289289 TauTau BetaBeta PiPi ScholarsScholars && BiosBios forfor 2019-202019-20 Sarah C. Adams, GEICO No. 65 Steven J. Armbruster, Dodson No. 73 Génesis Ayala De León, Campbell No. 45 Sarah is a bioengineering major at the University of To- Steven is a chemical engineering major at Purdue Génesis is a senior electrical engineering student at ledo. Throughout her undergradu- University. He will serve as IN the University of Puerto Rico, ate studies, she has participated in Alpha Chapter president during the Mayagüez. She has participated research at the Univ. of Michigan 2019-20 school year and was previ- in REUs and internships with the and the Univ. of Toledo, resulting ously the chapter vice president. At SLAC National Accelerator Lab, in two publications. She has also school, he has performed extensive U.S. Dept. of Energy, U.S. Dept. worked at Striker Spine (formerly research in the field of soybean of Defense, and Lockheed Martin. K2M) in their research and de- genetics. This summer, he is work- Génesis is working as a flight con- velopment department. She plans ing as a fuels technology intern at trols and autonomy systems intern to attend graduate school after ExxonMobil and plans to work in and plans to work in the industry, complete graduate graduation in pursuit of a PhD. the oil and gas industry after graduation. studies, and mentor the next generation of engineers. Syeda N. Ali, Skaggs No. 2 Prasidh Arora, Stabile No. 791 Daniel S.W. Ayoub, Jennings No. 1 Syeda is a senior at the University of Illinois at Chicago Prasidh is a senior studying computer engineering with Daniel is a senior studying electrical and computer majoring in electrical engineering minors in computer science and engineering with an applied math- and minoring in computer science. mathematics at Miami University ematics minor at the University of She hopes to work in industry for (OH). During his time at Miami, Virginia. He supports the research a few years before coming back Prasidh was heavily impacted by and development of high-perfor- to school for a master’s degree. In his time and work with Engineers mance photodiodes produced by the past, she has completed two Without Borders, the Lockheed Dr. Andreas Beling and his team software engineering internships Martin Leadership Institute, and at UVA. Daniel serves as vice chair at start-up companies. This sum- Theta Tau Professional Engineer- of the Undergraduate Research mer she is working as a hardware engineering intern at ing Fraternity. Post-graduation, Prasidh looks forward Network and is a member of the UVA Raven Society. He Northrop Grumman. to starting his career in Seattle as a program manager. has plans to attend graduate school in pursuit of a Ph.D. Anson S. Allard, Nagel No. 51 Abraham O. Atte, Brems No. 8 Sophia B. Azevedo, Record No. 1454 Anson is a senior studying computer engineering at Abraham is an aerospace engineering major at the Sophia is majoring in mechanical engineering at Or- Cedarville University. In addition University of Kansas. He serves as egon Institute of Technology. She to Anson’s passion for learning, this KS Alpha Chapter initiation chair, will serve as OR Delta Chapter year he will work on an autonomous as a University ambassador, and recording secretary her senior vehicle. He is also involved in his an active member of the honors year. Sophia also works for Peer school’s Jazz Band, Tau Delta Kappa program. Abraham is also involved Consulting and Admissions on (honor’s org), is a local missions in Sigma Gamma Tau, Phi Mu Al- campus. She spent the summer at leader, grades engineering course- pha, and the Torch Chapter of the The Boeing Company as a process work, and is a TA for digital logic de- Mortar Board. He’s interned with engineering intern. She is inter- sign. After graduation Anson plans the National Space R&D Agency in Nigeria and plans on ested in renewable energy and sustainability and plans to work in industry. He is considering pursuing an MBA. grad school work on projects within propulsion systems. to pursue efforts to combat climate change in her career. Colin R. Anderson, Dechman No. 5 Ye N. Aung, Alford No. 16 Alexander Baikovitz, Record No. 1455 Colin grew up in Lodi, California. He is currently Ye is a senior at California State University, Los Angeles Alex is a robotics and mechanical engineering student studying chemical engineering studying electrical engineering. at Carnegie Mellon University at Brigham Young University He’s involved with the Baja SAE and serves as PA Gamma Chapter with a minor in World Dance. team and will be SHPE student vice president. He has worked Colin aspires to become a college chapter president. Ye is interning at on parachute and mechanism professor and to do research into Cummins as an electronics design development as a SpaceX intern, the prediction of thermodynamic engineer, volunteered at numerous created robotic navigation aids for properties of compounds. MESA events at his school, and people the blind, and systems to served as supplementary instruc- model nuclear facilities. Alex hopes tor for summer transition program. Ye plans to pursue to lead the creation of autonomous robotic systems to master’s degree in controls engineering after graduation. explore extreme environments on Earth and in space. 