THE MORXIXG OlSEGOXIAX, FRIDAY. OCTOBER 13. 1922 iniected into the cases of Steve J 1 1 f Tacoma, meeting- of Veteran of AH FLUTE MUSIS .15 CLEAR semevicn ana ireKo .vanori, wno WHITNEY CHORDS -- SINGS Wars. Monday. October 30 : Tacoma, were arraigned before Federal Com Tuesday ihalloween), meeting of colored Wednesday on repubucana of Seattle and Tacoma. Oc missioner Frazer tober 31; astem Washington, Novem charges of violating: the prohibition ber 4. TRIO DELIGHTS RADIO FAXS law. " The accused men, proprietors of a 250 BOTS IX WHITE COS- WITH PLEASIXG MUSIC. north end soft drink establishment, TUMES GIVE COXCERT. DUTY were arrested Tuesday on evidence ENGINEERS SHOWN secured by agents who entered their The Oregonian Broadcasts Other place, bought a round of drinks of Address Given Before Iioca! will pay you to zcatcli moonshine and a pint bottle of the Varied, Interesting Programme It Concert Numbers and Speech liquor. When the bootleggers were Given in Municipal Audi- Branch by Professor Dun lap. before the commissioner their at- Dunlao, sec- on Fire Prevention. torney raised the question of the torium by Youngsters. Professor John H. our windowsforMillinery Specials law of entrapment and held that as retary of the American Society "of the government became a party to Civil Engineers, pointed out the The first flute trio ever broadcast the crime by causing its commis Two hundred and fifty boys In path of duty and civic consecration -- fcy radio in Portland was the feature sion his clients should be freed. white costumes red neckties, "lies before engineers, in Friday "Wednesday .with that th and Saturday ' of the concert sent out Commissioner Frazer thought oth- comprising the Portland "Whitney his address before the local branch night from The Oregonian tower in erwise and held to 7 conjunction with the Shipowners the defendants Boys choxis, were an imposing of American civil engineers at the tele-pho- await grand jury action. According University radio service. No long-distan- group Wednesday night at the mu- club Wednesday night. fur-th- er to officials, Macnix has raised a Figures show 42 per "cent calls were received from on nicipal auditorium,. The programme that oper-z-at- point which the law is not clear. of American men are morons; that than 20 miles out, but an is case was entertaining, and at distance from Port-u""la- It said that the win be varied and is, men with, the intellects of chil- that fought on these lines in the trial gave- a comprehensive idea of the dren of 13, he explained. To. said he could hear every note court. be of the three flutes and pronounced boy talent of the eity. Only a few able to comprehend, therefore, with r it excellent music. n, members were included. profit and safety to the community, The programme was a four-pa- rt Chorus numbers were the most the incalculable discoveries of the affair, consisting: of three different END SESSIONS impressive and were directed by next decade, the tiny minority of ;T kinds of music and a short speech Rev. H. E. K. Whitney, organizer scientific intellectuals who now - on prevention week delivered ftms control them must be widened. fire N of the chorus. The boys sang with T, by L. P. Hewitt in behalf of the com- - a harmony and spirit whidh gave The American Society of Civil En- mittee In charge of the week. Violin evidence of careful training. gineers, Professor Dunlap showed, 1'. solos were played by Miss Pauline OREGON - WASHINGTON COX-FA- B Bill Bassett of Newberg, who is is doing its part in- the widening 7 accompanied by Wolf, Miss Frances JLOVE said to possess .the second highest of national interest and the im In Our Beautiful Hosiery Department vaude-vill- IS FEAST. Byers. Jerry Ryan, baritone e voice in the world, sang "The Holy provement or among IV) STOP! IS singer, sang three new song engineers of country. He - City," singing the last note eight the the hits, assisted at the piano by Miss notes above high "C." He won im- traced the work of its publications XATJOXAI CREST IX Eileen Sprague. Grand Lodges Name Joint Board and membership committees, assert- - mediate favor with his voice and The flute trio consisted of Robert 10,491 " to Promote Proposed Temple his exceptional range. Kenneth ing that the members now Important Sale E. Millard, Miss Margaret Laugnton Allen of Salem, one of the new in the organization are the care- end John Abbett. They played two City of Vancouver. fully chosen persons of y t sopranos of the group, eang "The the selections, trios for flutes-b- Kuhlau Swallows" (Dell Acqua) with real 'I and Furstenau, and in addition John en- T artistry. He responded to two 1,800,000 ctrps played a solo, "Andu-- two-da- y ism Abbett flute SILK - FINE Not a ballot was cast at the cores. Robert Dygart, six