16110 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS June 21, 1979 H. Res. 169. March 20, 1979. Rules. Amends gress a standby conservation plan which and continued use of the Masonic Hall build­ the Rules of the House of Representatives to accounts for the economic impacts of re­ ing in downtown Washington, D.C. eliminate duplicate cost estimates in com­ stricted ·energy use; and (2) provide the H. Res. 195. April 2, 1979. House Adminis­ mittee reports. States with resources and support for the tration. Authorizes expenditures by the H. Res. 170. March 20, 1979. Judiciary. implementation of energy conservation House Select Committee on the Outer Con­ Refers to the Chief Commissioner of the programs. tinental Shelf for special investigations and Court of Claims, a bill for the relief of a H. Res. 182. March 27, 1979. Interstate and studies. named individual. Directs the Commissioner Foreign Commerce. Expresses the disapproval H. Res. 196. April 2, 19-79. House Adminis­ to report to the House of Representatives on of the House of Rep;resentatives with respect tration. Directs the printing, as a House the nature of the claim against the United to the Secretary of Transportation's recom­ document, of the publication entitled "The States and the amount, if any, due such in­ mendations designating the basic route sys­ Celler-Kefauver Act: The First 27 Years." dividual from the United States. tem for the National Railroad Passenger H. Res. 197. April 2, 1979. Interior and In­ H. Res. 171. March 21, 1979. Sets forth the Corporation as submitted to the Congress sular Affairs. Directs the Chairman of the rule for the consideration of H.R. 2774. on January 31, 1979. Nuclear Regulatory Commission to submit H. Res. 172. March 21, 1979. Interstate and H. Res. 183. March 28, 1979. Expresses the to the House of Representatives all avatl­ Foreign Commerce. Expresses the sense of agreement of the House of Representatives able information on the recent incident at the House of Representatives that: (1) those to the Senate amendments to H.R. 2534. the Three Mile Island Nuclear Generating persons responsible for television program­ H. Res. 184. March 28, 1979. Sets forth Plant in Pennsylvania. and on the danger of ming and broadcasting should consider the the rule for the conside;ration of H.R. 3173. similar incidents occurring at other nuclear relationship between the level of · violence H.--'Res. 185. March 28, 1979. Sets forth the generating plants. depicted on television and a distorted view rule for the consideration of H.R. 595. H. Res. 198. April 3, 1979. House Adminis­ of social reality held by heavy viewers of H. Res. 186. March 28, 1979. Rules. Amends tration. Dismisses a specified election contest television: and ( 2) further investigation of the Rules of the House of Repesentatives to of the Seventh Cong·ressiona.l D!Btirict of the the correlation between the level of violence add a new rule to require that remarks of State of Maryland. depicted on television and aggressive, includ­ Members must be related to governmental H. Res. 199. Aprtl 3, 1979. Government Op­ ing violent, behavior in children and adults matters to be printed in the Congressional erations. Disapproves the Reorganization should be pursued. Record. Plan No. 1 transmitted to Congress by the H. Res. 173. March 21, 1979. Agriculture. H. Res. 187. March 28, 1979. Agriculture. President. Declares that it is the sense of the House of Declares that it is the sense of the House of H. Res. 200. April 3, 1979. Interstate and Representatives that the transfer of the Representatives that the transfer of the Foreign Commerce. Expresses the disapproval Forest Service and the Fa.rmers Home Ad­ Forest Service and the Farmers Home Admin­ of the House· of Representatives with respect ministration business and industry programs istration business and industry programs to the Secretary of Transportation's recom­ from the Department of Agriculture is from the Department of Agriculture is unac­ mendations designating the basic route sys­ unacceptable. ceptable. tem of Amtrak, the Nationa.l Railroad Pas­ H. Res. 174. March 21, 1979. House Admin­ H. Res. 188. March 28, 1979. Post omce and senger Corporation, as submitted to the Con­ istration. Authorizes expenditures by the Civil Service. Honors and expresses the grati­ gress. House Select Committee on Narcotics Abuse tude of the House of Representatives to a H. Res. 201. April 3, 1979. Interior and In­ and Control for investigations and studies. named individual at the time of his retire­ sular Atfa.i'l's. Requests tha.t the President H. Res. 175. March 21, 1979. Judiciary. Re­ ment from the position of Administrator of submit to the House of Representatives all fers to the Chief Commissioner of the Court the General Services Administration. available .information on