nt: Parking Surveys Question logic of New Lot , " By LARRY CHANDLER The lot approved by the council for cil to expand parking facilities. ley doesn't send all uch reports to the In session. provide 4OIJ.5OO parking plaCCll, neces- City parking surveys made availabLe construction later this year is in an area The survey. show.d • 74 per cent v.­ City Council "because they're all not Hlcktrwn Slid there "woul4 ...... Ie itale no displacement of people and en­ 10 The Daily Iowan Friday show high bounded by Washington and Burlington clncy r.t, .t • "·sp.c. lot behind the that well done." be In ov,rwhtlmi", ,....... te ..., courage growth of the business distrlct vacancy rates in city parking lots closer Streets; Ralston Creek; the City Recre­ City Library, 307 E. College St. A "'­ Crane said he thought the report was wkat h.. .Iready be.tI stll"tt4" IItfere to the soolh, which h been recom­ to the downtown area than a new 311- ation Center, 220 S. Gilbert St., and John SPice lot ,"t of .nd adi.cent to the not forwarded to the City Council be­ the new Iot's .pp,.."., woul4 be rnersM. mended by the city" consultants_ space lot recently approved by the City Wilson Sporting Goods, 408 E. College Rtcrution C,nl,r h.d • 64 per cenl VI ' cause the surveys weren't valid. He said Hickenon declined to say ~ber be ~, both HIdcersN Ind C"1ty Council. St. caney r.tt .nd • 77.s"ce low. Av~ the first survey was taken when Iowa thought the results of the survey wen It........ RicNnI Galt uld tilly felt the lent power The report was not finished until after lot acroll from Ell' Hall hid • 53 per City was crippled by an ice storm. City reason enough to stop the projtCI _ I,... of SutIofI's proposal Wit louted The survey three city parking 're varsity covers the council's vote on the new lot. cenl vlcancy rat., .ccording tt the re· Planner Morris Dicker said the survey Hickerson responded with equal cau· 1M fir from the lMIaineu dlltrid, lots - two of them closer to the down· cd athletic • That Lot was approved after a study by port. was probably taken January IS or 16. Ac· tion Thursday when confronted with a Gale said be feared Sutton's 101. would town area than tbe new lot, and one of Barton·Aschman Associates, a Chicago John Crane, assistant city manager, cording to records, tllere was an ice proposal by Student Body Pres. Jim Ilso 111\'e 1 high vacancy rate_ s expected them approximately the same distance In incident consultant firm, said more parking was said Friday he didn 't think the report, storm January 15. Sutton to construct the new clty Jot on Sutton IfiU present his parking pro­ away. needed. The Chamber of Commerce sup­ prepared by the city's Department of He said the second survey was taken an alternate site In an area roughly posal to the City Council Monday. He , caused The City Council hiS not SIll! I report ports the new lot, and downtown busi· Planning and Urban Renewal, was "a during the University's spring vacation bounded by Burlington, Van Buren and was out of the cily rriday nighl and ~ay. Un· of thl lurv.y, Iccording to M.yor Lor.n nessmen have repeatedly asked the coun· first·rate study." and consequently was of questionable Gilbert Streets, and Ralston Creek. unavailable for commenl 011 the plan­ Hickerson. • degree taken May 2J, while the University was Crane said City Manager Frank Smi· validity. But Dicker said that survPy was SuUon said his alternate plan would ning department's parking lot llUI'Vey. etball In I up to the 'I umbrella my 10 and Hughes Says Change ball at the Stn, Harold Hugh .. to·lowl) ttld a D.s Moines audience FridlY Ih.t the equipment Unlt,d St.t.. should re.sstll It. priori· ows me as ties of current nationll nted •• Set .ttry Ihould pass page 5, ail Iowan It Evashev· Serving the Univeflity of Iowa and Ihe People of Iowa City readily re­ Established in 1868 10 cents a copy Associaled Preas Leased Wir, IIId Wirephoto left, Eva- Regents Approve Delay Of Final University Budget Set Rellted Sttrl.. P.II' , ver Ity was to "a ve r y fluid llltu,tlon University officials have po nted out The claim by University officials that until the last board meeting," because of that the 1009-70 b n al appropriaU n of the University does not have a final Jack of information on the University'a 165.07.,000 10 th general fund is only budget for the 1969-70 academic year was financial position. 