PROCEEDINGS OF THE Georgia State Society OF THE National Society OF THE Daughters of the American Revolution 1960-1961 Mrs . Samuel M. Merritt__ ________________________________State Regent Mrs . S. M. Page Rees ___________________________________State Recording Secretary PROCEEDINGS COMMITTEE Mrs. William C. Robinson , Chairman "A people which takes no pride in the noble achievements of remote ancestors will never achieve anything worthy to be remembered by remote descendants ." -Macaulay . Non sibi sed aliis-COLONIAL MOTTO OF GEORGIA STATE OFFICERS, 1960-62 STATE REGENT-Mrs . Samuel M. Merritt, 234 W. Dodson Street, Americus STATE FIRST VICE REGENT-Mrs. Thomas Knox Kendrick, 2203 Springdale Drive, Columbus STATE SECOND VICE REGENT-Mrs. Ben I. Thornton, Tallulah Lodge STATE CHAPLAIN-Mrs Herman M. Richardson, Blakely Heights, Blakely STATE RECORDING SECRETARY-Mrs. S. M. Page Rees, 137 Huntington Road, N .W., Atlanta 9 STATE CORRESPONDING SECRETARY-Mr s . James Rogers Bu chanan, 1219 L ee Stre et , Amer icus ST ATE TREASURER -Mrs . R. Hugh Reid, Loop Road, Vidalia STATE CONSULTING ORGANIZING SECRETARY-Mrs. Ralph A. Lovelace, 186 Hines Terrace, Macon STATE CONSULTING REGISTRAR-Mrs. E. J. Smith, Homerville STATE HISTORIAN-Mrs . Wallace L . Harris, 1000 Second Street, Cochran STATE LIBRARIAN-Mrs. H. Prentiss Derry , 1006 Sixth Avenue, Albany - STATE CURATOR-Mrs. J . Carleton Vaughn, Box 478, Augusta MRS. SAMUEL M. MERRITT State R ege nt 19 60-1 9 62 ( In costume of H ostes s at "'Ros a lie" , Natchez, Miss issipp i, March 24, 19 61) MRS. T HOMAS EA RLE STRIBLI NG Chap l ai n GeEera l Nal.iona l Soc-i ety Da u g ht ers of t h e Am er i can, R ev olu t i on 1959 -19 62 MRS. HAROLD IRVINE TUTHILL Vic e Prnsid ent Gen e ral National Society Daughters of the Am eri can Revolution 1960-1963 MRS. BEN I. THORNTON MRS. HERMAN M. RICHARDSON STATE SECOND VICE -REGENT STATE CHAPLAIN MRS. THOMAS K. KENDRICK STATE FIRST VICE -REGENT MRS. S. M: PAGE REES MRS. JAMES R. BUCHANAN STATE RECORDING SECRETARY STATE CORRESPONDING SECRETARY MRS. R. HUGH REID MRS. RALPH A. LOVELACE STATE TREASURER STATE CONSULTING ORGANIZING SECRETARY MRS. E. J. SMITH MRS. WALLACE HARRIS STATE CONSULTING REGISTRAR STATE HISTORIAN MRS. H. PRENTISS DERRY MRS. J. CARLETON VAUGHN STATE LIBRARIAN STATE CURATOR CONTENTS Bylaws of Georgia State Society ___________________________________________________l 5 2 Calendar, 19 61-19 6 2 ____________ ·----------------------------------------------- 1 71 Chapter Regents Directory -------------------------------------------------------------- 7 Chapter Regents' Club ________···------------ ---------··------- --- ----------------------- 18 0 Committees, 19 61-19 6 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 National ______-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 State Standing ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13 Honorary, Past, and Active National Officers _______ ______________ 5 Honorary State Rgents, Georgia DAR -------------- -------------------- 6 In Memoriam ------------ ------------- ----- ------------------ 16 Items of Information: ____________________________________________________________l 5 