WORLD WAR TWO STUDIES ASSOCIATION (formerly American Committee on the History o/the Second World War) Made P. Parillo, CJrainn07l 100atbm Ber!low Department of HislOry Elizaveta Zhegaoina 208 Eisenhower Hall AMociale Editors Kansas State Unive",ity Department of History Manhattan, Kansas 66506-1002 . 208 Eisenhower Hall 785-532-0374 Kansas State University Fax 785-532-7004 Manba1tan. Kansas 66506-1002 pariJ/o(fJlcsu.edu Arch;­ penrJIUIeJtl DirI!C1iJn Institule fur Military History and 20~ Century Swdies Charles F. Delzell . 221 Eisenhower Hall VanderlJilt Univer.lity NEWSLETTER Kansas Slate University Manhatl:m. Kansas 66506-1002 Dooald S. Detwiler ISSN 0885-5668 Soulbem illinois Uuiv<lristty The WWTSA is affillllUli wilJr: at Carboudale American Historical Association 400 A Street, SE. Tums expirinr 1006 Washioglon. D.C. 20003 http://www.theaha.org Cm Boyd Old Dcminion Univemty Comilt lIuemational d'Histoire de la Dewcieme Guecre Mondiale Ale:<an<!er Cochran Nos. 75 & 76 Spring & Fall 2006 Institul d'Histoire du Temps Presenl Carlisle Barrack>, Pa (Centre national de la recherche .scientifique [CNRS]) Roy K. Flful Ecole Normale SupCrieure de Cachan Valle Cruci:l. N.C. 61, ave:nue du President WilSOll 94235 Cachan cecIex. France John Lewis Gaddis Yaie University /nseiCUle for Military History and 20'" Century Studies, at Robin Higham KansaJ Slate University ",hich suppoltS Kansas Stale Univ=ity Contents lbe WWTSA's website on the Inemel at lbe following address (URl): Richard 11 Kohn www.Jc-state.edu/history/lnstilute/ University of North Carolina wwtsa/ at Chapel Hill World War Two Studies Association Allan R. Millet! Ohio State University General Information 2 Robert Wolfe Alexandria, Virginia The Newsletter 2 Annual Membership Dues 2 TD"lIU expJrinr 1007 D'Ann Campbell News and Notes U.S. Coast Guard Foundation Robert Dallek Elections 3 uniw:rsity of California. Los Aageles 2007 Membership 3 SlanIey L Fall< Report on 2006 Business Meeting 3 .-\Ic:x;mdria, Vuginia Addendum to Business Meeting Report 4 David Glantz CMlisle. Pennsylvania 2007 Business Meeting 4 Earnest R. May Harvard University 5 National Coalition for History News Updates Dennis Showalter Col0rnd0 CoUege Gerhard L. Weinberg NARA Accessions and Openings 10 Univ=iI'J ofNorlh Carolina at Chapel Hill Annotated Web Guide 27 Tums expiring 100/1 by Mark Parillo and Jonathan Berhow 1effrey C1arl<e U.S. Army Center of Recently Published Articles in English Military HislOry William Ii Cunliffe on World War IT 39 Noriooal Archives and R<:eords Adminislnoon Selected Titles from an Electronic Compilation Edward 1. Orca by Jonathan Berhow Department ofDefense WaJdo Heinrichs University ofNebraska Recently Published and Reprinted Books David Kahn in English on World War IT Geeat Neck, New Yori< 51 Agn<s Peterson Hoover lnsritutiOD Selected Titles from an Electronic Compilation by Elizaveta Zheganina Ronald H. Spector George WashiogloD Univenity Earl Ziemke University of Georgi. General Information Established in 1967 "to promote historical research in the period of World War II in all its aspects," the World War Two Studies Association, whose original name was the American Committee on the History of the Second World War, is a private organization supported by the dues and donations of its members. It is affiliated with the American Historical Association, wi th the International Committee for the History of the Second World War, and with corresponding national committees in other countries, including Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, the Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Romania, Russia, Singapore, Slovenia, the United Kingdom, and the Vatican. The Newsletter The WWTSA issues a semiannual newsletter, which is assigned International Standard Serial Number [ISSN] 0885-5668 by the Library of Congress. Back issues of the Newsletter are available from the Institute for Military History and 20 th Century Studies, 221 Eisenhower Hall, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas 66506-1002. Please send infonnation for the Newsletter to: Mark Parillo Tel.: (785) 532-0374 Department of History Fax: (785) 532-7004 Kansas State University E-mail: [email protected] 221 Eisenhower Hall Manhattan, KS 66506-1002 Annual Membership Dues Membership is open to all who are interested in the era of the Second World War. Arumal membership dues of $15 .00 are payable at the beginning of each calendar year. Students with U.S. addresses may, if their circumstances require it, pay annual dues of $5.00 for up to six years. There is no surcharge for members abroad, but it is requested that dues be remitted directly to the secretary of the WWTSA (not through an agency or subscription service) in U.S. dollars. The Newsletter, which is mailed in bulk rates within the United States, will be sent by surface mail to foreign addresses lIDless special arrangements are made to cover the cost of airmail postage. Spring & Fall 2006 ­ 3 ~ all News & Notes Elections growing reserve fund from members' donations