IPPING, MTNISTRY OF SHIPPING,GOVT. OF INDTA, MUM TRAINING BRANCH Ref : QMS 7.0 IS / ISO Clause No. 7.1 Allotment of Unique File No. 20-161312020- Srbt Trg-DGS Identification Number to Principal / Faculty and Instructors. Approved bY : 2020 DGS Circular No' :22 of Dated 02.06.2020 Director General of Shipping, GoI the International convention on "standards of 1. whereas India being signatory to (STCW)' 1978' as Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers" of the said Convention' amended is obtiged to comply with the requirements requires each Party to ensure that 2. whereas Regulation I/6 of the said convention and monitored in the training and assessment are administered, supervised of the STCW Code' accordance with the provisions of Section A-116 Convention also requires each Party to 3. Whereas Regulatio rt ll6pf the said assessment of competence of ensure that those responsible for training and with the provisions of seafarers are appropriately qualified in accordance of training or assessment section A-Il6of the STCW Code for the type and level involved. Principal / Faculty / Instructor 4. Whereas the qualification requirements for by the Principal / Faculty / largely depend on the maritime training imparted necessarily be a seafarer' Instructor. The trainer engaged by the MTI need not Instructor do not have any unique number 5. Whereas the Principal, Faculty and number also' for identification. Most of them do not have INDoS Page 1 /> "f p- 6. TheDirectoratehasdecidedtoallotauniqueidentificationnumbertoallthe number may be Trainers (Principal, Faculty and Instructor)' This unique (FIN) for any reference' called as the "Faculty Identification Number" allotted to the Principal' Faculty and 6. i. The "Faculty Identification Number" Circular' The FIN number has Instructor is given in Annexure to this Training by the MTIs' been allotted on the basis of data submitted 6.2. Incasethe..FacultyldentificationNumber''isnotallottedtoanyPrincipal' Instructor may correctly fill Faculty and Instructors, the Principal, Faculty and form may be accessed on the link up the "Trainer Registration" form' The of all Maritime Training Institutes are 6.3. The Principal, Faculty and Instructor form latest by 05 / 06 / required to correctly fill up the "Trainer Registration' eoo 2020. The form may be accessed on the lirktrttos'//docs b2BvQwgdut8Lmdxv3mga5FLlDWbYJpRKB0KwbhY/edit and lnstructor will require the "Faculty 6.4. Henceforth, any Principal, Faculty assignment of imparting training ldentification Number" prior taking up any inMaritimeTraininglnstitutesapprovedbytheDirectorate.NewPrincipal, training in Maritime Training Faculty and lnstructor desiring to impart InstitutesapprovedbytheDirectoratewillberequiredtoseektheir..Faculty such interested trainers shall be Identification Number" from the Directorate' after correctly hlling up the issued the "Faculty Identification Number" peoistration,, may be accessed on the link "Trainer!