E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 115 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 163 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2017 No. 158 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was frenzy. Yesterday, we found 2 minutes There is an outrageous provision in called to order by the Speaker pro tem- for a moment of silence, and we moved United States law that prevents the pore (Ms. FOXX). on. Centers for Disease Control to research Gun violence is a public health haz- f gun violence that was authored by our ard every bit as important as any other late colleague Jay Dickey from Arkan- DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO disease or outbreak. Ours is the only sas who, later in life, realized that was TEMPORE developed country in the world that a horrific mistake. We ought to be able The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- cannot protect our families from death to understand and find ways to help fore the House the following commu- and injury from guns on a massive prevent it. nication from the Speaker: scale. We can control access to the most After years of frustration in Congress dangerous products. We can increase WASHINGTON, DC, and another school shooting in my dis- October 3, 2017. product safety for guns, which are in- I hereby appoint the Honorable VIRGINIA trict, I sat down with my constituents herently dangerous. We can empower FOXX to act as Speaker pro tempore on this to go through, what are the things that healthcare professionals to deal with day. we can do that would make a dif- families to help prevent gun violence PAUL D. RYAN, ference? and understand what risks their fami- Speaker of the House of Representatives. We understood that you cannot com- lies face, rather than outrageous provi- f pletely stop evil people. There is not a sions that seek to limit what statute that is foolproof, but our stat- healthcare professionals can do to deal MORNING-HOUR DEBATE utes are filled with efforts to try to with their patients. We can effectively The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- make things better. regulate the sale of firearms. There ant to the order of the House of Janu- Let’s stop dealing with gun violence should be no hidden sales where we do ary 3, 2017, the Chair will now recog- as a political issue and think about it not have background checks. nize Members from lists submitted by as the public health epidemic that it is, This is all within our capacity. We the majority and minority leaders for already claiming over 12,000 lives in the can enforce existing laws, and we can morning-hour debate. United States this year. mitigate the loss of life in shooting by The Chair will alternate recognition We attacked auto death and safety in helping provide more resources for first between the parties. All time shall be a resolute fashion. It didn’t happen responders. equally allocated between the parties, overnight that we made automobiles This isn’t pie in the sky. This will do and in no event shall debate continue safer and our highways less dangerous, nothing to take away the rights of beyond 11:50 a.m. Each Member, other but we stayed at it with law enforce- Americans who want to target shoot or than the majority and minority leaders ment, with engineering, and with re- hunt. What it will do, is start the slow, search, and we cut the rate of death and the minority whip, shall be limited steady process toward making our fam- over half. to 5 minutes. ilies safer and make sure that America We are starting now to deal with is not the only developed country that f massive addiction and overdose as a cannot protect its families from gun vi- GUN SAFETY medical condition that requires treat- olence. ment, not just law enforcement with f The SPEAKER pro tempore. The harsh punishment. Chair recognizes the gentleman from My report outlined nine areas where GENERAL AVIATION Oregon (Mr. BLUMENAUER) for 5 min- we could take action. There are 26 bills The SPEAKER pro tempore. The utes. in Congress now that deal with these Chair recognizes the gentleman from Mr. BLUMENAUER. Madam Speaker, items, and we haven’t been able to deal Michigan (Mr. MITCHELL) for 5 minutes. what if the headline in the morning with them meaningfully: no hearings Mr. MITCHELL. Madam Speaker, I paper was slightly different? What if and certainly nothing on the floor of rise today to do a little myth-busting. we had a disease that had killed 59 peo- the House. Critics of the 21st Century AIRR Act ple yesterday and sickened over 500 There are provisions to keep guns are selling a myth that the 21st Cen- others? Do you think the Nation would away from the most dangerous users. tury AIRR Act will be damaging and demand action? Even members of the NRA support adverse to general aviation. This If we had an outbreak every day that that. We can improve the mental couldn’t be further from the truth. had over 100,000 people a year killed health system. We can authorize and I am a regular general aviation user and injured, Congress would be in a increase research into gun safety. and a student pilot. My brother-in-law b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H7675 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:04 Oct 04, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A03OC7.000 H03OCPT1 H7676 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 3, 2017 is a GA pilot. I would never support did not happen with the urgency and one has no electrical power. Almost ev- legislation that would be bad for my priority that Puerto Ricans—and every eryone has little or no food and trouble rural communities and the airports in human being who is suffering—deserve. finding it. Almost everyone has no those communities. I tell my colleagues what I saw and water, and some are seeking water Let’s address a few of those myths. what you told me while I was there. I from unreliable or possibly contami- The nonprofit service provider for air will work with them immediately, and nated sources. traffic control will be prohibited from make sure that this Congress treats At the same time, I also saw an charging user fees to any segment of Puerto Rico fairly and generously. amazing unity and toughness, a can-do general aviation in contrast to the And I am not alone. The other Puerto spirit that my fellow Puerto Ricans myths that are being sold out there. Ricans and the Congressional Hispanic have the ability to make a way where The act also prohibits the ATC pro- Caucus are working with the leadership there is no way, to improvise, and, vider from restricting access to any of the House to put together an aid most importantly, to work together. airspace or any airport. package. Any divisions of party or class that Further, any changes to access to Cities and towns, Mayors and Gov- are right on the surface on a typical airports or airspace would be subject to ernors from across the country are day in Puerto Rico, this faction versus extensive government review and ap- making their communities available to that faction, all of that was blown proval. you so that you have a safe place to be away. The only status issue that mat- Additional funding is provided to while the rescue and recovery and re- ters for Puerto Ricans right now is the community airports to assist them to building continues. status of the SOS, save our souls. We continue to grow and be vibrant in our And standing with the Mayor of Chi- need help, and plenty of it, now. communities. cago just yesterday, he said he wants Yesterday, I spoke at a press con- Critics would have you believe that the City of Chicago to be a place where ference in Chicago with Mayor Rahm general aviation will not have a seat at any and all Puerto Ricans who need a Emanuel and leaders from Chicago, in- the table. Again, not true. The non- safe place can come and we will help cluding Fire Commissioner Santiago profit board of directors designates a you resettle. and the head of Chicago’s Office of seat for community airports, as it des- You are not alone. Emergency Management and Control, a ignates a seat for general aviation, Mi amado Puerto Rico, no esta´ s solo. brigadier general in our National lease pilots, airlines, and air cargo. Oı´mos tus peticiones de ayuda, y la Guard. The FAA, in a hearing, indicated it fuerza del gobierno y milicia The mayor announced that 22 Chi- would take another 10 years and $30 estadounidense finalmente vienen a cago firefighters, on their own dime, billion to update an air traffic control ayudar. are going to Puerto Rico to help with system from the archaic system we Ha sido despacio, y comparto tu the rescue and recovery efforts, includ- have now. When asked, they said that frustracio´ n sobre una respuesta que no ing bringing equipment that may help they hoped they would have it accom- se dio´ con la urgencia y prioridad que communications to remote parts of the plished in 10 years.
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