GENERAL INDEX of Melita Historica Vol. I, no. 1 (1952) - Vol. VIV, no. 4 (1983) AUTHORS in alphabetical order, articles in ohronological order compiled by John Azzopardi, S.J., M.A. ARTICLES AGIUS, John Alfred, "Maltil( and the ~hnoscritto 6687 del Fondo Barberini Second World War. Some Additions to Lat;no della Biblioteca Vaticana", Dr. Galea's Bibliography", V, 2 (1969) 114-57. II, 1 (1956) l4-18. , 'A Bad Reputation for the Maltese AZZOPARDI, Francis, "The Activities of Inquisition under Mgr. John Baptist the First Known Capuchin in Malta Gori Pannellini (1639-1646)", VI, 1 (1972) 50-9. Robert of Eboli", IV, 2 (1965) 96-110. BONNICI, Arthur, "Reasons for the Delay j,n the Appointment of Bishop F.S. BARTOLO, Paul, "British Colonial Budget­ Caruana", ing in Malta.. The first Formative De· I, 3 (1954) 156-63. cades 1800-1838", "The Church and the Freedom of the VIII, 1 (1980) 1-22. Press in Malta", BONANNO, Anthony, "Quintinus and the II, 2 (1957) 105-21. Loca.tion of the Temple of Hercules at "The Dismemberment of the Maltese Marsaxlokk,' , Sec from the Metropoiltan See of VIII, 3 (1982) 190-204. Palermo" , BONELLO, Vincenzo, "La Chiesa. Con­ II, 3 (1958) 179-81. ventuale di S. Giovanni", "The Oath Question", II, 1 (1956) 48-54. IV, 1 (1964) 14-26. "La Congregazione degli Onorati", "A Debt that Was never Settled", V, 2 (1969) 107-1:1. V, 2 (1969) 73-9. BONNICI, Alexander, "Superstitions in "Thirty Years to Build a Protestant Mllta towards the Middle of the Seven­ Church" , teenth Century In the Light of the In­ VI, 2 «1973) 183-91. quisition Trials", "The Archiepiscopal Archives, IV, 3 (1966) 145-83. Malta" , "Due Secoli di Storia Politico-Reli­ VI, :1 (1974)307-12. giosa di Malta nel Fondo Barberi'li BORG. Vincent, "Developments in Edu­ Latino della Biblioteca Vaticana", cation outside the Jesuit 'Collegium IV, 4 (1967) 229-56. Melitense' ", "Vlnquisizione di ?vlalta 1561·]798. VI, 3 (1974) 215-54. Riflessioni Critiche circa il Materiale "Girolamo Manduca: His Life and Edito e Inedito", Works" , V, 1 (1968) 3-31. VII, 3 (1978) 237-57. "I Vescovi di Malta Baldassarre BORG OLIVIER, M., "A Maltese Legal Cagliares (1615-1633) e Michele Bala­ Library in the XVIth Century", guer (1635-1663). Edizione. Critica del V, 4 (1971) 282-97. .366 INDEX VOLS. I-VIII BRESC, Henri, "Malta dopo il Vespro I. 1 (1952) 19-32. Siciliano" , "Psychological and Medical Aspects VI, 3 (1974) 313-2l. of the Siege of 1565", BRINCAT, Joseph M., "Le Poesie 'Maltesi' I, 3 (1954) 129-40; di Peire Vidal (1204-5),', L 4 (1955) 193-206. VII, 1 (1976) 65-89. •'British Doc:tors and :the Study of BUHAGIAR Mario, "The Cryp:t and Church the Medical and Natural History of of S. Marija tal-Virtu' at Rabat", Malta in the Nineteenth Cen:tury", VII, 4 (1979) 326-45. III, 4 (1963) 33-41. "Some Late Medieval and Euly "Dottor Paolo Fabrizi", Modern Panel Paintings in Malta". V, 3 (1970) 239-47. VIII, 3 (1982) P17-89 • "'fhe Cult and Iconography of Saints . "The Study of the Maltese Palaeoch­ Cosmas arid Damian in :the Maltede ristian Catacombs". Islands", VgI, 4 (1983) 291-8. VI, 1 (1972) 25-49. BUSUT'rIL, Joseph, "The Maltese Textile "Female Employees in the Medical 4 l!ndustry in Antiquity", ·Services of the Order of St. John in IV, 3 (1966) 215-19. Malta", "Aulus Licinius Aristotelis", VII, 3 (1978) 225-3::1. IV,' 4 (1967) 257-9. · 'Grand Master Nicholas Cotoner "Diodoms Melitensis", and the Foundation of the Lectureship V, 1 (1968) 32-5. of Anatomy and Sucgery 1676", "Ivory Tusks", VIII, 1 (1980) 38-47. V, 3 (1970) 248-50; · .Overseas Medical Graduates and "Anna and Malta", Students at the University of Malta in ibidem, 251-3. the Nineteenrth Century", . "Maltese Harbs>urs in Antiquity", VIII, 2 (1981) 93-100. V, 4 (1971) 305-7; CASSAR, Paul - CAMILLERI, Victor, "Pirates in Malta", "Remains of. a Late Medieval Church ibidem, 308-10. at Rabat, Malta", CAMILLERI, . Joseph, "Correspondence III, 3 (1962) 65-9. Relative to the Painting of the CASSAR, Paul - GANADO, Albert, "Two 'Madonna of Philermos' ", More Documents of 1813 Written on V, 1 (1968) 57-60. Wood during the Plague of Mal:ta", CAMILLERI, Joseph J., "Early Govern­ VII, 4 (1979) 356-62. ment Schools in Malta", CASSAR PULLICINO, Joseph, "Malta in V, ::1 (1970) 259-68. British Periodicals 1915-51. A Select "A Question of Compulsion", List" , VII, 1 (1976) 34-41. I, 2(1953) 75-86. "The Abolition of the Class of Arabic "Malta In 1575. Some Aspects of an at the Lyceum" , Apostolic Visit'~, VII, 2 (1977) 171-4. II, 1 (1956) 19-41. CAMILLERI, Victor, see CASSAR _ "Antichi Cibi Maltesi", CAMILLERI. III,.. 2 (1961) 31-54. cASSAR, Carmel, "0 Melita In/eUx. A "Some 19th Century Hotels in Poem on the Great Siege Written in Malta", 1565", . " VIII, 2 (1981) 109-24. VIII, 2 (1981) 149-55. "The priest Who Declined a Bishop- CASSAR, Patit "Maltese Medical Journals ric" I 1838-1952" , VIII, ::1 (1982) 213-33. INDEX VOLS. I.VIII 367 CASSOLA, Arnold, "On the Meaning of III, 1 (1960) 1-4. gueri in Petrus Caxaro's Cantilena", "More Houses in Valletta", VIII, 4 (1983) 315-7. III, 2 (1961) 1-8. GAUCHL John A., "L'Enigmatico' Cas· "Still More Houses in Valletta", III, 3(1962) 42.58. sarino" I VII, 2 (1977) 133-8 + VIII Tavole. "Yet More Houses in Valletta", CAVALLERO, Roderic E., "The Decline of III, 4 (1963) 15-32. the Maltese Corso in the XVIII th EYNAUD, J., "Teatro e Folclore a Malta Century. A Study in Maritime History" nel Secolo Decimottavo", II, ~ (1959) 224-38. VI. 2 (1973) 153-81. CHERRINS, Richard H.A., "A Checkli3t FIORINI, Bonaventura, "Profili Biografic~ of Post-War British Government Pub­ di Quahro Insigni Professori di Teclo· lications Relating to Malta", g'ia all'Universita' di Malta", VI, I (1972) 81-90. II, 3 (1958) 172-8, CIAPPARA, Francis, "The Landed Proper­ "La Chiesa ed il Convento di San ty of the Inquisition in Malta in the Paolo a Mare dei Frati Minori Con­ ventuali. Note Storiche", !Jate XVIII Century", VII, 1 (1976) 43-60 + Plate. III, 2 (1961) 14·18. "II Convento di S. Francesco in CLARKE WEBER, Bernard, see GRAY Rabat (Malta) dei Frati Minori Coo­ PORTER - CLARKE WEBER. ventuali" , CREMONA, A., "L'Antica Fondazione III, 3 (1962) 1-41. della Scuola