now topping $1200. The final The ballot for the Association Directors official report was on the newsletter. serving the 2007-09 term are not Parillo announced that because of the included in this newsletter. The ballots delay in getting out the spring issue, will be sent early in 2007 by separate there was a likelihood there would be a mailing. single, expanded issue for the year, to be , issued in the fall. He also noted that past issues of the newsletter will continue to d 2007 Membership be put on the WWTSA website (located at www.ksu.edu/history/institute/wwtsa) es, The renewal form for 2007 membership but that the printed version will continue in the association is included with this to be issued. newsletter. Please return your completed form with your annual dues in January. With the official reports concluded, Please be certain to update all pertinent Parillo proposed that a resolution of sections of the form, as one of the 2007 gratitude be extended to outgoing newsletters will carry the updated chairman Professor Donald S. Detwiler, membership directory. Emeritus, for his three decades of selfless service to the World War Two Studies Association and the International Report on 2006 Business Meeting Committee for the History of the Second World War. The speaker noted the high The annual business meeting of the standards of Professor Detwiler's World War Two Studies Association scholarly contributions and his dedicated convened at 8 a.m. on Friday, May 19, leadership of the association through a 2006, on the campus of Kansas State number of contentious issues over the ,·ear. University in Manhattan, Kansas. Mark years. There was unanimous support for of Parillo, newly elected chair and past the resolution. __ested secretary-treasurer, served as the chair of _cy or the meeting. The chair then announced that the long within range planning group of Comad Crane As outgoing secretary, Parillo noted the (chair), Allan R. Millett, Anne Wells, change in leadership of the association, Calvin Christman, and Reina Pennington including the vacancy of the secretarial had been unable to complete their position. He announced his willingness discussions due to the cancellation in the to continue with the functions of the aftermath of Katrina of their scheduled secretary and treasurer until someone October meeting in New Orleans. He agrees to stand for the position. He also noted that the group's work would reported as treasurer that the association continue through correspondence and in remains solvent, with the steadily a meeting in New Orleans now 4 - Spring & Fall 2006 rescheduled in conjunction with the Addendum to the Business Meeting World War II history conference Report sponsored by the National World War Two Museum in November. The study group met as scheduled at the National World War Two Museum in The floor was then opened to discussion New Orleans on Thursday, November of the association's possible options 16, 2006. The group reached concerning various issues the group is fundamental agreement on a slate of now facing, and a productive exchange suggestions and recommendations to of ideas and suggestions ensued. The present to the association's board of discussion ranged over several areas of directors for their consideration. At press concern, but the three items receiving time, the group's report is being the most attention were the finalized and will be circulated soon disappointing growth of membership among board members. among the substantial numbers of young scholars currently in the field of World War Two studies, the estrangement of 2007 Business Meeting the American association from the international committee, and the general The annual business meeting of the health and mission of the association. association for 2007 will be held in While no fonnal proposals were put conjunction with the Society for Military forward or voted on, the concerns and History conference, which will convene suggested were noted for transmission to in Frederick, Maryland, on 18-21 April. the study group as it continues its work. Arrangements are still being made for the exact time and location. Notice of the After a commitment to build upon the particulars will be sent to all association work of the study group in the future, the members in time to make plans for meeting adjourned at 8:55 a.m. attendance. Spring & Fall 2006 ­ 5 National Coalition for History News Updates III - ber The National Coalition for History that would provide for the preservation presents reports on federal government ofhistoric confinement sites where news ofinterest to historians. The NCH Japanese Americans were interned encourages the distribution ofits news during World War II (H.R. 1492). reports among scholars. For more information on the NCR, visit its website Representative William Thomas (R-CA) at http://www.h-net.org/'''nch/. Excerpts first introduced the bill in the House in ojnoteJor World War 11 historians from April 2005.
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