TRIPURA TRIBAL AREAS AUTONOMOUS DISTRICT COUNCIL oFFtcE oF THE pRtNClpAL OFFICER (ARDD) KHUMULWNG : WESTTRIPURA c" No. F. 60(47)/ADC/ARD D 1A I G eed / 201,8 I JV l t Dated, 4:! S_Jzofi Notice lnviting Tender for Anima! -irds feed t. Sealed iender are invited on behalf of Tripura Tribal Areas Autonomous District Council from bonafide SSI registered manufacturers/ suppliers for supply of different kind of prepared Pig/Poultry feeds to the Society for Poultry & Piggery Development, TTAADC, Belbari and other 3(three) Pig Farms of TTAADC at B.C. Manu, Kanchanpur & Nabinchara as per lSl specification & conditions enclosed in Annexure - A & B. The Notice lnviting Tender can be seen in TTAADC website 2. The detailed Terms & conditions, specifications along with the Tender Forms can be obtained from the Office of the Principal Officer(ARDD), TTAADC, Khumulwng w.e.f.2gth September.2018 to 9th october.2018 from 11.00 hrs to 16.00 hrs on all workine davs production on of a Bank Draft for Rs. 1000/- (Rupees one thousands only) in favour of the Principal Officer, ARDD, TfAADC, Khumulwng, piyable at Tripura Gramin Bank, Khumulwng branch (non-refundable), the firm registration & the application signed by the intending Tenderers in prescribed Format (Annexure - F). 3. Tender documents for Technical bid as well as Financial bid must be submitted separately to the undersigned in sealed cover/envelop clearly marked with .,Technical ,,Financiat and bid for Tender for pig & poultry Feed" through These two sealed envelopes shall be placed inside a large sealed cover and the same may be submitted marked with "Tender for Pis & Poultry Feed." The Technicat Bid shall contain all necessary tender documents except the rate offered. The Financial bid shall contain only the rate offered by the bidder. The financial bids will be opened after scrutiny of the technical bids. As such, the whole tender documents shall be reached to the Office of the undersigned within 28th september'2o18 to 10th october'201g on all workins davs from 10.00 hrs to 17.00 hrs and shall be opened on 1lth octoberj20ig ,t ts.oo hrr, if possible. The Tenderers or their authorised representative may remain present during opening of Tenders No 4. tender shall be received after 5:00 p.m. of 10th october' 2OL8 & if received, shall be treated as invalid and this office will not be any way responsible for the postal/ courier delay. The authority reserves the right to cancel/reject partly or fully any or all the tender process without assigning any reason thereof. ,r,..r.hton Principal Officer (ARDD) TTAADC, Khumulwng Jripura frihaI Area Aulotrornrrrrs tli:;trir.t I !f[i, r.,rI llrr.',r;;1,,1iy1ls,y11fny1l lI A1.r ir rrltrrrr Rttl.rair hari Agri Srrfr Divi.;iqrr 5abrrrom,Sorrth lri;lr rra irlrr t, / (,t) ltAlAgri/ADClzOll-18/ g-37 y. I I []atr:rl, lt) lrnltott tr":lr llltirt' lrr\ritinfl [pndr:r orr heltalf of Triprrra Irihal Areas iriionoryrnrrs Disttir::l (.aurrril ' ,r ,171,1 ,rrrrl 11' plarr lralrr:r is