9 A wards 19 61-19 6 2 ________________________________________________________l 6 2 Historical Collections, Georgia DAR ________________________________________l 61 Honor Holl Reg uirements __________________________________________ l 6 5 Information for Regents _________________________________________________________l 6 0 Memorials __________________________________________________________________ __ ___l 61 Patriotic Days to be Observed ________________________________________________l 7 3 Program Suggestions, 19 61-19 6 2 ____________________________________________l 7 3 State Meetings ( See Calendar) ____________________________________l 5 and 1 71 Trophies ( 19 61-19 6 2) ______________________________________________________________l 6 7 Winners of A wards and Trophies (19 6 0-19 61) -------------------·16 8 Meadow Garden Data ----------------------------------------------------------------------8 2 Minutes: Georgia Delegation at Seventieth Continental Congress ________3 8 Sixty-Third Annual State Conferenc e ----------------------------------- 25 State Board of Management Meeting, October 27, 1960 ______19 State Board of Management Meeting, March 6, 1961 ____________26 National Officers . --------------------------------------------------------------- 4 National Society, Children of the American Revolution _______________l 8 2 Organization of Chapters _______________________________________________________________l 7 6 Report and Itinerary of State Regent ______________________ 40 Reports: Ch apter ___________________----------------------------------- ---------------------------- 91 Committe es, National ------------------------------- ------- 60 Committees, Special -------------------------------------------------------------- 7 7 Committees, State Standing --------------------------------------------------- 7 8 0 ff ice rs __________------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- 4 O Reso 1u tions -----------------------------_____________________________________________21 and 3 5 State Conferences ____ _ __ _______________________________l 5 8 State Officers, 1961-1962 ___ ____ ___ 2 State Officers' Club __________________________ _________ ________________l 78 State Regents, Georgia DAR ____________ _______ __ 6 Vice-Presidnts General from Georgia 5 3 THE NATIONAL SOCIETY OF THE DAUGHTERS OF THE Al\lI<]RICAN REVOLUTION Organized-October 11, 1890 NATIONAL OFFICERS - 1959-1062 President General Mrs. Ashmead White, Administration Building, 1776 D Street, N.W., Washington 6, D. C. I<'irst Vi ce Pr eside nt General Mrs. \Villiam H. Sullivan, 10 Scarsdale Avenue, Scarsdale, New York Chaplain General Mrs. Thomas Earle Stribling, 3 443 Roxboro Road, N.E., Atlanta 5, Georgia •Recording Secretary General Organizing Secretary General Mrs. Erwin F. Seimes Mrs. Allen L. Baker Treasurer General Historian General Miss Marian I. Buras Mrs. F. Clagett Hoke Corresponding Secretary General Librarian General Mrs. Edward C. Brewer Mrs. Ros .s B. Hager Registrar General Curator General Mrs. Austin C. Hayward Mrs . 