THE TEESDALE MERCURY—WEDNESDAY, JULY 21, STAINDl k TO BE LET, NETEB in our recollection have the crops A Scene took place at Haughton-le-Skerne on Thursday evening. A number of per>ons, armed Extraordinary Cat.—I J . M . MA R8H ALL; ND may be entered upon immediately, a large of grass been heavier in this district than at fin1-— k in possession of a cal MARKET-PLACE, BARNARD CASTLE, A FRONT SHOP, with Bow Windows and run- with spades, pick-axes, mallets, and other implement*, ing shutters, of the best construction, with a Cellar the present season, and never was there a made an attack upon some post* which had been killing rats a* the best terrier I K6S to intimate that on and a tor FRIDAY, the 80TH uit., he is prepared to Show a LARGE a few day* ago which measu J STOCK of r r . and House Accomodation, situate in the Bank, probability of their being better harvested. placed for protecting the footpath on the villagegreen, B BARNARD CASTLE, For particulars apply to and after considerable labour and tumult, to the dis­ tail to the end of the snout, 2 Mrs. ROWXTREE on the premises. The inventions of grass-cutters and hay­ turbance of the peace, nnd dissatisfaction of the when she ha* killed a rat, to < JNJJLLIKEBT BONNETS, HATS, AND JVJANILES, making machines prove their value more and inhabitant* who witnessed the fcene, had the posts owner. Of the Newest Parisian rod London Designs ; RICHMOND uprooted and destroyed, the one policeman of the place r Hay Harvest.—A 1. more every year, for by their aid the farmer standing quietly by. * ; baa been (tacked during the L FANCY AND PLAIN DRESS MATERIALS, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION ; BEAUTIFUL A ORNAMENTAL TENT to may get through an amount of work in a day The President of the Wesltfran Conference With Appropriate Trimmings : together with a he LET OUT ox HUE. 60 feet by 30, either with bourhood. Crops in general I WELL-ASSORTED STOCK OF GENERAL DRAPERY, A or two that formerly occupied him for weeks, and Local Preachers.—The Rev. S. R. Hall, president ease* where th* yield is couaidel or without BOILEK. Adapted for Galas, Ac—Apply of the Wesleyan Conference, writes to a gentleman For Personal aod Household) nse ; comprising to Mr. THOMAS WILDI:, Richmond. the hay also being of superior quality. Thus Should the fin* weather oontl Hosiery, GIOTBS, Psrasoli, Umbrellas, Calicoes, Sheetings, Linen, Ticks, Blankets, Quilts, Damasks, living at Bristol:—" I am in receipt of your commu­ week, the whole of the hay. Mnelio, Laaoeand Laoe Curtai s, Chin ties, Ac , Ac. BOWES AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. a few days of hot weather now suffice to nication of the 10th inst., in which you complain of Ruby Park, will be safely pits] Atteitinn it particulirlv called to the St «k if Kidderminster, Dotcn, Tapestry, and Brussels CARPETS gather in any quantity of hoy, provided that the occupation by local preachers of the pulpits of the chief Wesleyan chapels when the recognised ministers SPIT; Beara Figured, Mettled, and Velvet Pile HEARTH RUGS, Floor Cloths, Mats, and Matting, which T a Meeting held at Mrs Highmoor's, Unicorn Inn, machinery of ample power be employed. t*r Extant and Cheapness are a -rivalled in t^e District. A on Saturday, July 10th, the following gentlemen are occasionally absent. As you propose sending your Sabbath School A tinivj agreed to act on' the Committee:—Messrs Edmund This, once, was nut the case, for scythe-mowing note to the Bristol newspapers, I must be excused if I being set apart for the At—t tor WHEELER A WILSON'S LOCK STITCH SEWING MACHINES ; and the EXPRESS treat your severe and unwarrantable strictures upon LOCK STITCH HAND 8KWINI MACHIVE. Hoggett, chairman, John Bainbridge, vice-chairman, was a slow process—hands were difficult t" .assembly, and the dialogues Jonathan Bousfield, James Harper. Isaac Alderson, a most valuable class of men a* unworthy of remark and well arranged. John AldJ procure,—and on large farms haymaking from me. I decline to appear before the ' public' AN ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OF James Hird, Joseph Lambert, Thomas White, Thomas iag address, setting forth the I Fryer, William Alcock, and James Stephenson; Mr upon your call; and a* you stand in no relation to our instruction taught in Sabbal sometimes lingered till rain set in, and the Church that gives you any right to disturb our long- W. Wilson, Jun., Secretary, and Mr George Pickering, crop was deterioiated or spoiled. Modern dialogue* and pieces of poetry! X CATER BOOKS AND CHURCH SERVICES. Treasurer. It was agreed to hold the first show on the established usages, I trust the ' public ' of Bristol A piece, exhibiting the love ol 21 ST OF SEPTEMBER. A Prize Schedule can be ingenuity has effected much in remedying will discredit your unjust and obtrusive criticism*." - was read by Mary Jane BousT PHOT OGRAPHIC A obtained on application to the Seoretury, these inconveniences, and agriculturists may Fatal Accident at the Ironworks, Darling­ —ending a* follow*:— L BUMS, WM. WILSON, JUN., ton.