This unusual cover did double duty. See Page 15 for the whole story. Message from the President .......................................... 3 Polish Priests in Russian Captivity 1915-1918 ............. 13 Letters to the Editor ........................................................ 4 Annals of Polish Aerophilately What a 1920 Commemorative Latvian Postal Part 14: LOT Polish Airlines 1929-1939 (1 of 2) 15 Cancellation Really Reflects ............................... 5 Gems of Polish Philately ...............................................19 20th Anniversary of Independence Stamps of Obituary: Zbigniew Mikulski ......................................... 20 November 11, 1938 ............................................. 8 Society News ................................................................21 New Findings Regarding the 1 Grosz Serif Break Book Review ................................................................ 22 of the 1924 Orzeł Issue ..................................... 11 New Issues ................................................................... 23 570 March 2018 POLONUS Polish Philatelic Society www.polonus.org Andrew Katz Officers and Directors Publication Committee Translation Dr. Edwin J. Andrews Dr. Thomas Bieniosek [email protected] President Co-chairman Services 278 Serenity Hill Circle [email protected] Chapel Hill NC 27516-0389 Bob Ogrodnik Bob Ogrodnik Website [email protected] Co-chairman [email protected] [email protected] Raymond Pietruszka Executive Allan Clapp 211 Evalyn Street Editor Webmaster Vice [email protected] Madison, AL 35758 President [email protected] Dr. James Mazepa Senior Society Liaisons Dan Lubelski [email protected] Vice Contributing Philatelic Societies 111 Helen Drive Dr. Edwin J. Andrews President Editor Rossford OH 43460 [email protected] Admin Frank Karwoski [email protected] New Issues [email protected] Dan Lubelski Ronald J. Klimley [email protected] Secretary 13401 Pine Lake Way #201 Dr. John Dunn Bulletin Tampa FL 33618-8670 [email protected] Back Issues Fraternal and Cultural Organizations [email protected] Robert V. Ogrodnik Thomas Wrzosek [email protected] Advertising William Williges [email protected] Treasurer Manager Raymond Pietruszka 570 Phelps Court [email protected] Benicia CA 94510 Committee Chairpersons [email protected] Regis Hoffman Exhibits and Study Groups [email protected] Roman Sobus Dr. James Mazepa Awards POW Camps Directors [email protected] Roger Stanford Chairman of the Board Legal [email protected] [email protected] Open Counsel DP/ Intern Camps Bob Ogrodnik Robin Gates Elliott APRL Dr. Jerzy Kupiec-Węgliński Immediate Past President [email protected] Aero- [email protected] Liaison [email protected] philately Dr. Edwin J. Andrews Marketing Dr. Thomas Bieniosek [email protected] Open [email protected] Comm. Cinderellas and Labels Dan Lubelski Membership Jerry Schultz Regis Hoffman [email protected] Czesław [email protected] [email protected] Słania The Polonus Society is a non-profit, tax-exempt, 501(c) (3) organization incorporated in 1939 in the state of Illinois, The Society is organized exclusively for educational purposes with the objective of promoting Polish philately through the dissemination of information in the English language. The opinions expressed by the authors of articles appearing in the Polo - nius Bulletin do not necessarily reflect the views of the Polonius Philatelic Society. Membership : Members participate in all the services and activities offered by the Society, including complete access to the Society website (www.polonus.org) and the option of receiving a quarterly bulletin in print or electronically. The two mem - bership categories are: Regular and Junior. Annual dues for Regular Members opting to receive Printed Bulletin (via mail ) are: North America - $30 / Outside N.A. - $40; Electronic Bulletin (via website) North America - $25 / Outside N.A. - $25. Annual dues for Junior Members (under age 16 and electronic bulletin only) are: $10. Annual dues are payable in US funds no later than the end of March of each calendar year, Dues for new members are prorated for the time of the year ap - plication is submitted: for period Jan- Mar 100% of annual dues; Apr-Jun 75%; Jul-Sep 50%; Oct-Dec 125% (to cover full payment for following year). Dues and Changes of Address to be sent to: Polonus Polish Philatelic Society, PO Box PO Box 2212, Benicia, CA 94510 Articles for publication to be sent to Publication Committee co-chairmen Membership queries to be sent to: Membership Chairman General Society matters and complaints to be sent to: President 2 Message from the President Ed Andrews [email protected] a review of the first general duty revenues of Poland fol - Reminder: Voting on Bylaws Change, lowing independence in 1918. Covers issued through the 1924 design change. Discussion of designs, perforation types March 17 in St. Louis At the October 25, 2017 board telecom a change to and other varieties. Since hyperinflation occurred in 1923- the bylaws was approved for consideration by the member - 1924 the stamps provide an