w. ■f ATBBAfls lu ic r aowvnAnosr for tk» Maaife « l Ai^urt, IMS 5.154 vttt tta AiMIt I of OhwilofloM. «0I BOOUBMM VOL. LH., NO. ^91 (ClooolAed Advcrttalnc ob MANOIESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER t, 19S8. (TWELVE PAGES) PR K ^ THREE CENTS STATE NOW IN LINE Cuban Sailors Inspected By New Naval Chief WITH NRA PARADE LOOK FOR NEW REVOLT Soccess Crowns Efforts of AGAINST CUBA'S JUNTA JOB PROBLEM Towns and Cities to Pnt 200 Army Offlcen, Leaden RELIEVED HERE Macon to Aid Search Across the Provisions of Under tte de Cespedei the National Recovery Act BY m CODES For Lost Balloonists Regme Held Prisooen in By the Associated Press. Washington, Sept. 9.— ( A P ) —4tor the Navy, said orders to the Hotel Becanse T h ^ W i With Charity Lists Decreas­ The Navy Department plans to Under the insignia of the Blue Macon would be sent as soon as re- send the dirigible Macon into New ports of weather conditions indi­ Eagle, C!onnecticut industrially ing Town Finds Its Unem­ England and probably into Canada cated the flight would be worth­ Not Recognize ike New swung into line with sister states to aid in the leareb for four mlselng while. this week in operation under NRA men in two of the James Gk>rdon GoTennneiit ployed Gomg Back to Bennett balloon race as soon aa the Bangen Searching codes. Community effort was weather in those sectlone clean up. Quebec, Sept 9.— (AP) —Pro- largely exerted to advance the At the department,lipartment, offlcen said vlncial autboritiee ordered rangen ranks of consumers to positions Work in Large Numbers. that it would be useless to send the in the Lake Bonlae and Lake Wild- Havana, Sept 9— (A P)— Rumb- taken by employers and employes. Macon to join ’’he search instituted ridge districts to investigate re- llnge of a poeelbl^ coup against a Ushei^ in by the holiday which by Canadians until the weather ite today that one of the mining four dasrs' old Cuban junta, itself is dedicated to labor the week saw CMared lo that the dirigible's offl­ Increases in employment in Man­ Klloone in the James Gordon Ben­ the product at revolt, grew today as a harmonious three days’ session of cen could obtain good viilbiUty. nett race bad been sighted in the the Connecticut Federation of La> chester attributed directly to the 200 arm y o fflc e n w ere held virtu al­ The Ndvy has no planes near the mountainous region 60 miles from ly prlsonen in the National Hotel. bor, now' nearing its half century NRA as reported by the major regions over which the American here. The men, leaden under the de­ of existence, a settlement of the numufacturing concerns, is encour­ balloon. pUoted by Ward T. Van The bag, arblcb two fishermen posed de Cespedes reslme, bad con­ strike o f over 1,500 men and wom en aging at the present stage of de- Orman and canTUif ' Frank T. said they saw last Monday, was be­ vened to consider their coturse when at Ponemah Sillls, Taftville, and a Trotter, and the Polish entry car­ lieved to be the Polish e n ^ in the _________ _ __ velopment. Appreciable reductions several companies of heavily armed declaration by President E. Kent rying Captain Frandzek Hynek and race, which started at Chicago a Hubbard of tie Manufsmturers’ 1 during the past month in the charity Lieutenant 2kilgnlew Burzynskl, week ago. Autboritiee workM on soldlen swooped down on the hotel and, with machine grins, surroimJ- Association of Connecticut, Inc., expenditures, resulting from the w en believed to have drifted. the theory it '^ame down near one that Industry and commerce were removal of 88 families and approxi­ An officer, authorised to speak of the lakM. ed it. "working wholeheartedly with mately 8*.0 persons from the charity Fulgenclo Batista, one time ser­ President Roosevelt and General list, indicate that the industrial geant, who now is commander at Johnson to shorten hours, increase situation has improved. In an effort the army, gave the offlcen until 10 enmloyment and raise wages," to definitely establish the cause for a. m. to^y to obey his orden that the reductions, 'nvestigation at the they return to their posts, fron Such incidents as grew out of FOREST WORKERS IBROKERTOTAKE code operations clustered mainly in town's major industrial plants dis­ which they were evicted Monday form of complaints of alleged vio­ closed the fact that the mcreases in when Batiita led a revolt and estab­ lations poured into local and state employment during ':he past two lished a commiseion form of govern­ quarters of the NRA. These | “ onths total approximately 600 ARE MAKING s ig n s! STAND NEXT WEEK! ment. headquarters of the NRA. These Vt'/- complaints, largely, bad to do with many of whom were listed y///- Refuse to Obey businesses of certain kinds rather charity list. Last night, when the guard about than against industrial plants. 