BRUSH PERFORMANCE ALLOYS GUIDE TO HIGH PERFORMANCE ALLOYS Brush Performance Alloys /#4#B( #695%9,,8,23 Sales Engineer: ___________________________________________ Y E-mail: ______________________________________________________ ______________ Please e-mail us at [email protected] if you would like to receive electronic updates to this guide and other alloy news and updates. Pricing and Delivery Information Technical Service !!"#! #695%9 $!%&'() *+/, *++,+* 8+*+,0#1 +*+. [email protected] +*+./0#1 #%#%%23 #%#%%23 #4(http://materion.com/brushalloys/contactus" #4(http://materion.com/brushalloys/contactus" Minimum Information Needed to Order ###%55!#%#6# $36#! 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Wire @B#>##>!Q%5#% @#B# > ##@B# . 3V®#@!™#%>536% +8 >5®#36Y% + 36Q5>!Q>" ++ B%)3>®)#%5&5X#%36% +, 05#$10%)!% + )#%#% +/ @!!@#!%Q%36% +* Materion Brush Performance Alloys Value-Added Services 39 )%!0##)##% , )%!>#( , (% , Processing and Fabrication Guide 43 9#>#50#!#% ,, 0!5 ,/ )#5#0%5 J58 #5 ++ 9#%% %% / Other Attributes and Application Engineering Data 5959 0#55 %%@#1#@%%# )%@%%# , #5% / Z#5@%%# * B#5% . 0X7#% . @%#>5%% / $(#>!#% /8 )65% / 3% / Your Supplier 73 )!#6#)#9%6 /, #)#Y / B%!#36%5X##5 // Q% /* )%!( /. <#6* 9###6$(!#@65 *8 Alloy Guide >#4#6%!!6 %5!# 55%%75 %#%#%# %#(645##6 #%5)#%#6%#%# #%%# 35#6%%5# !%##%%#- %#B%!# 36%P#=#6 6#6%%%7 !64 6%5(5##6 !#46##% THE ALLOYS OF MATERION BRUSH PERFORMANCE ALLOYS 4 CHEMICAL COMPOSITION 6 ALLOY PRODUCTS 6 PHYSICAL PROPERTIES 8 3 Alloy Guide The Alloys of Materion Brush Performance Alloys &#%###6%%#B% Alloy 165 #%%%6!#36#!#6 !#36%#%##6 %%%5%%%!#5368 #6%(%%5#6%#%%#% %#(##5!%#### %6#%#%%#(!# #5!% Copper Beryllium Alloys 3 and 10 !!#6%5 #B%!#36%!##%6! 84%##!#(6! %(#%!%%>%##5%#6% ,f36%+#8##(## %high strength36%8..#8" 5!%##%6 ##6%%high conductivity 36%+88/,# #9#%#6! 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Alloy Guide Bar %#%#5#%=#%4#+q8 Extruded shape%#%%# ,*!!"##58%+!!"B#% 1#5##5##5##%# 6#6#1&!#%## %P%%###%%#55% $5%#%##(%!%!%# Cast shapes#%#%%#%% Plate%Z#d4#8**,/*!!"# %%%%#>%% (8%+,*!!" #d%#%%#5#!#5 !5!##5% Forgings#%!%#55!%!5! 5#%#%#%#5%%#% Custom fabricated parts#!# !1#!%##5%k>5®5%3V®# %#!#5%%6%! %###!#%!% 1%%#"6%%%%#%55 555#!#5 Physical Properties )6!P%6%##!##% ##"3!##8f&3)(6#% %#6!%#6%#% ##%%(6/.!d!%8/ ####65!%#66! !d!!">(6#5(!##% #656!!#85f 1%%#%##%#6!#1!!(# %#(#6#6%56%#%>6# |!1k5#6%##(# (#%%!%%#%# (6#%5##%8f&3)3(5(6 1#5 5##%#!!!!#6= !##%" !%!#%!##%%##6%0 1#!#%!%#5%!#8!% >%#%#6%%!#0 88Z#").8#0!#®#58!% 36%#8%*B>2q0 0+Jq450"# 8+*Z#">5®#6%36+46!#6 !!##./B>2q0 0,Jq45"# 0 %4d#%d#%%#%#!5#% .+ )"036%+88/,B%®#+.%%! !%(##55!*+!%8.+/Z#" *.8B>2q0 0+++*8Jq450"(%#! #5#5#%!%### !##5>5®#%%!. #6%!#68!%/8,Z#" .+B>2q0 0+//+*.Jq450"#>5®+! .8B>2q0 0+//,8.Jq450" 36%#6#%%5#6#!5#6#!% %!#(6(#6#6#%& #5!#66!# 6!#5%!#B>2q00 087q!0" >5®#6%%(6%6!#5# 5%5#6%8,B>2q00 0,7q!0"5 #6%##66#%#%6(#65 (6#6%#%#%B%8.8®#)8* !#5% 3V®#%#(6!#%#5% 3VV'®%%56>!### %%P%##5%!+++#!%% (%%#6%!%%##% #!% =5#%%###65##6> )6!5%5#6%#%%%# #6%%!#(%>(% (#%#6%(5!% 4###"#6%#8f5## !##)6!#%#% #%#6% ##%!%8f5#%#6 $#(6%%!##% #6%5%##%% Z%%4&%6#6%f !#46!#6 &3)&##3#) 5!##6%!% © 2012 Materion Brush Inc. 8 Alloy Guide Alloy Guide Chemical Composition Alloy Composition (Weight Percent) Brush Alloy UNS Number Designation ISO/EN (Be) Beryllium (Ni) Nickel Cobalt (Co) (Fe) Iron Cobalt (Co) + (Ni) Nickel Cobalt (Co) + Nickel (Ni) + (Fe) Iron (Sn) Tin (Pb) Lead (Zn) Zinc (Al) Aluminum (Si) Silicon Chromium (Cr) (Mn) Manganese (P) Phosphorous (Ti) Titanium 25 8*d - --- ---- 190 )8/ )B ---! !