di Lingua Araba in Malta" , "I Francescani ail Gozo", I, 2 (1953) 87-103; III, 4 (1963) 44-56. I, 3 (1954) 141-9; "Le N otizie Storiche sull'Architet­ I, 4 (1955) 207-20. tura dei Conventi Francescani Maltesi" DARMANIN, J.F., "The Buildings of the V, 3 (1970) 254-8. ' Order at H.M. Victualling Yard, FIORINI, Stanley, "From the Diary of a Malta" , Priest in Senglea during the French II, (1957) 66-72. Blockade" , DEBONO, John, "The Protection of Mal­ VIII, 3 (1982) 234-60. tese Shipping: A Late Eighteenth "Status Animarum I: A Unique Century Report", Soured for 17th and 18th Century Mal· VIII, 3 (1982) 205-12. tese Demography", DE LUCCA, Denis, "The Maltese 'Perit' VIII, 4 (1983) 325-343. in History", GALEA, Joseph, "Malta and the Second VI.·4 (1975) 431-6. World War. A Bibliography" "French Military Engineers in Malta L 1 (1952) 33-51. during the 17th and 18th Centuries", "Doeumenti per .Servire alIa Storja VIII;· 1 (1980) 23-33. Medievale Maltese", DELUREANU, Stefan, "Un Patriota II, 11 (1958) 196-9. Romeno a Malta", " A Captain of the Port of Malta VI, 4 (1975) 382-90. and a Grand Vizier of Constantinople. DENARO, Victor F., "Houses in Merchants Their Fortunes and Friendships", Street, Valletta", IV, 1 (1964) 53-66. II, 11 (1958) 158~71. "The Great Siege of Malta from a "Houses in Kingsway and Old Bak­ Turkish Point of View", ery Street, Vanetta", IV, 2 (1965) 111-16. II. 4 (1959) 201-15. "The Quarantine Service and The "The Manoel Theatre", Lazzaretto of Malta", 362 INDEX VOLS. I-V~II IV, 8 (1000) 184-200. 'Universitil. del Gozo': A Classified "Before the Motor Ambulances Came List" , to Malta", II, 1 (1956) 44-7. IV, 4 (1967) 278-80. KOSTER, A., "The Knights' State (1530- "The Sea Board and Marshes of 1798): A Regular Regime", Qormi", VIII, 4 (1983) 299-314. V, 1 (1968) 36-8. LANFRANCO, Guido G., "Bibliography. GALEA, Louis, "Bordoni and Bordonieri", 'fhe More Important Articles on Maltese VI, 3 (1974) 325-6. Natural History", GALEA SCANNURA, C., "The Office of the II, 4 (1959) 241-2. Secrezia of Malta Previous to the Com­ "Cynomorium Coccineum Linn., A ing of the Knights Hospitallers", 'Maltese Historical Plant", VI, 2 (1973) 107-32. III, 1 (1960) 53-70. GANADO, Albert, see CASSAR - LEE, Hilda I., "The Development of the GANADO Malta Constitution 1813-1849", I, 1(1952) 7-18. GR'A Y PORTER, Mary - CLARKE "British Policy towards the Religion, WEBER, Bernard, "Malta in 1885: An Ancient Laws and Customs in Malta Austrian Report", 1824-1851" , IV, 1, (1964) 27-33. III, 4 (1963) 1-14; GRILLO, 'Raffaele, "Giuseppe Zahra, Mal­ IV, 1 (1964) 1-13. tese, Professore nell' Universita.' di LEOPARDI, KR., "'Bandi' of the XV Catania" , Century", VII, 3 (1978) 234-6. II, 2 (1957) 122-8; "Un Pernicioso Contrasto tra la Malta "Transactions of the Consiglio Popo­ dei Cavalieri e i1 Re di Sicilia (1745- lare during the Year 147R-1479", 55)", ibidem, 129-36; VIII, 2 (1981) 125-32. "Malta e Gozo in un Documento GRL\fA, Joseph F., "The Maintenance of Trecentesco Siciliano", the Order's Galley-Squadron (c.
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