(.r-^:-ar Registration" form'form. The form of the Director 7. This issues with the approval Govemment of lndia' (Trg Deputy Director General of Shipping ) PaEe 2 of ty ANNEXURE . FACULTY IDENTIFICATION NUMBER FIN Name Age INDoS No. CoC No, CDC No. T10001 farun Saini 29 37N11658 tFoo 14/.23 MUM 153157 T10002 Danen Joseph Vivek Jayakumar 30 06N11 124 FOO14250 CHil537 T10003 Dhanasekar Sathyamangalam Vairavel 30 37N10461 FOO 15167 vuM 159321 T10004 Ajay Balaii Shanmugham 31 36E10846 tFoo 14820 3H 52880 T10005 Prabakar Kanthasamy 31 l6NL1't33 FOO 14737 0H 54545 T10006 Rajeswaran Gnanaguru 31 t7N11278 FOO 1419 3H 55671 T10007 Krishnakumar Pdanircl 32 16N10017 FOO-13028 :H s3130 T10008 Michael Francis Dmello 32 16N12044 FOO12500 \,tUM 142029 T10009 Prakash Singh Suman 32 )5NL0074 FOO14094 MUM131507 T10010 Senthamilarasu Kanagaraj 32 l5ELl 630 95W- 10330 MUM 162473 T10011 Swapnil Satish Hame 32 )5NL't079 tFoo12794 MUM 135536 T10012 Azmi lmran 33 )5N10921 tFoo1u22 cH 53023 T10013 Bhaskar Balakrishnan Mallichetty 33 )6N10134 tFoo 14579 cH 52655 T10014 Ganeshkumar Ramamurthi Lakshminarayan 33 17E11949 95W- 10185 cH 56118 T10015 Jaspreet Singh 33 16N10239 tFoo13295 MUM 139992 T10016 Krishna Kumaran Srinath 33 16N10157 tFoo12958 cH 52679 T10017 Rathinavel Paramasivam 33 14NL2189 tFoo13363 cH s1623 T10018 Sajit Rajpal Rajpal 33 15N10229 tFoo13296 MUM t35477 T10019 Saravanan Nesamani 33 16N12575 tFoo't3311 cH 53996 T10020 Shashank Bani 33 07EL1141 95W- 9512 cL77136 r10021 Shashank Bani 33 07EL1141 95W-9512 cL77',136 T10022 33 07N11287 lFoo 15164 cH55680 T10023 Arun Kumar Rangaswamy 34 062L9081 c*0o71672 cH22731 T10024 Atit Pal Singh 34 03N10&t3 tFoo12131 [/uM 126075 T10025 Aurvin Singh v 08E10887 95W861s MUM 153284 T10026 Baranidaran Ramasamy u 06E12985 95W9143 cH 54579 T10027 Jitendra Chandhary u 05N10196 lFoo120u MUM 131959 T10028 Muralidhar Jitin u MNL2098 lFoo 14312 MUM 144490 T10029 Rajmohan Muthuramalingam u 04E110'15 95W- 10349 cHu707 T10030 Ravish Porwal u 05NL't 199 tFoo 14295 cL 53308 T10031 Sundar Bdaubramaniam v 05N10536 tFo18430 cH 51752 T10032 Teena Joey v 04N1F004 tFoo12374 MUM 135095 T10033 Aiay Kumar 35 04N10319 lFN1427s MUM't39595 T10034 Anui Gandhi Gandhi 35 03N10478 lFoo13009 MUM 126121 T10035 Anuradha Jha 35 0'tNLF005 lFoo't0888 MUM 109976 T10036 Deborjit Brahma 35 c3N10357 lFoo 13744 c150743 T10037 Hareesh Sadananthan 35 ]4NL2067 tFoo13317 cH 51806 T10038 h6n Franco Rajendran 35 clNL3382 tFoo12529 MUM 1't9505 T10039 l\ilani Parlhasarathy Mani 35 c6ELo176 95W8741 cH 53148 T10040 Rajendran han Franco Franco Rajendran 35 t1N13382 tFoo12s29 MUM 119505 T1OM1 Sandipan Mahato 35 )4N12056 lFoo 13570 cH 51849 T10042 Akash Hoon 36 l4EL131 1 95W8080 cH54797 T10043 Nbert Antony Pulipparambil 36 06E11653 95W- 10631 MUM 145397 T10044 Anand Balwant Patil 36 00N17870 lFoo12710 tuuM 119091 T10045 Delzad Dinsha^/ lrani 36 00NL5684 CoC0054137 MUM 97452 T10046 Dharmarai Edumban 36 05E1141 1 95W9239 cH53278 r10047 ndrajeet Singha Singha 36 05E10585 95W7899 cH 51734 T10048 Kevin SandeepMascarenhas Mascarenhas 36 00N17872 tFoo-10493 MUM 97454 T1O04g (rishnan Gopdan 36 04ELO207 95W8199 3H 52063 T10050 Navneet Mehrawat 36 99E12238 95W- 10002 MUM 1O9,I04 T100sl Rajasekar Palanisamy 36 04EL2657 95w7772 cH 52151 T10052 Shankar Duraikannu 36 04N10660 lFoo-11960 cH 51030 T10053 Sudhanshu Dwircdi 36 01N121 18 lFoo 14455 MUM 109530 T10054 Anukul Hoon 37 04E114 t0 95W7326 3H 51963 T10055 Debapratim Sanyal 37 01 N10785 