GSTIN : O8AAACV6864A1ZD = GQ Un ited Wiay Solvex Corporate I d e n t i f i c a t i o n Number : L15142RJ1987PLC004232 Regd. O f f i c e : Bhagwati S a d a n , S.D. Marg, A L W A R - 301001 Factory : Old Industrial Area, I t a r a n a Road, ALWAR - 3 0 1 0 0 1 Date: September 9, 2020 To, Bombay Stock Exchange Limited Corporate Relationship Department, 1* Floor, New Trading Ring, Rotunda Building, P.J. Towers, Dalal Street, Mumbai-400 001. Ref: Company Code - 531069 Sub: Publication of Notice of Board Meeting. Dear Sir/Madam, In compliance of p r o v i s i o n s of Regulation 4 7 of the S E B I (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, we are e n c l o s i n g h e r e w i t h t h e newspaper copies of the Mint ( E n g l i s h Daily) and Business R e m e d i e s (Hindi Daily) dated 8” September, 2020, in which notices for i n t i m a t i o n of Board Meeting scheduled to be h e l d on Tuesday the 1 5 " day of September, 2020, inter a l i a , t o consider and approve t h e Un-audited S t a n d a l o n e and Consolidated Financial Results of t h e Company for the quarter ended June 30, 2 0 2 0 , have b e e n p u b l i s h e d . Please take the above information on your records. Thanking You, Yours Faithfully, For Vijay Solvex Limited (3.P. Lodha) Company Secretary FCS: 4714 Encl. as above Ph.: (Off.) 0144-2332922, 2332358 « Mob.: 9929103729 « Fax : 0144-2332320, (Works) 2332850, 2332921, 2345405 Visit us at : www.dataoils.com_« E-mail : [email protected] , 9 SEPTEMBER 2020 NEW DELHI 07 Pawan Hans (A Government of India WEST BENGAL STATE ELECTRICITY LUE Eee Ta dat) oe AUTHORITY Lr DISTRIBUTION COMPANY LIMITED Plot No.1, Sector Knowledge Park-4,Gi Pe Cad Pex rt) eon (uP) Cee om De ce eu at Se cea QIEX Ghetto ares eee Ty Ref. No.: H.D./2020/597 Date: 07/08/2020 EXPRESSION OF INTEREST Electricity Market: Price & Volume - August, 2020 The Chief Tagloner (TC), WBSEDCL, Vidyut Bhavan, 3° Foor, Bock, Bidhannagar, Block-DJ, Sector-l, Salt Lake, Kolkata-91 invites e-Tender for “Procurement of 20 nos. DAY-AHEAD MARKET (DAM) Wi dos sre 29 ston 2 ce with ei 2 Stare sae caurmnestoning sperction for design,Installation, Total 4AB4 Average Daily 145 available 09.09.2020 onwards on https:/wbtenders.gov.in. Further details may be had solld waste collection and processing ‘Volume (MU) Volume (MU) from www.wbsedcL.in and the above-mentioned office [Ph. No.; (033) 2358-9665] system In Greater Noida City. Area Prices (Rs kWh} 1668(1)/2020 ion of Interest document with detailed scope of Area Real Min, Max. work is available on the Authority's website (http:// RITES LIMITED All Indla 243 0.68 493 eS 7480001107 sGOUTENT TERM-AHEAD MARKET TAM) 5 VIJAY SOLVEX LIMITED Menagement In Greater Nolda”. The hard copys tobe senton ‘The General evEXPOTECH, RITES Lig. inves online bids in single Week Day-aheas Regd. Offics: Bhagwati Sadan, (Health). packet system from he approved vendor of MCF CFIA forth 9p following: SS y Intraday pay ‘Swami Dayanand Marg, | [——CAMAC COMMERCIAL] | date of submissionis 24 September 2020. Isaloning of Bogle Volume (MU) -| 107 | 428 | 117.04 Awar- 901001 (Rajasthan) COMPANY LIMITED (Indian Rupeos Twenty fou CINL15142R.11987PLC004232 wooks, Lest date & time of submission of Bi 09.2020 Min. Price (Rs/kWh) -| 260 | 231 2.40 NOTICE {GN LOND TOPLESS upto 11:00 hra.IST. ‘The bid forms and other detalls can be obtained from the website Max. Price (Rs/kWh) -| 449 | 385 3.85 —~ Bu Sahat ea ‘10002 id and CPP ul Notice Is hereby given that AddendumiCorigandum, Kany, shall be hostad online ont. Total Volume (MU) 123.18 pursuant to regulation 29, 33, 47 REAL-TIME MARKET (RTM) ane ote sun Cauiafons Total Volume (MU) | 857 | Average Dally Volume (MU)| 28 Disclosure Requiraments}Ing Obligations | [17 of tne SEE (sing Obigatons Sarpy, Area Prices (Rs/kWh) Regulations, 2015, a meeting of Rese Feaurerens Feet ae notice is hereby given that a Meetingof the ‘Area Average| Min, =| Max. ne Board of Directors of the | poof rectors o ompany will be held on to be held on T September 15, 2020 Allindia 226 | aro | 52 Tuas, 1° ptember, 220 eatenSe Term Ahead Market (G-TAM) alCompany, regist inter alia,office to consider18] | | [Financialarterended Results June of 30,2020,the Company for the first Weekly Intraday Day-ahead Dally and approve the Unaudited } [The ove information 's aso available} rat and i lonthe website of the Company is lwww.camaccommercial.com and sent to} Volume (MWh) - 2.08 | 2998.35 - Haseena Company the Calcutta Stock Exchange Lid. Min. Price {Rs./kWh) 3.00 3.00 2020 "1 | por camac commerce roa I. pany Limited] Sd/-} Max, Price (Rs./kWh) 