500 At Cbenileys' ed, they em- To<Be Investigated. Cheneyey Brothers withwivltb approxl /» Boys at Cornwall Camp Are Read lo TeD AO n Suit His pbatleaUy auwered "no"’ to ^ do> It was indicated by Dr. Edward m ately 600 added, due to the ' I I mudo. “Wo do not ncognlot thin O. Dolan, state chairman of the re­ cation of the N IU lode, 'leai**fhe government," said one of them. "Let covery board, that oomplalnts of all tp ^'s industries in employment Doing AO the WoTk Need-1 Ez-Wffe Has ’ Bronght the commissioners get out” natures would be investigated as during the past two months. At the The government was laid to have fast as the work of spreading the latter plant it was learned that 860 ed by the State. Against Star. received reports that the officers Recovery Act doctrine could be co­ more persona are now employed some of whom itUl count on the ordinated with enforcement. th u were working May 1, of which Angel R. Gonzalez (left center), inspects a machine gun manned by sail- loyalty of their unite, bad planned In some places the complaints it is estimated 500 were added due De c^^M overthrew the Provisional government of Proident to attack the Presidential Palace. New Haven, Sept. 9— (A P) —All ran uainst restaurants and gaso­ to the ^ e . Last year from April De Cespedes. The inspection took place in a downtown park in Havana. L os A n gelss, B s p t 9.— ( A P ) — A Other rumors — unveriiled but line filing stations. Local NRA 1 until Sratember 1 there were 811 the directional signs being erected promise he will "tell all" was made nevertheless generally taken as eoc- wons Mded to the employment planatlons for the course of events chairmen laid emphasis on the pro­ throughout Connecticut’s forests by j today by Alfred C Read, Jr., hand­ Kt at Cheney Brothers. The silk —were that Horacio Ferrer, de visions of the codes applicable to ths Citizens Conservation Corps are some young Oakland broker who these. concern officials feal that an esti Cespedes' lecretary of war, Julio m ate o f 600 persons made at Camp Tourney, Cornwall, won the heart of Ctalre Windsor, The Federation of Labor found I . J® justifiable, Sangullly and others of high rank, NO CHANGE IN PO ^O N t was dlscloeed today. blonde actress, while he still had a plotted to unseat the Leftist com­ numy problems of past years in the ^ STATE ITALIANS Under the direction of John R. w ife. labor deld brought within scope mission and replacq^ it with either Seld brought within scope <rflhj£fwere^SSt!d l^ c iS S w th m Frame at Camp Tourney, are ap­ Read win be called as a defense the Recovery Act and less Urns was de Cespedes and hie cabinet or by proximately a dozen carpenten and witness Tuesday at resumption of occupied during business sessions the Orford Soap Company some "concentration" government. and the Rogers Paper CosuMuiy. TOWN’S GUESTS sign painters sslected from tbs the trial of bis former wife's $100,< OF FORD IN NRA MKUP Proaalee Inqirtsom n^ to adoption of resolutlmis. Those Other Increases camp's detail who do wood and 000 ahesatlon of affeotloas suit which were acted upon dealt with Meanwhile, with the departuri *1**^ Company reported mA work OB the signs. Jsgfds/lt Miqs Windsor. from Cuban waters of the U. 8. Uwt the rate per houf per mmn The Ampler stens are thaw show-1 Iflism, Windsor has testifled she cruller Indianans, canying Seo- Looks As If C o m ]^ Wffl lag the (direction of the Umile and al^owsd Read to court her in belief was that organized labor etood unde^^ , PRINCE KNUD WEDS retary of the Navy Swanson, a roads being constructed through j be w is a single man and to con­ promise was made of an improve­ ^ to tid in .nforeemnt of 0» % p ^ n fU id ttlT ^ S fln the forests by the C. C C,- wlfie tinue his attentions when he admit­ ment in the adminletratlon. Not Sign Code as h Is I ' ployment is 26 per cent, ' No state­ Cen?ention of Sons of Italy more elaborate signs are placed on ted he was married on bis state­ Tbe labor troubles which remain The promise came from Serflo ment of employment increases has PRINCESS CAROLINE donated lands and to mark spots of ment he was separated from his Carbo, spokesman for the executive unsettled at the week’s end were been given by Case Brothers Com­ special interest to visitors.
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