W. S. Eversole. Beta. '(i9, Woosfr, O. Avenue. Chieago, III. W. M. Day, M u, '71. 122 Water Street. Cleveland. O. H.W" PLU.MMER, Alpha, 'S4, Bos 144. Meailville, Pa. A G. Pitts, Delta, 'SI, Bos SS3, Ann Arbor, Mieh. J.W.Magruder, Mu, 'M-1, 13i>x 123J, Delaware, O. C L. Edwards, Lambila, '84, Box "Hi, Galesburg, 111 COMMITTEES. Catalogue Com.�U. T. Bguck, Iloboken. N. .1. SadAgt.� J..A. Mathey. 274 Bloomfleld St, Hoboken, Color ^Ijf.-Akthur G. Glasgow, llfl Hudson St., Ho- Son^ Booh Coni.�]l. P. Washer, 250 N. Duke Street, keii, X. J. Lancaster. Pa. CONYESTIOS. TbeXXTI Convention of the DeltaTau l>elta Fraternity will he Iiebl at W.-itkius' Glen. N.iY.,"Au2ust 20, 21 and 22, 18S4. Tbe oilicers of the Convention are : President. Rev. Benj. F. Ilimmiek ; Vice-President, Wm. W. Cook ; Secretary, J. W. McLane; Orator, Hon. William B. Sutton; Poet, Joliu K. Scott; Historian, A. P. Trautrteiu; Somj Writer, C. M. Snyder. ^% C^KmB^rp Amiciliu nisi inter bonos esse "Mnj- no cloud otecure the Crtst'ent � noR potest Cicero. 0f our Good old Delti Tau." Vol. VU. MEADVOiLE, PA., EEBEUAET, 1884. No. 5. THE WAY AND THE WAYSIDE. The tiresome course, bnt most are fajn to stay. Dark suicide, the devil's damning pit. COKVENTIDN I'OICM OE IKir,. Lies hiilt conceded iu some secluded place ; There, also, victiiua f.ill and Haming lit BY FK.INK P. HKITT. Hell's lake receives them from the world's embrace. I. V. 'Tis ah ! and wouderous Look long at ht', and look as long as vou may, slrj.rge, very strange, odd. This is some for fancied All phases sciin, and se;in tliein aa you will, pit sought by weal, 'lis not Iror man lo know how Yet, hfe's all ups and duwna, a winding way Ilowe'er, God, The willi flnile mind deal. O'er sunny plain, or rough and rngged hill. luliuite, may Skirti'd, sometimes, with forlnnps f^iirt'st fliwers. At Intel vals, on eiiher side, are seen The uf rum- aoul Whose rare aromas all the air perfume. miry slougiis damning rum, Aud men widiin the like brutes demean While here and there are beaute los snmnicr bowers mire, but O ! still others come. Where ir.ivelers rest, and then their march resume. Themse^cs, yel, God, VI. I!. But life's all ups and downs ; we tiiidge along, Sometimes 't's lined with follj's thickert hedge .^nd come lo Plea'Jnre's vale and piiasioj^ park ; Of thorn and poiaouous ill weed. jjriekly i'^nter, ji'tnsc, panai: and linger with the throng Which o'er arouml distill from either edge That surges here iind ihere round many a mark. Miasmal and disea.ses breed. odors, This park is, ah ! a Paradisian placi; 'Tis a even hei-c, along sandy, plain. With lovely groves and gentle slopes and vales ; Where o'er of easeful cus', passage paititis A river serpenting athwart the space. And there 'tis o'er hills aod gulliea main, huge And charming si'cues on which the eye regale;. and vast. Along sleep precipice ledges vn. III. The Ci.ideBS of the Park, ia gay attir.>, litilh 'Tia now full alrpiight ami no departures With graceful move, glides round to each resort ; To lead nawary, wanton feet awrdiig ; And sanclious anght and all that can inspire Aud now it narrows U> a devious pa'h. Her votaries, and wilcli them with ber Epoii. al With roiiny a treaclieroua footway joined ng. Here deals s^ gamblers' cards, and joina the game; Tu travel o'er this way, full oft requires, Tliere music sweet attunes and joijis the dance ; An Ad.iTUantine courage, faitli nnd strength. Here scarlet clad she leads men to ill fame ; For naught bul such imjierial power insp res There actress is, aud plays in lewd romance. tedious li. The mortal on to trudge its leng VIII. IV. .\nd how she lolls beneath the pines or b;isks In mellow sunshine al the liver's side Some falter, fail, aud f.dl bul hulf way througii i ; And fair masks Some earlier, e'en exhausted, faint away. Iheii, assuming deceptive then renew Riots witli and flirts with Pride. Though some renerve Ihemselves, and Luxury 94 THE CRESCENT. All characters are represented here ; XV. Grave Wisdom least, sheer Folly most abound. Could we, but now, usurp prophetic power Vice, Indolence, and Faaliion hold career To augurale new glory for our band, will lower Conspicuous wilh full attendance round. And view the fauis of greatness ihat To this land � rs. show our pr.Jses through lovely ; Here Satan, subtle foe to humankind. Could we now vision strange events to be. Behold our circle's erescive fame Perdition plots fur man in every form. mystic Would zealous Greek the ranks dare Full many, too, alas 1 his subjects blind. any Bee, Or seek to his honored Grecian name ? Still fondly wail, nor held the low'ring storm. cliange It bursts in fnry o'er their heads and sweeps svl. Do ever feel With mad, swift vengeance down the teeming vale, you, my Brolhers, regret In with these true and valiant \VreckB all save him who walehful i igii keeps, joining Greeks, mutual friends have And hastes fo seek salvation from ihe gale. Where only friends wilb mtt And friendship firmer, slronger frien 'ship seeks? Thus fated those the Siren GodJesj leads. Ah, no! deep treasured iu our hearts endure Self immolated at tbe far famed sbrine. The vows of love and friendship here we pledge To in sweet and Defying e'en with ministrant mercy pleads gush mem'ry, sacred, pure. And cheer us e'en the dark The rescue proffered them through grace divine. upon grave's edge. XVII. But life's all ups aud downs. Aside we see The pool of Politics, that stagnant pool. 'Tia Love and Friendship binds our social band, Where haughty Wealth shakes hands with Poverty Not power, nor pomp, nor weiUb, nor gaudy show, And deigns to smile upon the fawuing fool. Fur ihey who seek for these soon understand SL The painful cause of self-deatructioil's woe. Where high-viced vandals arlfully connive. 'Tis love and friendship, holy, true, divine. And monej-pampered Justice drops her scales; What precious meanini; those Iwo words impart I Where Renegades and Kascals sumptnoualy thrive. The wealth of language holds witliln her mind And foul-mouthed Slander^ spotless Fame assails No words of deeper impress on the hear!. Where servile minions haste lo lowly greet xvrii.
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