THE VIRGIN MOTHER OF GOOD COUNSEL A HISTORY OF THE ANCIENT SANCTUARY OF OUR LADY OF GOOD COUNSEL IN GENAZZANO, AND OF THE WONDERFUL APPARITION AND MIRACULOUS TRANSLATION OF HER SACRED IMAGE FROM SCUTARI IN ALBANIA TO GENAZZANO IN 1467 WITH AN APPENDIX ON THE MIRACULOUS CRUCIFIX, SAN PIO, ROMAN ECCLESIASTICAL EDUCATION ETC. BY MONSIGNOR GEORGE F. DILLON D. D. MISSIONARY APOSTOLIC (A VISITOR FROM SYDNEY TO THE SHRINE) ————————— ROME PRINTED AT THE OFFICES OF THE SACRED CONGREGATION OF THE PROPAGANDA FIDE BURNS AND OATES LONDON: NEW YORK: GRANVILLE MANSIONS, CATHOLIC PUBLICATION SOCIETY CO. ORCHARD STREET, W. BARCLAY STREET. 1884 [ The author reserves all rights of reprinting and translation.] Virgin Mother of Good Counsel i LETTER OF HIS HOLINESS POPE LEO XIII TO THE AUTHOR —————————— (Latin not Spell-Checked) Revde Dñe Dñe Obme Excepit SSmus Dñus Leo XIII. exemplar voluminis a Te oblatum, in quo historiam Anglico idiomate persecutus es veteris Sanctuarii Deiparae Virginis, quam in oppido Genestano Praenestinae Dioecesis summa fidelium religio, ac pia peregrinorum frequentia veneratur. Cum in hoc munere perspexerit Pater Sanctissimus non modo filialis obsequii tui testimonium, sed etiam religiosae pietatis affectum quo Deiparae honorem promovere studes, gratum ac iucundum habuit consilium et ofricium tuum, voluitque ut per meas hasce litteras paternae suae dilectionis atque commendationis pignus obtineres. Optat porro Summus Pontifex ut piae tuae voluntati ii salutares fructus respondeant qui maxime hoc temporesunt expetendi, ac ii qui tuam scriptionem legent, ad implorandum Dei Matris patrocinium Ecclesiae excitentur, quae in tot adversitatibus quibus premitur, summam in Ipsa fiduciam collocavit. Tuis demum votis annuens SSmus Dñus, in testimonium paternae benevolentiae et in auspicium omnium caelestium gratiarum, Apostolicam Benedictionem quam postulasti, Tibi peramanter in Domino impertivit. Dum haec Tibi significare gaudeo, libenter oblata occasione utor ut meam sinceram existimationem Tibi profitear, qua sum ex animo Tui Rde Dñe Dñe Obme Romae die 29 Maii An. 1884 Devotus Famulus CAROLUS NOCELLA SSmi Dñi ab epistolis latinis. Reverendo Dño Dño Obmo Dño Georgio Dillon e Dioecesi Sydneyensi Mons. George F. Dillon ii TRANSLATION LETTER OF HIS HOLINESS POPE LEO XIII TO THE AUTHOR —————————— Our Most Holy Lord Leo XIII received the copy of the volume presented by you, in which you give, in the English language, the history of the ancient Sanctuary of the Virgin Mother of God, situated in the town of Genazzano in the diocese of Palestrina, and which is venerated with the greatest piety by the faithful and by the constant concourse of devout pilgrims. As, in this work, the Holy Father perceives not only the evidence of your filial duty but also the affection of religious piety by which you study to advance the honour of God's Mother, he deems your purpose and service acceptable and pleasing, and desires that, by this my letter, you should receive a pledge of his paternal love and commendation. The Supreme Pontiff moreover hopes that the salutary fruits which, at this time, are so much to be desired, may respond to (live up to) your wishes, and that those who read your writings may be moved to implore the protection of the Mother of God for the Church which, amidst the many adversities by which it is oppressed, places the utmost confidence in Her. Finally, granting your prayer, Our Most Holy Lord (Leo XIII), in testimony of his paternal benevolence and in presage of all celestial graces, most lovingly in the Lord imparts to you the Apostolic Benediction. While I rejoice to convey to you these tidings, I willingly take the occasion offered me of professing to you the sincere esteem by which from my heart I am Your devoted servant CHARLES NOCELLA Secretary for Latin Letters to Our Most Holy Lord Leo XIII Rome May 27th. 1884. Virgin Mother of Good Counsel iii The author has been honoured by the following letter from His Eminence Cardinal Simeoni, Prefect of the Sacred Congregation of the Propaganda Fide. Roma 17 Maggio 1884 S. C. DE PROPAGANDA FIDE SEGRETERIA ———— Reverendo Signore (Latin not Spell-Checked) Ho ricevuto con particolare soddisfazione il libro intitolato The Virgin Mother Of Good Counsel, etc. che Ella, costretta a riposare per qualche tempo onde ristabilire le sue forze dalle fatiche della sua Missione, ha composto durante il suo soggiorno in Roma. E al tutto degno di un buon ecclesiastico e di un zelante missionario il coltivare l'amore verso Maria SSma e il propagarne la divozione; e poich Ella ha mirato a questo scopo nel fare la storia di uno dei più celebri Santuarii d' Italia, devo con Le rallegrarmene, ed augurarmi che le sue santeintenzioni siano coronate di un felice successo. Ella ha poi aggiunto in appendice alla sua opera delle savie osservazioni sulla educazione romana del Clero, ed