BLUE MARK NOTICE READ THE DATE ON LABEL A blue mark around this notice It is the date your subscription will call your attention to your is paid to. If your time is out you address label, which shows that should renew at once. Please it's time to renew. OW1LL LEIKBR observe and oblige the publisher. and ALTO SOLO VOLUME XXXVII LOWELL, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6. 1930 NO. 37 Gov. Green Unsullied This and That Our Service Backs Auto From Around You Know FolRs— Tax Split The Old Town Some days nothing seems to happen. Lansing, Mich., Jan. 31.—Legis- William Foster and wife, of, Then, once in a while, along comes a day lation giving municipalities und Marshall, were week-end guests townships a share in the automo- of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. \V. J. just busting full of things. bile tax revenues will be submit- Foster. He says we have no snow ted to (he next Legislature with compared to that which they And, this is one of those days. Not only A bank doet not attain the point of ; the backing of the present State have. The buses were all snow administration, it NVUS indicated bound there three days, and thej do you receive notice of these specials, but today. mercury fell to 22 per cent below each and every week throughout this year greatest usefulness as merely a dealer in : What form this legislation will zero. The snow drifted so as lo take has not been deflnitely de- cover automobiles lhat had be- LOOK'S DRUG STORE is going to have a money and credit. termined. Unquestionably, how- come stalled, and still we, of ever, it will represent a com- A Lowell, think we have had a real bargain special. promise between the existing plenty with from 73 to 76 inches statutes, under which the muni- all told. Rexall Cherry Bark, 7 oz. But its largest commodity mutt be cipalities and townships receive Warren Ford writes home lhat Regular 50c. Special vOC nothing,, and the Dykstra bill, he spent the past week with an- SERVICE. This bank has, by continuous which would give them a third of other old Ixiwell boy, Lowell Puretest Cod Liver Oil the automobile weight tax. Smith and family at Somerville, The first intimation of the ad- a suburb of Boston, where he has regular size $1.00. Special WarC effort, made of this a Personal Service to ministration's willingness to com- a position. Warren has been promise was given here Thurs- suffering from an infected arm Rexall Cold Tablets 17r its Customers. day by M. B. McPherson, a mem- which is now improving. regular 25c. Special 1#C ber of the Stale Tax Commission Mrs. Ida Young writes from St. and a supervisor of Kent County, Petersburg, Honda, that she en- at the closing session of the an- joys The Ledger which is like a Celeste Chocolates 'jQi* If you have not availed yourself of the nual meeting of the Slate Asso- '"letter from home." She and regular 70c. Special at alsFC ciation of Supervisors. another lady were fishing in Tam-| complete banking service which we offer, ; Committee I« Named. pa Bay a short time ago and the! As long as Lowell is your trading town* Mr. McPherson condemned the two caught seventy-nine lish. A you are invited to establish a connection | Dykstra bill in vigorous terms Supervisors Council Turns pretty good fish story. Look's will be your drug store. and accused its sponsors of using ! Morrison Brighton is located at i "highwaymen's methods." Chief Buck Road Thumbs Down Clarksville, Va., and expects to with us. backers of the bill are the Michi- /"t r* f • have his family with him soon. 1 Look's Drug Store gan Municipal League and the De- Tax Change KlOS /*rcinc/1156 lie is manager in the third of a troit Property Holders' Associa- chain doughnut wholesale shop I One of the 10,000 Rexall Chain Drug Stores tion. Despairing of getting a l^ansing, Jan. 30.—Disapproval A representative of the Con- in lhat city and thinks the busi- legislatur- , e dominate, d by farm, - .of the Dykstra bill, which would sumers Power company appeared ness outlook very good. City State Bank ers to adopt the measure volun- divert one-third of the weight tax before the Lowell Village Council j Verne Ashley and wife and tarily, they are planning to circu- funds to the use of cities and Monday evening to ask for a r. an.t Mrs. Hobert llahn heard ^ late initiatory petitions. M .1 IMMMtSSS Member of the Federal Reserve Benkinf System townships, was registered here franchise for that company en-Mr. Caslow broadcast from the f Mr. McPherson offered a reso- today when the state association 8 0 f, rn , h ,>os lution, subsequently adopted, S ? . V / . K ^211 f - W. A. S.H. studio in Grand Bapids J | ( i of supervisors unanimously ad- ^ n 1- 1 T* 'JV £ Monday night, after which they!