—An inquest on the body of Thomas Brown, of • rorbtd them no*, I — July 12th, 1869. HON. SEC. thank those whose busy brains have devised Bank Top, was held on Thursday afternoon, at Albert Ha ban the larot IN THE NEWEST BINDINGS ALL PRICES. Anil babes were t implements to favour their operations, and Hill, before Mr. Dean, deputy coroner. The circum­ Where Je BOOKS FOR PRESENT g\ FORCETT LIMESTONE COMPANY stances attending bis death were detailed in the fol­ AND A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF (LIMITED). rescue their crops from the vicissitudes of Thus, Lard, to thee < lowing evidence:—James Morley, of Albert Hill, Dar­ For blessing* dally e CHEAP VOLUMES OF POPULAR LITERATURE. climate. lington, engineman, stated—I Knew Thomas Brown. For friends who tcacu| OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the next He was engineman of the Albert Hill Ironworks, General Half-yearly MEETING of the Share­ la this our Spitai I STEEL PENS. N Darlington. He was 32 years of age. On Wednes­ Beside* other pieces and dii holders will be held in the Clay Lane Office. Exchange day forenoon, the 14th July, he was at work. He A SELECTION FROM THE BEST MAKERS. Buildings, Middlesboro&rh, m'the County of York, on LOCAL & GENERA.!] NEWS. Alderson, Margaret Close, Fli went along a beam to put some water on from a Up, 3. 3. Alderson, Sarah Pratt. THURSDAY, the 6thday OPAUGUST, 1369, at 10 o'clock close to the shaft of the fly wheel, this being for the in the Forenoon. ; •' - Alderson, R. Pratt, and £. iX\ R. W. ATKINSON, BOOKSELLER, BARNARD CASTLE. During the past week, a number of excur­ purpose of keeping .the fly wheel cool. It was in brought to a close by an addr C. F. II. BOLCKOW, Chairman, sionists from Stockton and other places; and also motion at the time; it was going very rapidly, but no T. RICHARDSON, Secretary. an by T. Alderson. The serv numerous select pleasure parties, have visited Barnard more so than usual. I was talking to him. He was ing, were conducted by Mr T J NOTICE TO AGRICULTURISTS. Castle and neighbourhood. inside. His feet slipped and be fen into the fly wheel FORCETT RAILWAY COMPANY. concluded with the doxology, I hole. I went and stopped the engine as soon as he dispersed Highly pleased wil" The Echo newspaper believes that the fell over, and I went down into the hole. A man BARNARD~CASTLE OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the next honour of knighthood will be shortly conferred on Mr 'fir W. Pratt i* the ceteen was there before me. He was quite dead; the fore school. N General Half-yearly MEETING of the Share­ H. W. F, Bolckow, MJ?. for Middlesborough. part of his head was badly injured. I only saw the holders of the Forcett Railway Company will be held OVING1 DEPOT FOR ARTIFICIAL MANURES, Large Salmon Caught at. Berwick.—On wheel hit him once. There was grease on the pipe Presentation.—On th in the Office of the Clay Lane Iron Company, Exchange plate, which I think caused him to slip. He had a NiMET.Y :— Buildings, MIDDLESBOOOUOH, in the North Riding of Friday, a large salmon was caught at the Goswick member* of Court St. C'uthb G. ANDERTON'S NITRO PHOSPHATE fishery. The weight was 571bs; length, 4 feet 3J hammer in one hand and a water-pipe in the other. Fereaters, held their bilf-jj the County of York, on TIIUBSDAY, the 5th day of He might put the water on by keeping on the outside AMMONIA PHOSPHATE AUGUST, 1869, at 11 o'clock in the Forenoon. inches ; girth, 2 feet 5 inches. It is supposed to be a election of officer* and fori " SUPER PHOSPHATE Norwegian fish. of the fence. There wo* no necessity for him to go opportunity was thought favq C. F. H. BOLCKOW, Chairman, inside. He had a habit of doing so. I checked bun " DISSOLVED BON ES, Ac T. RICHARDSON, Secretary. tion of a testimonial to Mr T Accident at Darlington.—A little boy, for this within five minutes of the accident.—William retary, who ha* occupied th Also FOB N1TRA OF SODA whilst bathing in the Skerne at Albert Hill on Satur­ " OILCAKE OR SALE, SIX HIVES OF BEES.—Apply to Clapham and Christopher Thompson also gave evid­ since the establishment of the] day night, got out of his depth, and was drowned ence, w nen the jury returned a verdict of "Accidental conclusion of the ordinary I « ROCK AND OTHER SALT F TUOMAS ADDISON, Morton House, Staindrop, before assistance could reach him.
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