THE: TUFTS DAILY Where You Read It First Friday, March 11,1994 Vol XXVIII, Number 32 WINTER IS STILL HERE Shortage of students to lead Explorations by STEPHEN KARP program has been extremely suc- Daily Staff Writer cessful and popular throughout its Recently, the leaders of the existence and has gained national Experimental College expressed recognition. concern over the number of stu- Howard Woolf, assistantdirec- dents who are interested in lead- tor of the Experimental College, ing an Explorations or Perspec- talked about the benefits of teach- tives class. ing an Explorations class. According to Robyn Gittleman, “I wonder if students realize director of the Experimental Col- how rare an opportunity it is to be lege, the number of students turn- able to teach as an undergraduate? ing in applicationsis considerably You can count on one hand the smallerthaninpreviousyears. The colleges where it’s possible to do Experimental College estimated so,” he said. that nearly 100 groups of possible “What’s interestingis how well Explorations and Perspectives the experience has served leaders leaders would have picked up ap- after they graduate. A few have plications by this time. However, goneintoeducationordoneTeach Gittleman said that only “half that for America. The large majority, number have been taken so far.” however, never teach again, yet ‘We have made a great effort to they are forever telling us how get students to at least come down much the leadershipand organiza- Photo by Judy Eastetbrvok andpick up an application.I know tional skills they have developed With all of the recent rain and snow the Dast few davs. evervone wants to see a clear dav. there are many great students with have helped them personally and the potential to become fabulous in their careers,” Woolf said. peer leaders. Tufts students rise to Gittleman stated that any jun- Reitman talks about disciplinary the occasion. We feel confident ior or senior with at least a 3.0 that if people are alerted to the grade point average is eligible to situation, they’ll respond posi- actions and revised social policy tively,” Gittleman said. see EXPERIMENTAL, page 8 According to Gittleman, the by JESSICA ROSENTHAL admitted that he found the person’s Daily Editorial Board wallet last year, and that he chose Associate Dean of Students not to notify the owner of the wal- Bruce Reitman discussed recent let. The student said that he chose disciplinary action, includingcases to keep the wallet for identifica- concerning theft and assault and tion purposes, “since it might prove battery. useful,” Reitman said. The con- In an incident that occurred at tents of the wallet were never used the end of last semester, a Tufts for any purposes other than identi- student was apprehended by the fication, the student reported. police after causing a disturbance Reitman said that the owner of at a fraternity,Reitman said. When the wallet was contacted follow- the police asked the student for ing the incident and said that he identification,the student showed did not want to press charges re- the wallet of someone who gradu- garding the theft. The owner only ated from Tufts last year as his asked that he be financially reim- form of identification, according bursed for getting new identifica- to Reitman. tion and credit cards contained in Daily File Photo Reitman added that the student the wallet. Robyn Gittleman Dining hall initiates Seniorfind activities attempting efficiency program to raise money forfinancial aid by JESSICA ROSENTHAL needed, turning off lights more by ANDREA GROSSMAN are raising is going toward tinan- spirit we possessed,” Backman Daily Editorial Board consistently, cleaning refrigerator Senior Staff Writer cia1 aid for next year’s students, said. As part of a university-wide coils and making sure refrigerator Seniorfund, now in its second because they like the fact that they In addition to direct donations, effort to reduce energy consump- doors are closed, shutting off year of existence, will try to raise know the people they are helping, Seniorfund has sponsored and is tion and energy related costs, equipment between meals, elimi- $30,000 for financial aid pack- Backman said. planning to sponsor events that Dewick-MacPhie Dining Hall has nating the use of redundant equip- ages to be given to members of the The Development Office has will raise money for financial aid. started “Tufts Dining Services ment, and emptying and shutting classes of 1995, 1996, 1997, and also been a key player in this According to Susan Cho, co- Energy Efficiency Model Pro- off small refrigerators over breaks. 