} nil ^^aaiaaseeese authorizing the president of the opted a resolution condemning a centra1 piant to bo established attended the theater at Keith's. " 1 STOCKIN G'S 1 association to appoint a commit- the move of the Michigan league r am rs tee of three to co-operate with of Municipalities to have the A^such i business if natron-' ^ - ' ^ - Harris, Miss J Headquarters For lh 1 , onal ,, Sk i, m the State Highway l^cpartnumt in 'n,casurc enacted into law. ixed at all. would come into com- Jn f IT' . (J . .| . ?, 'r- • devising a system of distributing Melville B. McPherson. a mem- petition with our own municipal ^Rapids, \1s1ted their;* arrn,s an the highway funds that will bo 0f |hc S|a|e |ax commission, lighting and range business, the P. ' d Mrs. K A. Har-H Radios Our Mollo--Service and Quality really equitable. The Stale presented the resolution in the Council very properly turned it x,s,,c<' 81 "1(, home of Mrs i Highway Department, he said, al- down. At the same time a show- trances Carter over Sunday. ^ IVlusic final session of the three-day rs Speoials for Friday and Saturday ready is working on the problem. oonference here. ing was made as to the patron-j " * Morrison Brighton receiv- • Samuel Eddy, of Houghto- n Coun- While recognizing that the cit- age now being given lo the Low-word that her mother. Mr>. • Jewelry Special Grede Keraven Coffee, was 48c, now 39c ty. new-elected president, ap- jes should share in the dislribu- ell Light & Power plant lhat (Cora Godfrey, of Grand Bapids, I* pomted a committee corulMing of :(ion of highway fundSj hc a(|. must have surprised the Consum- fallen and injured her hip • 49c Silverware Green Tee, lb Mr. McPherson, Hep. \\illiam D. iYancc,j j^e belief that the town- ers representative as it doubtless fluile badly, but fortunately no'* Ward, of Grand Traverse County, ships carry the heavier burden in will many olhers not fully in-bones were broken. Bell Coffee, was 48c, now 42c Sporting Goods and John Barron, of St. Clair |he highway tax and should formed in the matter. Heart Coffee, was 49c, now County. .... benefit the cash returns. It is stated lhat out of four LOWELL BANKS CLOSED FEB- • in . .r01. • 1. McPherson hurled a challenge hundred homes in the village of RUARY 12. + 49c Always The Best and Most For The Least. J Athletic Club Coffee, was 58c, now. Hints that the State _ would aj (he Michigan league when he Lowell 375 have electric ranges Wednesday, Feb. 12. Lincoln's + 42c participate in the widening of asserted that the slate association and only four are not wired for birthday, a legal holidav. Ihi 1 lb. Breekfast Coffee, 1 cup, 1 aaucerw^ (•ratiot avenue in Detroit follow- woui(i welcome a test of strength electric lights. Lowell banks will not be open. ed a conference between liov. a statewide referendum on the As it is the people's own plant. City Slate Bank, Old Home slicidB^tad (ireen and Mayor Howies. 1 'I1'1' question of highway funds dis- the market for gas would seem to Lowell State Bank. Beef, Pork, Veal, Lamb, Chickens, the State is willing to help the tribution as now appeared prob- be extremely limited, while the Fresh and Salt Fish townships, too, was indicated by ahie as the result of action ex- advisability of having our streets VILLAGE CAUCUS, Mr. Dillman in an address before pcctcd lo bt. |akcn 5v |hr ntix, and pavements turn up for gas Notice is hereby given that a the supervisors. legislature. He declared that the pipes would seem doubtful to say Citizens' Village Caucus will be PLODDERS WIN W. J. Gibson's Cash Market IJul the administration never rurai voje js strong enough to least. held at Lowell City Hall on Mon- The Market Where Your Children Get had taken kindly to the idea of sustain the position of the state The Consumers representative day, Feb. 17, 1930, at 7:3(1 o'clock, turning over a part of the weight association said his company would investi- p. ra., for the purpose of placing Remember when the unbeaten Hare the Same Service You Do. lax or the gasoline lax to the 1'roposed amendment of the gate the matter further and might in nomination candidates for Vil- municipalities and townships Its staU. (|rain |aws by subniit another franchise appll- lage Ollices for the ensuing term raced the Tortoise—and being so far representatives have argued that hoards of supervisors to appoint cation at some future time.
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