insight to effects of inflation on ship. Recall that about a year ago we added the word “Pol - revenue fees for various services. ish” to the official name of the society, but to make that • Saturday, March 17 at 10 a.m., change in our corporate registration with the State of Illinois Polish Refugees During Regis Hoffman presenting. This is the fasci - we need membership approval. World War II, nating history of 20,000 Polish refugees who settled in The change affects Article 1 of the bylaws, which Africa, India and Mexico. will be amended to read as follows, the change being bold italicized: In addition to the seminars we have a no-host mem - “The organization shall be known as the Polonus bers’ dinner on Friday night. More details will be provided Philatelic Society, incorporated under the laws of the shortly. Polish State of Illinois as a Non-Profit Corporation.” On March 17 there will be a closed board of direc - Per Article 9, Section 2 of the bylaws a vote by the tors meeting in the morning with our annual members’ membership will taken during the next annual meeting. meeting at 1 p.m. in the Heathrow Room. Your presence at That vote will be at the St. Louis Stamp Expo at 1 p.m., Sat - the members’ meeting is important not only for the vote on urday, March 17, 2018, in the Heathrow Room. Additional the bylaws change but also to hear details of our future details regarding the show follow. plans. Feel free to bring along a friend. The Polonus Awards are presented Saturday evening at the Exhibitor’s Award Banquet. We are fortunate Gearing up for St. Louis Plans are well underway for a great show. The this year that our member exhibitors have provided 47 venue is the Renaissance Hotel, 9801 Natural Bridge Rd., frames at the show with 12 different exhibits on all aspects near the St. Louis airport. There is a link on the Polonus web - of Polish philately. This is a strong presence and we expect site for the show. The link also provides access to hotel reser - our members will do well with show awards. vations ( http://www.stlouisstampexpo.org/ ). The special On Sunday starting at 1 p.m., there is a tour of all show rate is $89 per night using the group code: slsslsa. Con - Polish-related exhibits by Polonus member judges. Meet at tact the hotel via the link or call 314-429-1100 or toll free 1- the Polonus booth. 800-468-3571. And, lest we forget, we will be having a Polonus hospitality room Friday and Saturday nights available to If you are planning to attend please let our local members and friends. The room opens immediately follow - representative Bob Ogrodnik know ( robert.ogrodnik@sbc - ing our members’ dinner Friday night and again after the global.net ) so we can have a welcome packet ready for you. Our booth is in the corridor immediately outside the show awards dinner Saturday night. The location is the hotel’s ballroom. We plan to have a nice selection of POLPEX and Presidential Suite. Use this time to meet your colleagues, other philatelic material available as well as literature and trade material or otherwise enjoy snacks and libations. catalogs. We will also have a computer for direct access to This will be a busy and exciting show and we hope our Polonus Store Annex eBay site so you can browse you can attend. through offerings on line. There are three seminars this year: Committee Changes • Friday, March 16 at 1 p.m. in the Heathrow Room, Since the December issue we have had several Col - Bob Ogrodnik pre - changes in committees. Hank Bieniecki has stepped down lecting Poland - A Philatelic Adventure, senting. A general overview of Polish philately from the from his activities with the website and expertizing. We have stampless Kingdom period up to modern topical collecting. a new webmaster in Allan Clapp, who has 30 years of expe - rience in web design and development and is webmaster for • Friday, March 16 at 3 p.m. in the Heathrow Room, General another philatelic website. At the March board meeting we Duty Revenue Fee Stamps of Poland. An Overview and Analysis will be discussing future needs for the website as well as our Ed Andrews presenting. This is of the Effects of Hyperinflation, 3 expertizing service. Also, our editor, Vickie Canfield western movies or the Smith and Wesson snub-nose .38 of Bulletin Peters has decided to step down from her position, this issue 1930s and later crime movies. being her last. We are already in the process of seeking a new The search led me to Wikipedia (of course), Charlie editor so as not to disrupt the timeliness of issues. Clelland of Landships.info, two helpful members of the Landships.net forum and some other sites. The story is this: The “revolver” mounted on the armored train was Making Polonus Better In each issue I remind the membership that we have one in which several barrels rotated during the firing cycle, a number of volunteer positions open. While several have like the Gatling gun, patented in 1862 and used by various been filled, we still have many others where even minimal Union forces in the Civil War.
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