ha toccato opportunamente della istituzione di Propaganda e della salutare sua influenza sopra il mondo intiero. Anche questo mi ha dimostrato l'ottimo spirito dal quale Ella è penetrata, per cui sono d'avviso che i sentimenti che Ella manifesta serviranno a rendere sempre più stretto il vincolo che unisce i fedeli di tutti i paesi alla Sede Romana Madre e Maestra di tutte le Chiese. Dopo tutto ciò La ringrazio del dono ch'Ella mi ha fatto di questo suo egregio lavoro, e prego il Signore che per intercessione della Beata Vergine, ch' Ella ha voluto con esso onorare, Le conceda le sue più elette benedizioni. Di V. S. Affmo Giovanni Card. Simeoni Prefetto Per Monsignor Segretario Ant. Agliardi Minutante Rev. Sig. Giorgio F. Dillon D. D. Missionario Apostolico di Sydney Mons. George F. Dillon iv TRANSLATION. Rome, May 17th 1884 OFFICE OF THE SACRED CONGREGATION OF THE PROPAGANDA FIDE —————————— I have received with particular satisfaction the book entitled, The Virgin Mother of Good Counsel, etc. which you, while constrained to repose for some time in order to reëstablish your health, impaired by your missionary labours, have written during your sojourn in Rome. It is in every way worthy of a good ecclesiastic and of a zealous missionary to cultivate love for Most Holy Mary and to propagate devotion to Her; and as you have laboured for these ends by writing the history of one of the most celebrated Sanctuaries of Italy, I must rejoice with you in the result, and I hope that I shall have the pleasure of seeing your holy intentions happily crowned with success. You have also added, in an appendix to your work, wise observations upon the Roman education of the clergy, and have also referred opportunely to the Propaganda Fide and to its salutary influence over the entire world. This also has proved to me the excellent spirit with which you are animated, and I feel assured that the sentiments which you manifest will always serve to render yet closer the bonds which unite the faithful of all countries to the Roman See, the Mother and Mistress of all Churches. Finally, I return you thanks for the gift which you have made me of this your admirable work, and I pray the Lord, through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Whom you have desired to honour by its means, to grant you His choicest benedictions. Most Affectionately Yours John Cardinal Simeoni Prefect of the S. C, of the Propaganda. For Monsignor the Secretary ANT. AGLIARDI Minutante The Rev. George F. Dillon D.D. Missionary Apostolic of Sydney Virgin Mother of Good Counsel v TO THE MOST EMINENT AND MOST REVEREND THOMAS M. CARDINAL MARTINELLI, CARDINAL BISHOP OF SABlNA, PREFECT OF THE SACRED CONGREGATION OF THE INDEX, ETC. ETC. Most Eminent Prince, The writer, with the deepest sense of gratitude, taking advantage of your kind permission, - a permission all the more valued because never accorded to any author before - most respectfully dedicates this book to Your Eminence. The reason why Your Eminence has been pleased to grant this permission is not, in this particular instance, difficult to understand. The work treats of a venerable Sanctuary of Our Lady confided to Fathers of the great Order of which you are Cardinal Protector. It aims, according to the humble ability of the writer, at extending the deep and tender devotion to the Immaculate Virgin Mother of God, so characteristic of the land of your birth, and so specially dear to you, to the people to whom the writer belongs (English Speaking), - a people whom you love, and whose widespread migrations have carried the Faith whose purity Your Eminence as Cardinal Prefect of the Index, guards so ably and so vigilantly, to many parts of the world. Ever since your elevation to the sacred purple it has pleased Your Eminence to make your home in the Eternal City with representatives of that people. The young levites of your ancient institute destined to continue amongst them the ministrations of religion which the sons of St. Augustine never ceased to carry on through terrible and long continued trials, now happily passed away, have had the consolation and the advantage of your daily presence in their midst during the last ten years. It has been your delight to consecrate to their instruction and edification whatever moments you could spare from the weighty charges laid upon you by the Vicar of Christ, - to join with them in the long continued exercises of piety which usher in each day's holy labour, - to unite with them at night in the prayer and thanksgiving which precede repose, - to conduct for them during your short intervals of rest from the severe labours of your high office, the invaluable retreats and other Mons. George F. Dillon vi spiritual exercises which so well prepare them for the work they are to do for the Church in after years.
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