MOOSE LODGI SNUBS NEGRO U·NO Pennsylvania may revoke PACIFIC ,QTIZEN Bar liquor license due to bias Membnh,p Poblic::.tton: Jolp"n~fIo AI"f'I~ric;1t1 Citizen .. L.t!_~. ~ ~Ittr 51. lo Ano"I~, C~lrf. 90012; (213) MA. 6.6936 Publt~hed Weeldy hct"pt FIr:.1 dlld La:..1 Wee~ af the Year -{)e ... olld LI,f:.:.. Po t~. P,.lld at Los Angeles, Cihf. II' RA 0) 01'> D S. l.XO SCRAl\TON. Pa. - ... panel ternal organ.i.latiou aud hl- al Conventiou in San !\u.nci!­ ~iltjon ... J PresideJIt of three U.S. Circuit Court dividual members of the co this year voted to chang.. VOL. 71 NO. 18 FRroAY, OCTOBER 30, 1970 12 CENTS judges has ul\'alidaled tbe Liquor Control Board alC de- the e.xclusional'Y clause ill th.. Salt Lake City license of a HatTisburg club fendants. b.\-la",~. Many diverse coneeptis haye that rcfused to scrve Rep. K "Racial dl~Cl'jlllination 1'1:\ Impinged on how people learn. Leroy lr\·is. state Hou.e wldisputed in this case. 11 wa~ t,:lks Cl ub Avoided Sigmund Freud and John Democratic majolity leader. not only practiced against the 'hlcLelluon ~aid the protest DewcJ. perhaps. have had In'is, a Negro. was refused plaintiff by Ule local lodge is being heal'd. He noted a l"t­ USHIBA ACCEPTS mOl'e than a passing infiuence .en'ice Dec. 29, 1968. when he but i. required by the tonsti­ cent letter from "Iayor We. on the theodes of lea111ing went to 11100se Lodge 107 as tution of the supreme lodge," Uhlman to department heads which have affect.ed many ot • guest of House Speaker according to the court opinion mging them not to patronize us during OUl" lifetime. Be­ Herbcli Fineman. a membCL returned Oct 8. private clubs which discI'imi­ HONORARY POST cause Ute only constant thing nate and the United Goo d \\ c ~eem to have is change, Irvis filed a lederal action in which he named the fra- SEATTLE - More t han 20 Neighbor Fund drive in Sno­ the dommant ideas of our gl'oups are pressing for all cnd homish County which moved time must also be subject to to state involvement in discl'i­ its report meetings from the ON JACL PROJECT minatory practices by pl'i\'atc Everett Elk s Club to otber dubs, Molding of th ~ Mind public facilities. New Japan Envoy SeaHie council The Coalihon Against Dis­ Santos sa i d the dl'h ~ is Cl'illlination has as its imme­ more of a nloral issue than Support. East Coast ehangc. mcluding those o! aiate goal the removal of Class a political one, H liquor licenses b'om clubs Issei History Study FI'eud and Dewey. ~ay "They are a gl-OSS insult to When do children start. to help reduce \\' hie h ~xelude non-whites a man with dark sk'in." San­ learn'! It has been suggested h'om membership, tos said, (Sj)edal 10 the P.aclftc Cll1ua) Robert H, Santos. director Tbe coalition plans an ad­ NEW YORK-The Han. Nobu­ that certain traits o! children of the St. Peter ClaveI' Cen­ IU'. developed before birth anti·bias in clubs \ertising campaign to seek hiko Ushiba, Ambassador ~.,.­ Some authorities have ex­ ter. and Colin McLennan. di­ support of legislators and to TUNNEY IN LI'f'.rLE TOKYO-Supporle,., Henry Ohta and At't Ka1a~'aJl1a, Ovel' 200 traol'dinal'~' and Plcnipotcn­ pressed an opinion that chil­ ,ector of the South SnOhomish petition the Liquor Control of Rep. John Tunney [01' U,S, Senato), es­ Asian Amc.ricaJl!' gathered to \'I.elcome lhe tiary of Japan to th,. Unitcd SEATTLE - The City Coun­ County Council on Human Re­ Board to change the regula­ corted the Congressman during his cam­ Democratic candidate, Kata.:ram» andFI'ank dren may be influenced "'Cl'Y lations, said the coalition :lcon_ Statcs. has accepted th,. inVI­ early in life ranging from the cil Judiciary and Personnel tions granting Class H liquor paign slopover in Little Tokyo Ocl. 16. The" Chuman are co-chairmen or the Little To­ tation to serve as an honorary Committee last week ordered demns lhe granting or liquor licenses. co-chairman of the East Coast first six weeks, the first six licenses to social clubs which are (from left) Jun Mori. Ken Nakaoka, kyo Committee Cor Tunney months to the first six years, a resolution prcpared Ihat, if T b e Slate BOat'd Against George Ige" Tunney, Mrs, Marjorie Shimlo. -Cut Courtes)'. Ralu Shilllpo .J apanese History Project br­ Advocates of carll' leatning passed by the Council, would discriminate bee a use thiS! Discrimination held • public ing spousored by the Japanese feel that traits acquired dur­ put it on record opposing amounts l the state ubsidiz­ hearing on the issue last