2019 FALL 27 Spencer A. Baker, Record No. 1456 Ronghua (Andy) Bei, Dodson No. 75 Connor J. Boland, Maniscalco No. 4 Spencer is a senior at Brigham Young University study- Andy studies chemical engineering at the Colorado Connor is pursuing a B.S. in chemical engineering at ing mechanical engineering. He School of Mines, with a focus on Rutgers University and serves as the works in the Neuromechanics Lab data analytics and simulations. He is NJ Beta Chapter engineering govern- to develop innovative treatments for involved in undergraduate research, ing council representative. He is the the neurological disorder essential AIChE, NAE Grand Challenges current president of the Rutgers ΩXE tremor. For his proficiency of the Scholars Program, and undergradu- Chapter. Connor conducts research Spanish language and culture, Spen- ate student government. Opportuni- in the field of dry catalyst manufac- cer has earned a language certificate ties from the Occidental Petroleum turing. After graduation, he plans from BYU. After completing his Corp., BP America, and Johns on pursuing a career in one of the undergraduate studies, Spencer will pursue a master’s Hopkins University have helped him grow. Ultimately, fields that he interned in, pharmaceuticals or business, degree with an emphasis in biomedical engineering. he wants to become a problem solver who creates value. and hopes to return for graduate school to get an MBA. Nana A. Balougun Mohammed, Record No. 1457 Logan S. Bennett, Scribner No. 52 Amy L. Bordogna, Record No. 1461 Aisha started studying computer engineering at Universi- Logan is a senior studying civil engineering at Brigham Amy studies biomedical engineering with a chemistry ty of Wyoming in 2016 at the age of Young University. He has served as minor at Rensselaer Polytechnic 16. She aspires to bridge education BYU’s ASCE student chapter net- Institute and serves as Alpha Phi vice divide and increase accessibility to working chair and is now serving president of community relations. online learning in developing coun- as the student liaison of BYU’s ITE She has participated in research at tries. In 2019, Aisha fundraised over student chapter. He has researched Harvard Medical School in sleep $750 and organized a workshop in traffic incident management for the medicine, as well as at Mass General Ilorin, Nigeria, based on Arduino Utah Department of Transportation Hospital, focusing on bone marrow Microcontrollers. Aisha interned at and has interned at a consulting firm stem cells in stress and cancer treatment. Her goal is to at- Twitter this past summer and upon graduation, hopes to doing roadway design work. After graduation, he plans to tend medical school and use her engineering background apply her skills to further a software company’s growth. pursue a master’s degree in transportation engineering. to explore innovative health treatments. Victor M. Barboza Pereira, Record No. 1458 Sergio S. Bernabeu Penalba, Brems No. 9 Christopher F. Bosso, Skaggs No. 3 Victor is a mechanical engineering major at the Uni- Sergio is a senior in aerospace engineering at Saint Christopher is studying electrical engineering and math- versity of New Orleans and serves as Louis University. His research con- ematics with a minor in computer sci- LA Epsilon Chapter president. He is sists of the integration and software ence at the University at Buffalo. He’s a researcher at Energy Conversion development of MVP-Argus, an AI- done research on Terahertz Band com- and Conservation Center at UNO. bearing research CubeSat that will be munication networks and works as the The research is focused on CFD launched into LEO in Oct. 2019. Ser- communications lead for his univer- modeling of the dynamic multi- gio plans to attend graduate school to sity’s nanosatellite laboratory. He has phase flow inside rotational paper further study orbital mechanics or interned at the Air Force Research Lab dryers. Victor plans to get a master space environments and habitats. He wants to pursue and NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. Christopher of science degree in mechanical engineering with a a career in research in a microgravity environment to plans to attend graduate school to pursue a Ph.D. focused concentration in thermal-fluid sciences. help solve some of humanity’s engineering challenges. on novel wireless communication networks. Katherince C. Bassett, Record No. 1459 Amar A. Bhardwaj, Soden No. 12 Gabriel A. Braboy, Record No. 1507 Katherine is majoring in mechanical engineering and Amar is a Goldwater Scholar and two-time Udall Scholar Gabriel is a senior in civil and environmental engineering minoring in environmental studies, majoring in chemical engineering at at the University of Illinois at Urbana- electrical engineering, and math at Columbia University (CU).
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