![1858-08-12 [P ]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
a^jf-STi" # y«^'Mfe«'rf>««|«JS(Sjeli' ",?'*'»-{,-uvi«i&^v .jr~\f •*: - *1 -*-JL TOB ST. CLOUD MMOCRAT relieved the company against all material to the certificate of tat survey, huistiia, hat that may he a mooes of aware TOBAOOO.—Ia esatr tt be sjcssectfy att- loss. A tctegraphk {communication with ty set-off as asmussa). sueeamt bet at maes I ssel dishearten 1 smrAOcnoNT. ^i„_^ JANS*. 8WIS8HBLM, BDITOB ten, we aweanaasa two wnyuasape so vans i _ Cape Breton was thus accomplished, con­ .8*0.6. Aaypereoaewa tsth ct am werk that Is yet to be doae, bat a auuMsteitj Thursday August 26 lt&8. necting with tht then existing lines in Smut ta Mesne WsiMsnsi with a proper nee a tobacco crop smwaiag sums the sfsat Nova Scotia. ThatompaUy tnoa procured •&% sis ssms bsisw, . • •• ml fiSSeTSSSfi of ear own pewers sad sseaas, aad leave the bati: two ssilmbesW tins, tmf stake as gouts tad charters for lines from Prinee lift asanma^saani sma amaan Ataa^mmmm^mmn lof hssltrkhmsl emti ± w We sand number of oar paperto arv vaaaa>aaaana sjs# aaaaaj aaaj _ . sese^te6edrpelopedherMfUri«»llw«o(>ndo. elimination. He fa a good jadge or at Bdwerd'e Island; Nova Scotia, New Brunt- Sao.7. Nothing in this att My wlm Jeias me in love aad sympathy to •hesaw. HewashreeMUtowptocH-Otud some friends who an art suhooribsrt, with, Maiee, and Canada. AU these least ought to be, aad reports rssaarkahlt Witt they eadorssths prints of woman considered as exemptiag any ami yen, farewell. yield. He messured several of tht Waves, mm ffastsr ifhs amnsiii jsi things acecopUahtd, Mr. Field start­ rromtamrtioaortablbttaaet. right to diecumthe hure whieh arrets net ed for England, and there, by unremitting BespeetfuUy: which he found to be two loltsts to tarn Sic. 8. Noastatftj heaamtmai maajsav IAMBS WILSON. ana tat JJiM^pi «* istjatoiniag iht tnVrta, suoeeoded ia establishing tht At- odorropreeentedaaaUWlmtU toatmah- feet oint inches is leagth, aadssxtoeain- primaafat g tat ftiisam tf the proas, ot lent* TeJce>aph Company let tht purpose meut, execution or salt, or aay fiati protees We ato deeply grateful to our old friend cheetobreadth. Theeiopfawhatt, hstlth of oroneotmf the European and American •mmssa smsnmalim^^a^^M Om^m* m\m» hujiss fittihiai sad htmtsBinsjcis ia tat issued from any court ia this tawm mv his sympathy; tad assure him that we y and procaiaiag is every imps st, tad will continents. What Mr. Field has had to First The family bible. atoc^MSrcwc^bcitos^yatworkjUule- eanguard of crn&eetiea, by aiding us ia do to bring about this wonderful oonsnm- be ready fiw cutting is s week or toaesfs. Second. Family pi % mm. oomipttsa, tad immoral aejttiag s^hsnittitrs to tfct jfi paper pub­ rnetioa is amiliar to the world. Failure orUbraiy,aadmastosl 9owego,Corn,TobaeeoasilSuemt east ossial iwstBms. Tht lattaw whom he met lished oa Iht way to tat uafttlo pcttui after ftilurt atver damped hia ardor ot ofmsair/. ia a ehmeto tat idea of w|pa> a lessened his enthusiasm, and oa tat mem- m ao doubt ta ex-batcher of New York hyQov. Stephens' tault to tat BaiSt. Third. A sett or pew ia ago was eoupied with etomai orablt occasion whoa tht cable, apparent­ waaleft St Cload about that time; and ^JBV k^Hk«^^M«II* sannmmoTian seats ly without cants, untwisted as it was pay- i who had been moat iaaastrions here in cir- fM mt# m> »» e axcwj^^swe^j ^^?^^^ ^^ —•" lag oat from tht Agamemnon, when all Oar ststajat an ewktiaf; the tales ef grom slander which sibttitf tf IIIUll | these principles wart despondent, it was stated that Mr. daily iapcrtie* to pick hs>swhswim; Field alone wee sanguine and sure of suc­ thttehqae are eoastantiy concocting, in |^tatttTat»tiyaiktatald«HJiy»- oonmhoawwithhejshttttYfrwk cess. Such energy, such determination, the hone of ruiaing tar iafiuenoe here.^- ^thyc/tae frteadsof freadom andre- to triumph, has creative power, and ia only rior to any we have seem grown in Peaasyl- form. to be tod in characters illustrated by Co-huamUvVaiieooi ksmiaTictill*1 ** ** ilf^lW* «• » vsnia. Great quastittos are sold at 6 e'ls TEA5S-ATLAKTI0 TSUQRAPS lumbuj, Franklin, and other discoverers tr^u^^f^^lTu^J^ ftodasd^midrromlmiviewwcdonot per quart. Tht araaberr; a»Kxxi.h>rAfs8Aint,-The who have ltd tht way in tht advancesassn ^^ ^ ^ ^ *_,-... ^oa^aroejr ftitad was alarmed for us.