Governors State University OPUS Open Portal to University Scholarship Innovator Student Newspapers 4-1-1993 Innovator, 1993-04-01 Student Services Follow this and additional works at: http://opus.govst.edu/innovator Recommended Citation Governors State University Student Services, Innovator (1993, April 1). http://opus.govst.edu/innovator/418 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Newspapers at OPUS Open Portal to University Scholarship. It has been accepted for inclusion in Innovator by an authorized administrator of OPUS Open Portal to University Scholarship. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Did you know••• The lnnnovator Is Gratuitous violence Do we need the printed with environmentally in the Innovator? BGU? friendly soy Ink on partially recycled See pageS See page 7 paper? � Construction Will Change the Face of GSU By Steve Young rooms will be closed. but the theaterwashrooms will beavail­ Construction on the B build­ able. The theater will remain ing of Governors State Univer­ open during construction, sity will begin at the end of though there will be noise dur­ April. cutting off direct access ing the day. Noise will cease between the A building and the during the evenings and week­ rest of the university for over a ends, so performances should year. notbe disrupted. Mike Hassett, acting Director The Physical Plantoffice and of the Physical Plant, said one the Career Services office will wall will be built just eastof the bemoved to thethird floorof the men's washroom in the B build­ C building. Noise mayaffect ar­ ing and another will bebuilt just eas surrounding the B building. eastthe women's locker roomin Perhaps the most dramatic dis­ the Campus Community Cen­ ruption will be the lack of direct ter(CCC) to contain the con­ access between the A building struction. While this area of the and the C building. university is closed. it will be Hassett said a covered walk­ completely gutted, leaving only way will be installedoutside the the roofand the area's concrete building that will run from the columns intact securityexit of the buildingC to Hassett said once the con­ the west entrance of the CCC. The east entrance to the CCC struction is complete, theB sec­ Paneling is removed in preparation for construction. tion will have a secondfloor and will be closed to everyone ex­ approximately 11 new class­ ceptcontractors. rooms. The number of class­ Hassett said there are other wards Construction of Downers student tuition money will be should begin just after the win­ rooms is approximate because construction projects in the Grove. The fmal cost is esti­ used. tertrimester endson April 23. works. He said just after com­ 30me rooms will have sliding mated to be about $2 million. The project has been in the The construction will cause walls, makingthe countvariable mencement a projectwill begin Hassett said the construction is planning stages for five to seven some disruptionaround the uni­ depending on how the walls are in the D building. Then, the uni­ a Capital Development Project, years. Hassett said exterior con­ versity. Some offices have al­ arranged versity's entire roof should be funded entirely by the state. struction will begin sometime ready been re-arranged. Hassett The project has beenbid out to replaced starting sometimeover Hassett stressed the fact that no afterApril 16. The interiorwork said the two B building wash- a general contractor, John Ed- the summer. Arts Center Task Force Formed $3.8 million in challenge grant board of directors in 1990 and ject manager for The Institute Performing Arts capital cam­ Robert L. Wolf, president of fu nds from the state for a total of 1991, and continues to serve on for Public Policy and Admini­ paign. the Governors State University $5.7 million for the project. its board of directors. stration; Patrick Rea, vice presi­ "I am immensely grateful to Foundation, has announced the "The lowest amount bid, how­ Sen. Aldo DeAngelis (R­ dent at First National Bank of our donorsand fr iends who have formation of a task force on the ever, was several hundred thou­ Olympia Fields), a task force Chicago; and Pamela Wood­ been both generous and pa­ Regional Center for the Per­ sanddollars more thanthe funds member, said, "I know that we ward, Mattesonbranch manager tient," Dodd said. "I am hopeful forming Arts. W8 still needsome construction and of Dean Witter Reynolds Inc. that, through the work of the Wolf said the group'smission ad available," Wolf noted. endowment dollars. I look for­ The task force has been asked taskforce, we will beable, come will be to examine all aspectsof Further, Governors State has, ward to worlcing with the task to report periodically to the July, to reward this friendship the foundation's capital cam­ over the past few years, experi­ force members so that together GSU Foundation'sBoard of Di­ and loyalty with good news." paign to determine whether the enced the pressure of ever-in­ we can identify additional pros­ rectors. A fmal report will be For additional information on board of directors has ap­ creasing fiScal constraints that pects. We must succeed. The re­ due by the middle of summer, the task force, call the GSU proachedall poten tial sourcesof confront all of the public univer­ gional center is crucial to the and at that time Wolf expectsthe Foundation Office at (708) 534- funding -- federal, state and pri­ sities in Illinois. "As fu nding for quality of life of this region." board to make a fmal decision 4105. vate. academic programs at GSU Joining Orrand DeAngelison on the Regional Center for the "The directors of the GSU tightens, the desire of the GSU the task force will be Wolf; Foundation aredetermined todo Foundation to provide an oper­ Governors State University everythingthey can tobuild and ating endowment for the re­ Presideqt Paula Wolff; Dr. Wil­ endow a regional center for gional center has intensified," liam H. Dodd, chief executive GSU and for the south suburbs. he added. officerof the GSU Foundation; I amconfident the taskforce will Wolf has named Bryan Orrof attorney Kathy Orr; and GSU identify important new sources Aossmoor task force chairper­ Foundation officers and/or di­ of fu nding for our center," he son. "We are delighted that rectors Ronald Bean, executive added. Bryan is willing to take on this director of the Illinois Develop­ Construction bids for the per­ responsibility," the president ment Fmance Authority; Ginni " forming arts center were let in said, and we are grateful." Orr Burghardt, director of alumni fall 1992 by the Illinois Capital is president of the Chicago law relations at GSU; Richard G. Development Board. The foun­ ftrm Shaheen, Lundberg, Calla­ Gibb, president of Federal Sig­ dation hadreceived $1.9 million han &Orr. He chaired the llli­ nal Corp. in University Park; in private gifts and pledges and nois Philharmonic Orchestra Beverly Goldberg, special pro- A diagram of the proposed ArtsCenter Page2 GSU INNOVATOR April l, 1993 Guvvy's Bits Clubs, Organizations GSU by Barbara A. Johnson YEARN TO GET OUT AND GARDEN.- but lack thegar­ & Activities Students den'!Volunteer to PLANf, WFED ANDPRUNE at the Lincoln ParkZoo logicalGardens.Sbow your CONCERN FOR TilEEN­ TheMulticultural Enhancement Commit teewill featurea presen­ Excel On VIRONMENTby beautifyingthe earth - and the zoo. Call Re­ tationcalled "Haiti Today" on Thursday, April 15, from 12:30- 1:45 becca Seversonor ElizabethWheeler at (3 12 ) 294 -4676. p.m., in the Sherman Music Recital Hall. Lionel Jean- Baptiste, attorney/activist of the Coalition For Democracy in lbiti will be Exams LOOKING FOR A HOUND DOG.- but can'tfmd a dog to featured in the video presentation. Information about the present hound'!Call the SouthSuburban Humane Societyat (708) 755- situationin lbiti wascollected by AmnestyInternational and assem­ PETSand visit witha bevyof POTENTIALADO PTEES. Most bled in the video. The program is free and refreshments will be Governors State University adoptionscost $30-40 and INO..UDE SHOTS AND NEUIER­ served. studentsare in thetop echelon of ING. No petstore has a deal that good. They ALSO HAVE students takingthe IUinois State CATS. ••• TeacherCertification exams. An overall96 percentpass rate RESIDENfS UNITED TO RETAIN AGRICULTURAL TheGSU University- Community Choraleand Orchestra, under the wasreceived for the30 7 Gover­ LAND- (RURAL) will give a talk on Wednesday, Apr. 7 at2 direction of Dr. Rudolf Strukoff, will perform Luigi Cherubini's nors State students taking the p.m. in A1805. CarolHendricks will explain aboutthis grassroots "Requiemin C Minor" on Sunday,April 18, at 5 p.m., at the Cathedral testsbetween October 199 1 and organization formedto BATILE AGAINST TilE 1HIRD RE­ of St Raymond Nonnatus. GSU students will be admitted free, July 1992 . The rating places GIONAL AIRPORT.Hear why RURAL thinks you shouldcare . $8 rman GSU fifthamong statewide col­ thoughothers will beasked for an donation.The perfo cewill and Refreshmentswill beserved. The talk is sponsoredby TheGreen be dedicatedto the memory of MarylynnWessel (1 936- 1992 ). The leges universities with 150 Group, a StudentLife sponsoredclub. Cathedral is locatedat 604 N. Raynor in Joliet or more graduatestaking theex­ ams. EARTH DAY IS 11IE DAY THAT LASTS.- all yearlong. • •• The previous year GSU stu­ For 1HIRD AND FOURTH GRADERS, Crayon Power is a dents had a ranking of 94 per­ 40-page "Environmental Action Journal for Concerned Kids." GSU Weekend Students are invitedto a Pizza Party, Saturday, cent. First kids read aboutpollution, waste andnative rightsand then April3, from 11:30 am.- 1 :30 p.m. The event is sponsored by the "Governors State does not DO SOMETillNGABOUT IT. CrayonPower is recommended StudentLife AdvisorySpecial Events Commit tee. have an average student popula­ by theUN EnvironmentalProg ramme. Thejournal is printedon tion.In theCollege of Education DIOXIN-FREE PAPERWITH SOY-BASED INKS.
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