week. American Citizens League, ac­ racial discl'jmination in social ing discrimination ," cording to Joe lmili, proj('ct ing these fOlmative years wilJ Both are membcrs oj a la­ be the dominanl traits for the and fraternal clubs. Cou rt Test Due cbairman, Phil Hayasaka H u D'l an metnbcr executive committee The matter a 1 so i:5 being S teN- - f -I f f Serving with Amb~!s!iadCJr balance of a person's life, l for the coalition, There is no question that Rights Department director. tested in United Stales District, an a ruz Isel ami y 0 our Usbiba as honorary co-chai... - the combination of genes will was asked to prcpat'e a pro­ 'RepUCJ1llut' Court where a suit challeng- men ne Professor Edwin 0_ posed l'esolution after the Reiscbauer of Harvard Uni­ be a limiting factor for evel'Y­ Saulos said: ~nc. Unless we geneticaliy de­ Asian Coalition tor Equality ;~!~~:m!iqt~OL~1Wea~f~b~~~~ versity and S e " DaOlel K. asked the Council for support ':CAD feels very strongly murdered one suspect arrested Inouye or Hawaii. ve10p a purely eugenic so­ that ihe Liquor Board's sub­ in battling discrinlination in Among the Ol'ganlZahons In , Ambassador Ushiba alTlved t'lely. \\ e must continue the sidy to these clubs is especial­ randoln selection method that clubs. Ihe coalition: in Washington a fe\\' weeks ACE is asking counciJmeu ly repugnant to nonwhite tax­ United Tndi;uu of AU 'll;lbu, ago to assume Japan'. top fo­ )lOW exists. Thus. it appe31's, payers who have their taxes Social Action Committee 0/ the SANTA CRUZ - A mW'deL' 'fht bodies v.. ere discover­ tion of w hat county sheriff what we initially start out to go on record as agreeing Priest Senate, Catholic 111ter~\ '~ · story of a Japanese AmeriCall ed Monda~' evening b;r ftre~ Douglas J ame. had decribed reign diplomatic post. ConsI­ not to pat.ronize the Elks. used to give discriminaton' dered to be an expert in eeo­ with will. generally, be left dal Council, Highliue Council fo)' eye SUl'geon, his Caucasian men responding to a sherifi' 3$ "tbe most gl'uesom~ crime ilJoose 01' Eagles; not to ac­ social clubs a discount on li­ Racial Equality. the East Valley nomit' aff'ail'!), prior to hi. to chance, However, in spite quor purchascs," and Federal Way Human ReJ ..- wife, two sons and secl'eial',Y report o[ a fire in the Santa jn count~· histor~'," cept invitations as gue£t lion~ Alnerican assignment he was or the !)omewhat haphazard Council, Join Rand!;, Pro· that commandcd the (ront Cruz mOllntains, Rite~ ~clcction speakers, and to ';Ul'ge il'iends The coaJition has \\ rineH to ,) ect Equality. Seattle HUman Catholic Burial the Vice l\Iinister o( Foreign method, we arc fo)'­ elected officials asking 101' sup­ page of all newspapers in the Autopsy reports rc\'caled tunate enough to be, as a and colleagues to support this state fol' 1he entil'e week cul­ Ohta was shot thlee times in 1'he same morning the SUl'­ Alfail:s. whicb i. equivalent effort, unless and until such port. fe~~s~ t &l;~rrtk~c~ur~cr~~~ to being Under Secretary of whole, quite well endowed in­ dl of Greater Seattle, Washln&!­ minated at week's-end with the back. apparently \\'ith a pect was anesled. Dr Ohta. time as these 11'ate111al organi­ Santos cited I'espouses (rom tOll Demotratio Council. South th~ State in the United States. At tellectually and physically. Senator Henry 1\1 Jackson, arrest and al"aig'llment or ,38 ('a!iber revolver: the oUler his wife and two sons were zations eliminate the 'whites Snohomish County Human ReJa- the su,pect. victims. wife Vil'ginia, sons buried after Roman Catholic olle lime. Mr Ushiba sen'ed Wisdom seems to dictate only' requirement {or mem­ who said he is opposed to ex~ 1ions Council, Unit~ Church ot a!ll Japan's em:oy to Canada. that if we arc b0l11 with cer­ Christ. Central Area CIvil Rirhls John Linley Frazier, 2.­ 'Richard and VictOL and sec- scL'Vices at Ho}y Cross Church bership:' eluding anyone from member­ Dorotb~' Har~aT d tain abilities, we should at­ ship but will stay Ul the Elks Commit1ee, SeatUe Urban Lea:ue, ;otear-old IOlmel' garage me­ retary Mrs, Cadwal- in Santa Cruz, Fl'. William Sa VaJJ t Anti-Defamation Lea;ue, '£cume­ chanic who "dl'opped out" and ladeI'. onc,. in lhe back \vitb Scully. in his Requiem Mass le-mpl to maximize how ef­ Restriuth'c MeDlbersbip Club to work [or change from ~leh'opolitan Cen~ nical Mmistry. became 3 hippie, was arl'est­ • ,22-ealibel' revolver.
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