UNIVERSIDAD COMPLUTENSE DE MADRID FACULTAD DE FARMACIA Departamento de Nutrición y Bromatología II TESIS DOCTORAL Caracterización química y evaluación de la actividad biológica de setas silvestres y cultivadas comestibles Chemical characterization and evaluation of the bioactive properties of wild and cultivated edible mushrooms MEMORIA PARA OPTAR AL GRADO DE DOCTOR PRESENTADA POR Filipa Sofia Dinis Reis Directoras Patricia Morales Gómez Maria Helena da Silva de Vasconcelos Meehan Isabel Cristina Fernandes Rodrigues Ferreira Madrid, 2018 © Filipa Sofia Dinis Reis, 2017 UNIVERSIDAD COMPLUTENSE DE MADRID Facultad de Farmacia Departamento de Nutrición y Bromatología II CARACTERIZACIÓN QUÍMICA Y EVALUACIÓN DE LA ACTIVIDAD BIOLÓGICA DE SETAS SILVESTRES Y CULTIVADAS COMESTIBLES CHEMICAL CHARACTERIZATION AND EVALUATION OF THE BIOACTIVE PROPERTIES OF WILD AND CULTIVATED EDIBLE MUSHROOMS TESIS DOCTORAL FILIPA SOFIA DINIS REIS Madrid, 2017 UNIVERSIDAD COMPLUTENSE DE MADRID Facultad de Farmacia Departamento de Nutrición y Bromatología II CARACTERIZACIÓN QUÍMICA Y EVALUACIÓN DE LA ACTIVIDAD BIOLÓGICA DE SETAS SILVESTRES Y CULTIVADAS COMESTIBLES CHEMICAL CHARACTERIZATION AND EVALUATION OF THE BIOACTIVE PROPERTIES OF WILD AND CULTIVATED EDIBLE MUSHROOMS TESIS DOCTORAL FILIPA SOFIA DINIS REIS Para optar al Grado de Doctor, con mención Europea, Directoras: Dra. Patricia Morales Gómez Dra. Maria Helena da Silva de Vasconcelos Meehan Dra. Isabel Cristina Fernandes Rodrigues Ferreira Madrid, 2017 Mª DOLORES TENORIO SANZ, PROFESORA TITULAR DEL ÁREA DE NUTRICIÓN Y BROMATOLOGÍA Y DIRECTORA DEL DEPARTAMENTO DE NUTRICIÓN Y BROMATOLOGÍA II: BROMATOLOGÍA, DE LA FACULTAD DE FARMACIA, DE LA UNIVERSIDAD COMPLUTENSE DE MADRID, CERTIFICA QUE: El presente trabajo de investigación titulado “Caracterización química y evaluación de actividad biológica de setas silvestres y cultivadas comestibles” se ha realizado en el Dpto. de Nutrición y Bromatología II (Facultad de Farmacia, UCM), Instituto De Investigação e Inovação em Saúde de la Universidad De Porto (i3S) y la Escola Superior Agrária (Instituto Politécnico de Bragança), bajo la dirección de las Doctoras Patricia Morales Gómez, Maria Helena da Silva de Vasconcelos Meehan y Isabel Cristina Fernandes Rodrigues Ferreira, y constituye la Memoria que presenta Filipa Sofia Dinis Reis para optar al Grado de Doctor, con mención europea. Y para que conste, a los efectos oportunos, firmo el presente certificado en Madrid a seis de abril de dos mil diecisiete. DRA. PATRICIA MORALES GÓMEZ, PROFESORA DEL DPTO. NUTRICIÓN Y BROMATOLOGÍA II: BROMATOLOGÍA, DE LA FACULTAD DE FARMACIA, DE LA UNIVERSIDAD COMPLUTENSE DE MADRID; DRA. MARIA HELENA DA SILVA DE VASCONCELOS MEEHAN, PROFESORA DE LA FACULTAD DE FARMACIA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DE PORTO (PORTUGAL) Y DIRECTORA DEL GRUPO CANCER DRUG RESISTANCE DEL INSTITUTO DE INVESTIGAÇÃO E INOVAÇÃO EM SAÚDE DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DE PORTO (i3S) Y DRA. ISABEL C.F.R. FERREIRA, PROFESORA DE LA ESCOLA SUPERIOR AGRÁRIA DEL INSTITUTO POLITÉCNICO DE BRAGANÇA (PORTUGAL), CERTIFICAN QUE: Filipa Sofia Dinis Reis, ha realizado bajo su dirección en el Dpto. de Nutrición y Bromatología II (Facultad de Farmacia, UCM), Instituto De Investigação e Inovação em Saúde de la Universidad De Porto (i3S) y la Escola Superior Agrária (Instituto Politécnico de Bragança) el trabajo de tesis doctoral que lleva por título “Caracterización química y evaluación de la actividad biológica de setas silvestres y cultivadas comestibles” y que constituye su Memoria de Tesis Doctoral. Dicho trabajo reúne las condiciones necesarias para su presentación y defensa para optar al grado de Doctor, con mención europea. Y para que conste, a los efectos oportunos, firmo el presente certificado en Porto a seis de abril de dos mil diecisiete. To my parents, Maria Alice Almeida Dinis António Fernando dos Santos Reis “From the freedom to explore comes the joy of learning.” E.O. Wilson (In The Creation: An Appeal to Save Life on Earth, 2010) Acknowledgments ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The way may seem painful, but when we don’t walk alone, everything becomes easier. Throughout this period, I had the privilege of having the best people by my side. So, now that the goal is approaching, I would like to show my appreciation to everyone who contributed to the accomplishment of this dissertation. My first words have to be addressed to my supervisors, Professor Dr. Isabel C.F.R. Ferreira, Professor Dr. Mª Helena Vasconcelos and Professor Dr. Patricia Morales. Thank you for the challenge and for coming on board with me on this adventure. Thank you for all the support and dedication you have always shown. I also thank you for the guidance, the knowledge and the trust you have placed on me and for your friendship. Thanks to