#1 !#1 290 8*d d M25 )8/+ )B ---! !#1 - --- ---- High Strength 8d Copper BerylliumCopper 165 )8/ )B8/ 8* ---! !#1 - !#1 --- ---- 3 )8/8 )|B d 8,d - - - - - - - - - - - - - 310 - ))|B ,d/ *d8+ *d ------------ 8+ 10 )8/ ))B ,d/ - ,d ------------ / 8d +d 174 )8/,8 ))B+ - ------------ Copper BerylliumCopper High Conductivity Conductivity High Brush 60® 8d )8/, - 8d8, - - - - - - - - - - - - - Alloy 390® - 360 |++ |B 8*d B## - - - -- --- ---,d Nickel Nickel Beryllium ® ToughMet® 2 )../ d BrushForm® 96 )// )|. - *d. - !#1 -- - !#1 ------ ToughMet® 3 )../ 8,d /d ® )|8* - - -- - ------ ToughMet BrushForm 158 )/. 8 !#1 * !#1 + ./d 8 8 - -- - C95510 ).8 - - ,d - +d/ - - !#1 !#1 8. !#1 !#1 Brush 1915® d 8d )8.8 )|8 - *d8 - - - - - 8 --- --+ - *d 8d Brush 1916 )8.8 )|8 - *d8 - - - - - 8 !#1 ----+ - Other Alloys FormaMet® #6)!%QBk MoldMAX HH® 8*d MoldMAX LH® -- ---! !#1 - !#1 --- ---- PROtherm™ - - d 8,d - - - - - - - - - - - - - ® d MoldMax XL ---*d.-!#1 -- - !#1 ------ ® 8d /d MoldMax V - - - d/ - - - - - - - - 8 --- Plastic Mold Tooling Alloys Tooling Mold Plastic C18000 )8*)|-8*d+--------,d 8d --- * * Alloy Products 756!>5®#5!# Strip%Z#d#Z#8** #6%##(##!#B%!#36% ,/*!!"%%4%%>5#5% #(#6!%>5##5#% ..!!"#%! %!%!!6%6%%%#6% 45#5%#%!#6%%! Wire%#%%#%%% %%%7!#6%%#5 #5#%%#%%Y#% 6 © 2012 Materion Brush Inc. Alloy Guide Flat wire%8**,/*!!"%%4%%# Rod %#%%%%#55%@% 8d8q,+8/!!"%%>%%5# %#!%5% %%=#8**,/*!!"%% 4%%&##%%%#%## Tube%6#6#%#!%% #(5%%#%#0#%% %%%>%!#61##%% %#55%%%% #!%5% Standard Product Forms #B%!#36%Q%5# , ® , ® , 158, 158, 96 HH, LH, LH, HH, ® ® ® 3 CX AT 3 TS 3 2 ™ , 390E , ® ® ® ® ® ® Form ® BrushForm Brush 1915 BrushForm Brush 1916 310 ToughMet 360, Brush 60 360, 25, 3 25, 165 10 M25 174 190, 290, Alloy 390 Alloy C18000 MoldMAX Tempers ToughMet Tempers ToughMet Tempers ToughMet C95510 FormaMet XL, V XL, and PROtherm Cold Rolled Strip - - - - - - - - - - - - - Flat Wire - - - - - - - - - - - - - - @#5#B# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - =#B# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Plate - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Cold Drawn @ - - - - - - - - - B# - - - - - - - - - - - - - > - - - - - - - - - - - - - Wire - - - - - - - - - - - #% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Hot Worked @ - - - - - - - B# - - - - - - - - - Plate - - - - - - - > - - - - - - - - - Cast Shapes @ - - - - - - - - - - - - - > - - - - - - - - - - - - - )%!Vd - - - - - - - - - - - - - Special Shapes >@ - - - - - - - - - - - - - B% - - - - - - - - - - - - - 055% - - - - - - - - $1%% - - - - - - - - - - - - ##% - - - - - © 2012 Materion Brush Inc. 7 Typical Physical Properties Elastic Thermal Expansion Thermal Conductivity Melting Y Density1 Modulus Y 70°F / 20°C 200°F / 100°C Range2 70°F / 20°C 200°F / 100°C lb/in3 106 psi in/in/°F, 70 °F to 400 °F BTU/ft hr °F BTU/ft hr °F °F BTU/lb °F BTU/lb °F Brush Alloy g/cm3 GPa m/m/C, 20 °C to 200 °C W/m K W/m K °C J/kg K J/kg K + 8. ./18 / 8d8* * ./ 25, 190, 290 *+ 8+8 8/18 8 8+ */d.* + , + 8. ./18 / 8d8* * ./ M25 *+ 8+8 8/18 8 8+ */d.* + , +, 8. ./18 / 8d8* * ./ 165 *,8 8+8 8/18 8 8+ */d.* + , +8. .*18 8, - 8.d8.* * .8 3 **+ 8+* 8/18 , - 8,d8* ++ +*8 +8. .*18 88 - 8*d8.+ * .8 10 **+ 8+* 8/18 - 88d8 ++ +*8 +8* .*18 8+ - 8**d8./ * .8 310 ** 8+ 8/18 + - 8+d8* ++ +*8 +8* .*18 8* - 8**d8. * .8 Brush 60® ** 8+* 8/18 - 8+d8/ ++ +*8 +8* .*18 8+ - 8**d8. * .8 174 ** 8+* 8/18 + - 8+d8/ ++ +*8 +8* .*18 8* - 8**d8.
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