Heroes Between Materiality and Myth. the Memorial Grove1 for the Danish Resistance As Performative Site

Heroes Between Materiality and Myth. the Memorial Grove1 for the Danish Resistance As Performative Site

RIHA Journal 0171 | 27 June 2017 Heroes between Materiality and Myth. The Memorial Grove1 for the Danish Resistance as Performative Site Rasmus K !rboe Abstract The most signifcant Danish warrior burial is arguably the emorial !rove in Ryvangen #or members o# the Danish resistance movement $uring %orl$ %ar II& This article 'laces the memorial within Danish history an$ the rece'tion o# %%II an$ argues #or its 'articular (ualities as a mo$ernist re)wor*ing o# a $iscre$ite$ monumental tra$ition with a 'articular #ocus on 'lain materials an$ a low architectural scale& The memorial a+or$s a heightene$ sense o# materiality an$ nature as a 'ractical exam'le o# a 'hiloso'hy o# 'resence& The 'ar*)li*e memorial can also be seen as a 'er#ormative groun$ #or instilling as'ects o# i$entity an$ collective memory #or both in$ivi$uals an$ Danish society& -uture uses o# the site can either go in the $irection o# recreation or towar$ immersive e$ucation& #ontents Intro$ucing Danish memorials an$ war graves emorialising W%II in Denmar* How the Memorial Grove at Ryvangen came to be .onsi$ering the design o# the Memorial Grove yth an$ authenticity in mo$ernity /etween discourse an$ e,'erience ateriality an$ presence A part)conclusion: Per#orming memory 1ostscri't0 Uncertain futures Intro$ucing Danish memorials an$ war graves 314 5eemingly, the frst 'o'ular initiative to erect a Danish monument to commemorate an arme$ con7ict came a#ter the battle o# .o'enhagen (1801:6 a narrow $e#eat in a large na"al con#rontation between /ritish an$ Danish) ;orwegian #orces aroun$ the harbour o# the city& -ollowing the 'lans o# the engraver !& <& <ah$e (1765-1833) an$ the neo)classicist scul'tor Johannes %ie$ewelt (1731)1802), a subscri'tion le$ to the erection o# a small hill 1 A more o@cial yet less 'recise translation is "The emorial 1ar*A& RIHA Journal 0171 | 27 June 2017 reminiscent o# ;eolithic an$ Bi*ing)age burials on to' o# a share$ mass grave #or both naval o@cers6 seamen an$ citiCen)volunteers (Fig. 1). 1 The emorial Hill #or 2 A'ril 19016 Holmens Dir*egEr$ 8'hotogra'h0 %ikime$ia .ommons, license ..0 1&0: The monument was to''e$ by an obelis* an$ a memorial 'la(ue bor$ere$ by rough)hewn stones6 an$ the area was 'lante$ with oa* an$ other symbolic greenery&2 Thus a #usion o# classical an$ ;or$ic iconogra'hy was intro$uce$ within a lan$sca'e setting F themes which woul$ assert themsel"es in later war memorials. 324 A very signifcant monument resulte$ #rom the -irst 5chleswig war (1848) 1851); an in$ecisive struggle to $etermine the status o# the !erman $uchies belonging to the *ing$om& The Danish scul'tor H& %& /issen’s (1798-1868) statue o# Den ta're <an$sol$at 8Athe brave conscri'tA: celebrating 'eace an$ victory by hol$ing u' a beech branch was 'lace$ in -re$ericia in 1858 an$ is 'resumably the frst mo$ern monument e,clusi"ely $e'icting an$ $e$icate$ to the common sol$ier (Fig. 2).? 2 1er %essel)Tol"ig6 in$ehKLen #or 2& a'ril 19016 DKbenha"n 2000& ? 