E1088 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 23, 2008 care that they require and deserve. We must dolf Anderson Jr., Buddy L. Brown, Edwin G. achieved by Clinton High School wrestler ensure that the proper medical services are Emerling, Richard S. Heyser, James A. Byron Tate. This winter Byron captured the available to service men and women for their Qualls, and Captains George M. Bull, Roger Iowa Class 3A Individual Wrestling Champion- use while on active duty and once they return H. Herman, Charles W. Kern, Gerald E. ship in the 215 pound weight class. home. Today, the percentage of women in the Mcllmoyle, Robert L. Primrose, and Daniel W. Byron won a thrilling championship match. military is at the highest level ever. My home Schmarr. A ceremony will take place May 23, He defeated his final opponent in a 5–2 deci- State of Ohio currently has over 65,000 fe- 2008, and five of the six surviving pilots will be sion. male veterans. I am deeply concerned about in attendance. Madam Speaker, I am extremely proud of the impact these high service levels are hav- As we approach Memorial Day, let us the accomplishments of Byron and the Clinton ing on the well-being and stability of America pause, reflect, and give thanks for the efforts High School Wrestling team, both on and off families and I am committed to working on this of our men in uniform, both those whose ef- the court. Perhaps Paul ‘‘Bear’’ Bryant, the issue in Congress. forts will be infamous and those whose service late, great coach of the Alabama Crimson Tide The 11th Congressional District of Ohio is will be unheralded by the public at large. I am football team said it best: ‘‘Show class, have represented by an outstanding group of proud to represent the district from which the pride, and display character. If you do, winning women serving in our Nation’s armed forces men of Operation Brass Knob staged their val- takes care of itself’’ This year, Byron Tate and and our State’s national guard. Their service iant flights, and I wish to congratulate them on Clinton High School proved just that. and sacrifice is greatly appreciated and will their upcoming recognition. f not be forgotten. f RENEWABLE ENERGY AND JOB f INTRODUCTION OF COHEN–ISSA CREATION ACT OF 2008 TRIBUTE TO U–2 PILOTS LIBEL TOURISM LEGISLATION SPEECH OF HON. STEVE COHEN HON. EDWARD J. MARKEY HON. CIRO D. RODRIGUEZ OF MASSACHUSETTS OF TENNESSEE OF TEXAS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Wednesday, May 21, 2008 Thursday, May 22, 2008 Thursday, May 22, 2008 Mr. MARKEY. Madam Speaker, oil prices Mr. COHEN. Madam Speaker, today, I, Mr. RODRIGUEZ. Madam Speaker, I rise to have now reached $135 a barrel and regular along with Congressman DARRELL ISSA, intro- recognize the heroic feats and commendable gasoline averages $3.81 per gallon around the military service of 11 U–2 pilots of the 4080th duced a bill that would address the phe- country. Meanwhile, the big five oil companies Strategic Reconnaissance Wing. Based out of nomenon of ‘‘libel tourism,’’ which occurs are reaping the rewards of record prices. The Laughlin Air Force Base in Del Rio, Texas, when plaintiffs seek judgments from foreign major oil companies recorded more than $123 these men weathered great danger in flying courts against American authors and pub- billion in profits in 2007. However, rather than critical surveillance missions over the Carib- lishers for making allegedly defamatory state- reinvesting the bulk of those profits to advance bean during the height of the Cold War. ments, often to get around first amendment- a strategy that vigorously incorporates renew- On October 14, 1962, their efforts provided based constraints on American defamation able energy alternatives, oil company profits the first convincing evidence that Soviet me- law. This phenomenon threatens to undermine have been spent largely to fund huge in- dium range ballistic missiles were present in our Nation’s core free speech principles. U.S. creases in stock buybacks designed to prop Cuba; and thanks to their courage, our country law places a higher burden on certain defama- up stock prices. ExxonMobil—the largest of was able to recognize and navigate one of the tion plaintiffs and with respect to certain types the major oil companies—recorded $40 billion greatest national security threats of the 20th of allegedly defamatory speech in order to in profit in 2007 and spent $31.8 billion repur- century, the Cuban Missile Crisis. At great safeguard first amendment-protected speech. chasing shares of its own stock. Meanwhile personal risk, the unit exposed some of the Other countries, including