25 3838 440 4583 44076 Jarrod Sims 7

25 3838 440 4583 44076 Jarrod Sims 7

18.01.2012 7 kg; 107 cm; 2 kg; 800 g 20070107 Adelaide 1 Jarrod Sims 7208 1104 +07 695 +22 117020150001566 -25 3838440458344076 20070107 Sydney 1 Kyle McCarthy 7372 1160 00 698 +02 142920050481556 4269440497644153 20070304 Sertaozinho 1 Francisco Irlandio da Silva 7040 1110 +03 697 +06 111120051361515 +10 3418400545044721 20070307 New Delhi 1 Vikram Singh 6913 20070310 Brisbane 1 Erik Surjan 7706 1109 -20 755 +13 144919052221468 +02 4430450586945110 2 Jarrod Sims 7556 1118 -20 734 +16 121020249141519 +02 3688450524943132 3 Kyle McCarthy 7317 1161 -28 713 +10 141918450021538 +02 4170440541244601 4 Christopher Johnson 6891 1152 -20 653 -01 128617952521524 +02 3764450602650717 20070310 Huntsville 1 Chad Andrews 7159 1150 +11 682 +13 135119451231472 3780460490245973 20070311 Santiago de Cuba 1 Leonel Suarez Fiajardo 8156 108 -12 725 00 1280214490 142 -12 421043070354271 2 Junior Diaz Zayas 7902 104 -12 755 +11 1380193459 142 -12 369743052404362 3 Alberto Juantorena 7782 106 -12 739 +12 1324211490 146 -11 412544054454549 4 Yosley Azcuy Povea 7683 107 -12 714 +19 1390190500 141 -12 419045062005006 5 Carlos Enrique Patterson 7321 107 -12 729 +15 1278184520 140 -12 380843057154595 6 Yosvani Ibañez Guillen 7248 108 -12 721 +08 1111208500 147 -11 348140054854534 20070316 Coral Gables 1 Seth Pelock 6873 W 1139 +32 646 121419150571519 +41 4048391430643654 2 Matt Bishoff 6854 1138 +32 657 112620052201589 +08 3469471470745101 20070316 Northridge 1 A Desi Burt 7157 1146 00 697 +02 124621649441544 00 3555380542245724 2 A Levi Keller 7008 1184 +02 634 00 133918951861576 +07 4019490512644951 20070316 San Angelo 1 Camille Vandendriessche 7083 1192 -04 617 143218452711561 +24 4421464564144087 2 Travis Geopfert 7078 1146 -04 661 137018449891556 +25 4066434472643997 3 Ryan McWilliams 6975 1124 00 664 119519648911470 +25 3176394483944462 20070322 Scottsdale 1 Mustafa Abdur-Rahim 7648 105 +02 700 +01 14291924943142 +30 4112395516342524 2 Tyler Koskenoja 7175 112 +02 661 +02 13231925046151 +30 3524395577742208 3 Timothy A. Wunderlich 6907 114 +02 657 +02 13601865295152 +30 3405435616945593 20070323 Tucson 1 Ashton Eaton 6977 1066 +15 719 +02 119719248551492 +09 3793375336545662 20070323 Tuscaloosa 1 Benjamin Haber 6905 1185 -14 654 -12 119318251661529 +05 3714455572044678 20070323 Winston-Salem 1 Mateo Sossah 7289 1200 -08 675 +14 122820050121509 -07 3813440539042110 2 Max Westman 6884 1128 +17 676 +13 111418249611505 -07 3551400524944700 3 Daniel II Keller 6866 1182 +05 641 +11 129018552011560 -07 3703490498545334 20070329 Berkeley 1 Joshua Hustedt 7286 1099 +33 723 +21 115620650371468 +03 3061470459545244 2 Steven Conrad 7214 1095 +33 694 +14 119019749291548 +03 3397420527643981 3 Mark Edward Jellison 6971 1158 +14 708 +36 125819753781505 -07 3635440475945020 4 Rickey Moody 6926 1100 +16 705 +11 136419151561520 -07 4378370427651397 20070330 Baton Rouge 1 Robert Jacob Arnold 7946 1126 +03 697 +19 143920149261446 +05 4343510542844060 20070330 Tallahassee 1 Gonzalo Barroilhet Costabal 7230 1148 +05 705 -09 125319453491440 +07 3854485558651100 20070331 Durban 1 Terrence Wepener 7176 1121 684 122920050311482 3418400541944237 -8 20070401 Sao