you, I am a better researcher and a better person. You will be always a reference for me. A special thanks to Professor Dr. Anabela Martins. Thank you for following my journey from the start point. Thank you for being always available for me, even when it seemed impossible. I thank you not only for all the knowledge you have passed on to me through all these years, but also the privilege of letting me be "one of your little girls." I am also thankful to the Department of Nutrition and Bromatology II from the Faculty of Pharmacy of the Complutense University of Madrid. Thank you for accepting me, and allowing the development of my work in your Faculty. A special thanks to Laura Cebadera and Alejandro Cerro for allowing me to stay at their house during my stay in Madrid. Thank you for your kindness and affection. I Acknowledgments A deep thank-you to the Mountain Research Center (CIMO), for allowing the development of my work in their facilities, accepting to be one of my host institutions. A word of appreciation to the Institute of Molecular Pathology and Immunology of the University of Porto (IPATIMUP), now inserted in the i3S - Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde da Universidade do Porto. I would also like to thank you for allowing me to carry out my work, therefore contributing a lot to my training. To the BioChemCore research group, to whom I belong to. Without you, everything would be very difficult. If today I am proud of the work that I have done, I am proud to have performed it at your side. Thank you all for the indispensable help in the lab, as well as for all the demonstrations of friendship through the most diverse forms. Thank you for always having a smile, a warmth and a friendly word. I will not mention anyone, because you are all important to me. I am extremely grateful to everyone, from the first person who greeted me on the first day, and showed me what it was like to belong to the then small group of the Laboratory of Applied Chemistry and Biochemistry, to those who helped me so much in these final moments, showing me that indeed, for us, nothing is completely impossible. A deep thank you to the Cancer Drug Resistance Group from i3S / IPATIMUP, especially to Vanessa Rodrigues, Diana Sousa and Hugo Seca. I have to also thank to Raquel Lima, Daniela Freitas and Catarina Tavares. Thank you for making me feel welcome. Thank you for considering me "one of you" from the beginning. Thank you for all the unique moments you shared with me. Away from family and old friends, you became my new family, the family that taught me that everything happens for a reason. You will always be in my heart. After all, once a CDR, CDR forever! To the Professors and employees of the Laboratory of Biology, from the School of Agriculture of Bragança (IPB), as well as to all the collaborators of ipatimup / i3S. Thank you for all the availability and affection. II Acknowledgments To my "host family" in Porto. It is not the blood bonds that hold a connection for life, but love. It is this love that allows someone to open the door of their house indefinitely; that leads someone to offer their home and to turn it into someone else’s one; that allows us to share with someone the most intimate and personal we have. I will never forget what you did for me. The good moments that I spent in "my house” in Porto, will be kept forever in my heart. To all my friends who, even without realizing it, turn the grayest days into the most amazing days that I will always remember. I have to leave a special thanks to my friend Carlos Correia, as well as to my friends Filipa Carvalho, Artur Rebelo and, of course, my dear Gabriel. Thank you for guessing when I need you most. To my sister, for her unconditional love. Even when everything seems to collapse, there are relationships that remains and that person, who is our support, will be always there. I thank you for being that special person who always took care of me and, although apart, has never be absent, because you are always in my heart. I cannot forget my brother-in-law, who I know has always believed in me. To the most innocent and important people in the world, my nephews! If genuine love exists, it is the love of a child. Thank you for always waiting for your aunt / godmother to open the door for another incredible weekend. Without you, any weekend would be just another weekend. Finally, some words to whom I dedicate this thesis, my parents. It is not possible to express in a few lines how much I love you, and how much gratitude I have for your unconditional love. My greatest pride is really being your daughter. I could not have better examples to look up to. Thank you for making me the person I am today, for always believing in me, for supporting me in all my decisions without reservations.
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