3.00 328 Place: New Delhi ‘Surabhi Srivastava| Total Volume (MWh) 3001.15 website of the Company | L>st:08#12020_Company Sexetay www. vijaysolvex.com and that of NEW OKHLA INDUS BSE Ltd. www.bselndia,com. noua cL ee Loc nna) The REC trading session which was scheduledon August26,2020] | + wn jay sorvEX LIMITED Website : www.noldaauthorityonline.com could not take place because of the stay order from honourable or sil E-TENDER NOTICE APTEL In response to the petitions filed by a few Renewable (JP. Lodha) E-Tenders are invited from eligible contractorsfirms for the Energy Associations, Placa :Alwer following Jobs against which bids can be uploaded and same 1 MU = 1 Million kWh Date : 08.08.2020 FCS:4714 shall be opened/downloaded as per schedule mentioned. The details and conditions of all tenders are available on Noida Authority's official website: www.noldaauthorityonline.com & https://etender.up.nic.in. Please ensure to see these website PNB FINANCE AND INDUSTRIES UMITED for any changes/amendments& corrigendumetc. CIN: L65929DL1947PLC001240; Email: §.No|Job no. Amount (Rs.} Regd office: 1” Floor, Express Building, -10, 41. |13/SPE/PE] Cleaning and Sweeping of | 8162073.31 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi-1 10002 (PHYE-T/| all road and drain Including Jubilant Industries Limited Tel No.: +91-7303495375, Ww) CIN: L24100UP2007PLCo32909 Website: www pnbfinanceandindustries.com 2020-21 | disposal of Solid Waste of Registered Office: Bhartiagram, Gajraula, NOTICE Sec-63A, 5 Percent Abadi of District Amroha - 244 223, ne Pradesh Indla Pursuant to Regulation 29 read with Vil-Chhijarsi, FNG-| and Il JRBHANT Regulation 47 of the SEBI (Listing Email: Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) and Transport Nagar, Sec- Phone: +91-5924-267200 Regulations, 2015, Notice is hereby given| 69, of PH-I Area, Zone-VI, that a meeting of the Board of Directors of Noida aii e NOTICE OF 14™ ANNUAL GENERAL MEETIN he Company will be held on Tuesday, STEEL & POWER [September15, 2020, inter alia, to consider 2. |14/SPE/PE] Cleaning & Sweeping of| 24857901.12 AND E-VOTING INFORMATION land approve, the standalone and (PH-IVE-T?| Various Complex and Roads lconsolidated unaudited financial results of 2020-21 | in PH-|, Area (BalanceWork) Notice Is hereby given that the 14” Annual General Meeting {the 'AGM’) of the Company Is the Company for the quarter ended June| ‘scheduled to be held on Wednesday, September 30, 2020 at 11:00 a.m. {IST) through Vkieo. Zone-V, Noida Notice is hereby given that the 41% Annual General Meating (‘AGAP) of the members of Jindal Steel & Power Limited ("the Company”) Is scheduled ta be Conferencing (‘VC’) Other Audio Visual Means (‘OAVM’), to transact the business as listed The above information is also available on the website of the Company aj The above tenders can be uploaded by dated 15.09.2020 upto held on 30, 2020 at 11.00 a.m.(IST} through Video In the Notice dated September 3, 2020 In compliance with the General Circular No. 20/2020 i 5.00 PM. Pre- (VC'Y Other Audio Visual Means (‘OAVM') only, to transact the dated 5, 2020 read with General Circular No. 14/2020 dated April 8, 2020 and General to The Calcutta Storkenchange Limited. 16.08.2020at 11.00AM. business. as detailed in the Notice ofthe AGM. Circular No. 17/2020 dated April 13, 2020 Issued by the Ministry of Corporate Affalrs (MCA ler of the Board| ‘Sr. Project Engineer In view of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Ministry of Corporate Affairs vide Its Circulars’) and Circular No. SEBI/HO/CFD/CMD1/CIR/P/2020/78 dated May 12, 2020 Issued For PNB Finance aie redetoe Limited] Sdé] {Public Health) circular dated May 5, 2020, read with circular dated April 8, 2020 and April 13, by the Securitles and Exchange Board of India {(‘SEBI Circular}. The members Intending to Place : New Delhi Shweta Saxena 2020 (MCA Circulars’)and the Securities and Exchange Boardof Indla (‘SEBI"} attend the AGM through VC/ OAVM may attend the AGM by following the procedure prescribed vvide its circular dated May 12, 2020 (‘SEBI Circular’), the Companyhas sent the Date : 08/09/2020 Company Secretary| In the Notice of AGM. Annual Reportfor the financial year 2019-20 along with the Notice ofthe AGM on Tuesday, September 8, 2020, through electronic mode only to those Members. In compliance with the aforesaid MCA and SEBI Circulars, the Notice convening tha AGM wy or Registrar & Share and the Annual Report for the Financial Year 2019-20 have been sent on September 8, 2020, Transfer Agent and Depositories.
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