24- -MANCHESTER HERALD, Wednesday, Feb. 14, 1990 homes WANT ADS are worth FOR RENT CHILD CARE looking into when you're IPq i WANTED to looking for a place to Io »I b UY/TRADE liv e ... Bridge Wary MANCHESTER -2 b e d ­ LICENStu uaycare Pro­ WANTED- Old pre-war ro o m s. bath $725 1 vider has tull-time op­ children's toys and pe­ m o n th ly , months se­ miscellaneous V'.' u .:. 1 ening for all ages for )7 J dal cars Also, old curity References. No FOR SALE turned a heart. Declarer won, played before and after school clocks working or not. NORTH 2.14-90 A clever to dummy’s diamond ace and ruffed a Dual referendum pets. Large yard, close care Weddell School 644-3234 ♦ a K J as to shopping. MCC. and District 646-5260 diamond, and then led a spade to dum­ 3 BIKES. LIkenew! 1 girl's ¥ 6 4 3 alternative m y’s ace and ruffed another diamond. nterstates. Available 26". girl's 20" ♦ A 6 3 2 worries some/3 immediately 643-9321 1 1 A spade to dummy’s king was followed boy's20" $25 each: HELPING PEOPLE sa­ ♦ K 10 5 By James Jacoby FREE bath tub. 646- tisfy their needs and by a heart ruff. At this point declarer WKST MISCELLANEOUS 1001 . wants ... that's what want EA.ST would have liked to ruff dummy’s last I ads are all about. ♦ 8 ♦ 5 2 How can you make a trick from K- diamond, but that was simply not pos­ | 3 5 | | t o r e / office SERVICES I $M0 9 8 5 ¥ K Q 7 2 10-5 facing 6-4-3? You can lead up to sible. Declarer had to hope that the .f- j ^ F O R RENT ♦ K 10 9 8 4 END ROLLS ♦ Q J 5 the king and hope the ace is well partial elimination was enough. So de­ GSL Building Mainte­ CARS ♦ Q 72 ♦ A J 9 8 placed. And you can also lead toward width — 50« clarer played a club and put in dum­ O ffice For Rent- nance Co Commercial- 7.1'h" FOR SALE that K-10 and hope that the Q-J is in SOUTH m y’s 10-spot. East won the jack but Includes utilities and /Residential building 13" width — 2 for 50« front of the king. So sometimes the 10 repairs and home im­ ♦ Q 10 9 7 6 4 3 unfortunately had no more diamonds. parking. Location 485 Nawsprlnt end rolls can be DATSUN, 1979, 210, 2 will force the ace, and at other times ¥ a J A heart from East would allow declar­ t Middle Tpke 646- provements Interior picked up at the Manchester door, 4 speed, good and exterior painting, Herald ONLY before 11 a m. ♦ 7 the ace will be in front of the king. F i­ condition Askinal700 er to sluff a club from his hand while light carpentry Com­ Monday throuflh Thursday. ♦ 6 4 3 nally you might be able to eliminate MANCHT^T^Taw” Of­ Call 643-8447 _____ ruffing with dummy’s jack of spades. plete janitorial service some of the defenders’ side-suits and fice Space-Private otfi- Vulnerable: Neither And a club from East would be away RETAIL Clothing Racks- DODGE 600, 1984-4 door, get a trick by means of an endplay. ce(s) in newly Experienced, reliable, Dealer: South from the ace, making a trick for dum­ free estimates 643- All chrome 4 ways- front wheel drive. Mit­ After three spades was raised to remodelled building m y’s king. Kudos to declarer for play­ 0 3 0 4 .___ rotinders with wheels subishi engine, excel­ four, West led the heart 10. Declarer Includes shared fax. lent running condition. South West North East ing for the chance that East had start­ manrhpHtpr Iprali and hangers. $40-$65 copier, v'ord proces­ TAROT and playing card 3 ♦ Pass 4 ♦ All pass could readily see that the contract each. 643-4130 56K. air. power, ed with only three diamonds. sor, receptionist, con­ readings. Call for ap- cassette, cloth interior would depend upon making a club James Jacoby's books “Jacoby on Bridge" and ROOMMATE W a n te d - ference room, recep­ 33-2447 $3600 649-2748 or 649- Opening lead: ¥ 10 trick, but touching that suit could be "Jacoby on Card Games" (written with his father, tion area law library MALE NURSE-Available Male preferred $325 0593 postponed. So declarer played the jack the late Oswald Jacoby) are now available at _ 649-1256 for home health care plus security, includes of hearts under East’s queen. East re­ bookstores Both are published by Pharos Books utilities 6.13-2447 _ Thursday, Feb. 15.1990 Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm M A N C H E S T f ^ ^ r H a r t- Hospital references Newsstand Price: 35 Cents ford Road Parking, Call Rob 742-9333 FREE Misr Household ITRUCKS/VANS prime location. 700 Items-AII need fixing square feet 649-0969 Take if all 633-2447 ' I FOR SALE TOYOTA, 1983, Pick-up Astrograph El l in g t o n CARS 4x4. 