D 1 4 6 . 7: 8i ' 7 JAMES WILSON BOOKS. PRINTS. ET( IVith the Compliments of the Guardians of the Standard of Wrought Plate in Birmingham Henry Lloyd \7ila0n Esqiilre, J. P. .. .) mM&^m!mmMmi^imxMm^mmmMSi ATALOGUE OF THE BOOKS IN THE I \v i LIBRARY AT THE^^ I ASSAY OFFICE W BIRMINGHAM: i ANNO DOMINI MCM?^: m m}^^^^^^mimm^^m^!mmmm!^mn ABERDEEN.—Merchant and craft guilds of Aberdeen, 1887. Bain, E. ABSTRACT, AN. Of such parts of the Acts of Parliament of " the Guardians of the Standard of Wrought Plate, within the towns of Sheffield and Birmingham," as particularly relate to the silversmiths and plate-workers in the said town of Birmingham, or within twenty miles thereof. Svo. Privately printed. Birmingham, 1813. ACADEMIE ROYALE L', DES MEDAILLES ET DES INSCRIP- TIONS. M^dailles sur les principaux evenements du regne de Louis le Grand avec des applications historiques. Illustrated. 4to. Paris, 1702. ADAM, ROBERT. Designs for vases and foliage, from the antique; engraved by Pastorini. Illustrated. Folio. N. p., n. d. See also Fitzgerald, P. ADAM, ROBERT and JAMES. The works in architecture of Robert and James Adam. Illustrated. La. fol. London, 1778. [Reprint, 1900.] I B ADAM, RO B E RT AND J AM ES—continued. The decorative work of Robert and James Adam; being a reproduction of the plates illustrating decoration and furniture from their "Works in " Architecture published 1778-1812. La. fol. London, 190 1. See also Heaton, J. A,; Singleton, E. ADDERLEY, H. A. History of the Warwickshire Yeomanry Cavalry. Illustrated. 8vo. Warwick, 1896. ADELINE, JULES. Lexique des termes d'art. (Bibliotheque de I'enseignement des beaux- arts.) New edition. Illustrated. 8vo. Paris, n. d. ADLER, CYRUS, and I. M. CASANOWICZ. Descriptive catalogue of a collection of objects of Jewish ceremonial; deposited in the United States National Museum by Hadji Ephraim Benguiat. (Smithsonian Institution.) Illustrated. La. 8vo. Washington, 1901. i^DES PEMBROCHIAN.E. A new account and description of the statues, bustos, relievos, paintings, medals, and other antiquities and curiosities in Wilton House; with a dissertation on sculpture among the Greeks and Romans. Thirteenth edition. 8vo. Salisbur}', 1798. AFGHAN BOUNDARY COMMISSION. Eighteen plates of ornamental tiles collected by the Afghan Boundary Commission. Folio. N. p., n. d. AGAUNE.—Tresor de I'abbaye de St. Maurice d'Agaune. Aubert, E. AGRICOLA, GEORG. Libri quinque de mensuris et ponderibus, in quibus plaeraque a Budseo et Portio parum animaduersa diligenter excutiuntur. i2mo. Paris, 1533. De ortu et causis subterraneorum, libri V. De natura eorum quae effluunt ex terra, libri 1 1 II. De natura fossiUum, libri X. De veteribus et novis metallis, libri II. Bermannus, sive De re metallica Dialoeus. Folio. Basileae, 1546. 2 ; AGRICOLA, GEORG—condnued. De re metallica, libri XII. De animantibus subterraneis. Illustrated. Folio. Basilcae, 1561. Illustrated. Folio. Basilese Helvet, 1621. Translated from the first latin edition of 1556; with biographical introduction, annotations and appendices upon the development of mining methods, geology, mineralogy and mining law from the earliest times to the 1 6th century, by Herbert Clark Hoover and Lou Henry Hoover. Illustrated. Folio. London, T912. Opera di Giorgio Agricola de I'arte de metalli partita in XII libri. Aggi- ugnesi il libro del medesimo autore, che tratta de gl' Animali di sottoterra, da lui stesso coretto, & riueduto. Tradotti in lingua Toscana da M. Michelangelo Florio Fiorentino. Illustrated. Folio. In Basilea, 1563. Bergwerck Buch: darinnen nicht allein alle Empter Instrument Gezeug und alles so zu disem Handel gehorig mit Figuren vorgebildet und klar- lich beschrieben : Sondern auch wie ein rechtwerstandiger Bergmann seyn soil und die Gang auszzurichten seyen. Nachmals aber durch . Phillippuni BcchiuDi . getruckt. Allen, Bergherzn, Gewercken, Berg- meistern, Geschworner, Schichtmeistern, Steigern, Berghawern, Waschern, und Schmaltzern nicht allein nutzlich und dienstlich sondern auch zu wissen hochnohtwendig. Illustrated. Folio. Frankfort, 1580. AIKIN, A. AND C. R. A dictionary of chemistry and mineralogy. 2 vols, and appendix. 4to. London, 1807-14. AIRY, G. B. Extracts of papers laid before the Commission appointed to consider the steps to be taken for restoration of the standards of weight and measure arranged by G. B. Airy, Astronomer Royal. Printed by order of the Treasury. 4to. London, 1840. AKERMAN, JOHN Y. Coins of the Romans relating to Britain. Illustrated. 