FOO12148 cL 48564 T10056 Dheeraj Bansal 37 00N18400 FOO10663 MUM 97453 T10057 N.V.Krishna Srikanth Adivi 37 MEL147O 95W8467 cH 50903 T10058 Ramesh Jagadesan Jagadeesan 37 c4E10026 95W8476 cH 51't73 T10059 Rofrit Sharma 37 l't N12349 lFoo 13410 cH20494 T10060 S. Dasaratharam 37 l'1N13035 lFoo12663 cH 19874 T10061 Sachin Chandrakant Jain 37 llDL1976 lFoo13366 cH 15620 T10062 Snehasish Das 37 11N11915 lFoo11268 MUM 109539 T10063 Vikas Pandey 37 01N1024'l lFoo13253 MUM97924 T10064 Ashish Kumar 38 05E10678 35W8595 cL76249 T10065 Bharathwajan Ramani 38 00N19942 lFoo12349 lFo-15455 T10066 Nimit Kumar Jain Kumar Jain 38 00N10579 tFoo10162 MUM 90076 T10067 Ravindranath Kolathuru 38 99NL28't4 tFoo12023 MS 13132 T10068 Sarabdeep Singh Manchanda 38 01NL't877 tFoo11483 MUM 90837 T10069 Shankar Elango Arunachalam 38 ,0N11856 lFoo10543 t\,ts 14555 T10070 Subin Jose 38 l4EL1'167 95W-7550 [/uM 131300 T10071 {ditya Gairda 39 05ELl 1 10 CoC0052666 cL 75615 T10072 Avishkar Ashok Thakur 39 99E15441 95W6681 CH50/.77 T't0073 lakhan Singh 39 05E10895 95W8630 vuM 13935 T10074 Ravi Shankar Pasumarthi 39 03E10152 95W7764 cH 50404 T10C75 14cushal 20 00N10662 tFoo-8924 MUM 83013 T1C076 Sachar 39 05E10755 )5z.8r';65 MUM 135503 T10077 Saurabh Anandprakash Girdhar 39 99E14513 t5w6159 MUM 90939 T10078 Shankar Ganapathy Subramanian 39 99N10241 tFoo10277 cL 46167 T10079 Vidwans Gaurav Anil Anil Vidwans 39 99N10587 lFoo11246 MUM 85032 T10080 Vikas Sriustava 39 99N12363 tFoo-12030 t\4uM 85595 T10081 Vishwaieet 39 30NL1688 lFoo11663 N{UM 109078 T10082 Alroyd Christo Fernandes 40 t0D10352 uK2M0954 MUM 88939 T10083 Amd Ramesh Upadhye 40 98N10321 lFoo10868 MUM 78261 T10084 Anirban Chakrawrty Chakrawrty 40 99E14528 95W7543 MUM 90930 T10085 Arun Kishse Eswara 40 l t E10466 95W-5611 743r'4 T10086 AMM Krishna Amaresh 40 99E13872 95W7617 cH 20337 T10087 Avinash Kumar Chand 40 99NL2200 lFoo10251 cL48737 T10088 Capt. Lakhi Narayan Mandal 40 99N11815 lFoo8333 MUM 85815 T10089 Mr.Shishir Duft 40 99E13304 95W5538 cL-74004 T10090 Palash Goswami 40 00N10745 tFoo8778 cL47026 T10091 Santch Kumar Mishra 40 99E15488 95W7809 cHfi447 T10092 Vinaykumar AmruUal Shailar 40 01E15514 95W7367 cL74782 T10093 Yoqesh Amar Chonkar 40 99E14399 CoC 0063323 MUM 119339 T10094 Zaheer Ushan Sheik Mohamed 40 coN14310 lFoo8180 MS 1307s T10095 Amit Sengar 41 t1 ELOr65 95W6570 74274 T10096 Amit Sharma 41 99N11692 tFoo9463 \,,lUM 85829 T10097 Apurba Verma 41 99E12994 95W-5499 cL 73938 T10098 Oapt. Abhishek Bhattacharya 41 00N10870 tFoo9965 cL46278 T10099 Oaot. Sunil Bhabha 41 99N127s5 lFoo-7784 cL47321 T10100 Oapt.Ravi Shekhar Singh 41 99N13176 tFoo t0479 cL47',t37 T10101 Gautam Kumar Kumar 41 00N15614 FOO11724 cL46772 T10102 Gadd Rajan Soosai Fiddi 41 99EL3920 ?&0071225 MUM 109299 T10103 lnfinity Kumar Kumar 4'.! 99E13310 )5W5658 cL 74069 T10104 lsmail Yasin Mohamed 41 98N10373 FOOl1939 MUM 83071 pL T10105 J. Benhur Paul 41 99NL081 1 tFoog1'10 cL 46656 [Einu<klinTEdgani Dhoparvkar Abdulgani T10106 DhoparrlGr 41 98NL1538 lFoo11400 MUM 83204 T10107 Naushad Mallick Mallick 41 99N12685 tFoo10125 MUM 85839 T10108 Pankai Sabharwal 41 99N11674 tFoo-8519 +8220 T10109 Prabhat Kumar Pandey 41
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