years of served at the- Pbji louse" (Pessard), assisted at the state convention of the Knights age, eravo Interna- piano by Mrs. Abbett. a contralto solo and en $5000 TAKEN BY THIEF x 2 of Pythias, which closed Wednesday. core. tional E position. The three solos played by Miss Including- Phone direct Keu&t "Wolfe All business transacted. Duncan Christiansen, in Scotch Securities and Money Orders 7034. were "Ave jVIaria" (Gounod), the election of officers, was by ac- HOSIERY "Cradle Song" (Hauser), and "Three costume, and Bennie Yost, in Irish clamation. The convention was pro boy Stolen From Antomobile. o'clock in the Morning," the last by greatest of costume, a with a double voice, 3 'request. nounced the love feast gave vocal solos. Other soloists Railroad securities, express Mr. Ryan sang new the order ever held here. were James Oeff, violinist; Harold three numbers The - most important matter to money orders and miscellaneous ar- days. Ed- Crane, Just published by Leo Feist. They Gelman, pianist, who more trial for Beveral come before the sessions was that played ticles valued altogether at charged with having liquor In his were "Coal Black Mammy," "Why of new temple "Arliquine" (Chaminade) than $5000 were stolen from the possession, will be tomorrow, com-- .: of the construction a Robinson, ; tried Should I Cry Over You?" and a by grand lodges of Washington Derral baritone Tom automobile of James H. Shearer, 721 His bail was set at $300. edy the Badley, Y.--, number entitled "All For the and Oregon. A committee was ap with his ukelele; Vernon Delaware av&nue, Buffalo, K. Friday and Saturday Ryder, of Mike." pointed from the membership of the xylophone soloist, and Lauren while it was parked at Sixth and The next regular programme to be Oregon lodge Sykes, pipe organist. David Rich Ankeny streets Wednesday nigfht. broadcast from The Orogonian tower grand to meet with ards entertained with a reading. similar Washington committee and The. articles were contained in a 111 IS will be tonight, when George Olsen .discuss ways and means of obtain The programme closed with black leather handgrip. &nd his orchestra will play a con- ing funds for the building, which series of drills, directed by F. C. Shearer listed the following witii cert of dance music. will cost in the neighborhood of Bennett. Ernest Hilsenberg, cap police: Ten 'shares Canadian Pa 0(10 tain, and Robert Glenz, assistant stock, $1500; 32 :- $130, and will be located at Van cific railway value HER- captain, assisted directing com- FOSTER FATHER OF WOMEN ARE RADIO FAXS couver, Wash. la the shares International Cement high-grad- e It will take another day for the group. pany of Spokane, value $3200: $220 BERT; C. HOOVER PASSES. Full fashioned, lustrous grand lodge of 'Pythian Sisters of Rev. Charles "W. MacCaughey in 11 express money orders; razor SThe Oregonian Concerts Enjoyed the state of Oregon to wind up its spoke In the interest of the chorus leather-covere- d auto' clock; heavy Silk Hosiery in all the convention. Principal business ac- and the world's fair In 1927. navy blue woman's coat; oblonff tie and Well-Know- n Throughout Oregon. complished by the Pythian women pin set with black pearl and two desired staple colors and new , That the "lady of the house" is yesterday was the annual election of small diamonds, value $75. Iieader of Friends Church shades to harmonize with Fall an equally enthusiastic radio fan as officers, as follows: Hester Hogan, JOHNSON ON Closes Unusual Career. her lordly male is shown by the let Albany, grand chief; Florence Rand, TOUR ters received from women through Hood River, grnd senior; Celia 1, RESTAURANT IS HELD UP costumes. 2" Bollman, La Grande, grand Junior; out Oregon who have enjoyed The Dr. H. J. Mlnthorn. uncle of Her- Oregonian concerts. Mabel Williams, Yamhill, grand many years Mrs. Carl Gentner of Grants Pas manager; Rose "Farrington, Port- SPEAKING DATES IN CLARKE Robber Takes About $16 From bert C. Hoover and for land, grand associated with the--, history of Ore- writes "We eat up your beautiful mistress of records and COUNTY ARE . concert's every Surely correspondence; Helen Wrightman, ARRANGED. Girl Cashier. gon and the northwest, died Wednes- other night. san- enjoyed last Sunday night's pro Silverton, grand protector; Pear! Miss Milo Garland, cashier of the day morning at the Portland gramme. Wish you great succe, Kinzer, Hubbard, grand guard; Pearl King China restaurant, 543 Wash- itarium as a result cf a relapse with your new set for broadcast Hackleman, Albany, grand press Representative Meets Old Friends was held up 12:10 following a surgical operation. ington street, at Dr. M was foster father ing." in Vancouver and Speaks at A.
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