the recent incident of Claims, a bill to direct the Secretary of H. Res. 189. March 29, 1979. Dismisses a at the Three Mlle Island Nuclear Generating the Treasury to pay two named individuals, specified election contest of the Sixth Con­ Plant, Pennsylvania, a.nd on the danger of chief of the Tribal Council of the Alabama gressional District of the State of Maryland. similar incidents occurring a.t other nuclear Coushatta Tribes of Texas and chairman H. Res. 190. March 29, 1979. Interstate and generating plants of similar design. of the Coushatta Tribe of Louisiana, respec­ Foreign Commerce. Expresses the disapproval H. Res. 202. April 3, 1979. Sets forth the tively, for the benefit of and distribution to of the House of Representatives with respect rule for the consideration of H.R. 3324. themselves and all other enrolled members of to the Secretary of Transportation's recom­ such tribes, in full settlement of specified H. Res. 203. April 3, 1979. Sets forth the mendations designating the basic route sys­ rule for the consideration of H.R. 1301. claims against the United Sta:tes. Directs the tem for the National Railroad Passenger Commissioner to ;report to the House of Corporation as submitted to the Congress on H. Res. 204. April 4, 1979. Rules. Amends Representatives on such claim and the January 31, 1979. the Rules of the House of Representatives amount, if any, due such claimants from H. Res. 191. March 29, 1979. Rules. Estab­ with regard to: (1) oversight subcommit­ the United States. lishes in the House of Representatives a Spe­ tees: (2) oversight agendas; (3) ethics in­ H. Res. 176. March 22, 1979. Sets forth cial Committee on Long-Term Care for the vestigations; (4) subcommittee limitaition; the rule for the consideration of H.R. 1786. Elderly. (5) public access to committee records; (6) H. Res. 192. March 29, 1979. Rules. Amends proxy voting; (7) open committee meetings; H. Res. 177. March 22, 1979. Sets forth the (8) quorum requirements; (9) committee rule for the consideration of H.R. 1787. rule XI of the Rules of the House of Repre­ sentatives to require a rollcall vote of the voting; and (10) conference committee tran­ H. Res. 178. March 22, 1979. Sets forth the scripts. rule for the consideration of H.R. 2676. House to authorize foreign travel by Mem­ bers. H. Res. 205. April 4, 1979. Rules. Amends H. Res. 179. March 22, 1979. Sets forth the H: Res. 193. March 29, 1979. District of the Rules of the House of Representatives rule fo;r the consideration of H.R. 2729. Columbia.. Expresses the strong interest of to prohibit the consideration of a. measure H. Res. 180. March 27, 1979. Interstate and the House of Representatives in the estab­ under a suspension of the rules unless cer­ Foreign Commerce. Expresses the disapproval lishment of a community-oriented Museum rtjl.in conditions a.re met. of the House of Representatives regarding of the District of Columbia dealing exclu­ H. Res. 206. April 4, 1979. Interior and In­ the standby emergency. restrictions of gaso­ sively with the history and culture of the sular Affairs; Interstate and Foreign Com­ line plan and the standby gasoline rationing people of the District and with the planning merce. Expresses the sense of the House of plan. and development of the seat of government Representatives that the President should H. Res. 181. March 27, 1979. Interstate and of the United States. encourage the accelerated commercialization Foreign Commerce. Expresses the sense of H. Res. 194. March 29, 1979. District of of e.Iterna.tive energy technologies and the House of Representatives that the Secre­ Columbia. Expresses the interest, concern, should encourage the conservation of do­ tary of Energy should: ( 1) submit to Con- and support of the House for the retention mestic energy in all sectors of use. EXTENSIONS OF RE.MARKS THE REFUGEE CRISIS hundreds of thousands of Indochinese gave unanimous approval to House Reso­ refugees who are being condemned to lution 321 which I introduced to ask the death by the slowness of the world com­ President to convene an emergency ses­ HON. LESTER L. WOLF~ munity to act. An article in today's sion of the General Assembly as well as OF NEW YORK Baltimore Sun described in vivid detail other fora to deal with this mounting IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES many of the acts and scenes in this on- crisis. We applaud and support the ac­ . going human tragedy: tion of Prime Minister Thatcher of Wednesday, June 20, 1979 Indeed, the time for rhetoric has long Great Britain in calling for an inter­ e Mr. WOLFF. Mr. Speaker, today I passed and the need for world action is national conference ·to marshall the speak out once more for the lives of truly urgent. On Monday, this House forces of the world community.
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