VOLUME XLII, ISSUE XXVIII THURSDAY, JANUARY 28, 2010 WWW.UCSDGUARDIAN.ORG :7905.)(336; TRITON FOOTBALL ON HOLD Possible upgrade of alll UCSD teams to D-I delays football referendumreferendum until Fall Quarter 2010.0. By Xue Mao Staff Writer After campaigning on a platform last year that prom- JOHN HANACEK/GUARDIAN ised to bring a football team ▶ to UCSD, A.S. President 01)<=;01 Utsav Gupta is postponing those plans until at least Fall Quarter 2010, and is instead ,=*+4=*16:-+7:,<15-,=,= exploring an overhaul of the athletics department. ildfire doesn’t have shit on the spread of dubstep. The slow, wompy A meeting between Gupta darker-sister of the electronic club beat only leaked out the London and Director of Athletics Earl W back-alleys five short years ago; now, propelled by entertainment Edwards last week led to the capicapitalistst the planet over — each determined to be the first to expose the conception of three different unundergroundde — dubstep is under death threat of overpopularity. options for an athletics refer- UUK originals are being flown into LA, dangerously visible under the endum. Because Edwards deter-r- HHollywoodolly magnifying glass. Top-40 leeches like Snoop Dogg, Rihanna mined that the options need to anandd BBritney Spears are catching wind — kicking sparse Lil Jon jangles for be further researched in termss ooff thethe sluggings halts and screeches of dubstep (albeit at its safest and sim- feasibility, no mention of a footballotball pplest).lest Even Wu-Tang tried to ride the sparks of the exploding scene with team will appear on the Spring Quarter a didiscs of classic verses remixed by “indie” dubstep producers. election ballot. I mean, fuck — as of three weeks ago, UCSD has its own dubstep club. Gupta said that this postponementostponement ThThat’sat when you know the hip factor has blown. would put the referendum underder tthehe votingvoting power of the 2010-11 council. See DUBSTEPpage 6 “We’re not pursuing it this quarter,” REBEKAH HWANG/GUARDIAN Gupta said. “Voting will depend on the next student council. And this will probably hap- *(47<:*<;)(*2: pen in [the] next year.” Instead of solely focusing on the creation +W]VKQT;P]V[5MLQI:MO]TI\QWV[ of a football team, the new options look to McEuen, Revelle Senator Jaclyn Storey and Associate upgrade UCSD athletics teams to Division-I. By Hayley Bisceglia-Martin News Editor Vice President of Student Organizations Andrew Ang. Social- As it stands, all UCSD athletic teams are At an open forum held Jan. 26, Kenworthy suggested Division-II except volleyball and water polo, At last night’s A.S. Council meeting, a proposal that media representatives focus instead on the more which do not have separate national divi- to change student-media regulations — which would realistic possibility of a media review board. sions. have mandated administrative supervision of coun- “I think we’re pretty certain this is going to fail,” Science The first and original option Gupta has cil-funded publications — was shelved indefinitely Kenworthy said at the forum. “I don’t think we should proposed for next year’s A.S. Council — after representatives from student even be talking about this right now. My favorite part which would cost students $20 per quarter — OPINION publications such as the Koala, the of this legislation is the media review board.” is the creation of a D-II football team. Why would Muir Quarterly and the Sixth Sense Kenworthy and Ang announced their plans to Tracks The second option would upgrade all anyone want showed up to protest. They argued begin drafting a new proposal that would eliminate UCSD athletic teams from D-II to D-I, as well to hand over student that the guidelines would impose on the faculty sponsorship aspect entirely, and priori- as create a D-I football team. free speech and hinder the growth of tize the creation of a media-specific board to handle The final option would upgrade all UCSD power to an Take a Hit old person? new media. funding. athletic teams from D-II to D-I without the The proposal’s failure did not come As it stands, all campus organizations — includ- addition of a football team. as a surprise to Campuswide Senator Adam Kenworthy, Lack of funding forces According to Edwards, UCSD teams do who helped draft it along with Marshall Senator Brian See GUIDELINESpage 2 not currently compete against schools of international studies and poli- the same academic caliber due to their D-II sci departments to consider standing. He said this might contribute to the lack of enthusiasm students exhibit toward 30-,:;@3,:6-;/,90*/(5+-(46<: changing major requirements. athletics. By Connie Qian “Having a [D-II] football team doesn’t Staff Writer make sense if we only have one team to play,” Edwards said. “This plan is not so much Specialized tracks within social sci- about moving to D-I than to compete against ence majors may be reduced, said A.S. schools more like UCSD. We don’t have Social Sciences Senator Irfan Ahmed, who much in common with the schools we’re announced the proposal at the Jan. 13 A.S. playing against right now.” Council meeting. Moving to D-I would involve competing The proposal is a potential solution for against schools such as UC Riverside, UC offsetting the recent decrease in state funding Irvine and UC Davis. for the University of California, and was sug- Gupta is highly in favor of the sec- gested by Dean of Social Sciences Jeff Elman. ond, most extreme option — which would Currently, majors such as political science advance all UCSD athletics to D-I in addition and international studies allow students to to creating a new D-I football team — and specialize in secondary tracks that are supple- said the current delay in the referendum will mentary to their core requirements. These be worth it in the long run. tracks make majors interdisciplinary, empha- “We’re trying to move all our teams to size subjects such as anthropology, history, D-I,” Gupta said. “That’s worth holding off a communications, linguistics and literature to quarter or two on the question.” offer students a more diverse education. The A.S. Council and the athletics depart- Under Elman’s proposal, these existing ment are hiring a fiscal consultant to evaluate tracks would be combined to create fewer the cost of all options.According to Edwards, and broader subjects of focus. the cost would be in the millions. The selec- According to Ahmed, the budgetary defi- tion process for the consultant will begin next cit is the motive behind the proposal. month. ERIK JEPSEN/GUARDIAN “The department is looking at a 20-per- Readers can contact Xue Mao at Forward — a student organization concerned with social justice — staged ‘Billionaires for Fee Hikes,” a satirical protest that marched from cent budget cut from the state: a $60 million xymao@ Geisel Library to Price Center East Ballroom, interrupting Chancellor Marye Anne Fox’s town-hall meeting. ucsd.edu. See MAJORSpage 9 :762,5 -69,*(:; 50./;>(;*/ :<9-9,769; .(:7,9.(3365 05:0+, LOW I want you crawling back to me THURSDAY FRIDAY *VTPJZ Height: 0-6 ft. 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