0 . George Cook Reporter General to Smithsonian Institution Mrs. Jack F. Maddox Vice Presidents General ( Term of office expires 19 6 2) Mrs . Earl Foster, Oklahoma Mrs. Forrest F . Lange, New Hampshire Mrs . Henry C. Warner, Illinois Mrs. Charles R. Petree, Ohio Mrs. Maurice B . Tonkin, Virginia Mrs. S. Talmadge Pilkington, Mississippi Mrs. Thurman C. Warren, Jr ., New York ( T er m of office expires 19 6 3) Mrs. Davis Edwin Gamble, Arizon a Mrs . Harold Irvine TuthiJI , Geor g ia Mrs. Claude George Stotts, Ore gon Mrs. Richard F. Carlson, Colorado Mrs. Jack son E. Stew a rt , Florida Mrs. Eclwarcl Davis Schneider, Louisiana Mrs . Alfred C. Zw eck, Iowa • All addresses 1776 D Street, N.W., Washington 6, D. C. 4 (Term of offi ce exp ir es 19 64) Mr s. Edgar Ryerson Riggs , Te xas Mrs. Ri ch ard Edward Lipscomb, South Carolina Mrs. Leon a rd Ceahurn Mccrary, Alabama Mr s. John G. Bi el, Indian a Mrs. F. Lloyd Young, Minn es ot a Mr s. Frank Shramek, Maryland HONORARY PRESIDENT GENERAL Mrs. Julius Young Talmadge , Athens (President General , 1944-1947) HONORARY VICE PRESIDF,N'.r GENERAL •Mrs. Howard H. McCall, Sr., Atlanta, 1948 REGISTRAR GENERAL 1953-1956 Mrs. Leonard Wallace , Madison CHAPLAIN GENERAL 1959-1962 Mrs. Thomas Earle Stribling VICE PRESIDENTS GENERAL FROM GEORGIA *Mrs. Lucian Cocke, 1892. *Mrs. Albert Cox, 1893. •Mrs. Fleming C. Bailey, 1894-1895. •Mrs. Hoke Smith, 1894. *Mrs. William Dickson, 1896-1897. *Miss Anna Caroline Benning, 1898-1899 . •Mrs. S. B. C. Morgan , 1900-1904 . *Mrs. Robert Emory Park, 1904-1907. *Mrs. Ira Yale Sage, 1908-1909 . *Miss Anna Caroline Benning, 1910-1912 . *Mrs. William Lawson Peel, 1912-1913 . *Mrs. Sheppard W . Foster, 1915-1 9 17-1920 . *Mrs . How ard H . McCall, Sr ., 1922-1925. Mrs. Julius Y. Talmadge, 1926-1929. •Mrs. Herbert Fay Gaffney, 1931-1934. *Mrs. Julian Mccurry, 1934-1937 . Mrs . William Harrison Hightower, 1940-1943. Mrs. Thomas Coke Mell, 1943-1944. Mrs. Ober DeWitt Warthen, 1946-1949. •Mrs. Mark Smith, 1949-1950. Mrs. Young Harris Yarbrough, 1951-1954 . Mrs. Thomas Earle Stribling, 1954-1957. Mrs. Robert H. Humphrey, 1957-1960. Mrs. Harold Irvine Tuthill, 1960-196: *Deceased . 5 STATE BEGENTS OF THE GEOBGIA STATE SOCIETY OF THE NATIONAL SOCIETY DAUGHTEBS OF THE AMEBICAN BEVOLUTION Date Name Chapter Town 1. 1891 •Mrs . Augustus Ramon Salas Edmund Burke Waynesboro 2. 1892 •Mrs . Harry Jackson Atlanta Atlanta 3. 1893-1897 •Mrs. S. B. C. Morgan Savannah Savannah 4. 1898 •Mrs. Porter King Atlanta Atlanta 5. 1899-1902 •Mrs. Robert Emory Park Mary Hammond Washington Macon 6. 1903-1904 •Mrs. Ira Yale Sage Atlanta Atlanta 7. 1906 Mrs . Jamee A. Rounsaville Xavier Rome 8. 1907-1908 •Mies Anna Caroline Benning Oglethorpe Columbus 9. 1909 Mrs. P. W. Godfrey Sergeant Newton 10. 1910-1912 *Mrs. John M. Graham Fi elding Lewis c~!~fe\~~ 11. 1912-1914 •Mrs . Sheppard W. Foster Atlanta Atlanta 12. 1914-1916 *Mrs . Thaddeus C. Parker Mary Hammond Washington Macon - 13. 1916-1918 •Mrs . Howard H. McCall Atlanta Atlanta 14. 1918-1920 *Mrs. James S. Wood Savannah Savannah 15. 1920-1922 Mr s. Max E. Land Fort Early Cordele 16. 1922-1924 Mrs. Charles Akerman Mary Hammond Washington Macon 17. 1924-1926 Mrs. Julius Y. Talmadge Elijah Clarke Athens 18. 1926-1928
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