lreretry irnritRtj by lhe unflcr-siqrrerl for rlrtolirtg Iirirrg rale 6l i(orrr:) iti/lritr'" ( 0lottr Maruti (t''ntrol) Ornni vehir-le lor the crffire of the strperirrterrclent of 'ir t: rriirllr' irr;11;111 flari 41:ri Stth !)ivisioll 1allr00m, 5oulh I'r.ipttr.a Ihe Vehirle nray lre rerlrtired for a i)L ri,,il ,,1 l(lrrr,)V{:.r'l ;r!rl likr:ly }ro lrr evlnnlf6,rJ thereafter fhe itrtoresteCl ,:rwners ryray qlotp rate tor ' | ' ' !'' l'""r' dt'ltr rr^r ' 'Ir' t'n!'l'ilnrvrotor frto a16l pnr hnrtr nvertirte ratp fot dtrties i,r;,'1,,1 ri lr{)1il_r(whirlr will he;rllrrwed ior rrraxirn(rrn 4l}ours ner rlay) hoth irr worrl artr:l tig,res '{llr'!r'rlrlly ftlt tht'vr-' proforrna cncl(.)sed herewith & orr lhe following terrns & (.onrlitigrrs. ' 'rriri'i !i,';r rr'tt'.1 | r' ;11'1;,',1 ,ril',l,rl, ':'ii! ' l',,,ri,, i, r/ A 1,.1111..r lrr,,,rr.,i!l [rn f,o1-f irl I ji' '!r r !lrl rrrrrl"rsigrrerl flrc fprrrrpr r.a.rirr raapii-rr-rr ''iil" 'r'f ire in trrp offirp of thr. rrnrlersipgnprr orr ail '' r',i ,,,r,1.r,,i,.,,,r 0f,.J.0r]Q'l,Q U-p_!_g__3.qQ f ,$ if posrihlc;rrrrl _soalr:d Iprrrjrtr operrorl nrr tlrat rlay 't 't l f'4 Ilr. itr!r'rr";l"rl letttlr:r'11 ntay alsr, ternain pre!{l}t at the time of operrirrg of tr,u,1", ,,,,r. llr,.i,rr,,;r',. I t.tal .f r;rte rl*olt"r.l f.r rli-,t..tirtrn r:harge, pr:, K.fil rale, psr lr(,t,..t.)\_/prlir,e rate as rlrr r:lr ,r1,'1i ,tl)rr!,r. ol'f .,rlrl hy !f1r. ir,11111,11.1.rrt,ty Ite 1r.r.r:Jttr:rl a1 the satisfar.tion oI lhe, r.rnrlersigrrerl, ( ! ot rlFtail', ol Ierms & rrrtdilioni 1':lr.1sq, visit to the offir:e of the Unrlersignerl r{trring office 1,,,',, {tf} }o n M trr !.ot}M) of thp offir:p ,,arorking rlay or please visit we}rsite: 'ferrns & Conditions I lir' ""lrrr ll rlr.tll lrr rrt'lrlp arr;rilahle ;rl any tiprp of tlre day irrr-lrrrlirrg frr.rlirlay 'rriiii ' ilr11 1,,r,1, lrrlf orably larrk of lltE: r.rr:hirlr. shall alway:; hn [gp1 1u;1. l1r" 'rri'/"r'"h;rll nrainlainlogtrookandsigrratureofrheofficelstaffwhousecl thgvehicle$roupl :, lr rrrr{.ri n11 1111,,,,tttrl ti;)y. ', ., i,.r r,.:,,,,.1i1,.? r.It1ril.r;1ga rlrell ;rlurayc clrollrl rornain 6nefatinnal. ', i'l ''{ ,i' ',''tlll t^,rrrrl'- )fil (rO\/l lll lf y" tl,ail l,l uirtrj on the vr.l-rir.le lt shall rrevpr }rp allrlr.rrurl Irr hc rr ,,i ii,'.r!1y' f)r'f ,,{rft v,rillrotrt thr';ttior ltrtrrrri...iqn rlf,;lll!)ropriate /rllhrlrity '' ilr''''r'lit'1,'l,lrrrt'rl {orrlntir'';shall hnlrr'Ii lil antl gorrrl ({)n(lilion, lltcaseoflherlr:hirlegoes(lllto{ ,,,illr ;r ririvr,r ;rnr-l ,,rtffir:ient frtel tlrn.nnv nf which vehicle dully atte.sted rnLtclr be acconrparriod with the sealerJ tenrJcr olherltrire tenrlr,:r : ;,, 1, jr t;,r! '*. \ **: - €- '[-Y Pl) i , ' | 'l' 'ir:!:l i' :'!" r'lt'''r"h!'l^rlrtrtTtintnnnthagr()t'ndof trtrsatisfactolyservice thr: expiry ol' tlre:'airl pelir](l' 1,11 lf rr, 1,;1rl ,rI rr,,,1,ir,,,, or it! driver of on or ltqlf'orc assilillorl allV reason' ,r Ilr,.rrrrrlr.r,,r1,rrr.rl rosrrrve:i thu right 1o rejr-,cl lhe rltt,11tatiott