1998 for the 1994-95 school year. project, as they paid for the print- chairperson for school events, a gram.” Technological changes being Through various events and ing of the letter about Seniorfund November kick-off party and two Because Tufts dining facilities considered include: replacing in- pledges from the senior class, the that was sent to all members of the Tuesday Night Pubs have been the use ten percent of the Medford candescent bulbs with compact members of the Seniorfund com- class of 1994,as well as the pledge only events that have taken place campus’ total energy, the energy fluorescent bulbs, repairing and mittee said they hope to achieve cards. so far. efficiency program has the poten- or replacing refrigerator seals, in- their goal by graduation. “The Development Office has The November kick-off party tial to save,the university money, sulating doors and eliminating According to David Backman, given us an incredible amount of was held not for the purpose of as well as reduce the region’s gen- drafts. time, support, and energy. They this year’s Seniorfund coordina- ’ see SENXORFUND, page 8 eration of pollutants, according to These strategies were devel- tor, all of the money raised will be were ecstatic about the amount of, a press release. oped by Dewick-MacPhie and given directly to financial aid. Last The program is being spon- CEM staff following a fall, 1993 year, only half of the $12,000 sored by Dining Services and the audit of energy use at the dining raised was actually given to the Inside Center for Environmental Man- facility conducted by CEM. As financial aid. Therest was put into Features ......................... p. 3 agement (CEM). the strategies are implemented, another fund. Those lucky engineers have a fancy The press release states that the they will be evaluated by the As of Tuesday, over $800 had new option of study, and the gossip on program will “implement, exam- Dewick-MacPhie Energy Com- been raised for the fund, mostly other campuses is out. ine, and evaluate various methods mittee and CEM. The committee through pledges from members of to reduce energy consumption in consists of approximately ten em- the class of 1994. A 8z E. .............................. P. 5 Dining Services’ facilities. The ployees of the dining hall, Dining Last week, all seniors were sent Two new movies receive mixed re- program will consider “both be- Services management, and CEM pledge cards with $5, $10, $19.94, views, but Nine Inch Nails proves its havioral and small technological staff. The results of the evaluation and $94 as suggested donations. pure talent. changes which can affect the lev- will be used to aidDining Services Backman said, “$19.94 has been els of energy use.” in determining programs to be es- very popular, but we’ve had the sports............................... P. 7 Behavioral changes being con- tablished at each Dining Services full range.” Themenandwomen’ssquahteam sideredinclude:using cooking and Many of the seniors are happy finishtheir seasons, while the hoopsters warming equipment only when see ENERGY, Page with the idea that the money they fall short of extending bir’s. .. ........, s * .. 1 ....? ........ i,, .., ..... ,., _.L ....................... page two THE TUFTS DAILY Friday, March 11,1994 THETUFTS DAILY Letters to the Editor Caroline C. Schaefer Pornography spreads to a permanent terror. As a woman, I have “solidified their commitmentto the mainte- Editor-in-Chief always been afraid of rape and male vio- nance of Tufts as a strong school of Liberal the ‘silent holocaust’ lence. Never before, however, have I rec- This is fine and dandy with the Managing Editor: Marc Sheinkin Arts.” Associate Editors: Nadya Sbaiti, David Meyers To the Editor: ognized that there is a market that is advis- exception of one fact. Tufts is not exclu- Editorial Page Editor: Michael J.W. Stickings Last night I heard Gail Dines speak ing men on how to rape, torture, control and sively aLiberal Arts University. Has Presi- Production Managers: Michael B. Berg, about the silent holocaust that is being even murder me. Never before have I seen dent DiBiaggio ever heard that we have a Leah Schwartz, Ryan Otto waged against women by the pornography that there exists an organized structure, College of Engineering that has also con- NEWS market. It is a holocaust that has claimed far legitimized by the government I have so tributed to the successes of Tufts? Editors: Jessica Rosenthal, John O’Keefe more lives than the Nazi campaign against idealistically revered, that exists to destroy Although he was unaware of the School Assistant Editor: Gayle Berkowitz Jews and may even rival the toll of slavery. me or at least render me useless to myself of Engineering when he accepted the Presi- Wire Editor: Ashley Burkart Dehumanization through shaving victims’ and others. I am terrified. I want to thank dency, we thought he might have discov- heads, glorifying murder, and portraying a Ms. Dines and the groups that sponsored ered its presence after being here €or more VIEWPOINTS Editor: Rachel Levine group through degrading cartoons is one her presentation because maybe now I will than a year.
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