Paulo 1 Ivan Scolfaro Caetano da Silva 7538 1120 +15 691 +07 1315194513 1493 -18 4260450611244255 2 Luiz Alberto Cardoso de Araujo 7457 1092 +15 705 +10 1360188498 1450 -18 4096410528044222 3 Carlos Eduardo Bezerra Chinin 7404 1095 +15 746 +06 1285209498 1473 -18 3532380461643698 4 Edson Luques Bindilatti 7206 1131 +18 726 +01 1311191494 1509 -18 4236440397545611 5 Danilo Mendes Xavier 6920 1118 +15 717 +10 1123188500 1494 -18 3448400473745251 6 Francisco Irlandio da Silva 6906 1086 +19 683 +11 1098194523 1522 -11 3009410528444089 20070405 Austin 1 Brandon Buteaux 7342 1116 +32 713 +29 133219350891491 +14 3982430503844422 2 Neil Hines 7314 W 1143 +21 671 +41 133219651511592 +18 3904470597544316 3 Andrew Webb 7226 W 1092 +38 686 +41 117520251441439 +22 4014390477744205 4 Mitchell Henry 7219 1128 +32 691 +34 118517850661563 +18 4400450563744120 5 Jonathan Fagan 7136 1094 +38 718 +35 116918451231455 +07 3730400562545592 6 Mat Clark 6989 W 1111 +38 677 +49 116719050381673 +18 3421430484941776 7 Chris Caine 6987 W 1118 +38 670 +53 125919050031504 +22 3301440413443817 8 Matthew Vining 6980 1101 +38 642 +40 120819351711615 +09 4181460490845768 9 Tommy Wolfe 6837 1119 +21 664 +22 132519052821521 +18 3848470466753229 10 Serhiy Oliynyk 6819 W 1145 +38 656 +49 133119353751569 +07 3774400494943941 11 Wesley Bray 6811 1133 +32 686 +31 120618451061560 +14 3324400543144862 20070407 Auburn 1 Joseph Detmer 7296 W 1108 +43 678 +04 114319048031522 +20 3371455482642195 2 Chris Morrisey 6831 1110 +27 626 00 122919050341543 00 3835405457944890 20070412 Azusa 1 Christopher Richardson 7871 1100 +14 752 136820150041486 +37 4841416595744675 2 Christopher James Randolph 7798 1145 +14 700 131620749621479 +37 4147486547442947 3 Brian Walsh 7334 1098 +21 724 119919849431521 +37 3328426525243753 1 inv Blake Bidleman 7006 1135 +06 623 134319049921474 +15 3709414402142593 2 inv Brian J. Taylor 6806 1151 +06 654 108217650411644 +15 3641494540345154 20070412 Knoxville 1 Chris Helwick 7732 1124 00 681 00 130520150751504 +30 4277475651244051 2 Massimo Bertocchi 7253 W 1115 00 690 00 125819550271443 +69 3764465454145794 3 Benjamin Haber 7091 1151 00 657 00 124718351711508 +30 3678475571844748 20070413 Columbia 1 Hans Olav Uldal 7332 1109 +30 688 +31 137918651291486 00 4527415583350253 2 Bjørn Sigurd Sommerfeldt 7027 1136 +15 700 +28 130718352841533 +29 4027425510844570 3 Lee Martin 7010 1151 +30 666 +14 123319251501546 +25 4285405504144043 4 Decosma Wright 6933 1051 +30 682 +10 141719250521420 +25 4371295491054715 20070413 Los Angeles 1 Justin Johnson 6882 112 +11 676 -04 124519851601443 +10 3533370445044233 20070413 Princeton 1 Kyle Calvo 7243 107 728 201500 150 455 2 Max Westman 7026 109 688 144 3 Duane Hynes 6991 705 20070413 San Angelo 1 Ryan McWilliams 6979 W 1095 +34 693 +23 121419048661462 +45 3377380468645916 20070415 Chengdu 1 Yu Bin 7824 1093 +07 736 00 140220050411478 +01 3985470609845163 20070415 Nice 1 Moise Louisy-Louis 6901 1187 -10 617 -21 13221875380150 +01 388241067244481 20070415 Tsukuba 1 Ryota Suzuki 6804 1156 -11 697 +08 121718352291570 -05 3359440505844588 20070419 Lawrence 1 Josh Kirk 7152 1131 +09 668 +19 122219651051635 -28 3640465566343863 20070420 Alamosa 1 Mustafa Abdur-Rahim 7510 1080 +19 747 -04 14061954856142 +03 4052405389144404 2 Michael Mays 6820 1161 +04 664 -06 11291895182153 +03 3174465491343749 20070420 College Park 1 Mateo Sossah 7310 1183 -08 696 +18 116120149891519 +14 3917425527641997 2 Ryan Koontz 7139 1107 +03 612 +08 132719850051452 +14 3746445465645388 3 Daniel II Keller 7015 1172 -08 669 +13 127619251001560 +14 3222495459143615 4 Roland DaSilva 6903 1094 +03 671 +14 123017450381462 +14 3586465402650053 5 Tyler Clarke 6811 1138 +03 635 +06 114919250171524 +14 3157465412544074 20070420 Lynchburg 1 Brandon Hoskins 6886 1117 626 +07 132117349601572 +11 3488426594945478 20070420 Reduit 1 Guillaume Thierry 7119 111 713 1262178530 156 450948055575073 2 Abdallah Mohamed Saad Hame 6997 110 676 1329193510 149 365042043944467 -6 3 Mourad Souissi 6859 113 642 1262181504 148 407040052424529 20070421 Cincinnati 1 Chris Caine 7086 1139 -04 644 127018949781535 -04 3786445452642870 20070421 Rock Island 1 Kyle Steiner 6825 1165 610 122018950451573 3809420489443031 20070422 Beijing 1 Zhang Yu 7006 2 Du Peng 6875 20070422 Tourlaville 1 Mickael Levesque 6897 111 +25 655 121317551881536 -04 3661430529343127 20070422 Wakayama 1 Hiromasa Tanaka 7656 1074 +26 681 +40 121818449231546 +08 4230500637444808 2 Yuji Oshima 7526 1084 +26 724 00 127319649781474 +08 4051460490645409 3 Masatoshi Ishizawa 7121 1119 +26 679 +18 113918449221472 +08 3475430546144411 20070425 Philadelphia 1 Chris Morrisey 7014 W 1132 -01 668 +51 120219949601521 +11 3140425487944104 20070426 Des Moines 1 Raven Cepeda 7641 1111 +24 670 +36 140819051321459 +24 4067510508743074 2 Travis Geopfert 7180 1117 +27 675 +07 126118750291558 +24 4200420493243175 3 Ryan Olkowski 7042 W 1088 +27 662 +16 121119350331510 +44 3732460450450630 4 Mat Clark 6863 1120 +24 667 +33 114019350721651 +23 3270400507042055 20070426 Provo 1 Justin Palmer 7353 1106 +14 726 +20 138718950761492 +09 3792445536250061 2 Andrew Levin 7140 1125 +14 683 +18 139418651601481 +09 4424435506251501 20070427 Doha 1 Ahmad Hassan Moussa 6934 20070429 Blackpool 1 Edward Dunford 6940 115 674 1411196521 152 403640052895016 20070429 Roma 1 Domenico Genchi 6822 1147 +13 642 +04 127718850651536 -02 3896400433643810 20070502 Goyang 1 Kim Kun-Woo 7480 1131 714 118019849041540 3304490469341416 1 Yun Young-Hak 6808 1137 693 108919851421575 3631420480245759 2 Kil Ho-Jong 6933 1125 713 104519849511533 3403380492744432 20070503 Alger 1 Boualem Lamri 6996 20070504 Shippensburg 1 Daniel Patton 6874 1085 +23 649 +37 116418549471550 +22 3752410470145343 20070505 Commerce 1 Chris Pounds 7056 1130 +18 680 +27 128517750771528 +26 4113469436444655 20070505 Medellin 1 Andres Horacio Mantilla Garcia 6827 1127 +29 655 13921915350149 417241055135365 20070505 Nacogdoches 1 Brandon Buteaux 7148 1125 +21 674 -10 140518649761479 +27 3835445491850613 2 Tommy Wolfe 7099 1122 +21 669 00 138520152421516 +27 3934455554553347 3 Cory Roberts 7068 1138 +21 629 -05 120319249321503 +17 3568445511243995 4 Jonathan Fagan 6955 1100 +14 694 00 121818351371470 +12 3834405545851678 20070505 Storrs 1 Adam Golembeski 6834 W 1112 +44 634 +16 134818650281539 +01 3721385499545547 20070506 Abrantes 1 Tiago Marto 7012 1108 700 137418653741485 3638400522945067

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