without rir as on date bul rtnl lreforp 2t)14' lrr tl,r.r,r.!ri, l. .lyrrlrl lrr. 70.1 ', 1fi rnodel Irake lalr:sl in DD fronr arry Nationalirell 1 1 r.:!rn.r.:r 11\.1npv nf Ils.,10o0/-(ttupees three tltousancJlbrrly be clepositerl rarilhortl rarltirh tentir:r will be rr:ier'ted' 'rrilir !r,rrrl,'r ll.lllttr'. '' .,t ,,,,., t,!, i,.r, oI,rf l'r'tttlt-'l'r,trtlr-t ,,, ',',, r",1r|i'lljie {nnfl}r eftn I r ti ;iir,!: l, rrrilr;'rl tr'ltlr'{ tc llirl rlrrrirrg llrrl litrtt: {)[ l]f{11 ''''';irr67' Farnr:slmoneYr'trill lleforfeitedwithOlltstatirrg arlV Ir,,r,r,ir,r, l:t lr,r7yr,11 p;,tythetrlhpentirqrleprlsif.erl lt ) r,li rlr"t'.'li of ftrnd from A|](- Arrthority. l l |.,ri'rlll,11t ,ruill lrr. tttarle af l,r,t rr:ceiver] of availahle r.1 l), l,rli.itrlt.ttrrttri!l ltt'pai(longovt llolidaY'if rtcl:of lhtlvehicleotherwisenotatlnrissible' t)isl!"i(]t' ('ottnr'il ;,,, ',111"'11.r!l nf Irinttta Irilral n lpa nr'll()lrolna! \ r') ,(, 'Ntinj"* I b -)l'rlf'd ,fi' Ar ab.rve I nr kJr qrnerinr^irrtpnt )rio]Xrr,rrc Rrrpait:hari Agri.Sub Diviriott' i n1r'*r'{rl for for kind informatinlr with a reqUest to arrange I .1irr, l,rirr, i|';.rl (ltf ir,r'r,(AHri),1IAAtX,Khrrrnulwrll{ [)ap{]r' 1r,rl,l,i.rlii,tt itr !lrc .l(lrlro) Nrl" rlaily lrrr'rr! l'lPw-c lrrr:tl.i the nrllir e wittt a rcqttr:st to please display llie sarne in li.iilri1l.rr ilt [;rii0ilr nf kirtrl infornralion ir,,,rr,1 1r,t rrrirlr' prllllir'ily inforntalionwithareqtrcst.r-'cl .1 ilr.,t!,,tiir.rtrr,rf Agrirrrltrrt., liottlltt'ristrirl,lls'lortiaforfavotttofkirrri noticr:1'113111 {nt rvide 1rr'rlrlir'ity' !,r 1ri,'.r , rli',grlay lltr'' s;ttltr itt tltr: lill i,i.,,lrlt,lf Aqr.ilrtltttti.,(:i()\1(,tl\ln{,lllr)1 IIi|)tlra; Kri.shilrlrirvarr,Allnrtalaforkinditlforrrlationwittta liJ.,irr,.r lr11yir,;1r,r.rlr',pl,rv1f11";;1111r1 inlltt'flrrlitr'lrttardforwitlelltrlrlir'ity' krl kirrrl infnrrnalintr triitlt a reqttosl io l)lcilsfl ilro lllru:k t)evelopntetli uffieor, l-tupairlll:'rti I [5 . t)'1' Sulcfittl.ttrlnrr\rrf Aifir rrlt rrr r' tlrrapic,hari ngii,:Sr rb t)ivisiorr TRIPURA TRIBAL AREAS AUTONOMOUS DIS TRICT COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE ENGINEER KHOW,A| DIVI$|0N;: PWD:: AMPURA. PRESS N0TICE INVITING TENDER N0:.0_5GEL[(HW)/ADC/?0]B-201g/dt,13-09-2018. percentage Sealed rate tenders are invited in PWD Form-7 by the Executive Engineer, Khowai Division , TTAADC,PWD,AmpuraonbehalfofTTAADC.authorityfromhonafiedresourceful constructionAgencies/firms registeredinappropriateclassof-ITAADC/anyStatePWD/CPWDi MES/RailwayP&Tupto 3.00PM.0n04.10.2018 for the followinq work:- ': rri od O) I'M E -= o) L 0) E o-- c a ilP Y* :=- 'C ;:c .E U) o-6 Tr .o 5!l () * i 6,', u) 0)= -d(l)._ d Z u.= Z. a r_: A'6 L Name of work o 5 =9()o- -: C.+ jfi o_t j C) '=- 0J* DF- a -t, <! o)-i l* u) L] LN \: 0) (') l!< +O = 0-) q):: -CJ + C)(J .q od (s E- lnr LEC- a c):: o..: E (D in r (\:, 3 ';t Ll-i J U) es (t LiJ I C] LU 0'1 l--- --- o?, 03 04 n5 06 07 08.
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