2lla M"ortru' an$ An$ers Nngelbrecht6 Den ta're lan$sol$at6 -re$ericia 19>9-20090 Det #Krste monument o"er $en u*en$te sol$at6 -re$ericia 2009& RIHA Journal 0171 | 27 June 2017 2 H& %& /issen6 Den ta're lan$sol$at6 erecte$ 19>96 c. ?&7> m6 -re$ericia 8'hotogra'h O Billy -ink Isaksen6 %ikime$ia .ommons, license .. /P)5A G&0: 3?4 The monument 'oints innovati"ely #orwar$ to the #uture tra$ition o# using broa$ synec$oche in celebrating an$ mourning the enliste$ commoner through statuary an$ cenota'hs #or the 2n*nown 5ol$ier& Qnce again6 the 'roLect was secure$ by po'ular subscri'tion, but naturally no similar initiative was at the time allowe$ #or the !erman nationalists o# 5chleswig6 Holstein an$ <auenburg6 who ha$ nominally lost the war& 5tylistically, /issen normally wor*e$ in the neo) classical i$iom o# his teacher6 Bertel Thorval$sen (1770-1844), visible in the facial #eatures6 but chose a more naturalistic an$ contem'orary style o# $ress #or the fgure& Initial 'ro'osals #or a to'ic #rom ;or$ic myth an$ legen$ary history were reLecte$ by the committee6 re7ecting how an alternati"e iconogra'hy o# classicist bo$ies in ;orse garb never #oun$ broa$ a''eal6 $es'ite being 'romote$ by 'rominent peo'le&G 3G4 Denmar* as a nation sat out %%I6 but thousan$s o# Danes $i$ 'artici'ate F either as $ra#tees $ue to their resi$ence in lan$s now 'art o# the !erman Nm'ire6 as volunteers #or either si$e6 or as sailors 'artici'ating in ostensibly neutral commerce& Due to these historical circumstances6 no unife$ Danish tem'late #or sol$ier burials was $evelo'e$ as it was #or most o# the warring nations& A number o# Danish s'ea*ers an$ nationals are burie$ in !erman war cemeteries6 mainly aroun$ the #ormer western #ront6 while those who $ie$ $ue to !erman mines an$ 2)boats were burie$ locally to the extent in which their bo$ies coul$ be recovere$& G <ars Qlo# <arsson6 ARber $en schwierigen 2mgang mit $en nor$ischen !StternA6 in0 ichael Tller)%ille an$ <ars Qlo# <arsson6 e$s.6 Tiere6 enschen6 !Stter0 %ikingerCeitliche Dunststile 2n$ Ihre ;euCeitliche ReCe'tion6 !Sttingen 20016 J)?9& RIHA Journal 0171 | 27 June 2017 3>4 %hile thousan$s o# sol$iers #rom both si$es #oun$ a fnal resting 'lace in Denmar*6 society as such #elt little nee$ to $iscuss war monuments an$ sol$ier’s burials or to #ormulate any coherent i$eas on the to'ic& 1reviously, #allen sol$iers #rom the two 5chleswig wars ha$ to some extent been commemorate$ collecti"ely as they were re)burie$ in larger graves in ci"ilian cemeteries6 an$ various local initiatives set u' mar*ers an$ 'la(ues& <ater on6 a nee$ to coor$inate the care #or these $ivergent monuments an$ graves was #elt to be a 'ublic tas*6 es'ecially a#ter the loss o# the !erman $uchies in the 5econ$ 5chleswig %ar in 1864, an$ #rom 1883 a %ar !raves .ommissioner was a''ointe$&> 3=4 Two maLor monuments in Denmar* $o commemorate the %%I #rom the e,'licit 'ers'ecti"e o# 'artici'ation an$ $eath& The frst is the more sol$ierly monument (1934) in the emorial 1ar* in Aarhus6 Jutlan$ by scul'tor A,el 1oulsen 81887-1972) an$ architect A,el N*berg 81882-1935). Insi$e a large limestone enclosure with the names o# more than 4,000 casualties6 #our monumental relie#s F arching Qut6 %ar6 1eace6 an$ Homecoming F memorialise the ambivalent 'artici'ation in the war6 which inclu$e$ both war 'arties& As'ects o# glorifcation are $own'laye$ an$ themes o# $ivision6 loss6 an$ reunifcation are 'ut centre stage& 374 The other monument is The 5ailorIs onument (1928) by scul'tor 5"en$ Rathsac* (1885-1941) an$ architect I"ar /entsen (1876-1943) in .o'enhagen harbour& Qn an overlarge triangular 'e$iment6 which mimics a shi' stern F an$ allu$es to the winge$ Bictory o# 5amothrace F a bronCe angel loo*s to sea& <imestone relie#s on the si$es o# the structure show seamen on an e,'lo$ing (sailing) vessel an$ others coming to rescue&= 394 Interestingly, both %%I monuments are *e't in a restraine$ mo$ernist classicism so 'o'ular in the inter)war 'erio$ in both Nuro'e an$ the 2nite$ 5tates&7 The i$iom carrie$ signifcant connotations o# both classical an$ mo$ern art& As a style6 it can be e(ually seen as a res'onse to the u'heavals #ollowing the worl$ war an$ the resultant art worl$ ra''el U lVor$re69 an$ as an in#orme$ artistic 'lay with styles both ancient an$ mo$ern&J 1rogrammatically, the > Inge A$riansen6 Nrin$ringsste$er i Danmar*0 onumenter6 min$esmWr*er og mK$este$er6 DKbenha"n 20106 10?& = The monument was restore$ an$ the relie#s recreate$ in 2011 in tra"ertine& .amilla 5tockmann6 A!enskabt monument mK$er hEr$ kriti*A6 in0 1oliti*en 320 ;o"ember 201146 htt'0XX'oliti*en&$*X*ulturX*unstXart>0?>299X!enskabt)historisk-monument-mY.?Y/9$er)h Y.?%A>r$-kritik (accesse$ 11 ay 2017:& 7 5ee NliCabeth .owling an$ Jenni#er un$y6 e$s.6 Qn .lassic !roun$0 1icasso6 <eger6 De .hirico an$ the ;ew .lassicism 1J10-1J?06 e,h& cat&6 <on$on 1JJ0& 9 5ee Romy !olan6 o$ernity an$ ;ostalgia0 Art an$ 1olitics in -rance between the %ars6 ;ew Ha"en6 .T 1JJ>& J 5ee !ott#rie$ /oehm6 "An Alternati"e o$ern0 Qn the .once't an$ /asis o# the N,hibitionA6 in0 !ott#rie$ /oehm6 2lrich osch an$ Datharina 5chmi$t6 e$s.6 .anto D’amore0 .lassicism in o$ern Art an$ usic 1J1G-1J?>6 e,h& cat&6 <on$on 1JJ=& RIHA Journal 0171 | 27 June 2017 mo$ernist classical style coul$ suit both 'rogressive an$ reactionary 'oliticsH it was either un$erstoo$ as u'hol$ing the classical within a mo$ern worl$6 or it was seen as a tem'ering o# the 'ast to the nee$s o# the 'resent&10 5ignifcantly, an$ as e,'resse$ in both %%I monuments6 the human6 mostly male bo$y was the main carrier o# meaningH both in its stylise$ anonymity an$ its stoic heroism& This style woul$ be ra$ically challenge$ with the next6 maLor memorial on Danish groun$& Memorialising %%II in Denmar* 3J4 Qnly #ollowing %%II6 where Denmar* was occu'ie$ by !ermany #rom 1940 to 1945, came the nee$ #or a 'rolonge$ $iscussion o# memory an$ memorials& The Danish military was largely 'assive $uring J A'ril 1940, when the country was occu'ie$, an$ only few casualties arose from this day an$ the s'ora$ic fghts that bro*e out aroun$ 29 August 1943, when the Danish government fnally resigne$& There is conse(uently no single burial groun$ or maLor memorial #or Danish sol$iers who lost their lives $uring the occu'ation6 an$ the local military memorials that do e,ist are few an$ relatively discrete& 3104 A consi$erable number o# monuments relate$ to %%II instea$ centre on the Danish resistance movement an$ to a lesser $egree on the civilian victims6 but most sim'ly re#er to the occu'ation an$ the liberation o# G)> ay 1945.

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