those that generally ExxonMobil only spent $10 million investing in deepest and darkest secrets of our country’s share our legal tradition, provide no such pro- renewable energy in 2007. adversaries. tection, and American authors and publishers The oil industry in the past 5 years has un- Named ‘‘Operation Brass Knob’’, this distin- should not be forced to restrict their speech to dertaken one of the largest stock buybacks in guished group of pilots ventured over Cuban comport with more limited foreign standards. the history of capitalism. Spending on share airspace armed only with cameras. Declas- Our legislation will codify the principle that, buybacks for the five major oil companies sified documents and the pilots’ personal ac- while U.S. courts will normally enforce the went from under $10 billion a year in 2003 to counts reveal that each was engaged by the judgments of foreign courts, they should not nearly $60 billion a year in 2007. Big Oil has enemy; indeed, on the 27th U–2 flight over do so when foreign judgments undermine our increased spending on stock repurchases from $7.9 billion in 2003 to $57.7 billion in 2007— Cuba, and during the pinnacle of the crisis, Constitution. Specifically, our bill prohibits U.S. an increase of 630 percent. The increase in Major Rudolf Anderson Jr. was shot down and courts from recognizing or enforcing foreign Big Oil’s spending on stock buybacks in recent killed by a strategic air missile. Nevertheless, defamation judgments that do not comport years has been so remarkable, and indeed the intelligence photographs these pilots com- with the first amendment. This is a straight- unprecedented, that Exxon spent more repur- piled gave President Kennedy the information forward solution that is designed to discourage foreign defamation plaintiffs from filing suit chasing its own shares in the first quarter of needed to initiate a naval blockade of Cuba 2008—$8 billion—than all the major oil com- and ultimately dissuade the Soviet Union. against American authors and publishers in foreign courts and instead encourage them to panies spent on stock buybacks for all of On November 26, 1962, President Kennedy 2003. awarded the 4080th Strategic Reconnaissance tile suit in the United States. I would like to thank the Association of The money being invested by Big Oil in all Wing with the Air Force Outstanding Unit American Publishers and the Media Law Re- types of production still pales in comparison to Award. Kennedy nobly remarked, ‘‘The work source Center for their valuable feedback dur- the value being returned to shareholders in of this unit has contributed as much to the se- ing the drafting of this bill and for their support the form of dividends and stock buy-backs. curity of the United States as any unit in our for this legislation. I urge my colleagues to be- While ExxonMobil has increased capital in- history, and any group of men in our history!’’ come cosponsors of this bill. vestment in drilling and exploration from $12 While President Kennedy’s decisionmaking billion in 2003 to $15.7 billion in 2007—an in- during the Cuban Missile crisis is properly f crease of roughly 30 percent—ExxonMobil has designated as lore, the 11 U–2 pilots have HONORING STATE CHAMPION increased spending on stock buybacks from spent the past 45 years in relatively humble WRESTLER BYRON TATE OF $5.9 billion in 2003 to $31.8 billion in 2007— obscurity. Because of the sensitivity of their CLINTON HIGH SCHOOL a five-fold increase. mission, most of these men were denied the The legislation that I am introducing today, public praise and recognition warranted by HON. BRUCE L. BRALEY the Renewable Investment and Consumer their mission. OF IOWA Protection Act or 2008, would impose a 10 And so today I applaud the Val Verde His- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES percent fee on all stock buyback transactions torical Commission for its decision to honor entered into by major oil companies and redi- these men by placing a commemorative his- Thursday, May 22, 2008 rect that revenue to fund investment in renew- torical marker in Del Rio, TX, on behalf of the Mr. BRALEY of Iowa. Madam Speaker, I able energy and low-income energy assist- 11 pilots of Operation Brass Knob: Majors Ru- rise today to recognize the outstanding results ance programs. If the oil companies refuse to VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:47 May 24, 2008 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00042 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A22MY8.111 E23MYPT1 jbell on PROD1PC69 with REMARKS.
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