8vo. London, 1844. ALBERTI, LEON BATTISTA. See Vinci, Leonardo da. 3 ALBERTOLLI, FERDINANDO. Fregi trovati nel 1812 negli scavi del Foro Trajano, opera del celebre Ateniese Apollodoro; disegnati e pubblicati dall' egregio F. AlbertoUi. Riprodotti in litografia da Gio: Batta Ferrari con aggiunte. Illustrated. La. fol. Firenze, 1833. ALBERTOLLI, GIOCONDO. Ornamenti diversi inventati, disegnati ed eseguiti da Giocondo AlbertoUi. Incisi da Giacomo Mercoli Luganese. Illustrated. La. fol. Milan, 1782. Alcune decorazioni di nobili sale ed altri ornamenti. Incisi da Giacomo Mercoli e da Andrea De Bernardis. Illustrated. La. fol. Milan, 1787. ALDEGREVER, HEINRICH. (1502-58.) An engraving representing a winged figure of a woman standing on a globe and holding in the right hand a cup and a bridle, in the left hand a serpent; dated 1555. (La Fortune, Bartsch, 143.) ALDROVANDUS, ULYSSES. Musaeum metallicum, in libros IIII distributum. Folio, Bologno, 1648. ALEXANDRIA MUSEUM, THE, EGYPT. Breccia, E. Iscrizioni greche e latine. 191 1, La Necropoli di Sciatbi. 191 2. See Cairo Museum, The. ALL THE YEAR ROUND. The Art Treasures of the City of London. Vol. V. Nos. no, 114, 115, 116. La. 8vo. London, 1891. ALDRIDGE, W. J. The goldsmith's repository. 8vo. London, 1789. ALLEN, J. ROMILLY. Celtic art in Pagan and Christian times. Illustrated. 8vo. London, 1904. See Coffey, G.; Stokes, M. ALLEN, W. HERBERT. Italian wall decoration of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries; a handbook of the models, illustrating interiors of Italian buildings in the Victoria and Albert Museum. (Victoria and Albert Museum handbook.) 8vo. London, 1901. 4 : ALMACK, EDWARD. Regimental badges worn in the British Army one hundred years ago; reproduced in facsimile from the notebook of a silversmith of that time. La. 8vo. London, 1900. ALMANACH DES MONNOIES. Annies 1784, 1785, 1786, 1787, 1788, and 1789. 6 vols. i6mo, Paris, 1784-89. ALMGREN, OSCAR. Studien iiber nordeuropaische Fibelformen der ersten nachchristlichen Jahrhunderte mit berucksichtigung der provinzialromischen and siidrus- sischen formen. Vol. i, text; vol. ii, plates. La. 8vo. Stockholm, 1897. ALPHABET, AN. Of ornamental capital letters drawn with pen and ink and coloured seventeenth century. ALPHABETS, MONOGRAMS, AND CYPHERS. Alphabet. An alphabet of ornamental capital letters: seventeenth cen- tury. Berri, D. G. Monograms, historical and practical. 1869. Bry, Theodorus De. A new artistic alphabet. 1880. Cyphers, A New Book of, wherein the various combinations of the alphabet are ornamentally disposed in the present taste. N.d. Day, L. F. Alphabets, old and new. 1898. Lettering in ornament. 1902. Delamotte, F. The book of ornamental alphabets, ancient and mediaeval. 1895. Examples of modern alphabets, plain and ornamental. 1896. Diebener, W. Monograms and decorations. 1902. Gerlach, M. Das Gewerbe-Monogramm. Industrial monograms. r88i. HoLLiNS, W. The British standard of the capital letters contained in the Roman alphabet. 18 13. Jennings, O. Early woodcut initials. 1908. La Fueille, D. De. Livre nouveau et utile pour toutes les orfevres, les orlogeurs, les peintres, les graveurs, les brodeurs, etc. 1691. NowACK, H. Das moderne Monogramm. [1904.] 5 ALPHABETS, MONOGRAMS, AND CYPHERS—coniinued. Palatino, G. Libro di M. G. Palatino cittandino romano nel qual s'insegna a scrivere ognisorte, lettra, antica, moderna. 1556. Parsons, Col. A new book of cyphers. 1704. Rhodes, Benj. A new book of cyphers. 1723. Shaw, H. Alphabets, numerals, and devices of the middle ages. 1845. The handbook of mediaeval alphabets and devices. 1853. Shelley, G. Natural Writing in all the hands, with variety of ornament. [1707.] The second part of Natural Writing. 1714. Sympson, S. a new book of cyphers. 1726. Turbavne, a. a. Monograms and ciphers. 1905. Schrijfkonste. Velde, J. Van Den. Spieghel der 1605. Verien, N. Recueil d'emblemes, devises, medailles, et figures hiero- glyphiques. Accompagne de plus de deux mille chiffres fleuronnez simples, doubles et triples. 1696. Watson, T. A copy book enriched with great variety of the most usefull and modish hands, adorned with a whole alphabet of great letters. [Eighteenth century.] See Miniatures. ALTMANN, AMEDEE. Le regime corporatif des metiers en Autriche et en Allemagne au 19* siecle. La. 8vo. Bordeaux, 1907. AMERICAN SILVER. The work of seventeenth and eighteenth century silversmiths, exhibited at the Museum of Fine Arts 1906. With an introduction by R. T. H. Halsey, and a technical description of the various pieces by J. H. Buck. Illustrated. La. 8vo. Boston, 1906. See also Starr, Theodore, B. AMMAN, JOST. nANOIlAIA, omnium illiberalium mechanicarum aut sedentariarum artium genera continens, . carminum liber primus, . Accesserunt etiam venustissimse Imagines omnes omnium artificum negociationes ad vivum lectori representantes, antehac nee visse, nee unquam aeditae: per Hartman Schopperum. Illustrated. i6mo. Francofurti ad. Mcenum, 1568. 6 ANDERSON, WILLIAM. The pictorial arts of Japan: with an historical sketch of the associated arts, and
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