5.16 per cent great r than the current sub tantiated Friday when the Univers· Boyd $lId the University hIM! wertclM! level o( state funds ( ,958,0(0 ) dou­ ity was unable to provide the Board of "rlghl up untfl the lISt mlllllte cuttllll bled for the biennium. In makIng re­ RegentJ a full itemlzed budget for ap­ Ind cutting t. set up enough rMntr fer questJ to the legJ lature, the regents in· proval. atudent lid." tltutlons be&in Ith a II tartlng ba ," The board also deferred action on I He said the University wa finally able which is twice the I vel of opt'r lion in reque t from the University men 's judi· to provide \. of the $6.3 million student the second year 01 Ihe old bi nnlum. iEVSKI cial board to be allowed to ievy fine. as aid budget for nexl year from funds IP­ Th! way th additional amounts reo L have faith punishment lor infringements In men'. propriated the University. quested from the Ie latute are predict. other divi- residence halls. Boyd said that th budget ligures gJven ed on current optrllion rot hrr Ihan on University Pres. Howlrd 80Wln Iskad the board howed an unbud eted amount In appropriation m e two yeal'l earU· 'ast to me the board to approve "flnll budg.t $Urn· of only ~5 , OOO . er. ,r ends of m.ry tot.ls" and to allow the Unlverlity Ne:o:t yea r ' s budg t for the General H I't Is how III t:nlv rsity proposes to Ijors arid to send 10 the bolrd', Des Moine. oHlce UniverSity Fund - excluding hospltalJ - use the ~ ,27S , ooo by which Ih I -70 I I'm sure Ih. IInal It,mlzed budget. is $30,958,000 In state-appropriated {und$, budget Is larg r th n Ih 1~9 budget: • made it The request was granted with the sUp­ just $18,335 more than the totll stale • $1 ,372,324 wUl go to Ih fund (rom II his own ulallon that a finallzed budgel be sent funds in the current (1968-69) budget. whi h acad mle taff, including telch· to the board 's office so it could be made However, the total General Fund budg t ing a istanls, are paid, thu permitting , - or trust available to board members by mid July is $4,275,000. or 10 per cent, greater than alary inere. on I m ril b I; The approval came after the board 's fficient ath­ the current budg t beca other source • $529.479 will to Ih fund from ex 'ulive Set'relary WR~np Rich y, \H> ~ oers of the of in om It!' availabl. \o\hich non· ClItI mic laff are paid In Moines, told the board that there " would othing some Thes .ource Include $\.7 mllLi n ord r to provid cost-n(·living lncre be no legal problem II with approving to those employe ; Bowen 's request since no pay checks from reimbursed overhead on federal contracts and grants, $80,000 from mig· • $1 ,204,954 will go tn mamtain CXlst­ from the new budget wouLd be sent out ing educational program . Th number by the University until the end of July. cellan ou sources and $12.892,000 from student fees, including an estimated 4, of addItional f cully members will be ~, 7-5 Regent Thomas Louden, Keokuk, saId limited to aboul half a dozen GeneraL U.S. Prll$id.nt Ri(I\.rd M. Nixon Ind Canadian Premier Pierre Trudeau stand "I I 342,000 resulting from the tulUon In­ don 't like this procedure, but will x budge will be hrld 10 1!J68.69 ner of the together during ceremonies marking the 10th 8nniverSiry of the St. Lawr.nce approve the board's action ." crease. levels, with a f w eltcept ion~ which pm­ · field wall. Two Nations' Leaders Seaway at the Eisenhower Lock in Mauena, N.Y., Friday. Nixon dedicated the University Pres.·select Willard Boyd Bowen described the ""-10 budget II "Iu$ter." but one th.t will m.intlin vide funds only to me I c rtaln critical ling of the same lock 10 yeers ago. Th, two Ie.ders called tile "awey I symbol of their said thai the "reason for the deiay In cosl IOcr - for example. In lhe l, Roberto mutu.1 friendahip. (S .. Related Story Pige 5.) - AP Wirepholo getting a final budget" was that the Uni· "Ihe tstlibliJhad txcallene. of the Uni. versity." transportation of student teachers to blast brief­ Iowa communlty chools each day. a 5-3 lead. The 1969-70 bud etJ of the hospitals of the inn­ and health service unltJ under the Uni· • '1,121 ,000 more ill be added to stu· lo-run hom- Approval Expected by the CSL- versity are (amount o( state funds in dent financial aId , exclusive of federal into a 5-5 each in parentheses) : Unlver \ly Hospi.
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