6" lift 36" tires, CARS low miles. V-6 Good Tight budget year targets special school plan MEADOWVIEW I FOR SALE FOR SALE conditiop. $4000/best ARIES (March 21-April 19) This could plete each job. otter 649-9140 or 649- special focus program. A roof in one of Security PLAZA be an advantageous day for joint ven­ VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) A system “How can we take on more when we Margery Bialcck, director of the spe­ __1_1_50_________ ^ o u r By Nancy Foley tures, Something extraordinary might that works extremely well for a friend of Manchester Herald the classrooms at Keeney School is can’t take care of what we already cial focus program, disagreed. She said Lipman VW FORD-1975. 4x4 pick-up ‘B irth d a y occur that both parties involved will yours can be applied to your own prob­ leaking, she said. CARDINAL 360 4 speed, pew mas­ pick up on and use In ways that will lems today. Try to use the same proce­ have?’’ she asked. today that those who care about the 1000 sq. ft. Rte. 83, Vernon The superintendent’s budget includes school system should “stick together” Busy Rte. 83, new 10)0 sq. tt. BUICK, INC. ter cylinder, new ball compound benefits. dures with as little variations as Though many agree a special focus The budget includes $590,500 for rental area. In attractive BSGoHSpodSSpd. ioints. new wheel cy- Feb. 15.1990 TAURUS (April 20-May 20) Even possible. $264,041 for the special focus program, capital outlay projects. and support full funding of the budget $5,888 1984 Fiero, Black Goan $3,795 program at Nathan Hale School is a shopping plara. Ideal for re­ 89 Ford Prebe Auto, Air $9,788 lipders and brakes though your present plans look pretty LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) Your possibil­ designed to attract students to Nathan Kostek said that she was speaking as rather than pitting one program against tail, office, prolessional, serv­ 1986 Pontiac STE Loaded $7r480 In the year ahead it looks like you will good, keep an open mind regarding the good idea, some are questioning shrouds 88 Jena GL Auto. AC $8,288 Very good condition ities for adding to your resources look Hale School by offering instruction in another. ice. 1986 Celcbrty Sedan $6,380 establish several important material ob­ whether the program should be started an individual and not as head of the 88 Jeep Limited $17,888 Runs excellent Must suggestions lor revisions by others. An­ extremely encouraging in this cycle. computers and foreign languages. It Call 87GLI16V5Spd.,AC $8,788 1986 Pontiac Firebird $6,895 sell $2,500 647-9925 jectives. Your possibility for achieving other’s concept might be superior to Chance could play a rather unique role in such a tight budget year. PTA, but added that at a meeting of the “1 have faith in the public and the James J. Gessay 89 Mercury Grand Marquis $13,468 1986 Grand Marquis V-8 $8,980 a fte r 3 each appear very good. yours. in your affairs. survived the initial budget cut of Keeney Street School PTA Monday Board of Directors that it won’t come 87JenaGL5Spd,AC $5,988 1086 Corvette Loaded $18,990 AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) An op­ GEMINI (May 21-June 20) An unex­ SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) Don’t be Linda Kostek, president of the $300,000 made by the school board night, many of the members expressed down to that,” she said. 875-0134 86GTI5Spd.,/yC, Cass $6,888 portunity of a fleeting nature may be 1987 Buick LeSabre Cpe. $9,980 pected development might occur at this reluctant to discard old. unworkable Keeney Street School PTA, said today Tuesday night and several board mem­ 86 Buck SkyhavA $4,988 presented to you today. It you are too similar views. Though she is not op­ But Kathleen Adinolfi, vice-presi­ 1987Cbev S-10P/U $6,280 lime that will enable you to reap greater ideas if you come up with a raft of fresh that maintenance of school buildings, bers expressed support for the program. 86 GLI Limited Edition $7,688 coy and dilly-dally, you might watch it rewards than you’re presently receiving thoughts today. Occasionally it makes posed to the special focus program, dent of Keeney Street School’s PTA, summit 85 Dodge W-150 4*4 Long Bed 1987 Cadillac Brougham $12,930 including major roof repairs, is a more $6,888 SERVICES being disassembled before your eyes.
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