— also loaded with anefruit. The Eastern world it wild with joy oyer tf civilisation, and been the eyetewk were, ia value. isglislitttfBststlton by > the captation of the tetegrnfb botween We have cussed that crisis, and are ready of the world in whieh thai fad and had 8utth. Three cowe.ttaawiM,oae yoke eureldm4eaam^ea>le>ilMl.. cg thh country and Qreat Briftjas. Tat e* inateriel association." w of oxen, and one lmree;or ia lieaofoat rer any other they eta gat up. SaT MILLS. St Cload t rent can ncaroo bt ovoreetimeJtod, tt are yoke o1-f oxen and a hoese, a taan rcfhcrsm Our friends at a dttmaee need act fear large nouring mill N. K. ea!rah*td to bests* the time "when at- 2*" "********* ** * ^* tor us, amwomiiirimiiithy tttmthlal, twsy ^amahmamiatemlmfaatliA ""'ssIsC' tione ahell at mere rum SB SfMttt an- to- dram and ait, and walk geetawy, tred iatt JSSJB tjt/ eaiah ats> At ftv what btoug>t as htrmdo you tor power at aVmkvUlt, TO bow with esse sad trace! 0 food fortfltaaigyiiisiissilia QtKta Vittorsa hta trot tht IbUtwing To SBeakmaeeeats soft and mealy. thmatttioess>OMwm# r^et, Friend James, that in the history 4M««agt. To wear a studied face; provided or growing, at both, as the debtor of Bedemption, ta asses to* was teat ferf may ehoots; also, oo» wagon, cart or dray, Valentia Bay t* o Trinity Bar. These, and like goodly gifts and graces, Ht wont with oat knowing wherefore, but give liberai inducement to sx^peajenettat- . Are well enough I own; oat sleigh, two plasm, can eWeail other <lno Lord had attdof him." We easat —i August 16,1858. farmins ntonsila. ias«amawtmamaWsaams ingone.— But what we want in this soft age, Watt much ia tht stmt way, have round 2b rte Honorable the I\*&ident of ilie Bone—backbone. notcxcocdUiigthicdlranoyrt mwaasmm United Statu: Seventh. Provtaeas tethtetthtai wosxairf regret nothing weUreleftUhind. MOMEY.—AS there is a considerable a» vHer Majesty desires to congratulate the A heart to feci, a mmd to think, hit family necessary for toe yearn tap; Nettie is well and growing; love to all monnt of Wisconsin money circulating in either provided or growing, ot sots, Pr«u«mt upon the successful completion Despite each base control, the dear friends in the pleasant villkge this region we call attention to the lhs be* of this great iutemetkmel work; in which A tongue to speak,' a hand to work, fuel neccossry for one year. ondmoarglorieasold Western Pennsyl- Eighth, taeteoktad low of discredited banks. They are tht quean has taken tht deepest interest The panose of the soul— vania hills. The Queen is convinced that the Presi­ By these and other goodly tokens. any mechanie, mine* or oa\„ ed aa doubtful-, as our people will at shin* tad kept for tht sstpwai of _ . We think tht anti-slavery ranks have t^eamstoaarmmaUa IlltCtoMt. dent will join her in fervently hoping that It may be sorely known, # ping produce below they had bettor be on Baaasi,at U fgam^sg, the Electric Cable whieh now connects If this or that, without the body; his trade or business, aadWaddftiea taken no baahward stops since the time their guard shout the money they tenant. Great Britain with the United States, will to stock ia trade not eimeaW lost hun- you mention, Friend. Our theory is the Is bone- backbone. Aa farmers do not generally take detectors M lets ia "Mcleaty's Adcrnkm,^ - Stove an additional link between the na­ dred dollars ** •alut; the library ee4 imple­ Ostsr, aad tht not, that for the time being, tions whose friendship ia founded upon GiTo me a man that's all a man, ments of any proffrwiimsl amayall of which we conclude to have a Bank Note hat pre- tasjt may be onljr contending for the right, their common interest and reciprocal es­ Who stands up straight and strong, articles hereinbefore intended to be exempt, par3d for our nest issue; and to have it Covtesttoaw-- teem. Who lores the plain and simple right, shall be chosen by t|t debtor, his egent, of white men to make their own laws; no crefully corrected weekly for the benefit of lets tt and tl IfimWJ*. The Queen has mneh pleasure in thus And will not yield to wrong; clerk, or legal sepiutsStstivO, tt tat more proves that they have abandoned the our Minnesota renders. communicating With iht President, and Who. deals with firm untrembUag head, maybe. ultinmte object of universal freedom, than Lets S end tefSteeh SEC. o. Nothing to shm net ehafl hoot ssMCTMITOUronOIS. returning to him her best wishes for the To every one his own; tht fact of a tot of workmen being engaged prosperity of tht United States. construed as to exeshst amy property ia CerreeUi werWy ty MoweVe ftctsnyi Jen*, Oh! a. blessed thing in anybody, is digging a cellar proves that they have tOletsea! lb which our President responds in a Is bone—backbone. this State from exeoF '^ Third Strut, ft* doers West ef Jeekesn ct, mXTota l amamttaf aalae, IMsamx for clerks; laborers or giveauptoeideaofbuUdingahouse. Jwai maawst Well calculated to gratify and do ' •es>» Sto. 10. All laws _ Si. Faei,Aeglt,lgge,f We ere_ gla d to.
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